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Maharashtra State Board of Technical

Education Certificate

This is to certify that Mr. / Ms. Rahul Chandrakant Shinde

Roll No 42 of Sixth Semester of Diploma in

Computer Engineering of Institute VPM’s Polytechnic, Thane

(Code 0007) has completed the term work satisfactorily in subject

Entrepreneurship Development (22032) for the academic year
2020 to 2021 as prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: Thane Enrollment No. 1800070108

Date: 10/06/2021 Exam Seat No. 103794

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Seal of
Content Page
List of Practical’s and Progressive Assessment Sheet
Sr. Title of the practical Date of Date of Assessment Dated Remarks
performanc submissio marks(50) sign. of
No e n teacher (if any)

Submit a profile summary of a

1 successful entrepreneur indicating 8/4/2021 9/4/2021
milestone achievements 9

Undertake SWOT analysis to

2 arrive at your business idea of a 8/4/2021 8/4/2021
product or service 7

Create Business Ideas

(product/services) for intrapreneurial
3 14/4/2021 20/4/2021 8
and entrepreneurial opportunities
through brainstorming
Undertake Self - Assessment test to
4 29/4/2021 4/5/2021 8
discover your entrepreneurial traits
5 Identify the business opportunity 9
11/5/2021 15/5/2021
suitable for you

Arrange an exhibition cum sale of

11/5/2021 15/5/2021
6 products prepared out of waste. 8

Survey industries of your stream

grade them according to the level of
7 scale of production investment 18/5/2021 22/5/2021 9
turnover pollution to prepare a report
on it.
Visit our bank to enquire about
8 various funding schemes for small 19/5/2021 22/5/2021 8
scale employees.
Collect loan application form
from nationalize bank or other 20/5/2021 25/5/2021 8
9 financial institution
Compile the information from 9
10 financial agencies that will help you 26/5/2021 29/5/2021
to set up your business enterprise
Compile the information from the 9
11 government Agencies that will help 26/5/2021 29/5/2021
you set up your business enterprise

Prepare technological feasibility 8

12 27/5/2021 31/5/2021
report of a chosen product/service

Prepare financial feasibility report of a

13 1/6/2021 5/6/2021 8
chosen product/service

Craft a vision statement and enabling

mission statements for your chosen 1/6/2021 5/6/2021 9

15 Prepare a short term, medium and

long term goals for starting a chosen 1/6/2021 7/6/2021 9
small scale enterprise.

Prepare marketing strategy for your

1/6/2021 7/6/2021 9
16 chosen product / service

Total Marks 135

Total Marks (Scaled to 25 Marks) 8.43

Submit a profile summary of successful entrepreneurs.

Shiv Nadar

Chairman of HCL

Shiv Nadar born in 14 July 1945 it is an Indian
billionaire industrialist. He is the founder and chairman of HCL
Technologies Limited and the Shiv Nadar Foundation. Nadar
founded HCL in the 1970s and transformed the IT hardware
company into an IT enterprise over the next three decades by
constantly reinventing his company's focus. In 2008, Nadar was
awarded Padma Bhushan for his efforts in the IT industry.
Nadar, nicknamed by friends called as Magus. And the Net
worth Nadar is 24 billion US$ .

❖ Father:- Sivasubramaniya Nadar
❖ Mother:- Vamasundari Devi
❖ Wife:- Kiran Nadar
❖ Daughter:- Roshni Nadar

Shiv Nadar is the Indian business tycoon and pioneer. He is the
chairperson and chief strategy officer at HCL technologies, a
global IT service company, with it's head quarters in Noida,
India. He is the only Indian to establish computer systems
industry in India. He's one of India's richest person and a Forbes
billionaire with a net worth of US $14.8 billion dollars. He
founded HCL technologies in mid 1970's and transformed the IT
hardware company to an IT enterprise over three decades. In
2008 he was honored with Padambhushana for his efforts in
the IT industry.

Shiv Nadar was born in 1945, in Tiruchendur, Tamil Nadu. His
father was Sivasubramaniya and mother Vamasundari Devi. He
completed his graduation from The American College, Madurai
and degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from PSG
college of Technology. He started his career at Walchand
Group's Cooper Engineering in Pune in 1967.
Awards & Achievement:-
❖ In 1995 he became the Dataquest IT Man of the year.
❖ In 2005 he was bestowed with CNBC Business Excellence
❖ In 2006 he received an honorary fellowship from the All
India Management Association.
❖ In 2007, Madras University awarded him an honorary
doctorate degree.
❖ In 2008, the government of India awarded Nadar with
a Padma Bhushan
❖ In April 2021, India Today magazine ranked Nadar at 4th in
India's 10 most powerful people of 2021 list.

References :-
Rahul Shide

PrOckical Mo 2
Underiafe SWOT Analusis Ao ive o
business idea o o oduc an eivice
SWOT iS o aegic plonning methad used to
eualuole he Siengths.uWegknesses ,oggakunikues ond reoats
ivalved in businesS Ventune. It inyolves specifuing
o the bUsiness and idertißyjing he inteiral ond
faclothat ane avou7able ond unhavauiable to aichigve
Hot objective
Atbiutes o he anoni2ation hat are nelping
to achieve he ddjective
Akobles he aiomization hat arie hagmful
o achieve he objective

s Oppekunikues:
Etkeina Condiians thol ove belptul to achieve
he objecive

EAeinaConditians hat ph to dodamage
he business perAomonce


Exomple Srength
3 Gtcod Repkokion among Cusames
3Song Brand
i3 Potenns CGonvermert Authoity o kicense)
NSfavouable disrilouler
Sugezial location wheie poduct Can bepichase
ibcellem quality o raduc

tanpe o Weakness
SWeak biand ame
Poa epation
i3 High Cost
Lads Spaten prctecjon
3Lack netu

EAomple d Opponunities
3 changes
P umulilled Customers oeed

EZample heaAs
3Negptive Cultusa) cranges
A3Techaoogical cranges thaB thseaken to make aduct
is Threots chongrs is Ou ond e guldtio
NSChanoe in locatian


SWOT Oolgsis Whatsflpe
Soengths Weafness
Srong Aechrdlog Slow Iternet

Skaong Baand Imoge Loo o calls

Membership Rcivalion 95ues

Fos and wide Neuk Heps distances

Ogpartunilues Threaks
G&56 Netwozk fropez cgbeiSecuzity
Soke paumen Reonoval of ree Sevices

uture echnalogy loss o Customers


Y7ocical No.3
fim- Crecte Business Jdeos Ceioduct/ sevices) SS
inBzap7eneuzial and entseprenevia oPfoAunities mough
b7ainsB07 mind

business idea: farming Business

ä fo7mingis o tupe o aaaibusiness
involved in oductono mil Sram domestic animals
The Plant
plant wnich ocre called os a doby plark People
oce wiling fo pou ne opod money on day soducs
Qualita So health and mor ke com eitio

7oin sto7mine Rules

3No Oodgfrments
ii Think feely
ins Bio ideos fo mose Success
Mans Heods afe perte han O0e

fOcUS goup discussionis S7equently used

OS o quoliotive appoacb to gain an in dept
Unde stordino o Social isSues
T hnvolves oatheino eople om simi lo 0s

bOchopourd on egenSiences togetne to discusso

specikictopic ipteresks


Rdvantoges oS ar/ming Business
3The initial ivesmen in dor7y Sonming bUSiness
iS ow in Compo 1Son o othe industu

i3 i s envinonmen- iendlyolution i s s am
doi7y faoming businesS i s Ney ow

i he demand So7 milk oduc iS in C7Posing

Couw dung is opod o1opni.c manureitwill
in(Tease sail fekility
Cow dun Can oe Use he rabuction

Eme7ging tnds in he doi7y business

8ukke mills

Fezme nked milk



PRogpam to a r he business econiqee

iGeate COpPing and feeding pcaram

Cattle l70quived 7eTesh agoss to
raduCequalitu mlk. Theu Shaubbe reated as a
pigamily membe 07 DSinesS invenkozy cause
uithout cattles daiy business is Sail.

iS C7eaBte o oste manage ment plan

Das7y cottle produce o lok o a
man uze unile manune is eed to as uoste, i
ranaged and USed opeslyitit can be a 97eate
aeSouce on he Saim.Manuie management will be
Lied doSedy ko uau coPPing and Seeding he

i Build uou quitu ove kime:

Daizy azmino equines a Lavge Capitu)
hoveskmen Land,build in g,quipment and Cows aze
epensive ard e neu da Sosmers will have
he Capital equized ko unchase everythimawnen
hey ge stasted in buSiness

iLand Selecicn for daly orm

Selec o Lad Ro7 daizy fer m which
is elevated Soah he su7Ounding avoid (ow&
wate Logging a7ea. The Sail ot the Seleetrd
Land hould be Sertle os he majo fontion o
Land wl oe. utilli 2ed 7 ounde .cutivahion
Markeling and picing of milk & milk prcducts
R The ice o a eraduc in he monkeis an
imontant facka intluerting Consume demand To
be maakakable, o daizy 1oducl mus be Competiv

n3 T is impokan tha al he cos elements

Ofe included in he Ce Calculation o h e
ma Ke Nalue o the groduc.Oyelapeina can lead
to Uncompekitivenence ok he noduc wnile ude
icing Can CsUSe inancial o s s


Rahul Shinde

Practical No
ATM:-Undertake Self-Asesnan esl to decove uou
entzepseneuzialt 0 i t s

A suceshul endaagreneus alunys esents o paduc in
o CaeativNe monnez He studies the 1EQUiemem and the
epectokians the onsunes
2Deciskn Halie:
He tackles the siaticn, solve he proelem_and
take unanimous decision

3Risk Holde
ASucCessAul enafienez_aluaus eady o accept isk
Foilue also he akes ip o ositive manher and find new
skategis to aeiOne it
3 God Leade:
An entopenev is o Sacilitoato foz hiS sucozdinate.
Heconsiders hei oblems and ies to povide all facilities

5ntepersonal hils
ASucesSSu enkopreneu hasgd eladianship_with
oll competiBors, disuibuiors ,deolers, elc.
63Pefect Aaminstbot
A ursslul enbapenen mohes stokegic plans ad
ies to ezecute _o fronkline level.

7Hasd Warke
Ihee is conssonc4 in his eafs,7eody to Soace
Chollenges. having suona delemination.
83 Fleubility
Ihings do d uak_always as plonned. SuccessfSu
entapienen doe sdy to adopt. the chanoe to neu

3 Ma keting skils:
To CeaBe aumeness abau he piaduct omong_consumes.
He advevise he padcd hovgh diMezeni. channels tke
Socia media, TN Mass media etc.

A Success ful entapzene is a disciplied peson He
has avision, ooals and eskective time managemend

He wilLUSehis qualities as_Sength to pand
his business


11:31 ES 4 l 62)


1: Totally disagree, 2: Somewhat disagree, 3:

Somewhat agree, 4: Totally
1 2 3 4

1.1 like to give myself

challenges when I O OOO
take on a new project

2. I am fairly at ease
in difficult situations

3. Where others see

problems, I see O

4.I always worry

about what others
will think before O O O
doing something

5.I am fairly curious

and I
am continualy
in search of

6.I am a lot less

effective in stressful OO O O


5.I am fairly curious

and I am continuallyy
in search of O O O O

6. I am a lot less
effective in stressful O O O O

7.I want to build

something that will O OO O
be recognized

8. When faced with

difficulties, I lookfor O OO
alternative solutions

9. For me, what

counts is action

10. For me, it is

possible to influence O O O O
one's destiny

12:11 KePS4l

11.I am capable of
imagining how we
can make things

12. When I take on a

project I have
confidence that Iwill OOOo
carry it out

13.I shoot for

excellence in O OO O
everything I do

14. According to me,

we somehow make O O O O
Our own luck

15. In general, I
distrust my instincts OO O O

16.I have no problem

working for someone O O O

17.I try to be the first

or the best in my O OO O
area of competency

18. For me, taking

risks is buying a
lottery ticket: it's a
question of chance

19.1 am capable of
seeing many O OO
solutions to a

20.I prefer having

the final say O O O O

Back Next

21.I always try to

learn lessons from O
my failures

22. For me
everything is
possible if I believe I O
can do it

23. I prefer using the

good old ways of O O OO
doing things

24. Success is
mostly luck O

25. A certain level of

stress stimulates mne

26. It is easy for me

to motivate others to O O O
work with me

27.I often feel stuck

by a difficult O

28. I can easily

imagine many ways O O OO
tosatisfya need

29. After a failure, I

am able to pick
myself up and start OOO

30.I am not always

ready to make
sacrifices in order to

Back Next
12:15 89P9 4l

31.1 don't like to

influence others

32. To be satisfied
with myself, Itake on O OO O
easy projects

33. When I take on aa

project,I am not
always convinced O OO O
that I can carry it out

34.I like to lead


35.I always try to O O O O

take calculated riskss

36. I have a hard time

functioning in

37.I am always in
the midst of
launching new

38.I have a hard time

anticipating events, OO

39.I really enjoy

situations where
there are rules to

40. Today, without a

lot of money, we can
not take on a whole

Back Next
12:17 KES

41. Being too

ambitious is often
perceived poorly
42. I have a tendency
to put off difficult OO O
tasks until later

43. I am the kind of

person to see the
glass as half empty
instead of half full

44. There is a time

for thought but
action is more O OO

45. I am
notafraid to
take on initiatives

46. No matter what

we do, it doesn't
depend on us
47.I prefer being my OO O
Own boss

48.1 don't consider

myself more
ambitious than

49. I always give the

best of myself in O O O O
everything I do

50.I manage my
stress well in
ambiguous and OOOO
uncertain situations

Back Next
12:18 909 4l
Section 6 of 6
Check the corresponding
answers and fill the empty fields.

51. Age:

52. Gender
O Man

O Woman

53. Have you ever worked for yoursef?


O No

54. What is your occupation/professlon

O Company owner-senior executive

O Upper management
OSalaried position - Full-time

OSalaried position- Part-time

O Professional

OAgricultural worker or producer

OMid-level management
O Unemployed
O Other (specify)

Back Next
Rahul Shinde

Pyoctical No5
Phm TdentiSy the business offortunilay silable Sor upu

Identisicmion o Busness OpPorturit.u: Tdeo Ghenerotion and

In geneo sense, me Aem oppnunityimpies a g0cd chonce
0 oo avou7able situation Ao do samething osered by
ChOUmsBances. In he same vein, business opPortunity meanS
a goad o anouzabe change ovolable to 1un o Specidic
DUSinessino given gnvizonmen o o aiven eint time

h e teim opfounity als coveis a oduc o7 gojst Hence

he idatificatim on opAunity o 10duct 10ject
sidentical and,heveSare,al hese triee tens ae Used
os sunonyS Thee kovennment Irdio's Laok Eas Policu
hrough Notm East is an eample o 'oppmHtunity do
business in ikems \ike Aa, handiçiotts, hgibals, Auseic, etc.

To be SUCCesshu eoepseneu7s,we nfe to be _continually

onovoting ond \oking Soi opfaunities to oau ou sastus.
Gu how do uu Sind newoPçakunikies o ake yon sart
up o ntw mokels anda aouwtn levels?

Heegre San ways oentu oo7e DuSineSs ofounjes

s t e n to ua poial cliens and fast Jeads.

When uae \ogetina oleiiol aspmens \stn lo theis neecs

wonts callenges and Sausatians wilth upui indusy.Have
hey uSed simila ioducs ard sevices belee? Why did
they come ouau Whal ce her obectians o u Piadcts
o SeNices2
This w hele uou o Sind opeotAuniies to develop m
ailored roducts dd sernices,hone uan orae maaket and
identity and oveame common objeckians.

2-sten o uou comskoers

hen upu'Te olking to upu customers listen p wa they

Sauing about yaui iodusbu, Praducts ond sevices lhat aethe
nequentluy oshed questions ? Exgeriances? Fvskations feec back
and Complaints
Ihis valuable custome ifoimotion will help
idetifu ka busineSs ofounities o ePand and develp uu
Cuien iamucts and SeNices
3.cok o upn compekiks
Da adle compekinsi arausis Caont e it lead o competitive
Pavolusis taugh) to see dhat other satups aedono, dnd
ore doirg Where e hey Salirg doun2
what ase reck they doing siaht? What akes
coskome3 go
to hern oJe uou
Analysing uoi compeikos hel uu dertifiy
Key Dusiness oPo tunikjes o e ard uan maaket 9each
ond evelop an iodcs and Sevicess


ods a indusuy Anends and insionts

Subsciibeto industuy gblicotion, join sdevan osociatics,

Roagle alests fo Key indusra terms ond oeus and follaw
othe induskry eigerAs on SOcial medio
Absonb uaurseh in ua irdustry and
and conkinullu
eduate uoUsel on he lakest echni ques ond bends

ldea eneTation

Sounces o TdeaS
In o Shse,opparunituy identificrhion ard selecion
e ohin to, what is in mamketing emiralo gy
nEw noducl develapmeth IhuS, patucd ofgornunity
dentiication and seleckion Pocrss tamts uih he geneation
odeas, 0 0 . ideos ocout some apfoztunity o pauds
o7e ofnealed in he As intonce
The ideas oout oppoptuniies o piacucls that.
he entrehene can consides Son selectina the most pxomising
one to b e nsu o him/he as enkerpise,con be
onevatsd oi diScoveed fom yasius souCES-both indeonal.extor

These mau incuae

Kouledge ootentiol cusome nercds,
ilotching emerginaends in demands So Ceslain procucts,
l's Scope fo gioducing subskituke piaduct,
NGoina haugh ceAain piohessicm mooazines celeino, to
Specihic irdevess tke elecboni.cs,ompulers, elc
3Suctess stoies krown entuepeneurs o Svierds Go yeatives.
NSMaking visils icde aivs Cnd edhibkions diselaujn
ntu Poduds& sevices
N Meeing uwihAhe toveame_ 0gncies

Ni JdeoS guen buy he hrawfdgeable peisonsS,
Krouledge akou he oveinrnen , concessions and ingeatives
i o items 7eserved Son eadsve in small-scale secto,
new iadu inoduced by he comgetitay, o d
xOnes make insigms n7ouoh gosenvokin

Mu bussincssTdea:
To s o fiiness cene

is NEy USehu) o helphul Ao sctus , IhuS we
have ted oycentihy e idea


Rahul Shinde

Practical No. 6
Entrepreneurship Development
Aim :- Arrange an exhibition cum sale of products prepared out of

• To develop the ability to think and organize the thinking to create
something useful.
• To indulge the students into a extracurricular activity with exclusive
tool i.e. waste material.
• To explore the environmental concepts and actions which are
beyond the curriculum & syllabus.
• To make our vision and outlook broader about the nature &
• To control the harmful effects of waste on our environment.

VariousWaste Material Used For Making UsefulProducts :-

• Old Newspaper
• Notebooks and chart paper
• Cardboard and book cover
• Glass
• Pens and refills
• Old CDs and DVDs
• Toothpicks and matchsticks
• Dry stem of plants and trees

Rahul Shinde

• Mango seeds
•Seeds of various fruits
• Old curtains & table covers
• Used foil paper
• Jute rope
• Plastic bottles
• Strings and sequences, etc.
Along with these a large number of products are also being used
which are some how felt to be useless.

PRODUCT1:- Green Toys Play Sets

Material Used :-
1. Ice cream sticks.
2.Waste cloth

Rahul Shinde

4. Waste Toys

PRODUCT 2 :- Eco-Friendly Yoga Mat

Material Used:-
2. lokar thread
3. Sketchpens.

Rahul Shinde Roll No.42

Aim:- Survey industries of your stream grade them according to the
level of scale of production investment turnover pollution to
prepare a report on it.

Theory :

Sr. Industry Investment Turnover Number of

No employees
1 Reliance Rs 7,350 $1,321,212 1,95,618
crore crore
2 TCS $ 19.07 $ 22.2 billion 4,17,929
3 Infosys $ 58.02 $ 241.4 billion 2,42,371
4 Bharti Airtel Rs 2 trillion Rs 45.796 17,917
5 Samsung Rs 4,825 Rs 1,540.10 2,87.439
crore crore
6 Apple $ 430 billion $ 274.5 billion 1,47,000
7 Microsoft $ 30 billion $ 143 billion 1,66,475
8 HCL Tech ₹ 200,200 $ 9 billion 1,37,965

9 Mind trees $ 1,01 million $ 107 million 20,204

10 Mphosis $ 26 million $ 120 million 22,239

11 Tech Mahindra $ 1.7 billion $ 4.9 billion 1,21,840

Rahul Shinde Roll No.42

12 Oracle $ 79.5 million $ 39.83 billion 1,37,000

13 Cognizant $ 56.7 million $ 2.10 billion 194,700
14 Amazon $ 60.5 billion $ 177.9 billion 6,13,300
15 Rolta $37 million $47 million 2,109

16 Hp $ 46.7 billion $ 52 billion 49,000

17 Huawei $ 52 billion $89.3 billion 180,000
18 Cylent & 127 million $168.9 million 22.239
19 Alphabet $ 107 billion $ 110.8 billion 80,110

20 Wipro $ 50 billion $ 19.3 billion 1,71,425

Conclusion: We learn to conclude, results from internet research and

survey had been almost the same with each other.
Rahul Shinde

Practical No 8
Aim:-Visit OU7 bonk o enquize abaut vaious funding cchemes
fo7 small Scale emplouees
Secuzing Sunds is important So the enuepEnfu7 s to
understand he pas and cons of funding methadolagy It
will help to estimate the amaunt of unds equid, how
toopply fo Auds, Projectsd Sinanciol fositian ok thse bsiness
including he eluns gene>aBed. Banlks ane not cne ohe
langest founde o shup in India.Praviding funding to
thousands of Startps ecoh uea

Do Bank oide loan So dartuP business?

>les bank and Sinan.cial indusies gioide Sinancialassisonçe
AO Companies can avail fan loans,walsing cahals.assets.
backed loans basEd onhei7 7eqizements. Banl wil also lead
maney to Stait o compony i hey aoe sotissied wih busines model
Will bank hovdeoan f shup in noae Ceas?
cmpanies saring in Novel osea uhee lousiness has not ye
ben esadished, bank will tygically hsist on hive Soi colederal
Secuiiy cov e7oge Wth olhei Souices So bacsup incame

s bank loon enovided So 7eseos and develoment CR&D)

Yes sset bocked loan can be used fai developnent pewez
Aechnology on moketing ot cthei pusiness epansion 6 S a
Assel bocsed lcsns ore ugicall.y proided on the ass o the
men ket value
mon oesdential, Comme ciol o7 indushial

10gehy o eeiod o1FOR
18 ysosUSE
Is bank loa novided puluina eduipinels and macmine
Satup can doain kem oan`am \bank (o buuino
equipn end machineiy a ohey stuAK Syors Using i n buSiness

s bank loan povided S Sack inuentau

Stastup co oDpio uaKing capica loan Sicm banks
stacking imemoiy iode Ciedit o qusomeis.
Can Sartup oe oans oa uutho Coloteaa secuin
The Cedit quoaon kee Sund Scheme Sa micio Small and
medium enkezgISes Sdemo ioides a üne uak
ban s o etend uptoDUgees Lakh uith any Collatia
Secunity ouoad om loan and waskaut capiaEaunimepBs
Cno making echanolagy deuelogmeh ). Very deseNing
en renEUIS uno eio veTy QpodSinancial and he
arage metks Skils

finu secific scDemas S lcon Sootup ?

>Ves. Se{ STBBI ohea' GnouBh Capi al and Equilty fssistance
which Can be USPd Spn mookeinG, baund boiding(alion
oy disbibukion nfkwak. Technica Krou- how, R& D Softuone
Puchese ,etc.SIDBJ dlso o s RISAN .STDBI Sund fo
techoalogy innaiattontrovides Sirancial assisance tu MSM
towards derelopmemt, ufftent,demchebatian ad he
Commeciali2okin imOVative technolog


Haw ould o stustei aprach a bank So Sunding?
h e panametei o a bsioess should compile the delailed
projetepo CDPR) the business model PaiameBers
ike backgiound 1eVnue model einaied sales, estimoted
o and cyath dre ord eluan on investment. etc The
Paiamet must ideifs kenial bank haB boe schmes
hehe adlity So hoviding the savesed funding 14
mus ioho R6T' s Jendirg elicy Szareware

Whot ove he odvortcgs o Secuing bank loan S7 the

ortup ousiness 2

Vetuiescagta Sunds
anks age edsie to opproachan meeklng a ventune capiralst
O7 ange invesBo
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Rahul Shinde Roll No.42

Practical No. 9
Aim:-Collect loan application form from nationalise bank or other financial

SBI Home Loan Application Form

The State Bank of India (SBI) is one of the most popular nationalised banks in the
country. They also have a series of home loan products targeted at different strata and
types of customers, such as SBI PAL Home Loan, SBI Her Ghar Home Loan and SBI
MaxGain Home Loans.
Application forms can be confusing. To make them easier for you to understand, we
will explain the components and confusing sections of the SBI Home Loan Application
Form here.
SBI Home Loan Application Form Explained:
The standard SBI Home Loan Application Form contains 4 forms –A to D, which are:
1.Form A –Personal Details
2.Form B –Employment and Income Details
3.Form C –Property and Loan Details
4.Form D –Declaration
Form A –Personal Details:
On the topmost part of the form is where you declare whether you are the applicant,
co-applicant or guarantor. If you are taking the home loan alone, then you are the
applicant; if you are taking it jointly with someone you are a co-applicant and if you
are standing as a collateral guarantee to someone who is taking the loan, you are the
In this section you have to fill in your personal details:
• Name (leave spaces between 2 words)
• Gender and salutation (title)
• Date of Birth
• Marital Status
• Name of spouse and father
• The number of people dependent on your income
• Mother’s maiden name (your mother’s surname before she got married)
• Category for special benefits (SC/ST or General)
Rahul Shinde Roll No.42

• Nationality, Residential status and Religion

• Place of Birth
• Photo identification type (Aadhaar, Voter’s ID, Ration card, etc.) and the number of
whichever cards you are submitting, and its validity Driving licence number and its
• PAN or GIR number (the older version of PAN)
• Passport number and its validity
• Highest education qualification and the year of completing this course
• Current address in full (you also need to indicate how long you have been staying at
this address)
• Contact numbers –telephone and mobile number(s)
• Personal email id
• Permanent address in full (if different from the current address). If the permanent
address is the same as current address, just tick ‘Yes’ in this column.
• Telephone number of permanent address.
• Office address or address of the place where you run your business
• Office contact details and official email id.
• Repayment mode:This refers to which method you’d like to choose to repay the
loan/pay the equated monthly instalments (EMIs). You can select any of the following:

• Check-off: Where your employer will deduct the EMI amount from your salary and
deposit it with the bank.
• Electronic Clearing System (ECS): Where you can have the amount deducted from
your account without manual interference. This can be done for an account in
another bank as well.
• Post-dated cheques: Where you provide the bank with cheques dated for a specific
date every month and the bank will encash them accordingly.
• Standing Instruction: Where you provide the bank with an instruction to debit the
EMI amount from your account in the same bank.
• Others: Any other mode of payment you choose. Check with the banker for the
options available. Relationship with the bank: The number of years you have been
associated with SBI.

• References: You have to provide references of two individuals not related to you to
certify your good conduct and debt levels.

Form B –Employment and Income Details:

Rahul Shinde Roll No.42

In this section, you have to first specify whether you are salaried, self-employed or
running your own business or a pensioner. Following that, these details need to be
filled in if you are a salaried person:

• Name of employer
• Your employment status
• Total professional experience and breakdown in terms of experience in the present
job and previous job
• If you are specifying a previous employment, you also have to give the previous
employer’s name, contact number and address
• The industry you are involved in currently –for example, media, textile industry,
banking or insurance, digital marketing, sales, accountancy, etc.
• The type of organisation you are working in, your department and designation
• Your employee number in the current organisation, and service remaining (if you are
close to retirement)
• Website of your current company
• If you are a self-employed individual, the details given below have to be provided:
• Nature of business and type of ownership, and the number of partners if it is a
partnership firm
• Name of business and the industry it falls under
• Trade licence number and its expiry date
• The percentage of shares you hold in the company
• Name of the person who holds the power of attorney (POA)
• Income with a detailed break-up of net income, gross income, frequency of receiving
income and mode of payment (cheque/net transfer)
• Deduction details including gross obligations, net obligations and the number of times
in a month you have to meet these obligations. These could include deductions by your
company or bank on overdraft or debts you owe your friends and relatives, etc.
• Details of existing loans with banks, the type of loan (car loan, personal loan, etc), EMI
amount, frequency of EMI deduction, the number of EMIs paid and outstanding
• Information about the number of bank accounts you hold
• Details of the credit cards you hold
• Information about the fixed deposit accounts you own
• Details of assets owned, such as land, property, shares and bonds, jewellery, etc. You
and your co-applicants and guarantor (if applicable) have to sign at the end of this form
with date as a self-notarisation of the information provided.

Form C –Property and Loan Details:

Rahul Shinde Roll No.42

Here you can select the home loan type that you want to take from SBI. You also have
to indicate whether the builder is part of the tie-up with SBI or is willing to form a
collaboration. If the builder is already linked with SBI, the tie-up ID has to be provided.
Other details required are:

• Property type
• Builder’s name and name of the project
• Building’s name or survey number and wing name
• Built-up area, plot area and plinth area in square feet (you can find these details from
your builder)
• Flat or plot number and block number (if applicable)
• Name and address of the seller (if different from the builder) and name of the
registered owner
• Phone number of the seller
• Full address of the property
• Cost of property
• Down payment required and the percentage of down payment sought
• Loan amount sought
• Repayment frequency sought
• The period of loan in months
• Purpose of loan: Indicate whether you want the loan to construct a new house, buy a
new or old house or flat, purchase of plot, renovation of existing house, home
extension or balance transfer of a home loan from another bank.
• Interest rate you’d like, whether fixed or floating
• Moratorium period:The period of time where you are not required to pay any EMIs or
interest. You also have to specify whether you want interest to be capitalised during
this period.
• Insurance option: You can opt for a home insurance from the SBI. If you wish to, you
have to indicate which of the insurance policies you’d like to choose: SBI Life RiNn
Raksha Policy, SBI Life Saral Shield Policy or SBI Life Smart Shield Policy. You also have
to indicate whether you will pay the premium separately or you want the amount to
be added to the home loan amount. You and your co-applicants and guarantor need
to sign at the end of this form as well.

Form D –Declaration:
Rahul Shinde Roll No.42

This section is more about reading the terms carefully. Once you read, you need to
indicate your consent or dissent in sharing, disclosing or using the data provided by
you. This form needs to be signed by all parties concerned along with place and date.
Once you are clear about what information needs to be filled in each sections of the
form, you need not get confused or worried about whether you are making mistakes.
If you are unable to understand any part of the form, consult your personal banker or
a friend who knows what the details are about. Do not fill in wrong details, or it could
lead to rejection of the loan. This will impact not only your chance of getting another
loan but also your overall credit score.
Rah Shinde
Practical No 0
Rim-Compile the infaimoion Siom inoncial agencies
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Rahul Shinde Roll No.42
Practical Number - 11
Compile the information from the government Agencies that will help you set up your business

India is gradually building a robust startup ecosystem. In order to promote and support entrepreneurs,
the government has created a ministry (department) dedicated to helping new businesses. The ruling
party has introduced many schemes to bolster entrepreneurship in India and to assist emerging startups

list of government schemes launched to develop and encourage -entrepreneurship in India.

1. Startup India Seed Fund

2. Startup India Initiative
4. MUDRA Bank
5. Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship
6. ATAL Innovation Mission
7. eBiz Portal
8. Dairy Processing and Infrastructure Development Fund (DIDF)
9. Support for International Patent Protection in Electronics & Information Technology (SIP-EIT)
10. Multiplier Grants Scheme (MGS)
11. Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Entreprises (CGTMSE)
12. Software Technology Park (STP) Scheme
13. The Venture Capital Assistance Scheme (VCA)
14. Loan For Rooftop Solar Pv Power Projects
15. NewGen Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (NewGen IEDC)
16. Single Point Registration Scheme
17. Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme (M-SIPS)

Startup India Seed Fund

On 16 January 2021, Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced the launch of the 'Startup India Seed
Fund' — worth INR 1,000 crores — to help startups and support ideas from aspiring entrepreneurs. PM
Modi said that the government is taking important measures to ensure that startups in India do not face
any capital shortage.

Startup India Initiative

Startup India Initiative - Government Schemes for Startup Companies in India

The Prime Minister of India launched the Startup India Initiative in the year 2016. The idea is to increase
wealth and employability by giving wings to entrepreneurial spirits. The government gives tax benefits
to startups under this scheme and 798 applicants have made use of this scheme to date. The
Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion is maintaining this initiative and is treating it as a long
term project. Moreover, the overall age limit for startups has been increased from two years to seven
years. And for biotechnology firms, the age limit is ten years from the date of incorporation. It is one of
the best government-sponsored startup schemes for entrepreneurs as it is provides several concessions.


Aspire | Small Business Ideas for Rural Areas in India

The government has made continuous efforts to improve the social and economic aspects of life in rural
areas of India. Since 56% of the Indian population lives in the rural areas, the government is promoting
entrepreneurship and innovation in the rural sector. The ASPIRE scheme aims at increasing employment,
reducing poverty, and encouraging innovation in rural India. However, the main idea is to promote the
agro-business industry. The Ministry of Medium and Small Enterprises has tried to boost economic
development at the grassroots level. The total budget of the scheme was INR 62.5 crores for the period
of 2014-2016.


Mudra Bank | Government Funding Schemes for Startups in India

Micro Units Development Refinance Agency (MUDRA) banks has been created to enhance credit facility
and boost the growth of small business in rural areas. The government has introduced this scheme to
support small businesses in India. In 2015, the government allocated INR 10,000 crores to promote
startup culture in the country. The MUDRA banks provides startup loans of up to INR 10 lakhs to small
enterprises, business which are non-corporate, and non-farm small/micro enterprises. MUDRA comes
under Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana (PMMY) which was launched on 8 April 2015. The loans have been
categorized as Tarun, Kishore, and Shishu. The assets are created through the bank’s finance and there
is no collateral security.

Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

Government Support for Startups & Entrepreneurs in India

The task of promoting entrepreneurship was earlier given to different departments and government
agencies. In 2014, the Prime Minister decided to dedicate an entire ministry to build this sector as he
felt that skill development required greater push from the government's side. Furthermore, the idea is
to reach 500 million people by the year 2022 through gap-funding and skill development initiatives.

ATAL Innovation Mission

Atal Innovation Mission | Initiatives for Entrepreneurship development

In the budget session of 2015, the Indian government announced the Atal Innovation Mission (AIM);
with the name coming from Atal Bihari Vajpayee, the Former Prime Minister of India. Atal Innovation
Mission was established to create a promotional platform involving academicians and draw upon
national and international experiences to foster a culture of innovation, research, and development. The
government allocated AIM about INR 150 crores in the year 2015.
eBiz Portal

eBiz Portal | Government Schemes for Startup Projects in India

This is the first electronic government-to-business(G2B) portal. The main purpose of the portal is to
transform and develop a conducive business environment in the country. eBiz Portal was developed by
Infosys in a public-private partnership model. It is a communication center for investors and business
communities in India. The portal has launched 29 services in 5 states of India, viz., Andhra Pradesh,
Delhi, Haryana, Maharashtra, and Tamil Nadu. The government will add more services to the scheme
with time.

Dairy Processing and Infrastructure Development Fund (DIDF)

DIDF | Startup India Initiative

National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD) is an apex development bank in India.
The Government of India announced the creation of Dairy Processing and Infrastructure Development
Fund under NABARD in the Union Budget of 2017-18 for the sustained benefit of farmers. The total
corpus for this fund is INR 8000 crores over a period of 3 years (i.e. 2017-18 to 2019-20)

Milk Unions, multi-state milk cooperatives, state dairy federations, milk producing companies, and
NDDB subsidiaries meeting the eligibility criteria under the project can borrow loan from NABARD. The
loan component would be 80% (maximum rate) with the end borrower's contribution at 20 % (minimum
rate). Borrowers shall get the loan at an interest rate of 6.5% per annum. The period of repayment will
be 10 years. The respective state government will be the guarantor of loan repayment. Moreover, if the
borrower is not able to contribute his or her share in the scheme, the state government shall step in.

Support for International Patent Protection in Electronics & Information Technology


SIP-EIT | Startup Schemes in India

The Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeiTY) has launched a scheme entitled
“Support for International Patent Protection in E&IT (SIP-EIT)”. This scheme provides financial support
to MSMEs and Technology Startups for international patent filing.

Features and benefits of the SIP-EIT scheme are:

Financial support is provided for international filing in Information Communication Technologies and
Electronics sector.

The Reimbursement limit has been set at a maximum of INR 15 lakhs per invention or 50% of the total
charges incurred in filing and processing of a patent application, whichever is lesser.

The SEP-EIT scheme can be applied at any stage of international patent filing by the applicant.
Multiplier Grants Scheme (MGS)

MGS | Government Grants for Startups in India

Department of Electronics and Information Technology (DeitY) started the Multiplier Grants Scheme
(MGS). The scheme aims to encourage collaborative Research & Development (R&D) between industry
and academics/institutions for the development of products and packages. Under the scheme, if the
industry supports the R&D of products that can be commercialized at the institutional level, the
government shall provide financial support which will be up to twice the amount provided by industry.
MGS promotes and expedites the development of aboriginal products and packages. The government
grants would be limited to a maximum amount of INR 2 crores per project and the duration of each
project could considerably be less than 2 years. It would be INR 4 crores and 3 years for industry

Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Entreprises (CGTMSE)
The Credit Guarantee Fund Trust for Micro and Small Enterprises (CGTMSE ) was set up by the
government of India to provide business loans to micro-level businesses, small-scale industries, and
startups with zero collateral. It allows businesses to avail loans at highly subsidized interest rates
without requiring security. By working along with SIDBI (Small Industries Development Bank of India),
the government provides a maximum amount of up to INR 100 lakhs under this scheme for boosting
new enterprises as well as rehabilitating the existing ones. Primarily meant for manufacturing units, this
loan can be availed in the form of working capital or term loan.

Software Technology Park (STP)

The Software Technology Park (STP) scheme is a totally export-oriented scheme for the development
and export of computer software. This includes the export of professional services using communication
links or media.

The scheme is unique in its nature as it focuses on only one sector, i.e., computer software. The scheme
integrates the government concept of "100% Export Oriented Units" (EOU), "Export Processing Zones"
(EPZ), and the concept of Science Parks or Technology Parks as operating elsewhere in the world. The
sales in the Domestic Tariff Area (DTA) shall be permissible up to 50% of the export in value terms. STP
gives total depreciation on capital goods over a period of five years.

The Venture Capital Assistance Scheme (VCA)

Small Farmer’s Agri-Business Consortium (SFAC) has launched the Venture Capital Assistance (VCA)
scheme for the welfare of farmer-entrepreneurs and to develop their agri-business. The scheme is
approved by the banks and financial institutions regulated by the RBI. It intends to provide assistance in
the form of term loans to farmers so that the latter can meet the capital requirements for their project's
implementation. VCA promotes the training and nurturing of agri-entrepreneurs.

The quantum of the loan will be 26% (40% for hilly regions) of the promoter’s equity. The maximum
amount of loan provided under this scheme will be INR 50 lakhs.

Loan For Rooftop Solar Pv Power Projects

Loan for Rooftop Solar Projects | Government Support for Entrepreneurs in India

To build reliance on non-conventional sources of power, the government of India has decided to set up
40,000 MWp of Grid-Interactive Rooftop Solar PV Plants in the next five years. These rooftop solar PV
plants will be set up in residential, commercial, industrial, and institutional sectors in the country and
shall range from 1 kWp to 500 kWp in terms of capacity. Such rooftop plants are economically viable
since they can produce electricity using solar energy at about INR 7 per kWh without any subsidy. The
government also provides a subsidy of 15% on these plants to the associations or individual companies,
making the scheme even more lucrative.

NewGen Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre (NewGen IEDC)

NewGen IEDC is an initiative launched by the National Science and Technology Entrepreneurship
Development Board under the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India. The
initiative aims to inculcate the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship among the Indian youth. It also
endeavors to support and encourage entrepreneurship through guidance, mentorship, and support.
NewGen IEDC is a five-year programme that would be implemented in educational institutions. It will
support up to 20 new projects.

Single Point Registration Scheme (SPRS)

SRPS | Indian Government Schemes for Startup Business

The Single Point Registration Scheme (SPRS) was launched in 2003. It is managed by the National Small
Industries Corporation (NSIC). NSIC registers all Micro & Small Enterprises (MSEs) in India under the
Single Point Registration Scheme to enable them to participate in government purchases.

Enterprises are classified as Micro, Small, or Medium based on the limit of investment. Eligible MSME
units are provided with Udyog Aadhar registration certificate. All central ministries, departments, and
PSUs shall set an annual goal of minimum 20% of the total annual purchases of products produced or
rendered by MSMEs. About 358 items are reserved for exclusive purchase from MSMEs .

Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme (M-SIPS)

The government of India has approved a special incentive package to promote large-scale
manufacturing in the Electronic System Design and Manufacturing (ESDM) sector. The scheme is called
the Modified Special Incentive Package Scheme (M-SIPS).

Under M-SIPS, the Indian government will provide a subsidy of 20% on capital investments in special
economic zones (SEZs) and 25% on capital investments in non-SEZs for individual companies. It also
provides the re-imbursement of CVD/excise on capital equipment for non-SEZ units. Re-imbursement of
central taxes and duties is also provided for high technology and high capital investment units.
Rahul Shinde Roll No.42

Prepare technological feasibility report of a chosen product/serviceTechnical

Feasibility Study

Business Title -: Construction of Bike Factory.!

1. Materials -:We require following material for this business -:

i. Bricks, Cement

ii. Iron pillars (Steal)

iii. Thick and Thin sand

iv. Trucks and Cranes on Rent

v. Pulley to provide material to each floor

vi. Water Tanks

vii. Electricity

viii. Ready Doors and Windows

ix. Steal for Grills and Safety Doors

x. Machineries and Robotics

2. Labor -: We Require labors of following types

i. We require 25-50 labors

ii. Daily Wages should be less than or equal to Rs 800 .

iii. Labors should work for at least 10 hours.

iv. Labors will get economical help if any accident occurs

v. Skilled workers required!

Rahul Shinde Roll No.42

3. Transportation or Shipping

i. We require bricks of Three – Four Trucks and Cement as require

ii. Transportation Cost of One truck should be less than or equal to Rs 1000
to 2000 per time iii. Transportation vehicles should reach location on

iv. Team of Transportation should be authorized members like drivers

should have license, other members should be registered as proper
Transportation Business Member

4. Physical Location -:

i. Construction Site should be on Non – Agriculture plots

ii. We will purchase land in village where competitors will not be there

iii. Land should be plain. Not build project in any mountain places

iv. It should contain Any Highway nearest it so in future we can increase

price of flats

v. It should nearest any railway station that also increases cost of rooms

vi. Main Thing is site should have proper road near it so customers can
easily reach there

5. Technology -:

i. We will try to implement any advance Robot technologies

ii. We will include Copper rod near Building so Lightning cannot damage

iii. We will induce Solar panel Project that saves electricity of Residents

iv. We will generate other projects like Recycling waste in that building.
Rahul Shinde Roll No.42

Technical Feasibility Study

Explain How Your Business Will Produce and Deliver
A feasibility study is an analysis of how successfully a project can be
completed, accounting for factors that affect it such as economic,
technological, legal and scheduling factors. Project managers use
feasibility studies to determine potential positive and negative
outcomes of a project before investing a considerable amount of time
and money into it.
A technical feasibility study assesses the details of how you intend to deliver a
product or service to customers. Think materials, labor, transportation, where
your business will be located, and the technology that will be necessary to bring
all this together. It's the logistical or tactical plan of how your business will
produce, store, deliver, and track its products or services.

A technical feasibility study is an excellent tool for both troubleshooting and long-
term planning. It can serve as a flowchart of how your products and services
evolve and move through your business to physically reach your market.

The Technical Feasibility Study Must Support Your Financial Information

Do not make the mistake of trying to entice investors with your staggering growth
projections and potential returns on their investment that only includes income
(revenue) to the business. With any increase in revenue, there is always an
increase in expenses. Expenses for technical requirements (i.e., materials and
labor) should be noted in the technical feasibility study.

You should also not strictly rely on feasibility study conclusions to impress an

An experienced investor or lending institution will read your entire report and
come to their conclusions. Therefore, it is critical that the technical and financial
data in your study reconcile. If other parts of your feasibility study show growth,
you will also have to project labor and other costs and the technical ability to
support that growth.
Rahul Shinde Roll No.42

The technical component serves as the written explanation of financial data

because if offers you a place to include detailed information about why an
expense has been projected high or low, or why it is even necessary. It
demonstrates to potential investors and lenders (and in some cases, potential
clients) that you have thought about the long-term needs your business will have
as it grows.

Preparing an Outline for Writing Your Technical Feasibility Study

The order that you present technical information is not as important as making
sure you have all the components to show how you can run your business.

You do not have to include specific financial information in the technical portion
of your feasibility study, but all information in this component must support you
financial data represented elsewhere. Basic things that most businesses need to
include in their technical feasibility study include:

• Materials
• Labor
• Transportation or Shipping
• Physical Location
• Technology
Calculating Material Requirements

In this section, you list the materials you need to produce a product or service,
and where you will get those materials. Include information such as if volume
discounts will be available as your business grows, or if you ever plan to
manufacture your parts at some point in time.

Things to include in your list of materials:

• Parts needed to produce a product,

• Supplies (glue, nails, etc.), and
• Other materials that are involved in producing or manufacturing
your product.
Rahul Shinde Roll No.42

You do not need to include actual financial data in this portion of the study but
financial data supporting your narrative assessment should be included in a
separate spreadsheet as an attachment.

Calculating Labor Requirements

You cannot run a business, offer services, or manufacturer Products for free. Even
if you start your business with you as your only employee, at some point, if you
plan to grow you will need to add to your labor pool.

In most cases, labor will be one of your biggest small business expenses. In this
section, you will list the number and types of employees needed to run your
business now, and that may be employed in the future as your business grows.

You can break labor into categories if necessary:

• Senior Level Management

• Office and Clerical Support
• Production or Distribution
• Professional Staff (i.e., lawyers, accountants, engineers,
• Fulfillment (i.e., mail room, shipping department)
If you plan to outsource (hire another company to do a job for you) order
fulfillment , fundraising, or other aspects of your company’s business be sure to
list what functions will be outsourced and to where.

Transportation and Shipping Requirements

If you need to ship items from one place to another, how will you transport these
items? Small items can be shipped via local carriers, DHL, USPS, but heavy or bulk
items may need to be transported via a freight or trucking company.

If you are shipping perishable items, you will need special overnight handling. You
may also need special permits to ship certain items, and nonprofits organizations
should consider applying for discounted postal rates. These are all things that
affect the technical, or “how” of moving your goods from one place to another.
Rahul Shinde Roll No.42

If you offer services, how will trainers, educators, consultants, sales personnel get
to customers and clients?

If you offer a product that is governed by state or federal law (such as

medications or prescription medical supplies), do you need a licensed distributor
or pharmacy to ship on your behalf?

In the Transportation Feasibility component, list things that will affect how you
get your goods or services to other businesses or individuals, including:

• The methods of transportation and shipping services that will be

needed to get your product or services to a customer;
• Special handling or other unique arrangements required to
transport your product;
• Any special permits that will be required, including postal rate
discounts; and
• Cars (company- or privately-owned) and other vehicles needed to
conduct your business.
Physical Location of Your Business

Where you run your business will have an effect on your success. If you are
starting out in a home based office, project whether or not, and when, you might
need any of the following:

• A “Brick and Mortar” Office ( Office spaces outside your home)

• Warehouse Facilities
• Your Own Factory
• Your Own Trucking Facility
• Any other purchased or rented facilities needed to conduct your
In the Physical Location Feasibility component, you should also discuss the pros
and cons of where these facilities will be located. Should they be in one central
location, or across state lines? Do you need to have special parking considerations
for customers or trucks? Do you need to be near other facilities such as an
airport, commerce center, or shopping mall?
Rahul Shinde Roll No.42

Technology Requirements to Run Your Business

Every business needs at least some kind of technology to operate. The Technology
component includes discussions about and a list of the following:

• Telephone Answering Systems

• Computer Hardware and Software
• Inventory Management
• Cash Registers, Credit Card Collection, Check Processing
• Special Devices to Accommodate the Disabled
• Teleconferencing Facilities and Equipment
• Cell Phones, PDA’s, or Other Devices Needed to Conduct Business
• Alarm or Camera Systems
• Manufacturing Equipment
Summary of the Technical Feasibility Study

The order in which you present your technical requirements is not as important as
making sure that you include all the technical requirements of your business from
production to customer receipt.

This information will help investors know more about the operations of your
business. Having a great idea for a product or business is not enough; you have to
show how you can make money from the idea. The technical feasibility study
addresses the physical and logistical mechanics of it, and how, you will be able to
get something into the product and back out the door to customers.
Rahul Shinde Roll No.42
Practical No. 13
Aim:- Prepare financial feasibility report of a chosen product/service

Product/Business: Fitness Center

Financial Feasibility Report of Fitness Center:

Fitness Center Item Cost

1.Rental costs 25,000/ per-month
2. Training bench 2,000
3. Dumbbell set 600
4. Treadmill 15,000
5. Stationary bicycle 6,000
6. Barbell Set 7,000
7. Rowing machine 20,000
8. Low-impact treadmills 10,000
9. Elliptical 20,000
10. Balance trainers and 700
resistance bands

Approximate costing for set up the Fitness Center is 1,06,000 –

5,00,000 depending on the center size, staff requirements and fitness

Financial Feasibility Study

When business owners have an idea about a new project, they first
conduct a feasibility study to determine its viability. A complete
feasibility study would examine the market, analyze the technical and
Rahul Shinde Roll No.42
production issues, analyze the economic factors and include the
preparation of a financial analysis.

Purpose of a Financial Feasibility Study

Financial feasibility focuses specifically on the financial aspects of the
study. It assesses the economic viability of a proposed venture by
evaluating the start-up costs, operating expenses, cash flow and making
a forecast of future performance.
The results from a financial feasibility study determine whether the
proposed project is financially possible and make a projection on the
rate of return on invested capital.
The preparation of a financial feasibility study has three parts:
➢ Determining the start-up costs.
➢ Preparing a profit plan and making cash flow projections.
➢ Assessing the return on invested capital.

Identify the Start-up Costs

The first step in the preparation of a financial feasibility analysis is to
identify the costs needed to start the project. Typical start-up costs are
as follows:
➢ Purchases for land and buildings.
➢ Acquisition of equipment.
➢ Licenses and permits.
➢ Deposits required for office space leases.
➢ Initial purchases for materials.
➢ Legal and accounting fees for incorporation.
➢ Office furniture and supplies.
➢ Marketing research.
➢ Employee wages.
➢ Advertising.
Rahul Shinde Roll No.42
➢ Insurance premiums.
➢ Utilities.
Many of these costs are one-time expenses, but they'll need funding
upfront before the business begins operations.

Prepare Profit and Cash Flow Projections

The preparation of projected sales, expenses and cash flow is next and
is the analysis that determines if the proposed venture will be
financially viable. These projections include the projected sales, costs
of production or services and operating expenses separated into fixed
and variable categories.
The cash flow projections include the amount of funds needed for
start-up and identifies where these monies will come from. The
amount of equity capital is determined along with the amount and
source of all borrowed funds and leases.

Explain Negative Cash Flows

If the project will experience negative cash flows during the early
months, this amount should be calculated and explanations provided
that show how these cash flow deficits will be financed.

Pinpoint Needs for Additional Funding

Use sales, profits and cash flow projections to calculate periods of
negative cash flow and pinpoint when additional funding will be
needed to finance growth if internal cash flow generation isn't
Rahul Shinde Roll No.42
Determine the Return on Invested Capital
The projected profits will be used to determine the financial feasibility
of the project. This part of the financial study assesses the
attractiveness of the project to equity investors and the overall
financial return on the project.
The financial feasibility of a proposed venture can be estimated using
several common methods:

Net present value–The net present value method uses a percentage

rate to discount future cash flows to the present. If the NPV of the
discounted cash flows exceeds the cost of the initial investment, then
the project is feasible and should be accepted.

Internal rate of return– The IRR method uses the same formula for
calculating the net present value of cash flows. The IRR is the discount
rate that makes the NPV of cash outflows and inflows equal to zero.
This IRR can be used to compare the attractiveness of several projects.

Payback period– The payback period is the number of years that it takes
for the return from a project to recover the costs of the investment.
Shorter payback periods are preferred. The payback method ignores the
time value of money that's used in calculating the IRR or NPV of a
Rohu Shinde
Practical No.l
Aim: Crof o vision sotement, enobling mission stotement
So1 upuz choosen enezprise

Theo u
Visiom: Vision commUnica-e wnok Pre anglument Cgani2ation
beles one and he iden condikions ae fo caunmunity
The statements gves emphasis on hau hings wald lock
Phe issues uhere gen fectly oddaesed by develoging
a yision Shotginent,He oganizatin pmakes he goieninng
gainciples ohe ooanizakion, dead he seciety &
to all stakeholdezs F tample- he vision satement
o fon institute is Ensring ki Developmenthöough
quality echiical educati.on
The chaio.ctemshics o he yision slatements ae
Can be easily undestood oy eal. stokekoldeis
2 Should be a boand sotemen tak ul indude a Variety
o Jocal penspective
3 Eosy to communiCake
Tnsgiing evenuane Ho get inNalved in he eSfosk

Hison hn osgmizatons missic stalenent desoabe what

he oioup is gong o do and whg t is oaing b de: he
misson slakements oe action-niented. Cestain incipes
m i S i Saement of
3 Consice: A missio Setemem srauld desoibe like oint in -
one seence
iSOuAcone Oiented: shou be eLplain the outccme
Seokences thal oe COpninotion isuking to achiec
iisIncusive: theu should be bscad hakemenls no Jimiking
in he sSnaregis o secons.o he COsmmuni ty
hok a7e inuolve in the gio jeet:

The Mission stakemelt ofou degaAmert arse

havide Sound kednaical oundation in conpute engineezing
h7oughautcome based eduaaticn and ogplication
2 InCalcole Social and ohica values
3ovide ambiance So noAessicna oouh and Jifelong
So adapring o Challenoes la 1aqdly ¢hanomg tethnology
Wite he vision& mission Satemens o u Co any)
Pms3 Business Name: Fitness Centez
3ision fionee a e0 cnange in mindse o pofulaz etercise
to whee he prinazy objective ceecise is oulla
and mainkain musculag Strength and its Sitness.

13 MisSion: Marimize ouT clia's sreanohh withautcompamising

he heqlth o isking injy Theser o FiRness team
will rovide o no-nonsense ,sAstaira ble 180)men stength
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and itness.& Sufil thev nasical_pkenkial hoough out
er ifetime


Rahul Shinde

Practical No. 15
Aim:- Prepare a set of short term, medium and long-term
goals for starting a chosen term small scale enterprise.

Once organization has developed its mission statement the next
step is to develop the specific objectives then are focused on
achieving that mission objects refers to specific measurable result.
Any organization goal generally indicates, how much of goals will be
accomplished and till when.
There are 2 types of goals:
1. Long Term goal- It indicates action to taken over period of 10
years maximum.
2. Short Term goal- The actions to taken to archive at long term
goals, mission, vision.

Some characteristics of long-term goals are:

1. Be very specific.
2. It should be measurable. 3.It should be
4. Be Realistic.
5. Should be reachable within time frame
6. Pair goal with action plan.
7. Be flexible.
Rahul Shinde

Write 4 short term and 4 long term goals of that company you
1. We create your highest Future
2. Your dreams come true.
3. The very of your success is here!
4. The step of your Success is digitalization


1. We create your presentation for your better future.
2. Choose what is more important right now.
3. Sponsoring local charities. 4.We focus mainly on goals.
Rahul Shinde Roll No.42
Practical No. 16
Aim :- Prepare Marketing Strategy for Your Chosen Product or
Marketing Strategy is important for all business cause, it clearly
outlines how to find new customers and promote new products or
service to ultimately get more sales. Action plan has to be used as
tool to arrive at marketing plan.

The 4P concept needs to be used to arrive at marketing strategy:

1. Product
2. Promotion
3. Price
4. Place

1) Product - product refers to either a physical or sales service

that is plan some aspect that can be included and brand name
functionality packaging.
2) Promotion - This highlight how product or service will be
marketed. It includes advertising, marketing budget promotional
strategy, etc.
3) Price - It gives plan pricing the product service Following
points needs to be addressed:

1. Pricing Flexibility.
2. Retail Price 3.Seasonal Price.
4.Wholesale Price
Rahul Shinde Roll No.42
4) Place - This section addresses to the distributor’s channels and
how the product or service delivered to customers.
Various points to be addressed are:
1. distribution channel
2. Inventory management
3. logistic order, processing transportation
4. Warehousing

Marketing strategy is one of the most powerful files of business

while writing marketing strategy and make it effective the following
points may consider:
1. Make it unique - write the unique selling points which
differentiate your product from everyone else in market.
2. Be Flexible
3. know your customer
4. Do your research -When you're determining the pricing of
product, you should have plenty of dates to backup your
decision including report competitors, advertisements and
5. Use Visuals - Use charts or graphs, images to illustrate the
6. Remember your budget - Budget for marketing has to be in
line with financial analysis of the company.
7. Include the collateral - marketing collateral includes business
card broaches, fact sheets which should include as exhibit in
marketing plan.

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