Portfolio MET-5 (Jesus)

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Course: MET 5

Student: Jesús César Yáñez Fratelli

Teacher: Cecilia Leng

Date: 27/01/2022

Schedule: 10:30 – 12:00


Graphic Organizers:

 Chapter 12

 Chapter 13

Test making

Lesson plans

Quizzes + reflection
Graphic Organizers

Chapter 12:


Progress test Digital

Proficiency test

Testing Dictionaries


Cursoinaire rods
Focus on language
A timeline enables learners
to see more clearly exactly
Cuisenaire rods are small
how one tense differs from
colored blocks of wood (or
another, or how a single
plastic) that come in different
tense can refer to different
lengths, each of which is a
multiple of the smallest rod.
Each length is a different

Errors and correction Using the learners first

(fluency vs accuracy) language


-Ask a question. Activities

-Echo sentence -When learners read an article or short

story, sometimes ask them to summarise it
-Repeat the sentence orally in L1.
-When working on pronunciation, explicitly
-Use facial focus on contrasts between how a sound is
expressions and formed in L1 and English.
Chapter 13:

Teaching different
ESP classes

Clarify the real

Ideas on exam
1.Start with the general courses
2.Focus onto one
-Lexis box / file
specific task
3.Explore wide-ranging
details of that task

EAP Large classes

Some ideas to work on • Students can’t move easily.
• Listening to and • You can’t move easily.
understanding lectures
• The seating arrangement
• Note-taking seems to prevent a number of
• Effective reading and activities.
researching • There is limited eye contact
• Essay writing from you to students.

• Contextual and cultural • Discipline can be a problem.

awareness • Lecturing seems to be the
only workable lesson type.

Lesson plan- Demo Class Practice

Objective: By the end of the class, my students will be able to learn how to work
and give tours in Disneyland. (my SS are tour guides)

Lead-in: Introduce the students the ype of jobs we find in Disney, clarifying that we will focus
on tour guides and customer service. Point the fact that students should be prepared for every
type of job that is required in Disney. (5 min) Teacher

Presentation. Present different expressions a tour guide uses on their tours and show them
the steps to communicate effectively each one of the ideas to say in a tour. (6min) Teacher-

Activity: Roleplay a situation when a tour about King-Kong and the tour guide guides the
customers through the tour and the customers ask several questions in order to prepare the tour
guide for any kind of question a customer can ask.. (4min) Student-Student

Reflection paragraph

As a student of MET 5, it was a challenge to prepare a lesson specially to guide people around
a park that has so many tours and so many areas. I remember having lots of trouble at the
time of organizing my ideas about the presentation and what could I do to keep the attention
of the students and avoid turning the class into something too formal or direct. There´s always
a space where this type of job allows you to put a little bit of yourself on the interacions with
the people so they feel a nice environment around them and don´t feel it like too diplomatic. I
like this type of lessons because here you can see how enthusiastic the students are for their
new job and what they can achieve with it. Even though, they need to be focused in
accomplishing their goals as workers and tour guides.
Lesson Plan

Teachers: Heidy Crisostomo - Luis Sicos - Jesus Yañez

Objective: By the end of the class, my students will be able to talk to customers at a
restaurant using appropriate expressions. (my SS are waiters)

Lead-in:  The teacher gives a short speech about what a waiter needs to have and explains
what this job is like. Then, the teacher shows the students a video of proper service at a
restaurant. The students have to watch the video and take note of the expressions that the
waiter uses during the service.  (6min) (Teacher-student)

Presentation. The teacher introduces some common expressions that a good waiter would
say in a restaurant. He also shows what the routine is when a new customer comes in. (8min)

Activity: The teacher will present the first activity of the class. (ask a student to read)-
Complete the dialogue using the appropriate expressions- (3min) ( Student-student)

W: Welcome to Icpna’s cafe. My name is Diego. ………………

C: Good evening Diego. I would like a bottle of water.
W: Perfect.  ……………………………………….
C: I would like to order a chicken sandwich.
W: Sure, no problem. Can ……………………
C: No, thank you. I don't want dessert. That’s all.
W: Ok. Your order will be ready in 10 minutes.

C: Thank you so much . 

Activity: The teacher will present the final activity. (ask a student to read) -Act out a short
and simple conversation where a waiter and a customer interact. One student will pretend to
be the waiter and the other will be the customer. - (5 min) (Student-student)
Reflection paragraph

I felt pretty good with preparing this class with my partners, it was a topic where I had
experience because I’d worked already as a waiter in a café and in an elegant restaurant, so it
was like a flashback about the things I learned as a waiter and now as a future teacher. It was
challenging to structure the ppt and to decide which activity to use because at the beginning
we wanted to make 2 activities, but then for time things, we had to shorten them into 2
activities not too hard.

Chapter 12:

I felt pretty confident with this quiz, there were things I could remember very good and other
things I needed to read again to have a clearer view out of it. I liked the quiz a lot.
I found this quiz a little bit more tricky than the last one, there was stuff I couldn’t remember
very well and I had to take a look at the book to review the entire section again. I need to work
more on this topic, but I think I made a good test.
I did a very nice job on this test, I found it hard but I focused on the things I had learned so far
and I got a good grade out of it. I like the way I focused to make the test.
Chapter 13:
This test killed me. It was very challenging and there were several things I couldn’t remember
very good of the class, but I focused the more that I could and I got a 36 out of a 54. After
taking the test, I reviewed those parts again and made myself confident about the topic.

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