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Q1. The washing machine you bought has started giving trouble and is making

a loud noise. Write a letter to the washing machine dealer about the same and

request him to replace the washing machine at the earliest. Invent details on

your own. You are Katrina/Kavi. (100-120 words)

Q2. As Archita, the sports incharge of Modern Public School, write a letter to

Messrs Chawla Sports, New Delhi, placing an order for sports equipment for

the school. (100-120 words)

Q3. Write a letter to the Standard Book Co, Bangalore, complaining about the poor

quality of books supplied to your library. You are Mohan/ Mohini, Librarian of Lajpat

Rai Secondary School, Mumbai. (100 – 120 words) (1x5=5)

Q4. You feel concerned about the wastage of every kind on the occasions of

marriages and other ceremonies. Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper about it

in 100 – 120 words. You may take the help of the hints given below:

(wastage of time, wastage of food, leftover food thrown on the roads and in gutters.)

Q5. The graph given below is the data compiled by the ministry of Family Health and

Welfare and in the month of May 2020. It shows the number of

coronavirus cases crossed one lakh in some of the severely affected countries.

summarize the data and compare the status of India to other nations in about 100 –

120 words.

Hints: Took 64 days for the number of coronavirus cases to rise from 100 to 0ne lakh in
India - enforce strict lockdown - reverse quarantine - sanitizing, mask, social

distancing (SMS).

Q6. Study the graph given below, which is based on a survey on Australian children. The

chart depicts preferred leisure activities of Australian children between 5 to 14. On the

basis of the details given, summarize the data making comparison wherever necessary

in about 100 – 120 words.

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