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Standard Single Bid Document for PWD, Tripura Page 29 -

The Executive Engineer,
Khowai Division, PWD(R&B).
Khowai District, Tripura.

/We do hereby bid and if this bid be accepted, under take to execute the
work viz Vertical extension of new Multistoried Court folowing
building (G+2 to G+3) in the premises of Addl.
District & Sessions Judge's Court, Khowai Sub-division, Khowai, District Tripura/SH: building portion
indluding internal water supply and sanitary installations. (4th call)
As shown in the drawings and described in the specifications deposited in the office of the Executive
Engineer, Khowai Division, PWD(R&B), Khowal District, Tripura with such variations by woy of alterations
or additions to. and omissions from the said works and
method of payment as provided for in the
"conditions of the contract" for the Sum of Rupees ***

..To Be Filled In During Signing Of
Agreement).. ******************************* ******** . . Or such other sum as
moy be arrived under the clause of the standard preliminary specifications
lump-sum bosis or by final measurement at unit rates"
relating to "Payment onh

/WE have also quoted percentage excess/less, at par on E.C.V., in Bill of Quantities
(BOQ) in figures only, for which 1/We agree to execute the work when the lump sum payment under
the terms of the agreement is varied by payment on measurement quantifies.
I/WE have not tampered with the provided Bill of Quantity (BO0) and I/WE have
uploaded the same downloaded BOQ after filing in the necessary fields.
I/WE agreed to keep the offer in this bid valid a period of 180(one hundred
days mentioned in the bid notice and not to modify the whole or any part of it for any reasoneighty)
above period. If I/WE withdraw the bid for any reasons whatsoever, the earnest
me/us will be forfeited to Government.
money by pad

/WE hereby distinctly and expressly. dedare and acknowledge that. before the
submission of my/our bid I/We have carefully followed the instructions in the bid notice and the
preliminary specifications and that l/We have made such examina tion of the contract documents
and the plans, specifications and quantities and of the location where the said work is to be done.
and such investigation of the work required to be done, and in regard to the material required to be
furnished as to enable me/us to thoroughly understand the intention of same and the requirements,
covenants, agreements, stipulations and restrictions contained in the contract, and in the said plans
and specifications and distinctly agree that l/We will not hereafter make any claim or demand upon
the Government based upon or arising out of any alleged misunderstanding or misconception /or
mistoke on my/or our part of the said requrement, covenants, agreements, stipulations. restrictions
and conditions.

WE have paid Bid Fee &Earnest Money electronically over the Online Payment facility
provided in the Portal and this Earnest Money will not to bear any Interest.

WE shall not assign any Bidder or sublet any portion of the same.
IFMY/OUR bid is not accepted the sum shall be returned to me/us on application when
infimation is sent to me/us of rejection or at the expiration of 180 (one hundred elghty) days from last
date of receipt of this bid, whichever is earlier. It my /our bid is accepted, the earnest money shall be
retained by the Government as security for the due fulfilment of this contract.If upon written
infimation to me/us by the Superintending Executive Engineer's Office. I/We fail to attend the said
office on the date herein fixed or if upon intimation being given to me/us by the Superintendin9
/Executive Engineer or acceptance of my/our bid, and if 1/We fail to make the additional security
deposit or to enter into the required agreement as defined in condition-3 of the bid notice, then I/We
agree the forfeiture of the earnest money. Any notice required to be served on me/us here under
sholl be sufficiently served on me/us if delivered to me/us hereunder shall be suficiently served on
me/us if delivered to me/us personally or forwarded to me/us by post to (registered or ordinary) or let
at my/our address given herein. Such notice shall if sent by post be deemed to have been served on
fime wherein due course of post it would be delivered at the address to which it is sent.
ne aon
Standerd Syle Bid becPent fer PW Triprw Page 30-

th UIderstand that
hsl be the foundationtheof the
we ogreenent to be entered into
Gover mnlete untl the agreerment gns or tnhe both the parties and the between nelr, and
contract shall not be
nas tirst been signed
officer authorized to enter into conTact on behall of Government by me/us and then by the
LAM/WE ARE professionally qualithed and my/our qualificafions are given below
Name Qualificatlons

Askish Mnor Sok B-Com

/WE will deploy the technical staft (as per Statement-ll of this Bid document) for supervising
the work and will see that one of them is dlways ar SITe during working hours, personally checking all
items of works and pay exta attenfion to sUCh works as required special atention (e.g.) Reinforced
concrete work etc.

WE decdare that 1/WE agree to recover the salaries of the technical staff actualy engoged
on the work by the department. from the work bils, f We fai to employ technical staff as pe the bid

() WE hereby decdare that l/We have perused in detai and examined closely the Standard
Specifications of Government of Tripura, all clauses of the preliminary specifications with all
amendments and have either examined all the standards specifications or will examine ali
the standard specifications for items for which I/We bid, before I/We submit such bid and
agree to be bound and comply with all such specifications for this agreement.

I/WE certify that 1/We have inspected the site of the work before quoting my Percentage
2 excess or less on ECv, I /We have satisfied about the quality, avaiability and tasoort
facilities for stones, sand and other materials.

(3 iWE am/are prepared to furnish detaied dota in support of all my quoted rates. when caled
upon to do so without any reservations.

(4) IwE hereby declare that /We will pay an additional security deposit in terms of condihions.
the difference between 85% of ECV and my/ our bid amount, in case if my / our offer is less
than (-}15%.

1/WE hereby declare that 1/We will not claim any price escalation if the estimated cost for the
work is less than Rs. 1.00 Crore & fime for completion is less than or equal to 24(twenty four)
(6) a) 1/WE declare that 1/WE will procure all the required construction materials (except stipulated
materiols) induding earth and use for the work after approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The
responsiblity for arranging and obtaining the land for borowing or explotation in any other
way shall rest with me/us for the materials for construction, /WE shall ensure smooth and un-
interupted supply of materials.

b) I/WE declare that the responsibility for aranging and obtoning the land for dispOsal ot
spoil/soil not useful for construction puposes shall rest with me/us.

c) /WE declare that I/WE shali not claim any compensation or any payment for the landso
aranged for disposal of soil and the lond for borrow area. My/our quoted peecentage
excess or less ECV., are inclusive of the land so aranged and I/We will hand over the land so
aranged tor disposal of soil to: the department after compietion of work.

d) I/WE declare that 1/WE wil not daim any extra amount towards any material used tor the

ork other than the quoted works for respective schedude 'A'


Page 31 -
Standard Single Bid Docunent for PWD, Tripura

programme, and
if I/WE fai to
the work a s per the mile stone
(7) 1/WE declare that 1/WE will execute the condition to recover
stone programme,I abide by
complete the work as per the mie
liquidated damages as per the bid

will abide for settlement of disputes as per the bid conditions.

(8) 1/WE declare that I/WE

due to any
black lsted in any department in Tricpura
1 /WE have not been
after buying
/WE have not been
demoted to the lower category for not filing the bids
2 year a n d my/or registration has not been cancelied
for a
the bid schedules in a whole
consecufive years.
simiar default in two

me/Us tor any wong declaration in respect of the above and to

/WE agree to disquality
Summariy reject my/our bid.

Naonayopur, Aglera
ofthe Bldder:

Phone No.: 4437806/eS

it shall be digitally signed by him/her and the undertaking shall
Note: If an individual makes the bid,
fim makes the bid, a member of the
also be signed with his/her full
name and his/her address. Ifa with the co-partnership name by the
be signed
firm shall digitally sign it and the undertaking shall name, and the name and address of each
who shall also sign his/her own
same member of the firm,
If the bid is made by a corporation, it shall be digitally signed by
member of the firm shall be given.
shall also be signed by the same duly authorized officer
duly authorized officer and the undertaking
evidence of his/her authorization. Such corporation
who shali produce with his/her bid satisfactory
be required to furnish evidence of its corporate existence, before the contract is
submitting bids may




S H S H u í M A R S A R K A d

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