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The Story

of Us How I met my soulmate

B la s t f r o m t h e p a s t

We've known each other

since we were young.
A shared
We went to the same high school
and had common friends. Yet we only said the
occasional "hi" and "hello,"
and nothing more.
Temporarily apart

We went our separate ways in college

and didn't see each other again.
our connections
As fate would have it,
we met again in our high
school reunion.

This time around, it was

different. We both felt it.
A little friendly chat
Our common friend broke th
e ice and
it started from there.
Deeper conversations
After a few coffee
We talked about high school dates, we got to know
memories, work, and even laughed each other more.
at some corny jokes.
From coffee dates
to couple dates
Eventually, we started dating
and the years just flew by.
Time for
the big leap

Then we made the best

biggest decision of our
We decided to
get married.
A mix of emotions

We were anxious, but overwhelmed

with joy at the same time.
Our be s t de c i s i on e v e r

Today, as we mark our

n ive rsa ry , I w a nt y ou to know
ha t m ar ry in g yo u is w o rth it.

I will choose you all over again,

and wouldn't have it any other way.
Happy anniversary
to us, my love!

I look forward to spending more

wonderful years with you.

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