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The present continuous tense

(Present progressive)
Note that the Stative verbs are not
*Usage usually used in the present
1- Temporary states. progressive. Like:
e.g: I’m taking music lessons this month. Seem, like, want, understand,
2- Actions happening at the moment of speaking. know, imagine, need, believe…etc.
e.g: The girl is eating her lunch now.
3- For habits that are not regular, but that happen very often or to talk about an
annoying habit.
e.g: She is always chatting with her friend. I don’t like that.
4- Future arrangements.
e.g: We’re visiting the museum tonight.
*Time expressions
Now – Look! – Listen! – at the present – at the moment – today –tonight.
*Form “Positive”

Subject + (V. to be ) + V. ing.

I am + V. ing I am taking piano lessons these days.
You, We, They are + V. ing We are going to Paris this weekend.
He, She, It is + V. ing He is playing football now.
*Form “Negative”

I am not “’m not” + V. ing I am not working as a nurse.

You, We, They are not “’aren’t”+ V. ing They aren’t studying French.
He, She, It is not “isn’t” + V. ing She isn’t cooking now.
*Question form:

Is + he, she, it + ? Is she working as a doctor? No, she isn’t.

Are + they, we, you + Are they traveling to Canada ? Yes, they are.
Yes, + subject + “am - is – are” / No, + subject + “am not - isn't - aren't”

Underline the correct Answer:
1- She ( is sleeping – sleeps – slept ) now.
2- She ( doesn't - isn't - didn't ) writing now.
3- I ( am not - don't - didn't ) drinking at this moment.
4- ( Are – Do – Did ) you reading now?
5- ( Does – Is – Will ) she eating at this moment?
6- Is she ( walks – walked – walking ) now?
7- They ( don't - aren't - won't ) swimming at the present time.
8- I ( reading – read – am reading ) at this moment.
9- They ( eat – are eating – ate) at the present time.
10- Ahmed and Ali ( don't - isn't - aren't ) studying their lessons.
11- How many sandwiches ( are they eating – they are eating – they eating ) at
the moment?
12- What ( you are doing – are you doing – you do ) now ?
13- ( Is – Are – Am ) Ali hiding under the table?
14- She ( is studying – still studies – studied ) her lessons now.
15- Why ( she is collecting – she collects – is she collecting )stamps at present?

Rewrite using the words in brackets:

1- Rami watches a film on TV. (now)

2- They are playing chess now. ( not )
3- I am watching a film now. ( not )
4- Yes, I am reading now. ( Are )
5- She is carrying 10 books. ( How many )
6- We sweep the floor. ( at the moment )
7- Yes, she is singing. ( No,…………….. )
8- No, she isn't watching TV. ( Is )
9- He is making three kites. ( How many )
10- Yes, they are listening to music. ( No,……………….)

Correct the verbs in brackets:

1- He ( learn ) English at the moment. ……………………………

2- Look! A bus ( come ) quickly. …………………………….
3- Mother ( cook ) dinner now. …………………………….
4- Heba ( do ) her homework at present. ……………………………..
5- It ( get ) dark now. ……………………………..

Rearrange the following sentences/ questions:

1. golf – are – at – They – moment – the – playing.

2. you – to – What – write – going – are - ?
3. is – books – She – now –reading.
4. homework – Omar – present – is – at – his – doing.
5.doing – are – now –What – you - ?

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