Android Development Project. Title: Class Attendance App. App Description

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Android Development Project.


App Description.
Class attendance app is a simple application that records students details into to the course
and department he or she belongs. It shows the details of the student. It can be used as the
registration for keeping student details. The project entails various components which am
going to explain in the below section with attached screens.
.About the App
Project modules.
Main activity/Welcome
Login Dashboard
Add student
View Student
Add Faculty
View Faculty
Project Deliverables.
The admin can login.
The admin is able to add a student, a faculty and view them.
The following section explain the working of the projects modules with the attached
The admin can view the student’s details.
The admin can faculty details.
Admin can view the faculty details.
The admin can view the attendance.
Tools and Technologies.
Android Studio.
XML for layout
Phone for testing.
Reason for Choosing the app
I was motivated to choose this topic after I discovered that it can be simple for a lecturer to
take student details during a class and keep it. It offers flexibility since it is mobile
application. The app can reduce the time when taking the role call for the students and can be
used to manage student’s data.

Project Phases
Welcome/Main activity
This is the entry point of the attendance app. It is displayed after execution of the main class.
The layout that is displayed is the activity main class.
The start button navigates to the login panel where the admin can fill the details and login.

This is where admin fills the details before accessing other components of the app. It has the
spinner that allows the admin to login in either as admin or as a student. It has also the
username and the password fields. The button Login navigates to the menus when clicked.
In the menu section it has many buttons which link to other components. The Add student
button which navigates to add student component. The same to view student button which
navigates to view student dashboard. The knowledge of fragment in this section is applied.

Add student .
The registration of the student is done in this section. All fields including the name, email,
phone and address are filled. The department and course is chosen.
View Student.
This allows the admin to view the student details.
Add faculty.
Similar to add student, this allows the admin to add the faculty or course that the student
takes. The student can be entered to a certain faculty. The students details such as name,
email, phone and password are entered.

View faculty.
This is a section where admin can view the student’s in registered faculty. Here the students
name which are registered in the faculty are displayed. For example the screenshot below
shows a registered student.
This allows the admin to logout of the app when he or she has finished his intendent
purposes. It is a button attached on the last fragment.

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