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Wizard by Pearson

Nome do aluno
Thiago Dos Santos Gomes

Título do trabalho
“Equality in sports”

Local - Carapicuíba, Vila Dirce

Ano 2022

Chapter 1 - Introduction
Chapter 2 - Explanation
Written part - Introduction
Hi, I’m almost sure that you, your friends or family do like sports, maybe
cheering for teams, playing sports or even watching. So you probably heard
that sports help to develop teamwork, health, motor coordination, have fun and
lots of other things but did you know that in the past only rich people were able
to play and watch the majority of the sports that we know nowadays?
Soccer is an example of a really famous sport that in the past was only played
by the rich white people in Brazil. This happened because of the slavery, the
white elite tought that they were superior in all aspects even though slavery
already had been abolished.
However soccer still became popular in Brazil, because of the urbanization of
the country many matches were made, soccer teams created helped to
popularize soccer and as you may know to play soccer only is needed 1 ball
and 2 places to be the goal it's not that expensive or hard to get these things
and that's why it could became popular and playable for everyone in Brazil,
Although not every single sport became accessible to everyone as soccer and I
am sure that you never hear about some of them such as golf, fencing,
equestrianism, tennis those are sports that for playing are needed high amount
of money. Maybe in the future we will be able to play those sports even though I
don't think it is what the elite wants.
Based on some researches soccer is the sport that more profits in the world, of
course it is the most famous meanwhile as had already been said it is "easy" to
be played, i'm not talking about skill but about equipment, to play soccer we
don't need to buy horses or buy expensive rackets to have fun or compete, of
course we do have inequality at these sports, but it is way easier to compete
with these than with high end costs.
Now let's think of something, the sports that make more money, that get more
profits are the most known worldwide that are the same sports that are "easy" to
play, just like basketball that we only need a ball and a hoop, volleyball we only
need a ball and something to be the net, that’s why these sports are famous
because they are accessible and that’s why the sports for the elite will never be
as influential, as profitable as the sports made for everyone.

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