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9MO2: ODEs
Problem Sheet 1

1. Consider the implicit ODE

2tx0 (t) + 4x(t) − 3 = 0.

(i) Verify that the function x : I → R defined as

3 c
x(t) = + 2 (1)
4 t
is a solution of the ODE for every constant c ∈ R.
(ii) What can you say about the interval I where the solution is defined? Remember that I ⊂ R
has to be an interval, namely of the form (a, b), and that both the solution and the ODE
have to be defined for t ∈ I.
(iii) Consider now the IVP (
2tx0 (t) + 4x(t) = 3,
x(1) = 2.
What is the value of the constant c ∈ R for which the function in (1) is a solution of the
IVP? What can you say for the corresponding interval I? (Remember that now the interval
I has also to contain the initial time t0 = 1.)
(iv) Consider now the IVP (
2tx0 (t) + 4x(t) = 3,
x(−2) = 1.
What is the value of the constant c ∈ R for which the function in (1) is a solution of the
IVP? What can you say for the corresponding interval I? (Remember that now the interval
I has also to contain the initial time t0 = −2.)

2. Consider the initial value problem:

x0 (t) = 2t − 1 + 1 ,
1 + t2
 x(0) = 1.

(i) Is it possible to prove that the problem has a solution, without making any calculations?
State the reason for your answer.
Hint: use a result that was stated in class.
(ii) Is it possible to know how many solutions the problem has, without making any calcula-
Hint: use a result that was stated in class.
(iii) Find the explicit expression of a solution x : I → R of the IVP, by integrating both sides
of the ODE in t (and by using the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus).
Hint: Note that I ⊂ R has to be an interval, it must contain the initial time t0 = 0, and
both the solution and the right-hand side of the ODE have to be defined for t ∈ I.

3. Consider the IVP (

x0 (t) = (x(t))2/3 ,
x(0) = 0.
t 3
Show that both the constant function x ≡ 0 and the function x(t) = 27 are solutions to the
IVP for every t ∈ I = R. Explain why the assumptions of Picard’s Existence and Uniqueness
Theorem are not satisfied.

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