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 Muñoz Quesñay Karen U20304213

 Pérez López Ingrid U20319171

This is Macarena Achaga Figueroa. She is from Argentina

but she lives in the Mexico. Her birthday is March 5. She's
twenty-eight years old. She works on a TV show and loves
her job. Her is actress, model, singer and host. Macarena's
favorite color is pink, her loves to drink mattes and milk.
She has a small family. Macarena's parents are
Soledad Figueroa and Leopoldo Achaga, his
brother is Santiago Achaga is 28 years old. His a
singer an d photographer.
Macarena has a small apartment, bedroom,
kitchen, living and bathroom with ocean views. Next door is
a clinic and museum. There are five flags at the top of the
apartament. There is a fire escape in the building. Now he
is in projects to record a new movie.
Macarena gets up at 7 o clock, does exercises, then she
takes a shower, drink orange juice and toast. At 8, she
does her yoga classes.At 9 go for a walk on the beach to
breathe fresh air. At 10 plays tennis. Study philosophy in
the afternoons. In the evenings she loves recording videos
for his fans and upload your videos on your instagram and
twitter. Now he is in projects to record a new movie.
She has many friends. On Tuesdays, she eats a piece of
cake with her best friend. On weekends, he always visits
his parents and often visits his grandparents as well.
Macarena's favorite place to spend her holidays is Cancun.
She visits Cancun one a year and enjoy there are beautiful
beaches such as: Mar caribe, Vallarta, Nizuc and more.
Last year Macarena visited the beaches
with her whole family and spent a great
time there, she loved it.
What she ate is fish tacos and
panuchos with salad. Her favorite
restaurant is that he always visits when he goes on
My friend's favorite vacation (Segundo avance)
My friend Diana likes to travel to
Cajamarca, I can say that it is her favorite
place. Cajamarca is a city in Peru's
northern highlands, its surface area is
around 33 318 Km², this represents 2.6 %
of the Peruvian territory.
She loves to visit recreative places such as "La virgen
Dolorosa” she fell in love with the place when she was a
child and since that time she get back there at least twice a
year. That church has an admirable museum of religious art
and catacombs. Obviously,
she always goes to “Las
Ventanillas of Otuzco”, 7 km
from Cajamarca. Also she
sometimes goes to the
Province of San Miguel de Pallaques where the Ventanillas
de Jangalá are located. Porcon is an attractive valley, its
forests are magnificent.
Her says she never returns from Cajamarca without eating
Picante of papa with fried cuy, Chicharrón with mote and
Caldo verde, these are your favorite foods in the world.
Her travels a lot to Cajamarca, maybe two or three times a
year. She can never miss the carnivals in February, she
prepares all her outfits for these dates, because for her it is
the most important custom of the year. This festival is
attended by tourists, it's really fun because you can play,
dance or simply eat one of the many dishes. Color and fun
are the words that define these dates.

Her favorite sport is volleyball and swimming. On vacation

he teaches swimming and water gymnastics classes.

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