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Every Races gets:

● Ability Scores
○ You have 3 points to add to any combination of ability scores. Max 2 points per
● Your Base Walking Speed is 30 ft
You pick your Race, it gives you your options for size, one common ability eg: all aarocroaka
can fly. And then they get a choice of one out of three additional features. One of

● Humans
○ Basic
■ You may choose to be medium or small
■ You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice, one tool of your choice,
and one language of your choice, as well as expertiese on one skill
■ Humans reach maturity at 18-20 and live from 70-100
○ Chosen 1
■ Human Determination
● When you have disadvantage on an ability check you may add
your proficciency modifier to the roll. If you are already proficient
the modifier is doubled
■ Human Versitily
● At the end of a long rest, you may gain proficiency with a weapon,
or skill of your choice, untill the end of your next long rest, so long
as you have spent ¼ of the rest training or pracicing (and have the
means to do so, like if you want proficiency with a weapon, you
need the weapon)
■ Human Sensitivity
● You can detect the presence of magic items, undead, or
constructs within 30 ft of you. This ability doesn ot reveal the
location, or nature of the target. (You smell a metallic scent of
magic. It smells like ozone, or like right before a thunderstorm)
○ Chosen 2
■ Support: Human Healing
● You know basic fist aid, you may use an action to cause a
creature you can touch to regain a number of hit points equal to
your level. You regain use of this feature after a short or long rest.
■ Tank: Human Rudeness
● You may taunt a creature as a bonus action, causign it to have a
penalty equal to your proficiency modifier on all attacks not
targeting you until the end of your next turn.
■ Dps: Human Determination
● Once per long rest you may add 5 to one attack roll. You may do
this after seeing the result of the roll, but before the outcome is
● Dwarves
○ Basic
■ Dwarves can be 3’6”-5’6” ft tall You may choose to be medium or small
■ You have resistance to poison damage and advantage against being
■ Dwarves reach maturity at 18-20 and live from 350-370 years
○ Chosen 1
■ Dwarven Stubbornness
● You have advantage against being charmed or frightened
■ Dwarven Education
● You have advantage on history checks, proficiency with simple
melee weapons, and the ability to Identify any common material,
as well as Mithril and Ademantine by touching it i.e: you would not
be able to identify the makeup of an illithid ship by touching it.
■ Dwarven Senses
● Your blindvision range is increased by 10ft, if you don’t have
blindvision you gain it
○ Chosen 2
■ Support: Dwarven Confidence
● As a bonus action you may grant every creature of your choice
within 15 a number of temporary hit points equal to twice your
proficiency bonus
■ Tank: Dwarven Build
● You count as full cover for the purposes of determining those
affected by an AOE attack e.g: if a fireball goes off in front of you a
cone starting from you to the edge of its radius is unaffected
■ Dps: Dwarven Smithing
● You may add your proficiency bonus to the damage of melee
weapon attacks
● Elves
○ Basic
■ Elves are 6-8 ft tall You are medium
■ As a bonus action you may teleport to an unoccupied space you can see
within 30 ft. You may use this ability again after finishing a long rest.
■ Elves reach maturity at 20-24 and can live well over a millenia, however
most elves live to 700-800 years before willingly dying.
○ Chosen 1
■ Elvish Endurance
● Whenever you are brought to zero hit points you may choose to
automatically succeed one death save, you may do this again
after a long rest
■ Elvish Harmonense
● You may learn a cantrip from the druid or wizard spell list. You
may use intelligence or wisdom as the spell casting modifier
○ Chosen 2
■ Support: Elvish Healing
● Whenever a creature gains hit points from one of your abilities it
may add your proficiency bonus to the hit points gained
■ Tank: Elvish Endurance
● Whenever you are brought to zero hit points you may choose to
automatically succeed one death save, you may do this again
after a long rest
■ Dps: Elvish Eyes
● You may add your proficiency bonus to the damage of ranged
weapon attacks
● Halfling
○ Basic
■ Halfligns are 2-3 feet tall depending on heritage your size may be small or
■ When you roll a natural 1 on an attack, saving throw, or ability check, you
may reroll the die, you must use the new roll
■ Halflings mature at 18-20 and live for up to 150 years with reports of
especially healthy halflings living up to 170
○ Chosen 2
■ Support: Halfling Encouragement
● Once per long rest as an action you may grant a number of allies
that can hear you within 30 ft equal to your proficiency bonus
■ Tank: Halfling Nimbleness
● Opportunity attacks against you are made with disadvantage
■ Dps: Halfling Disarming Smile

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