Gypsy's Revenge Submitted by Ramel Tiongson Submitted To Submitted On November 6, 2021

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Gypsy’s Revenge

Submitted by Ramel Tiongson

Submitted to
Submitted on November 6, 2021

Gypsy Rose, who was born in 1991, was a baby when Dee Dee claimed her daughter had sleep apnea.
When Gypsy was eight years old, Dee Dee described her as suffering from leukemia and muscular
dystrophy and said she required a wheelchair and feeding tube. The list of medical problems that Dee Dee
related about her daughter would go on to include seizures, asthma and hearing and visual impairments.
Due to Dee Dee's actions, Gypsy was prescribed a litany of medications and had to sleep using a
breathing machine. She also went through multiple surgeries, including procedures on her eyes and
removal of her salivary glands. When Gypsy's teeth rotted perhaps due to her medications, missing
salivary glands or neglect they were pulled out. Yet the truth was that Gypsy could walk, didn't need a
feeding tube and did not have cancer. Experts believe Dee Dee had a mental illness known as
Munchausen syndrome by proxy, which made her fabricate her daughter's ill health in order to receive
attention and sympathy for taking care of a sick child. Medical tests often showed inconclusive or
contradictory results regarding Gypsy's diagnoses, but Dee Dee would stop seeing any doctors who
questioned her daughter's ailments. Dee Dee was also charming and seemed devoted to her daughter.
When Gypsy was old enough to talk, Dee Dee instructed her not to volunteer information during their
appointments, she was always the one relating Gypsy's fake medical history. Dee Dee told Gypsy's father,
Rod Blanchard, that their daughter had a chromosomal disorder that had led to her many health issues. He
complimented Dee Dee for her devoted care. Dee Dee claimed to be a victim of Hurricane Katrina, so she
and Gypsy received assistance to relocate from Louisiana to Missouri in 2005. Gypsy and Dee Dee
moved into a new home in Springfield, Missouri. Gypsy and Dee Dee also received benefits that included
charity-sponsored visits to concerts and Disney World. As Gypsy grew older, Dee Dee began to lie about
her age, going so far as to alter the dates on Gypsy's birth certificate to make her daughter seem younger.
But Gypsy was still becoming harder for Dee Dee to control. But Dee Dee soon tracked them down via
mutual friends. According to Gypsy, Dee Dee smashed her computer and physically restrained her to her
bed after they returned home. She told him the truth about her mother's actions and ended up asking him
to kill Dee Dee so they could be together. In June 2015, he came to her house and stabbed Dee Dee while
Gypsy waited, ears covered, in the bathroom. Gypsy had twice posted to the Facebook account she shared
with her mother, once writing, "That bitch is dead!". After Dee Dee's murder, many people who'd known
Gypsy wondered why she had gone so far as to kill her. Since she could walk, she simply could've
exposed Dee Dee's lies by standing up in public. As Gypsy's medical records documented the abuse she'd
been subjected to, her lawyer was able to arrange a plea deal for the charges she faced in Dee Dee's death;
in 2016, Gypsy pled guilty to second-degree murder. She was sentenced to 10 years in prison.


Gypsy was abused by using by her mother for money because her mother knew the she will receive
money from the donations and she forced her daughter to pretend that she was suffering some illness. Dee
Dee is faking her daughter’s medical records but experts says that Gypsy’s health condition is all normal.
She lied about her daughter’s health just take what she wants. They killed her mother and stabbed
multiple times that causes murder.
The reason why the abuse was transpired is that, Dee Dee wanted the money, the reason why she is
forcing her daughter to pretend she was illness. Also, Gypsy want to escape from her mother and to live
in a normal life, to get freedom, the reason why they planned to kill her mother. According to her friend
in the interview, Gypsy is not yet allowed to date with someone, maybe it is also the reason why they did
the crime. There is also a possibility that Gypsy did not control her anger and she did not think what
would be the consequences of what they are planning to do.

For me, I cannot blame Gypsy for killing her mother because she was been used and was like slave by her
mother in her whole life. She does not deserve to live with lies in her whole life. But she has no rights to
kills someone, there are too many ways to escape from being abused. Example is live with her boyfriend
and ask help from her friend or her father. She does not have trust with everyone but she must try for the
sake of her freedom.

I feel a little bit sad because every person must live normally and have freedom. Gypsy will not be
convicted and Dee Dee will not be killed if they live the normal life that everyone deserves to have.

Just like Gypsy’s friend, I am willing to help my friend no matter how big it is. I will do my part as a
friend and to care our friendship.

Gypsy was abused by using by her mother for cash because her mother knew the she will receive cash
from the donations and she forced her girl to pretend that she was enduring some illness. Dee Dee is
faking her daughter’s medical records but experts says that Gypsy’s health condition is all normal. The
reason why the abuse was happened is that, Dee Dee wanted the cash, the reason why she is forcing her
girl to pretend she was illness. Also, Gypsy need to escape from her mother and to live in a normal life, to
get freedom, the reason why they planned to murder her mother. For me, I cannot blame Gypsy for killing
her mother since she was been used and was like slave by her mother in her entirety life. Gypsy will not
be sentenced and Dee Dee will not be murdered if they live the typical life that everybody deserves to
have. Similar to Gypsy’s friend, I am willing to help my friend no matter how big it is.

We can avoid this situation if we all do is to treat everyone of us. Let’s just love our family members and
we must know that Love and care of the Family is more important than money. We must learn the laws
and the consequences if we did something like crime. Do not be scared to open up our problems with our
friends, we do not know they are the one who can help us to solve our problems.

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