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Mariah Brown

Classroom Behavior and Management Plan

Class Rules Rationale Consequences Rewards

1.Be kind to 1.Being in a 1. Verbal warning 1. Cell phone time as

everyone respectful designated by the
environment allows 2. Move to a teacher
2. Listen when other everyone to feel safe different seat or
people are talking participating and separation from 2. Music of student’s
working together. peers. (if rule 1,2, or choice during guided
3. Ask before you 3 are broken) practice (clean
get up and go 2.Everyone wants to version only)
somewhere feel heard and 4. An essay on why
listening to others your behavior is 3. Collaborating with
4. Keep your hands
gives yourself the harmful to others peers of choice for
to yourself
opportunity to fully and better certain activities.
5. Keep your engage in the alternatives (If rule 1
cellphones put away discussion. and 5 are broken)
in your backpacks
3.When you are in 3.Confiscation of
my classroom I am phone until the end
completely of the class period
responsible for you. I (until rule 5 is
need to know where broken)
you are and why at
all times especially in 4. Sitting with the
the event of an teacher to complete
emergency. your work

4. Everyone has 5.Parent phone call

boundaries and
needs their space 6. Referral (rule #5
respected in order to will get you an
feel safe. Physical automatic referral)
fighting will not be
tolerated. Don’t start
none won’t be none.
Which is why rule #1
is also important.

5. Cell phones are a

huge distraction.
Mariah Brown
Classroom Procedures
Entering Class Turning In Vocabulary Exiting Class

Steps 1. Students will 1. Students will 1. Students are 1. The bell does
quietly wait by the turn in Homework expected to bring not dismiss you. I
door in a straight line at the beginning of blank flash cards dismiss you
parallel to the wall class. to class with them 2. Students will
until the teacher lets 2. During class every day. make sure there
them in worksheets will be 2. During the are is clean and
2. During this time passed to the front PowerPoint lecture free of debris
upon completion I will highlight key 3. All students
students will have
3. If I am not in terms and provide will push their
their homework
class for any reason the definitions for chairs in
ready in hand please make sure them. 4. Students will
3. Upon entering the you turn your work 3. As a class we gather all of their
class students will into your assigned will stop and write things and exit
hand their homework class bin. the word on the the room using an
in to the teacher at 4. If for any reason front of the card indoor voice
the door. you are absent and the definition
4. Students will grab submit your work on the other side.
their journals and in through google 4. You will keep
begin answering the classroom. these flash cards
questions at the front with you for
of the board. review.

Rationale Entering the Work needs to be Vocabulary is one The next class
classroom like this turned in organized of the most coming in or the
gets students in the so that I do not essential parts to custodians should
mindset ready to loose it. I need to passing all exams not be responsible
work so that we can get it back to you in and providing a for cleaning your
maximize our time in order to provide basic level of mess. Likewise, I
class you with feedback understanding in do not want you
in a timely manner this course. having to sit in a
Flashcards are dirty classroom
your lifeline. either.
Mariah Brown
Consequence If students fail to I will not accept If you fail to bring I will not let
enter the classroom work not turned in flashcards in to anyone leave the
according to protocol properly class you must classroom until I
then we will practice purchase blank dismiss you all
again and again until ones from me for and all the trash is
we get it right. the vocabulary for picked up. If you
However long it the day at a price are late I will not
takes. of 25 cent total. write a pass. Hold
Not doing the yourselves and
flashcards is not an your peers
option. accountable.

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