Data Flow Diagram

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Figure 1.

1 shows that the admin can manage patient records but it was restricted
by only viewing it, can’t modify nor delete patient record. All the patient information is
from the Database 1 or the Patient Database. Admin can also view the appointment
status of each user ‘patient’, and ‘doctor’.

Figure 1.2 together with figure 1.3 shows the appointment consist of the doctor
information, services and the doctor packages, it will go to the doctor database so that
the patient can view each detail per doctor.
While on the other hand, Figure 1.4 shows that after the patient selected the
doctor, he/she want to it will no proceed on the appointment confirmation by using
patient payment status then it will be save on the appointment database.

Figure 2.1 shows that the Doctor can also manage patient information
that can be use to assess the patient for appointments, all details that display on the
figure 2.1 is from the Patient database. Right after the patient sent a request for
appointment the system flow will now proceed to the figure 2.2 wherein the Doctor
manage the appointment records then any details from the applying of appointment will
be seen also by the admin side because admin can validate if the patient is paid or not.
If the patient is paid then the process will continue. The payment database will update
once the admin confirmed the payment transactions then the doctor and patient will now
proceed to figure 2.5 wherein, they start the consultation via video conferencing and
right after that the doctor now will process all the gathered patient information about on
what their illness are.
Figure 3.1 shows the application of patient for consultation the patient can see
the available appointments of each doctor then the patient can select now the
appointment date and time they want to then the patient should wait for the appointment
confirmation. Right after the patient apply for appointment it will now send to the
appointment database the proceeds to Figure 3.2 wherein the patient should pay before
proceeding to the next step, this figure shows that admin will process a payment
confirmation after the admin confirms it. The flow will now proceed to the figure 3.3
wherein the doctor and the patient can do video conferencing then after the
conversation the next process now will proceed to the figure 3.4 wherein the Doctor
generate the diagnostic of the patient including the prescriptions of the doctor. The
figure 3.5 shows the patient can modify their information to maintain patient information
updated on the website database.

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