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Grade 11- STEM, TVL-A, TVL-B, Arts and Design, and ABM

Topics: a. Finding the Mean, Variance and Standard Deviation of the Population.
b. Central Limit Theorem

General Directions:

This problem set consists of three parts. Read the directions of each and answer
what is being asked. Write your answers in a one (1) whole sheet of paper. Avoid erasures.

Part I. Describe the given mathematical symbols. (2pts. Each).

1. μ 6. X̄
2. ∑X 2
7. n
3. X 8. σ
4. N 9. ∑
5. σ 10. Z
Part II. Give the formula of the following: (3pts. Each).

1. Mean of Population
2. Variance of Population
3. Standard deviation of Population
4. Z-score when there is only one sample
5. Z-score when there are multiple sample

Part III. Problem Solving

a. Directions: Solve the mean, variance, and standard deviation of the given
problem. Enumerate the given and describe the mean and standard deviation
in words after calculating it. (15 points Each)

1. The data set below gives the prices (in dollar) if cordless phones at an electronics
store. 35, 50, 60, 60, 75, 65, 80, 90, 10.

2. The data below shows the grades of 10 students in a 15-item quiz in math: 12,
10, 11, 14,13 ,10, 9, 9, 8, 8.

3. The data set below gives the calories in a 1-ounce serving of several breakfast
cereals. 135, 115, 120, 110, 110, 100, 105, 110, 125, 130, 130, 135, 100.

b. Directions: Solve the given problem involving central limit Theorem. Follow the
six (6) steps in solving. Each step has corresponding points. (15 points each)

1. A certain group of welfare receives an allowance benefit of 510 pesos per week
with a standard deviation of 20 pesos. If the random sample of 25 people is
taken, what is the probability that their mean benefit will be less than 500 pesos
per week?

2. In a study of the life expectancy of 400 people in a certain geographic region, the
mean age at death was 70 years, and the standard deviation was 5.1 years. If a
Sample of 50 people from this region is selected, what is the probability that the
Mean life expectancy will be less than 68 years

3. The average number of milligrams (mg) of cholesterol in a cup of a certain brand

of a certain ice cream is 660 mg, the standard deviation is 35 mg. Assume the
variable is normally distributed.

a. if a cup of ice cream is selected, what is the probability that the

cholesterol content will be more than 670 mg?).
b. if a sample of 10 cups of ice cream is selected, what is the probability that
the mean of the sample will be larger than 670 mg?

-------------------------END of the Problem SET -----------------------

“Just because we can’t find a solution it doesn’t mean that there isn’t one.”
– Andrew Wiles

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