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Raghu Ramakrishna Raju Kanumuru Standing Committee Member :

Personnel, Public Grievance, Law & Justice


EX. CHAIRMAN Gonsultative Committee Member :

Standin g Committee on
S u bord inate Legislation ll.iqt{rr{i Ministry of Power
15tt, Julyr 2O2L
Sri YS Jaganmohan Reddy
The Hon'ble Chief Minister
Government of Andhra pradesh

Sub : Loo/" Ews Reservation (s% for KApuS - syo for others)
Ref : Nava Suchanalau ( Vidheyathatho ) Letter _ g.
Dear Sir,

It goes without saying that in Indian context, social backwardness

leads to educational backwardness and both of them together lead to
poverty which, in turn, breeds and perpetuates the sociat ana educational
backwardness. They feed upon each other constituting a vicious circle.
( Hon'ble Supreme Court of India, Indra Sawhnev v. Union of India -1992

In this current financial year 1Or143 vacancies in various departments

have been approved by finance department through a circular ,r., i8,n June,
2O2L exactly on the same day that you released the job calendar. After keeping
aside SC / ST / Elacklog posts we would still have 9OOO posts out of which 10%
inferring 9OO posts would be available for the unemployed youth from the
economically weaker sections. During the release of th; job calendar our
government announced that 6.03 lakhs of jobs have been filled in the last two
years. I[ you exclude thc recently merged APSRTC it would ieave S.SO lakhs of
jobs that are filled effectively. 1.21.S18 of villaqe secretarial posts. 2.59,565 of
,olunteer jobs. 26.325 temporarv emplovees on contract Ui"i*""ruited for
a emerge ICCS A,N 212 candidates hired OPC
outsourcing corporation. The EWS unemployed have tost ttreir opportunity in
all these recruitment's that happened in these last two y"""=l Recentlv in
lar Teluqu dailv ENADU there is a detailed article on the same issue and
also on TVc am al SCVC from
unemplo S Youth an ublic sentatives must b tin

EWS rese is onlv m licable in ational in utions in

ven in the t times al b caiendar i leased wi t eivin
anlr sort of clarity on the EWS reservation.

while the state governmenl. made two acts based on the 103
constitutional amendments leading to five percent reservation for
economically baclnvard communities and five percent for the Kapus
belonging to KAPU, Balija, Telaga, ontari nothing concrete is seen in
execution keeping in view the interim order passed by the Hon'ble High
Court. The BC welferre departmentpassed GO No 60 on 2T1h July, 21lg making
the EWS reservation applicable only to educational Institutions exclucling th!
minority institutions.

Delhi: No. 18, New Bunglows, NorthAvenue Raisina Hills, New Delhi-110001 Phone: +91 11 26145973,23094341
Narasapuram Constituency : Pedaamiram, Near SRKR Engineering College, Bhimavaram-534237, Andhra Pradesh
Tel: 08816 227688, Fax : 08816 234611, Mobile : +91 90009 11111, +9'l9000922222
E-mail :,

In the GO it's menti that a sc order wo sed for

he Job reserv however it h secn the li the da
I request you to immediately make the applicability of EWS reservations
for jobs too and make quick arrangements for obtaining further clarity from the
courts' Public are of the opinion that we go to court for many other aspects and
why isn't that we are not approaching courts for clarity on this which is putting
our credibility at stake amongst the unemployed EWS youth not only for Kapi
community but all other economically weaker communities *orla
appreciate this move. It is. highly advisable that this be made applicable to
contract and also outsourcing jobs in future in our state.
The petitioner who challenged the two acts made by us saying that dividing
the 10 7o reservation given by centre through 103 amendment is unionstitutionJ
and is against the objective and purpose of the amendment. Flowever, I wish to
let you know that there is no stay issued by the Hon,ble Court for the
implementation of these two acts in the state. It only released interim directives
for educational institutions to implement the act for EWS.

The Hon Court sai ere is case ns in the a urt

on the validi e 103 constit al amendmen t amen 15
and art f the Indian ution and unl there is a from
that end and also without counter affidavits consideration they wouldn't be ablc
to take the case forward.

I-lowever. the educational reservation implementation is also bound bv the

rectives on the writ petition filed and advised that the government takes an
undertakins t uture benefit will asked or for if t
contrary order resultinq out of the writ petition.

Keeping this as basis our government stopped the implementation of the

EWS job reservation while partially implementing the same for educational
Institutions, hence I request you to immediately act upon this and provide that
Iive percent resenration for KAPU community and this will not create any
problem for the other communities as 5O% of the economicaliy weaker forward
community population anyhow belongs to KAPU community and the rest of five
percent reservations for economically weaker sections come to aid for the
remaining communities without creating any negativity amongst those sections.

This quick act of yours can be of great relief to all those who believed
on our election promises. eggx)Jo eoJo6eSo $Xro. This would also ward off
any agitation that these people may plan out of dissent. Awaiting you
positive action on this crucial issue without any further delay.

With kind regards.

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