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Sarit Swarup Mahapatra

Roll Number:-20202049
Marketing intern

Corporate Guide
Shri Sameer Rai
Business Development Manager

Faculty Mentor
Prof.Praveen Mohanty
Ph.D. Professor of Economics & Finance
KIIT School of Management


I declare that the report on “A Study on CRM ,Role of E-Commerce and related marketing strategies” is
an original work done by me in accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the Dean’s office for
preparation for Summer Internship Project Report and the work has not been submitted anywhere else for

I understand that if the content of the work is found to be plagiarized at any time of its evaluation, my
report can be rejected, and disciplinary action may be initiated against me.

Sarit Swarup Mahapatra

Roll No: 20202049
MBA (2020-2022)


I would like to express my gratitude to all those who have given me the possibility to pursue this summer
internship program. I would like to thank KIIT School of Management, Bhubaneswar for giving me
this opportunity to imbibe depth knowledge by working in a company. To do the necessary research work
and gain more expertise in the PGPM program along with the theoretical knowledge.

I would want to thank MAGNIK INDIA PVT. LTD. for giving me this chance to be a part of the
organization and for the Company’s constant support throughout my training

I have taken efforts in this project. However, it would not have been possible without the kind support
and help of many individuals and this organization. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of

I take this opportunity to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my Faculty guide, Shri
Praveen Mohanty, Ph.D Professor of Economics & Finance, KIIT School of Management for his
guidance, monitoring and constant encouragement throughout the course of this project.

I also take this opportunity to express a deep sense of gratitude to my Corporate Guide Shri Sameer Rai,
Business Development Manager, MAGNIK for his cordial support, valuable information and guidance,
which helped me in completing this training through various stages.

I am obliged to MAGNIK and the team leaders, for the valuable information provided by them in all the
respective fields I am grateful for their cooperation during the period of my summer training.

Sarit Swarup Mahapatra

Roll No: 20202049

MBA (2020-2022)

Sl No TOPIC Page No












This is an attempt to know how theories can be applied to practical situations. As a student of MBA, it
is a part of study for everyone to undergo summer project at some good organization. So, for this
purpose, I got an opportunity to do my summer internship at Magnik India.

Magnik India is a leading Magazine and Journal store in India, owned and operated by Tenhard India
Pvt Ltd, an Indian company. They offer one of the complete collections of magazines and journals.
This report contains the information about the project I carried out during my internship which is “ “A
Study on CRM ,Role of E-Commerce and related marketing strategies”.

The general information about the firm was gathered in the first part of the project report. The data is
obtained from both primary and secondary sources.

The aim and background of the summer internship programme are presented in the second section of
the project report. The goal of the study is to conduct research on CRM, the role of e-commerce, and
digital marketing in generating income for the firm, as well as to continuously analyse marketing
methods and their effectiveness in influencing sales.

The objective expresses what a business unit wishes to accomplish. The strategy is the plan of action
for accomplishing the objectives. The marketing plan should be based on the fundamental idea that
client happiness is the primary aim.

The project's background was to assist Magnik India in increasing its sales by Tele-calling, meeting
with clients and telling them about magazines, different offers available to them, handling their
queries, complaints and recording them in CRM, preparing customer feedback report about the
services provided by Magnik India, pitching publishers for collaboration in the sale of their Print

In this project, I learnt how to reach out to potential consumers and assess their needs before investing
in any of our products.

During this internship, I learnt how to pitch and persuade organisations (such as automobile, tourism,
education, and pharmaceutical) to partner with Magnik India's For B2B business

In today's digital marketing environment, we've learnt about numerous types of digital internet
marketing and how to attract the highest audience through it.

During my internship, I learned how CRM works and how we could approach consumers using
various marketing and selling tactics. I was also introduced to both e-commerce platforms (B2C and
B2B) and other marketing techniques.

The internship is an integral platform for anyone to gain experience in an actual workplace. Magnik
India gave me a platform where I can learn, experience, and understand the market. They also gave
me an exposure of the real marketing world.

MAGNIK INDIA is one of the leading service providers and act as link between the publishers and
reader in the print as well as digital format, head office in Noida. It provides the different kinds of
magazines such as politics, business, health etc. As an intern to Magnik India, I am interacting with
their existing customers as well as new customers. I am using different means of communication like
telephone; e-mail etc. to interact with the customers. The main aim of my internship is to understand
the different types of Sales Promotion Techniques Used by MAGNIK INDIA. Data of existing
subscribers is given to me every day and I am supposed to convert the leads by Tele callings, Meeting
with the clients and telling them about magazines, different offers available for them, handling their
queries and complains and recording them in CRM, preparing customer feedback report about the
services provided by Magnik India. Alongwith, I am pitching the publishers for collaboration in the
sale of their Print and Digital media products. The goal of Magnik is to generate as many sales as
possible. To serve this purpose, my work is to pitch subscribers for generated leads to generate
revenue as well as number of sales for the organization.

The purpose of the project is to find out the techniques used by Magnik India to attract their existing
customers in renewing their subscription and also to attract new customers


1) Innovative and customer-oriented products.

2) Direct approach to the customer.
3) Customer satisfaction.
4) Efficient and fast delivery system.
5) Good subscription gifts.


1) Price of some magazines is high.

2) It takes seven to eight weeks in delivering first copy of the subscriber.
3) Sometimes Gift is not delivered to Customer as per given time.


1) It has many products capturing all sectors information so it has an opportunity to become a
market leader.
2) MAGNIK has an opportunity to promote its magazine at international level with international
3) MAGNIK can increase its product line by collaborating with new magazines, related to
current affairs, fashion, food and wildlife exclusively.


1) Existing competitors in the market. Competitors are increasing in the product

2) India today has already captured the big market share.
3) Perception of Readers.
The project ““A Study on CRM ,Role of E-Commerce and related marketing strategies” for Magnik
India Private Limited using Corporate Promotional activities & online internet marketing is an
attempt to measure the effectiveness of the existing promotional techniques used by Magnik India”.
The project also aims in helping Magnik India find out new promotion techniques so that more
business can be generated for the company.

Knowing your clients better can allow you to provide better service and keep them loyal for a long
time. Customer Relationship Management revolves upon this fundamental idea (CRM).

However, our understanding of CRM is still inadequate and evolving. CRM is a business philosophy,
a business strategy, a business process, or a technology instrument. "CRM is a relationship
orientation, customer retention, and better customer value produced via process management." As a
business strategy, "CRM is a customer-focused company strategy that attempts to enhance customer
happiness and loyalty by providing a more responsive and personalized service."

The strategic kind of CRM is concerned with the development of a customer-centric corporate culture
in order to generate a competitive advantage by making decisions on where to better spend the
organization's resources. The operational type is concerned with the automation of customer processes
such as marketing automation, sales force automation, and service automation. Operational CRM is
concerned with automating and simplifying workflow in the front office, which includes data
collection, transaction processing, and workflow control in the sales, marketing, and services
departments. The analytical type is concerned with enhancing customer and organizational value via
the use of customer data. Collaborative CRM is an additional type of CRM. Because collaborative
CRM operates at the CRM operational level, several studies considered it to be a subset of operational
CRM. Collaborative CRM focuses on customer integration across a variety of engagement channels,
as well as working closely with a limited group of customers, suppliers, and business partners.
Collaborative technologies offer many communication channels such as email, phone calls, faxes, and
internet pages that customers can utilize while interacting with a company. When dealing with client
data, the use of CRM processes is required.



The customer is the only source of the company’s present profit and future growth. However, a good
customer, who provides more profit with less resource, is always scarce because customers are
knowledgeable and competition is fierce.


The relationship between a company and its customers involves continuous bi-directional
communication and interaction. The relationship can be short term or long term, continuous or
discrete, and repeating or one-time. Relationship can be attitudinal or behavioral. Even though
customers have a positive attitude towards company and its products, their buying behavior is highly


CRM is a not an activity only within a marketing department. Rather it involves continuous corporate
change in culture and processes. The customer information collected is transformed into corporate
knowledge that lead to activities that take advantage of the information and of market opportunities.
CRM requires a comprehensive change in the organization and its people.

The next important part of the Magnik india is complete based on ecommerce where it sells products
and services through online, E-commerce is buying and selling of goods and services or doing
business transaction by using internet. The term e-commerce and e-business used interchangeably.
The term e-transaction also used in case of online shopping transaction process. E-trade involves the
automation by trustworthy and secure connections of the variety between business and business and
consumers. The interchange of business documents should include the use of electronic transmission
mediums, such as telephone or wireless, including the purchase and sale of digitally from a place to
another products and services from computer to computer and from the internet as media. E-
commerce is a composite of technologies that support information flow between companies and
commercial tactics. e-commerce reinforces reactivity and opens new worldwide markets. The
application is Ecommerce use of various communication technologies to allow automated corporate
information interchange with internal and external customers, suppliers, and financial institutions E-
Commerce is about building up an internet company that allows users to browse your website, and
access your goods and service online virtually. When a visitor wishes to purchase something, he or
she can do so by adding it to their virtual shopping basket. The items in the virtual shopping basket
can be added or deleted, and the consumer can then go to the virtual checkout counter, which displays
the total and asks for the customer's name, address, and other information, as well as payment options
such as credit cards.

We live at a time when change is sweeping the small company industry. People wanting to start their
own enterprises now have a totally new option to pursue. Many customers prefer to purchase online
rather than in-store. The capacity to engage with clients over the web in ways that were previously
only a pipe dream for e-commerce businesses.

Digital marketing is a communication technique used in e-commerce to reach out to target customers
in the most efficient way possible.

Through the use of fantastic tools such as digital marketing, businesses can now build a direct,
personal, and practical relationship with their customers. Customers increasingly demand a social
experience as well as online customer assistance from businesses. Stores that do not provide online
web and application assistance risk losing consumers to someone who can meet their needs.


E-commerce is the process of selling items or services to consumers via digital platforms. The
primary goal is to promote companies using various types of digital media for branding and sales.
Digital marketing goes beyond online marketing to cover platforms that do not require internet access.
Mobile phones (SMS and MMS), social media marketing, display advertising, search engine
marketing, and any other kind of digital media are all included.

Most experts feel that 'digital' is more than simply another marketing medium. It necessitates a new
marketing strategy as well as a new knowledge of customer behavior.

Over the last ten years, ecommerce has become increasingly important for many businesses - even those that
still have physical shops - as it offers greater flexibility for business owners and customers.

However, the pandemic led to a sudden increase in businesses including or even switching to an ecommerce
model to continue trading with physical distancing. In spite of restrictions easing, many businesses will now
consider growing their ecommerce capability for the long-term.

We expect many more new businesses will launch using ecommerce on its own to begin with.

Given the current state of affairs, digital channels in marketing are becoming increasingly important
for all organizations plans. Car manufacturers and real estate businesses, for example, utilize the
internet, email, Google search, and social media to announce new models and residential
developments, respectively. Customers are also interacted with and engaged on their websites, email,
pages, and channels. According to my understanding, internet advertising is increasing in this area as
compared to print and electronic media.


Over the last decade the digital world is rapidly increasing and CRM is the market's buzzword in Mid
1990s. CRM (Customer Relationship Management), sometimes it is called customer management is a
business strategy designed to optimize profitability, revenue and customer satisfaction by organizing
the enterprise around customer segments, fostering customer-centric behaviours and implementing
customer-centric processes[ CITATION Kot09 \l 1033 ]

E-commerce is rising exponentially every day in the era of development and internet as an adopted
business model. E-commerce is fast gaining popularity. Increasingly, companies are creating websites
that provide capabilities for commercial web transactions. The procedure of purchasing on the web is
widespread. It is appropriate to claim. The most prominent commercial usage of the World Wide Web
is the business-to-consumer part of electronic trade (e-commerce)[ CITATION kaurKau \l 1033 ]

MAGNIK INDIA is India’s leading e-commerce store of Magazine and Journal subscription on-
line . It offer one of the most comprehensive collections of magazines and journals, The major part of
the company is dealing customers online where most of the transitions takes place and CRM helps to
maintain dealing with every customers one – to- one keeping every customer touch point touched.
This paper help us to understand how crm and ecommerce helps the company to work properly

Marketing has various characteristics in the traditional era to bond with clients and do business with
them. Now, since the economic climate fluctuates, many companies are wondering what ways can
bring about To provide consumers with optimal advantages. In the past, marketing was mostly carried
out focused on market and customer segmentation and attempt to pick up a new product Customers
use mass marketing methods and strategies. The notion of customer relations is not new; even sooner
The merchant realised that it was a good idea to build client connections Return back. Because with
the diverse and uncertain environment, organisations have been obliged to rearrange in order to
improve their prospects of survival and growth. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) has been
implemented as part of the restructuring efforts. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a
business strategy that places the customer at the heart of the firm. In today's environment,
relationships are more vital than everything else that an organisation wishes to keep with their
associations. It has become critical for all organisations to establish rich and fruitful relationships, and
it has become even more critical to sustain them in order to be rewarded. Many years ago, economists
introduced the concept of value maximization, whereby a firm maximizes profits and consumers
maximize utility. Today, we have the concept of CRM. Theorists in this area still emphasize firm
performance and customer value, though they also talk about the dual creation of firm and customer
value The goal of CRM is to understand the needs and demands of customers giving them more value.
Interaction with customers helps an organization to better understand its clients thus improving their
performance. Customers are more at ease with companies with whom they have a better level of
cooperation. By understanding the needs of their customers, companies develop a long term
relationship with their customers. Thus CRM earns customer loyalty which in turn increases its
revenue. Customer Relationship Management is an upright concept or strategy to solidify relations
with customers and at the same time reducing cost and enhancing productivity and profitability in
business. An ideal CRM system is a centralized collection of all data sources under an organization
and provides an atomistic real time vision of customer information. A CRM system is vast and
significant, but it can be implemented for small business, as well as large enterprises also as the main
goal is to assist the customers efficiently. The fundamental intention of a CRM is based on the
awareness, understanding and serving the customer in best possible manner is the method of
developing the long term relationship and compete in the market. The following points have to posses
the relationship in a framework[ CITATION Yin05 \l 1033 ],[ CITATION Pay06 \l 1033 ]
CRM is a business strategy that blends people, processes, and technology to improve an organization's
relationships with all types of customers. CRM aids in better understanding the customer, allowing
firms to efficiently modify their products and service offerings based on the demands of the consumer
in order to retain customers and boost customer loyalty and satisfaction. Many businesses are
embracing customer relationship management tactics in order to gain benefits such as increased
revenues and profitability.
E-commerce is the online and electronic business process. Buying and selling stock and bonds, selling
a real product, purchasing items and services for your company's operations, or purchasing a dress are
all examples. E-Commerce includes the huge number of businesses that are being carried out on the
web with the assistance of internet, hosting sites and website monitoring to consumers and businesses.
Although popular, there is far more e-commerce than online purchasing. Millions a day.
E-trade involves the automation by trustworthy and secure connections of the variety between
business and business and consumers. The interchange of business documents should include the use
of electronic transmission mediums, such as telephone or wireless, including the purchase and sale of
digitally from a place to another products and services from computer to computer and from the
internet as media. E-commerce is a composite of technologies that support information flow between
companies and commercial tactics. e-commerce reinforces reactivity and opens new worldwide
markets. The application is Ecommerce use of various communication technologies to allow
automated corporate information interchange with internal and external customers, suppliers, and
financial institutions E-Commerce is about building up an internet company that allows users to
browse your website, and access your goods and service online virtually. When a visitor wishes to
purchase something, he or she can do so by adding it to their virtual shopping basket. The items in the
virtual shopping basket can be added or deleted, and the consumer can then go to the virtual checkout
counter, which displays the total and asks for the customer's name, address, and other information, as
well as payment options such as credit cards. The concept of E- Commerce suit to only those products
or service that appear more suitable for online sale E- Commerce solutions in spare do not compete
with retail stores.[ CITATION Rav97 \l 1033 ]
The twenty-first century marked a significant shift in the way people live, work, and communicate.
Every day, we are witnessing the digital revolution. Researchers may now assert that “literacy is not
confined to simply reading and writing, but without understanding of computer, one cannot be
deemed literate in the twenty-first century.”
In today's Global World idea, students, professionals, businesspeople, and every individual are
surrounded by a digital environment. Because of transportation, the globe drew closer together, and
communication grew more rapid. Because of "smartphones," everyone is communicating intelligently.
the term 'digital marketing' was first used in the 1990s. In the 2000s and the 2010s, digital marketing
became more sophisticated as an effective way to create a relationship with the consumer that has
depth and relevance. (Clark Davre 2003)
Digital marketing is often referred to as 'online marketing' or 'internet marketing'. The term 'digital
marketing' has grown in popularity over time, particularly in certain countries. In the USA 'online
marketing' is still prevalent, but in the UK and worldwide, 'digital marketing' has become the most
common term, especially after the year 2013. Digital marketing is a marketing that makes use of
electronic devices (e.g. computers) such as personal computers, smart phones, cell phones, tablets and
game consoles to engage with stakeholders. Digital marketing applies technologies or platforms such
as websites, e-mail, apps (classic and mobile) and social networks. Social Media Marketing is a
component of digital marketing. Many organizations use a combination of traditional and digital
marketing channels

[ CITATION Fil95 \l 1033 ] was written very well that “the primary role of marketing communications is
to engage audience.
(Chaffey, 2012)The application of the internet and related digital technologies in combination with
conventional communication to accomplish marketing objectives Digital marketing is the use of the
channels in order to reach the desired target market via some of the following channels social media,
websites, multimedia advertising, online search engine advertisement.


Scope of the research

The aim of this research is to study the contribution of CRM (customer relationship Management and
know how it contributes towards retentions of customer and to find out some challenges in using
well as we have to know how e-commers and digital marketing works an important role in the
company. The result of this research is to frame an appropriate CRM strategy in which companies can
give special consideration to Digital marketing along with other traditional tools of marketing.

Research objectives
The corona virus has really disturbed the market as well as the strategy that were previously use to
deliver better support or service so the main objective of this research paper are as follows:-




A research design and process is a strategy for answering your research question. It is a tool for
carrying out the strategy. Research design and methods are separate but inextricably linked, since
properly designed research means that the data you obtain can help you answer your research question
more effectively.

To study our research problem, we came up with 4 research objectives:



a) Data Sourcing, also known as data processing, is the method of collecting data from external or
internal databases that provide information for different purposes. A primary data source is an
accurate knowledge supply set, that is, information gathered firsthand for a specific research purpose
or mission. Primary data may be obtained in a variety of ways, including surveys, observations,
questionnaires, and so on.
b)The methods, plans, and procedures used in research range from broad conclusions to specific
techniques for data collection, study, and interpretation. There are three types of approaches:
qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods. We used a hybrid method approach in this study, which
combines quantitative and qualitative approaches.

c)The collection process of a subset of people from a statistical sample to predict characteristics of the
entire population is known as sampling. Simple random sampling, systematic sampling, stratified
sampling, and cluster sampling are the four methods of sampling available. Since any member of the
population has an equal probability of being chosen, the basic random sampling procedure is used.

d)Any device used to collect or extract data, degree facts, or analyse facts relevant to the study task is
referred to as a research tool. Interviews, assessments, surveys, and checklists are all examples of
assessment tools. In this case, a survey is used to monitor human experiences, viewpoints, thoughts,
and attitudes that can be used to make critical decisions.

e) The contact method was an interactive questionnaire survey sent to friends and family members of
various ages, which helped to produce inconsistent response rates. The survey was distributed via
email and other social media channels.

f) As we have opt for a hybrid method we also went for case study Research to see how e commers
has implemented in the company


Sample size
Sources of data:
Primary Data (questionnaire with the customers) & Secondary data (organization’s Database).

Analysis tools to be used:

MS Excel is used for the breakdown of responses by the customers and to prepare pie chart of
the responses.
Likert scale is also used to get an idea.
Gender distributions
In the total response of 55 people 48.1% are male and 51.9% are females

How much they want to spend?

In the total response of 55 people 70.4% spends less than 5k in reading and follow with 22.2% of 5-
AGE distributions

According to the nbers I have got major age distributions between 18-24 age with respect to other

In the total responses of 55 people 72.7% people prefer to read magazine and on the other
side only 4.5% people were not interested in reading stuff, and there is 22.7% of people who
are confused. It indicates that more of the people are interested in the reading stuff during this
time period also.
According to the numbers I have got the daily readers are 27.3% ,the weekly is 40.9% and the
monthly are 27.3%. rest few percent of people are not interested the stuff. This indicates that many
people are weekly readers as compared to that of daily and monthly.

According to the number I have customers of 50.0% who like to take the digital subscriptions as well
as print and there are people with 24.1% with only print media and 25.9%% as digital media
According to the graph and numbers the key areas of interest while reading are first preference is
given to the news, second to the sports, third to the fashion carried on further with automobile,
wildlife, technology and other various sectors.

As compared to other service providers where Magnik India stands in the following fields?
According to the numbers it can be concluded that more of the people’s experience with the website
i.e., was good as compared to the other competitor website, although the excellent
numbers are also great but the mark of good bar is high in almost every segment of comparison.

People like our service as percentage shows 63.6% people comparatively like our service
provided to them, this can be due to the best magazine in every segment and also less range of the
collection so it is easy to operate and find their choice of magazine hassle-free. Only 36.4% people are
dissatisfied with the service this can be due to the payment failure on the website during checkout as
till now this is the core problem faced by many customers.
According to the graph the most popular plan was 999 for 3 months because most of the
buyers of students groups and they want more value for money

Likert scale used to identify how much people want to share the website and the service provided to
their known ones. It was found that from the scale of 1 – 5 people where 1 was the lowest and 5 was
the highest more percentage of the people chose between 4 to 5.
68.2% said yes to use the service again in future, 9.1% were no and 22.7% people were unsure about
this. This shows that many people were happy using the website and also, they were satisfied with the
service the unsure ones must be looking for some of their choices or need which couldn’t be found
over the website but they wish to use it in future is additions happen in future

The very first duty that was allocated to me was the development of sales leads.
I was given specific goals to meet within a few days. First, they assigned me an employee
code so that they could monitor my sales. Next, they taught me about the firm, the items, and how to
use my code when purchasing a product.
The first thing I did was create a data base and set some goals for how I can achieve the specific
target, then I started pitching to different people the potential leads, making them aware of the current
situation and the benefits they are receiving In the marketing part I promoted Magnik India on my
social media and also on various Facebook pages., and as a result I have achieved a revenue of

Concerning the second objective CRM aim, we created a questionnaire and sent it to various
clients, as well as to our family and friends, in order to collect crucial information from our
According to the survey, the age group between 18-24 reading a lot and the most prefer mode is both
the digital as well as print mode, customers are willing to read weekly as opposed to daily basics, the
most favourite category is news sports fashion and technology, customers are quite satisfied with the
overall package that magnik People want to continue using the service,
As we can see from the poll, more individuals prefer digital forms of material over traditional
forms, thus in order to retain customers, we might provide special deals or discounts. The consumers
we could make special offers or special customisations options to them , And make special offers to
the consumer which are hesitated to take our service once again We could offer a better customer
service and offers according to there suggestions.
The third goal was to integrate e-commerce In Magnik India, the objective was to obtain
information about the firm for which Magnik India can hook up and conduct work, by means of data
mining and other ways I gathered the data and supplied Mgnik India for future growth.
The fourth goal is how digital marketing affect the production of sales Using the poll, we
could determine that individuals with words of mouth are less aware of a product via social media and
digital mails.
Finally, I'd want to state that with the proper sales presentation and marketing techniques, we
can turn them into customers and income for the firm. We can easily retain an additional 5% of clients
with the aid of CRM, resulting in a 25% boost in earnings. We may now divide them into three
categories.1)Infrequent users: have less interactions and make fewer purchases.(Can be offered in
exchange for direct incentives such as price cuts.)2)Moderate Users: Involvement is moderate, and
purchases are frequent (benefits with the past purchase plus new one)3)Heavy Users: High levels of
interaction, loyal customers (arrange loyalty programmes) It will also result in a 2% improvement in
client retention.which leads to a 1% decrease in overall costs. The study also works in both B2B and
B2C environments, and we can create a lot of sales with the aid of digital marketing.


 Revenue Generation
 Pressure Handling.
 Convincing skills and characteristics to work in different environment.
 Different interests of customers.
 Target oriented work
 Working with different marketing strategies

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MANAGEMENT International Journal of Management (IJM)
Volume 11, Issue 9, September 2020, pp. 1125-1134, Article ID: IJM_11_09_105
Availableonline at
ISSN Print: 0976-6502 and ISSN Online: 0976-6510
DOI: 10.34218/IJM.11.9.2020.105

9) Dunakhe, K. and Panse, C. (2021), "Impact of digital marketing – a bibliometric

review", International Journal of Innovation Science, Vol. ahead-of-print No. ahead-of-

10) Payne, Adrian & Frow, Pennie. (2006). Customer Relationship Management: from Strategy to
Implementation. Journal of Marketing Management. 22. 135-168.
11) Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2012) Digital Marketing: Strategy, Implementation and
Practice. 5th Edition, Pearson Education Limited, London.
12) Marketing Communications: Frameworks, Theories, and Applications
ISBN 0131509624, 9780131509627

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