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Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently.

I. A. imagined B. enlightened c. followed D. learned
2. A. infamous B. fame c. stranger D. danger
3. A. method B. bathroom c. breathing D. width
Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the other three.
1. A. suspect B. damage c. finish D. income
2. A. recommend B. introduce c. comprehend D. interview
Choose the correct answer A, B, c, or D to complete each of the following sentences.
1. Although he didn’t actually say he wanted a radio for his birthday, he did ___ pretty strongly.
A. imply B. suggest c. mention D. hint
2. Despite all the interruptions, he ___ with hard work.
A. stuck at B. held on C. pressed on D. hung out
3. In most ___ developed countries, up to 50% of population enters higher education at some time in their
A. the / a B. 0 / 0 c. the / 0 D. 0/ the
4. After feeling off ___ for days, Tom finally went to sec his doctor.
A. food B. color c. fitness D. balance
5. He is very good at __ people singing with his guitar.
A. making B. getting c. accompanying D. having
6. Only through intensive research ___ for the virus be found.
A. a vaccine can B. does a vaccine c. can a vaccine be D. can a vaccine
7. Her outgoing character contrasts with that of her sister.
A. sharply B. thoroughly c. fully D. coolly
8. Where did you buy that ___ handbag?
A. funny leather purple B. purple funny leather
c. funny purple leather D. leather funny purple
9. Tom." ___"- Peter. “Never mind”.
A. Would you mind going to dinner next Sunday?
B. Sorry for staining your carpet. Let me have it cleaned.
c. Congratulations’. How wonderful!
D. Thank you for being so honest with me.
10. ___ workers round accidentally while constructing a new subway line in London yielded new information
about previous civilizations in the area could be well-documented.
A. That relics that B. Relics that c. It was relics that D. Not until relics that
11. You need a passport to cross the _________between Mexico and the United States.
A. edge B. line C. border D. rim
12. When you _______ your destination, your tour guide will meet you at the airport.
A. arrive B. get C. reach D. achieve
13. Rachel is mad ______ the Eurovision.
A. about B. for C. from D. against
14. We are pleased to announce that Keith Danish ______ replace Susan Williams as Operations Manager
from 24th September.
A. does B. is about to C. is to D. is due
15. Make sure you mix the ingredients well, ________ you might get lumps in your cake.
A. unless B. otherwise C. provided D. supposing.
16. If you hadn’t taken the money, you _____ in prison now.
A. wouldn’t be B. wouldn’t have been C. haven’t been D. hadn’t been.
17. The bank is reported in the local newspaper _______ in broad daylight yesterday.
A. to be robbed B. robbed C. to have been robbed D. having been robbed
18. Fiona can’t _______ about the meeting. I reminded her this morning!
A. forget B. have forgotten C. be forgetting D. have been forgetting
19. The doctor _______the cut on my knee and said it had completely healed up.
A. examined B. investigated C. researched D. looked into
20. Dr parker gave my mum a lovely ______for spaghetti carbonara.
A. receipt B. recipe C. prescription D. paper
21. I was shocked when I crashed the car but at least I wasn’t __________.
A. injured B. broken C. damaged D. spoilt
22. I glanced at the newspaper and saw that the _______ said “President Resigns”
A. headline B. heading C. subtitle D. chapter
23. I think my favorite _____ is probably table tennis.
A. athletics B. exercise C. sport D. gym
24. I think the discussion has gone on _______ and we should make a decision.
A. long enough B. such long C. so long D. enough long
25. A: “Could you do something for me?” B: _________________
A. Certain! B. Certainly C. Right! D. Never mind!
26. Lucy was late for school this morning because the alarm didn’t _______ as usual.
A. ring off B. get off C. go off D. take off
27. She applied for paid leave but her boss rejected her application__________.
A. in hand B. on hand C. at hand D. out of hand
28. I’m older than you are, ____________?
A. am I B. isn’t it C. aren’t I D. aren’t you
29. ______ parrots are native to tropical regions is untrue.
A. That all B. All C. Why all D. Since all
30. Jane: “Would you rather go to the beach or to the mountains?” Kim: “_______________”
A. That’s very nice of you C. I’d love to go
B. Thanks for the mountains D. The beach definitely
Some of the lines in the passage are correct, and some have a word that needs correction. If a line is
correct, put a tick (). If a line has a word that needs correction, write the word and its correction. There
are two examples at the beginning ( 0 and 00).

Women are experts at gossiping, and they always talk about trivial 0. _____
things, or at least that’s which men have been always thought. 00. ____
However, some new research suggests that when women talk to 1.______
women, whose conversations are far from frivolous, and cover many 2.______
more topics (up to 40 subjects) than when men talk to other men. 3.______
Women’s conversations ranged from health to their houses, from 4.______
politics to fashion, from films to family, from education to 5.______
relationship problems. Football is notable absent. Men tend to have a 6.______
more limited range of subjects, the most popular being work, sport, 7.______
jokes, cars, and women.

According to Professor Petra Boynton, a psychology at University 8.______

College London, which interviewed over 1000 women, women also 9.______
tend to move quickly from one subject to another in conversation, 10._____
whereas men usually stick about one subject for longer periods of 11._____

At work, this difference can be an advantage for men, where they can 12._____
put another matters aside and concentrate fully on the topic being 13._____
discussed. In the other hand, it also means that they sometimes find it 14._____
hard to concentrate when several things have to be discussed at the 15._____
same time in a meeting.
0. 
00. which=> what

Supply the correct forms of the words in the CAPITAL letters

“Culture shock” describes the impact of ______(1) from a familiar MOVE
culture to one which is ________( 2). It is an experience described by FAMILIAR
people who have traveled abroad to work, live or study; it can be felt to a
certain extent even when abroad on holiday. It can ______(3) anyone, EFFECT
including _______(4) students. It includes the shock of a new NATION
environment, meeting lots of new people and learning the ways of a
_______(5) country. It also includes the shock of being separated from the DIFFER
______(6) people in your life, maybe family, friends, colleagues, IMPORT
teachers: people you would normally talk to at times of _____(7), people CERTAIN
who give you support and guidance. When familiar ______(8) , sounds, SEE
smells or tastes are no longer there you can miss them very much. If you JET-LAG
are tired and ______(9) when you arrive small things can be upsetting and
out of all proportion to their real __________(10). SIGNIFY

Culture clashes
One (1)______(CHARACTER) of the modern world is that people increasingly find themselves living side
by side with people from other cultures. While in the past people with different cultures were able to live quite
(2)______(SEPARATE), high mobility and freedom of movement mean that we are more likely today to be
confronted with people whose way the life is (3)______(FAMILIAR) to us. In such circumstances,
(4)______(RACE) is a read danger.
People feel a tremendous (5)_____(LOYAL) to their own culture, and are often unwilling to develop an
(6)______(APPRECIATE) of the positive aspects of other cultures. They may feel that another culture
presents a threat to their own (7)______(INHERIT), one that could even lead to the (8)_____(APPEAR) of
certain aspects of their way of life. Often, however, this threat is more a matter of (9)_____(PERCEIVE)
than reality and different groups live in (10) ______(RELATE) harmony in many parts of the world
Read the following passage and choose the best answer for each question.
This symptoms of hay fever include watery and itchy eyes and a runny, congested nose. People
suffering from hay fever may experience occasional wheezing and repeated bouts of sneezing and may even
lose their sense of smell. Some victims of hay fever may also have stopped-up ears. About 30 percent of those
who suffer from hay fever may develop the symptoms associated with periodic asthma or a sinus infection.
The allergen-antibody theory does not fully explain allergic reactions because the membranes and glands in
eyes and ears are controlled by the independent nervous system, which keeps these organs in balance. But the
independent nervous system itself is part of the emotional- response center and may cause the feelings of
anger, fear, resentment, and lack of self-confidence in reaction to allergy-causing substances.
The most common cause of hay fever is the pollen of ragweed, which blossoms during the summer
and autumn. When airborne pollen particles, as well mold, come into contact with the victim’s membranes,
they can cause allergic reactions that release histamine and result in virtual blockage of air passages. To
prevent hay fever or to decrease the severity of its symptoms, contact with the ragweed pollen should be
reduced. Although some communities have attempted to eliminate the plants that cause the reactions,
elimination programs have not been successful because airborne pollen can travel considerable distances.
Antihistamine can help with short but severe attacks. Over extended periods of time, however, patients are
prescribed a series of injections of the substance to which they are sensitive in order to increase immunity and
thus be relieved of the seasonal allergy.
1.It can be inferred from the passage that the phrase “hay fever” refers to
A. fodder for cattle B. a seasonal discomfort
C. viral bacteria D. a lung disease
2. According to the passage, the symptoms of the allergy are predominantly
A. abdominal B. intestinal C. respiratory D. chronic
3. What can be inferred from the first paragraph?
A. Hay fever may cause severe allergic reactions and even death.
B. The cause of allergic reactions has not been determined.
C. The nervous system balances allergic reactions.
D. People should not have an emotional response to allergic reactions.
4. According to the passage, patients suffering from hay fever may also experience
A. hunger pains B. mood swings
C. nervous blockages D. sensory perceptions
5. The word “resentment” is closest in meaning to
A. reprieve B. reprisal C. irritation D. grief
6. According to the passage, the irritants are transported by
A. wind B. food C. travelers D. air passages
7. The word “blockage”=sự tắc nghẽn in the passage is closest in meaning to
A. obstruction B. bleeding=sự chảy máy C. enlargement D. dryness
8. According to the passage, to avoid incidents of hay fever, patients need to
A. avoid interactions with other patients
B. avoid exposure to pollen
C. increase their self-confidence
D. take doses of prescribed medicine.
9. Which of the following is NOT mentioned in the passage as a cause of allergies?
A. pollen B. mold C. flowers D. injections
10. A paragraph following this passage would most probably discuss
A. how the nervous system alerts patients.
B. how the immune system reacts to allergens.
C. what other diseases can be relieved by vaccines.
D. What flowers are harmless to hay fever patients.
Complete the following passage by choosing the correct option (A, B, C or D) to fill in blanks.
Down from the mountains
On the fourth day, We started our descent from the mountain range. We walked down the narrow track in
single (1)______, taking care not to slip on the wet surface. We followed the river down a steep-sided
(2)_____, stopping just once along the way to take a shower under a beautiful______(3). Soon the (4)_______
began to change, with more and more trees and (5) ______vegetation. Several (6)_______ of birds flew
overhead, and we saw an amazing multi-coloured snake lying under a small (7)______ as we walked past. By
the afternoon, the countryside was changing again as we approached the coast. Here, there were (8)_______
where farmers grew a variety of crops such as wheat, and we saw a (9)_________ of cows near a farmhouse.
Then we climbed up and down some tall, grass-covered (10)_______ , and at last we had arrived at the sea.
1. A. line B. file C. track D. queue
2. A. channel B. lagoon C. canal D. valley
3. A. pond B. waterfall C. current D. bath
4. A. scenery B. sights C. settings D.scenes
5. A. dense B. tight C. intense D. close
6. A. crews B. bunches C. flocks D. crowds
7. A. wood B. hedge C. bush D. forest
8. A. deserts B. fields C. shores D. jungles
9. A. team B. gang C. pack D. herd
10. A. dunes B. beaches C. plains D. fences

The shark is a meat- eating fish and one of the most feared animals of the sea. Scientists (1)…………
about 250 species of fish as sharks. These fish live in oceans (2)………..the world, but they are most common
in warm seas.
Sharks (3)………….greatly in size and habits. Whale sharks, the largest kind of shark, may grow 60 feet
long. A whale shark weighs up to 15 tons, more than twice (4)…………….much as an African elephant. The
smallest shark may (5)…………..only 4 inches long and weigh less than 1 ounce. Some kinds of sharks live
in the depths of the ocean, but (6)……………are found near the surface. Some species live in coastal waters,
but others (7)……………far out at sea. A few species can even live in (8)…………..water.
All sharks are carnivores (meat- eaters). Most of them eat (9)…………fish, including other sharks. A
shark’s only natural enemy is a large shark. Sharks eat their prey whole, or they tear off large chunks of flesh.
They also (10)………………..on dead or dying animals.
1. A. classify B. divide C. organize D. arrange
2. A. all B. through C. throughout D. over
3. A. grow B. rise C. evolve D. vary
4. A. as B. so C. very D. exactly
5. A. stretch B. measure C. develop D. expand
6. A. some others B. others C. different kinds D. some sharks
7. A. dwell B. exist C. emigrate D. migrate
8. A. fresh B. sweet C. light D. clear
9. A. uncooked B. live C. lively D. alive
10. A. eat B. swallow C. exist D. feed
Read the text below and think of the word which best fits each space. Use only ONE word in each space.
Travel Insurance
When going on holiday, it is always a good idea to take out travel insurance. This is just in case something
goes (1) _wrong____ along the way. You could lose your luggage, you could be robbed, or even become ill
and need expensive medical treatment. For millions of holiday makers, travel insurance is just a precaution
(2)__which_____ will help them have an enjoyable and worry-free holiday. But for (3)_other____, travel
insurance is a way of earning money (4) __by____ making false claims against insurance companies. For (5)
_example_____ some people pretend that they have had expensive equipment stolen which in (6) _fact_____
never even existed, and then claim large sums in compensation. Such claims cost insurance company a total
(7)_____ £ 50 million per year. But the cheats’ luck is about to run (8)____ . (9) ______ to a new computer
system, companies will be able to tell at a glance (10) _____ someone has made a claim within the last three
years. Honest travelers will no longer have to pay through the nose for other people’s dishonesty.
Fill in each blank with a suitable word to fill in the blanks.
Vitamins are substances required for the proper functioning of the body. In this century, thirteen
vitamins have been discovered.
A lack of any vitamins in a person’s body can cause illness. In some cases, an excess of vitamins can also ( 1)
…lead…….to illness. For example, sailors in the past were prone to suffer from scurvy (2)………is a disease
resulting from the lack of vitamin C. It causes bleeding of the gum, loss of teeth and skin rashes. Sailors suffer
from scurvy because they did not eat fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C, which is
necessary for good (3)…………..
Vitamin B complex is composed of eight different vitamins. A lack of any of these vitamins will lead
to different (4)……….. For instance, a person who has too little vitamin B1 will suffer from beri-beri, a
disease that causes heart problems and mental disorders. A lack of vitamin B2 results in eye and skin
problems while deficiency of vitamin B6 causes problems of the nervous system. Too little vitamin B12 will
cause anemia. The knowledge that vitamin deficiencies caused certain diseases led doctors to (5)………
people suffering from these illnesses by giving them doses of the necessary (6)………….Today, vitamins are
available (7)……….the form of pills and can easily be bought at any pharmacy.
Complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to first one. Use and don’t change the word
given. Write 2-5 words in total.
1. I tried to talk to Jack about the problem, but he was too busy. WORD
I tried to …have a word with Jack………………………… about the problem ,but he was too busy
2. “ I don’t mind which film we see”, I said MATTER
I said that …it didn’t matter to………………………… me which film we saw.
3. I was too scared to tell him what I really thought. COURAGE
I ……lacked the courage………………………………… to tell him what I really thought.
4. People say that the pyramids are worth visiting. SUPPOSED
The pyramids …are supposed to be…………………………………………. worth visiting.
5. I was so shocked that I couldn’t react. WASN’T
I …………………………………………………………… react.
Complete the second sentence so that it has the similar meaning to the first sentence.
1. Is there any chance of his coming to the party? (likely)
Is he _likely to come to the party_______________________________________________________?
2. I’m sure it wasn’t Jim who did it. (have)
It _couldn’t have been Jim who did it_______________________________________________________
3. He promised me he would be back before midnight. (word)
He _________________________________________________________
4. He prefers cycling to walking. (prefer)
He would _prefer ____________________________________________________.
5. That dress is a third of the cost of the blue one. (much)
The blue dress is _______________________________________________
6. Its lack of irregular verbs makes Esperanto a unique language.
7. Mr. Smith knew little about the Internet, so he didn’t invest into any computer companies.
8. The Board of Directors discussed the business in length, but came to no decision.
The Board of Directors had ________________________________.
9. When she got to the party, everyone was dancing and singing.
10. Barbara runs a successful company and she also manages to look after her five children.
Not only_________________________________________________.

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