Professional Readings Week 5

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education
Puerto Princesa City

Professional Readings
Points 30 points for every set of 3 professional readings
Frequency (per week) 3 professional readings per week for Weeks 1-2 (individual); 3
professional readings per week for Weeks 3-9 (group)
Total number of outputs to submit 6 professional readings (individual); 21 professional readings

Group Activity Format

Week No. 5
Group 7:
Group Number/ Cabate, Marianne Joy May 07, 2022
Names of Members Castillo, Princess
Gabua, Lyn Rose
Section BEED 3 - B Research Article No. 1

Title of Book/Article Instructional Development for Distance Education amid

COVID-19 Crisis in the Philippines: Challenges and Innovations
of Kindergarten Teachers
Author Michael B. Cahapay, Janice B. Lorania, Mark Gil P. Labrador
& Nathaniel F. Bangoc II
Place/Year of Publication Asian Journal of Distance Education, January 2022
Area (e.g. Classroom Management) Classroom Management
Reference (in APA 6th edition) Cahapay, M., Lorania, J., Labrador, M. G., & Bangoc, N. (2021).
Instructional Development for Distance Education amid
COVID-19 Crisis in the Philippines: Challenges and Innovations
of Kindergarten Teachers. Retrieved from

Key Points Why do you feel this is In what learning situation(s) is

helpful in teaching? this applicable?

• One of the most vulnerable • This is helpful in teaching • This is applicable to the
groups affected during since educational materials situation experienced by
COVID-19 crisis is the must be developed over every student and teacher
learners in their early time to ensure that they are where the class is held
childhood stage. effective. virtually. As a teacher,
• Distance education has • This is also helpful to especially in elementary
become the new normal in address all the problems school, the needs of the
education amid the COVID- and challenges in distance students must be met, and
19 crisis. education amid the COVID- whatever is used in teaching
• Department of Education 19 Crisis in the Philippines. must be engaging and attract
identifies the most essential • Innovative instructional the child's attention so that
learning competencies and methods ensure the they can learn.
multiple distance learning effectiveness of learning.
delivery modalities that
should be considered in
developing instruction.
• Developing instructional
practices may be useful to
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Puerto Princesa City
kindergarten teachers
currently working in the field.

• Different problems in education during pandemic were pointed

• Emphasized that the most affected are the learners in their early
childhood stage.
Notes on Research • Discuss what is instructional development.
Introduction • Cited different people who said about the importance of
instructional development.
• Stated the overall objective is to explore the lived experience of
kindergarten teachers on instructional development for distance
education amid the COVID-19 crisis.

Notes on Literature Review • This research study has no review of related literature.

• Qualitative research was used to attain the purpose of this study.

• The participants of this study were sampled through a
combination of criterion sampling technique and variation
sampling technique.
• The participants of this study were 18 kindergarten teachers who
were purposefully selected based on their experience in
Notes on Research
instructional development for distance education as the main
• This study was set in schools in a region in Mindanao,
Philippines amid the worldwide COVID-19 crisis.
• The researchers tailored an interview guide that consists of four
sections: an introduction, short survey of participant information,
list of questions, and conclusion.

• The procedure for data analysis in this phenomenological study

was based on the framework developed by Thomas and Pollio
• This data analysis framework was adopted in this study as it
Notes on Data Analysis offers a deductive, rational, and focused approach in handling
thick information gathered for this research.
• The researchers went over each interview transcript and
discussed the words, phrases, or sentences that they thought
were relevant to the study's topic.
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Puerto Princesa City

Week No. 5
Group 7:
Group Number/ Cabate, Marianne Joy May 07, 2022
Names of Members Castillo, Princess
Gabua, Lyn Rose
Section BEED 3 - B Research Article No. 2

Title of Book/Article Parental Involvement Among Low-Income Filipinos: A Phenomenological

Author Aileen S. Garcia

Place/Year of Elsevier Inc., May 2018

Area (e.g. Classroom Socioeconomic Status of the Family
Reference (in APA 6th Garcia, A. (2018). Parental Involvement Among Low-Income Filipinos: A
edition) Phenomenological Inquiry. Retrieved from

Key Points Why do you feel this is In what learning situation(s) is

helpful in teaching? this applicable?

• There is a significant • This study is helpful in • This applies to a family who

relationship between the teaching because through has a poor income due to
socioeconomic status of the this article we can recognize poverty. It will help clarify the
family and parental different factors that affect reasons why poor income
involvement in their students' performance when factors of the family make an
children's academic success. it comes to their parent's impact on the students'
• In the Philippines, a involvement in their performance at school and
developing country with high education. why parents are less
rates of poverty and input • This study can also help to involved in their children's
deficit in basic education, inform educators and school education compared to those
school dropout rates are programmers on how to help who had an average or
high, especially among poor parents support their higher socioeconomic
families. children's education. status.

• It is said that education is generally perceived as social capital

and instrumental to improve the human condition, that is why
parents involve themselves in different ways to help their
children succeed in school.
• Emphasized that parental involvement is a vital component in
children's motivation and academic achievement.
Notes on Research
• Families in poverty are said to be more vulnerable to factors that
can hinder parental involvement because the economic pressure
and financial stresses can constrain their capacities to involve
themselves in their children's schooling.
• Children's comes from poor family are said to have more
academic and behavior problems, and higher school dropout
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Puerto Princesa City

• The literature review shows that the current conceptualizations

of parental involvement tend to reflect access to resources and
social/cultural capital.
• Parental Involvement in connection to how low-income Filipino
parents conceptualize parental involvement and its role in
children’s education is explained in different theoretical factors
including; (1) Parental involvement as a construct (2) Parental
Notes on Literature Review involvement and the eco-cultural context (3) Parental
involvement in the context of poverty (4) The Filipino family and
education and (5) Education and poverty in the Philippines.
• Numerous studies showed that middle and high-income Filipino
parents reported high levels of involvement with their children for
school-related tasks than those children from low-income
families that only receive less/none at all parental support and

• Participants in this study were low-income parents of third-grade

• There was no age, educational attainment, or gender preference
for the participants.
• It was conducted in a community in Caloocan, a city in Metro
Manila that has high rates of poverty.
• The researchers employed purposive sampling with the help of
the school to identify potential participants in terms of students’
Notes on Research academic grades.
Methodology • The data collection procedure for this study drew from the
research methodology of Sikolohiyang Pilipino (SP), which is the
psychology that is born out of the experience and orientation of
the Filipinos.
• This study utilized the indigenous method of
“pakikipagkwentuhan” (exchanging stories). This can be likened
to the traditional method of interviewing, except for the role of
the researcher and the participant and the manner of data

• Data analysis was guided by interpretive phenomenology.

• Interpretive phenomenology was used in this study that is more
suitable for the study’s research goals.
• The interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim by
a professional transcriptionist fluent in both Filipino and English.
Notes on Data Analysis • In ensuring the validity of the findings, three verification
procedures from the strategies suggested by Creswell and Miller
(2000) were conducted. (1) used rich and thick descriptions of
the participants’ experiences (2) results were presented to a
group of about 20 researchers at a professional conference on
cross-cultural studies (3) researchers continuously engaged in
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Puerto Princesa City

Week No. 5
Group 7:
Group Number/ Cabate, Marianne Joy May 07, 2022
Names of Members Castillo, Princess
Gabua, Lyn Rose
Section BEED 3 - B Research Article No. 3

Title of Book/Article Parental Involvement in Children’s Assessment in Kindergarten

Author Joyce Ferro Orillosa & Carlo Magno
Place/Year of Publication Philippine Educational Measurement and Evaluation
Association, 2013
Area (e.g. Classroom Management) Classroom Management
Reference (in APA 6th edition) Orillosa, J.F., & Magno, C. (2013). Parental Involvement in
Children’s Assessment in Kindergarten. Retrieved from

Key Points Why do you feel this is In what learning situation(s) is

helpful in teaching? this applicable?

• Parents play an important • Because knowing the • Kindergarten

role in their child’s academic importance such as why it's
achievement. Once the child necessary for the parents to
is placed in school, the have involved in the
parents‟ role is deepened children's academics will
due to the various modes of make a great impact on a
assessments used by child’s first knowledge.
schools. Given this situation,
parents must provide
opportunities at home where
children can further hone
their skills to increase
academic performance.
• Parental involvement
showed to have a strong
positive association with
students‟ achievement
across studies.
• Parenting styles include
authoritarian, psychological
control, behavior control,
autonomy, authoritative, and
• The meta-analytic study by
Hill and Tyson (2009)
showed that parental
involvement impacts the
child’s performance in the
academic setting.
• Parents become involved
with their child’s schooling in
a variety of ways in the
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Puerto Princesa City
academic area. These
manifestations of
involvement involve the
parents guiding the child in
doing their homework, giving
examples of exercises, and
reviewing the child for a test
(Tam & Chan, 2009).

• The present study described the various practices of parental

involvement in the assessment of their children in kindergarten.
• More specifically, the present study looked into the role of
Notes on Research parents in three stages of assessing their child: pre-assessment
Introduction (before instruction), assessment during instruction, and post-
assessment in their children’s schooling.
• Keywords: assessment, parental involvement, kindergarten
assessment, early grade assessment.

• It discusses the importance of parental involvement in

Notes on Literature Review

• Participants The study involved 20 parents who voluntarily

participated in the study. The parents had children who are in
the preschool level and at least one of the parents is full-time
(housewife or househusband) in assisting the child in school. All
the 20 parents had either a junior or a senior kindergarten child
who is currently studying in a private school in Metropolitan
Manila. Instruments An interview guide was constructed to
determine the general practices of parents in getting involved in
their child’s assessment. The parents were asked about the
forms of an assessment conducted in school, how they guide the
child when studying specifically before exams, during periodic
exams or major assessments, and after major assessments are
Notes on Research
conducted when the results are obtained. Procedure The
parents in three private schools were recruited by the referral of
school personnel. The school personnel referred the full-time
parents who regularly accompany their preschool children in
school. These parents stay near the vicinity of the school while
the child is attending his/her class. Both parents (mother and
father) were requested for an interview. Once the parent agreed,
an appointment was scheduled for the best time to conduct the
interview. The interview took about one hour for each parent
couple. The interview session was recorded. The parents were
informed about the purpose of the study. At the end of the
interview, the parents were thanked for giving their time in
participating in the interview.

• The responses from each of the parents were transcribed.

Notes on Data Analysis
Extracting the necessary information for each question asked
among the parents further reduced the transcribed data. The
Republic of the Philippines
College of Teacher Education
Puerto Princesa City
specific practices that were taken from the transcriptions were
coded. The codes were classified into meaningful categories that
best explain the assessment practices of parents. The
categories were used to integrate the codes derived and they
typically explain the assessment practices. The codes were
shown to experts in parenting studies and qualitative analysis to
make sure that they were mutually exclusive. They also arrived
at an agreement on the placement of the codes on the categories

Rubrics Weight
Content 40%
Organization 30%
Grammar and Mechanics 20%
Punctuality 10%
Total 100%

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