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Energy audit and

Building Specification................................................................................................................3
Energy Management System (EnMS)........................................................................................3
Staff & Work Culture.............................................................................................................4
Significant Energy Users (SEUs)...........................................................................................4
Energy Consumption & Costs................................................................................................5
Energy Performance Indicators (EnPIs).................................................................................6
Gap Analysis..........................................................................................................................8
System Implementation..........................................................................................................9
Energy Awareness Campaign................................................................................................9
Energy Audits.........................................................................................................................9
Estimated Energy Savings................................................................................................10
Car service and repair shop sites were investigated as part of an Energy Asset Management
inquiry. According to this study, the garage's current energy consumption over the previous
three years was analysed and the garage's Energy Management System was implemented
(EnMS). The study explains how this EnMS can help reduce the building's energy use and
outlines the steps that must be done to do so.

Building Specification
The asset being investigated by Energy Asset Management is a vehicle garage in a tiny
industrial area in Glasgow's East End. Including Heavy Goods Vehicles, the garage does
MOTs (Ministry of Transportation Tests), repairs, and modifications (HGVs). Eight
employees work at the garage, all of them are employed at same time by the co-owners. The
garage's daily operations rely on small industrial equipment to deliver these services. The
building is a 2010-built metal industrial unit. There is no insulation in the building, which is
heated by a gas boiler and cooled by ten air conditioners. Except for a window in the back
office and slat windows just on garage doors, there are few sources of natural light. (Smith,

Energy Management System (EnMS)

Developed by the ISO, ISO 50001 is a global standard for power systems (EnMS). It is
possible to use and implement ISO 50001 in nearly any system. As the name suggests, it's
called the PDCA model. This PDCA type will be used as the garage's EnMS, as illustrated in
the diagram below:
The diagram above depicts the many sections and their corresponding responsibilities. The
garage's EnMS will be upgraded and returned to the Plan stage at the conclusion of the time
frame (1 year in the instance of the garage).

Pre-requisite work is the bulk of the work done at this level. According to ISO 50001, a
thorough investigation of the facilities and its operations is necessary to identify EnPIs and
create a gap analysis.
Staff & Work Culture
There are a total of ten people on the premises at any given moment. All employees work
from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Tuesday through Saturday. Garage hours are extended throughout the
summer season (June to September) due to an increased volume of business. All staff
members are properly competent in their respective fields of expertise. There is no genuine
energy-saving culture in the garage, since electronics and equipment are left on sleep,
windows are left open during the colder months, and so on. (David, 2020)
Significant Energy Users (SEUs)
Every day, a wide range of technologies and equipment are utilised in the garage. The gas
boiler is responsible for the entire household's use of gas. In terms of consuming electricity,
there are a variety of gadgets and systems. In the graph below, you can see the expected
percentage usage for each of these:

According to this estimate, the SEUs (Significant Energy Users) were identified, while the
rest of the Energy Users were identified (EUs). The SEUs are regarded to be the most
significant energy-consumption systems. In order to see if there is a way to reduce system
consumption, all SEUs will be examined.
Energy Consumption & Costs
As can be seen from the graph below, the garage uses quite a bit of energy. This is in
reference to the use of gas and electricity:

British Gas supplies both gas and electricity. The price per kWh for gas is 2.78 pence, while
the price per kWh for electricity is 12.495 pence. The monthly energy usage and associated
costs are shown in the table below.
Energy Performance Indicators (EnPIs)
For each monthly from 2016 to 2018, the garage's electricity consumption and the range of
functions it supplied to customers are shown below. It's clear from this data that the quantity
of services supplied has an effect on energy use.
The year 2016 is used as a baseline for energy use. 167.333 kilowatt-hours of electricity were
consumed per service this year on average. A reduction of 0.846 percent was seen in 2017
and a rise of 169.833 percent was seen in 2018, compared to the baseline figure of 2016's
165.917kWh (1.494 percent increase).
During the summer & winter months of 2018, exceptional weather conditions necessitated
the use of heating and air conditioning systems more frequently, resulting in an increase in
energy usage. As a result of the lack of insulation, these systems consume more energy than
they should.
There are no natural light sources in the building, thus the lighting is always on. All other
power devices will use a similar amount of energy per service supplied, with the only
difference being the nature of the work at hand.
Gap Analysis
The following Gap Assessment table has indeed been prepared based on data collected about
the location and how it is being used:

There are several actions that can be taken to reduce a building's energy use. Thus, the overall
energy usage of the building will be reduced, and the base load will be reduced as well. These
figures can be utilised to set goals for the garage's upcoming fiscal year.

This step is where the Gap Analysis's goals are put into action. During this time, employees
learn about the EnMS being installed and how all energy usage data is carefully collected and
Records of energy use should be kept at regular periods, such as once per month in the
garage, to ensure consistency. In this case, it should be done by one of owners, who is
believed to be accurate & concise. With this documentation, it will be easier to see any
inconsistencies or problems that could be resulting in higher-than-needed energy usage and
take corrective action. It is imperative that all pertinent information and documents be
preserved for future reference.
System Implementation
Considering that the garage generates a sizable annual profit, installing LED lighting &
insulation should be a top priority. Despite their high initial costs, these devices have a short
payback period due to the savings they generate over time. Additionally, these systems will
reduce the energy consumption of gas heating, air-conditioning, and lighting systems, which
will reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the premises. Thus, the garage's energy
consumption is reduced.
Energy Awareness Campaign
In order to save energy, simple fixes like leaving gear on reserve or on should be made clear
to all employees. Consequently, an energy education campaign should be launched. This
campaign's goal is to raise awareness about these concerns among the company's employees
and foster a workplace culture of energy conservation. The following are some of the most
pressing concerns:
 Terminating the use of equipment that has already been left on constant alert or it is
no longer in use.
 Turning off gas air conditioning systems by closing the windows.
 In regions where no one is present, turning off the lighting systems.
For the second time, this will help to reduce the building's overall energy usage and
greenhouse gas emissions.

During the entirety of the Environmental Management System (EnMS) deployment, this
phase is carried out. This entails keeping track of and measuring the consumption of all
energy within the facilities, with audits being carried out at predetermined intervals by
personnel who can be relied on and are appropriately trained.
Monitoring the amount of energy that is used in the building at regular times is
recommended. This data can be obtained from the many energy metres and measuring
equipment that are situated throughout the garage. This data may be compared to the monthly
energy bills, which can also help detect any issue areas. It is essential that all of this
information be carefully collected and documented.
Energy Audits
Audits of the building's energy efficiency ought to be carried out once every 11 months. The
owners of a garage will be able to witness the impact of the steps that have been put into
place to combat energy consumption thanks to these audits. In addition to this, the
information will be helpful in discovering places that have the potential to come under the
targets that have been set.
Review and modification of all the evidence gathered up to a set target position (especially at
the end a year of execution of a EnMS) will be performed in accordance with results of the
EnMS. Action will be taken in regard to the targets that have been set for this time frame as
well in order to remain in compliance with ISO 50001.
The goals and results of the EnMS implementation process should be revaluated in view of
the data that has been accumulated throughout the process. If goals are being sufficiently
reached, they could be raised proportionately for the following time period in order to
contribute to an even greater reduction in energy usage. On the other hand, if the targets were
not met when there could have been, an inquiry into the reasons why they are not being met
should take place, which should be followed by appropriate action being done. If the
appropriate steps are followed, it should be possible to achieve each and every one of the
goals that were identified in the Gap Analysis. The revised PDCA process for EnMS will
then be repeated for the subsequent amount of time until it becomes necessary to conduct
another review. (SOLAR ENERGY, 2017)
Estimated Energy Savings
The following table presents an estimate of the cost savings that will be realised by the garage
in the year 2019 in comparison to the energy usage in 2018:

As a result, the total amount of energy that is conserved is 169299.3 kWh, which is a
reduction from the average revenue of 468117.83 kWh for the value of 2018 in 2019. This
results in an overall reduction in energy consumption that is 36.167 percent. Due to the fact
that these two factors are directly related to one another, this will also result in a reduction of
this percentage in the overall expenditures associated with the consumption of energy.
The incorporation of the EnMS systems will lead to a decrease in the expenditures that are
connected to the consumption of energy, which will result in savings. As a consequence of
this, the money which has been conserved can be employed to invest in infrastructure, such
as renewable power infrastructure, in order to keep increasing the energy efficiency of the
garage all through the course of every year. In additional to this, the compensation of staff
employees can be increased, and those members of staff who have cooperated with the EnMS
can be awarded bonuses. This will pique the interest of the workers, and it will offer an
opportunity for them to comply with the EnMS as well as the energy saving initiatives.
Because of the lesser energy expenses as well as the fact that this really satisfies the norms
and regulations of ISO 50001, customers will view the company to be more enticing. This is
due to the general opinion that the business is worried about the consequences of their
electricity use on the surroundings and is working actively to lessen the company's carbon
footprint. As a consequence of this perception, the company has seen an increase in the
number of customers who believe they are environmentally conscious. This has the likely to
occur in an increase in both the business and the reputation of the company.

The placement of this EnMS system in the forthcoming year (2019) will lead to a significant
reduction of the van's power needs as well as its greenhouse gas emissions. This
improvement will take place. This will also help throughout reducing the overall operating
costs of the site, which will help inside the process of obtaining money for technological
improvements. If the garage makes use of the data that has been displayed in the report and
makes use of it in this manner, they will have the power to cut their total energy usage by
even more than 35 percent.
David, 2020. ASSET MANAGEMENT 101: ENERGY AUDITS. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 05 July 2021].
Smith, 2019. Energy Audit. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 20 June 2020].
SOLAR ENERGY, S., 2017. The Difference Between an Energy Audit and Energy
Management. [Online]
Available at:
[Accessed 20 January 2019].

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