A Biography of Hazrat Mufi Abdul Rrazzak Qarmushi Sahah Hyderabad

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A brief biographical sketch of Hazrat Mufti Abdulla Garmushi


The mausoleum of Hazrat Khaja Moinuddin Chisti.

Translated by
Mohammed Abdul Hafeez, B.Com.
Translator ‘Muslim Saints and Mystics’
(The Tadhkirah al-Awliya of Farid Eldin Attar).
Hyderabad, IndiaEmail: hafeezanwar@yahoo.com


A Brief Biographical Sketch of Hazrat Mufti Abdulla

Garmushi Sahab of Hyderabad
Hazrat Mufti Abdulla Garmushi Sahab of Hyderabad was
famous and well known as Ba-Mahvi Shah Nuri Chisti Quaderi,
a personality of knowledge and piety. And he was a sincere
person and a source of the spring of personality of intimate
knowledge of God. He was among the able and famous sons of
the Jamia Nizamia University, Hyderabad. He has passed the
Malavi Kamil Adab Arabic course, and he has passed the M.O.L
course with distinction from Osmania University, and he was
recognised as a translator of Arabic by the ministry of foreign
affairs of India.
From the year 1971, he worked as an examiner for Osmania
University for the post-graduate Arabic language examinations,
and from 1984–88, he was chairman of the board of studies
Arabic (oriental).
He was a well-known and famous learned person from the Jamia
Nizamia University in Hyderabad. And yet he was like a
university himself in Islamic law, mysticism, and modern
knowledge. He benefitted a large number of people, which
exceeded many thousand people. In a very effective way, he
guided the people at each and every turning point. He was also
helped for a long time by thousands of thirsty people.He was
remembered as the Sir Syed of modern times. He has played a
main role in the foundation and establishment of Jamia Ilhiat
Nooria and its other institutions working under this organization.
For a long period of time, he worked as principal of Noria
Arabic College.
His most memorable work in modern knowledge is the
establishment of the Al-Qurmushi educational society.
He used to give sermons in the Barkas Jamia mosque before
Friday prayers, and in his sermons there would be full
descriptions of counsel and advice. And in his guardianship,
before two decades, there was a central grand meeting held to
celebrate the holy prophet’s nativity. It was the first time a
central grand meeting was started. And under his guardianship,
many other institutions flourished and were brought into being,
as well as thousands of thirsty people as a result of his
instruction for knowledge. His personality was like an
organisation. His personality was acceptable to all people and all
schools of thought. He has done service to Idare Sabil Al-Khair
Barkas Hyderabad silently and efficiently.
His most memorable work is the establishment of at such a time,
and Hazrat has checked the pulse of the nation on this matter
and, upon this, he has established the Idara Shadi Fund Barkas
for the marriage of poor and deprived girls of the Muslim
community. He worked hard for the progress and development
of Idara Tawan Bani Hashim Barkas and for its progress. He
was always given his beneficial advice and counsel on the
progress and development of Idara Tawun Barkas Bani Hashim
Death: This sun of reality and mystic knowledge was set in this
mortal world on the 4th of Zil Hajj in the year 1432 Hijri. The
funeral prayer was performed by Mufti Mohammed Azeem
Uddin Sahab, who was mufti (jurist) of the Jamia Nizamia
Hyderbad. And Hazrat’s 11th Urs, or annual death anniversary,
will be held on the 4th of Zil Hajj this year, which means in the
year 1443 Hijiri.
The 11th annual death anniversary will be held on the 4th of Zil
Hajj this year in Makan Mahvia in Hyderabad.
This reference article was published in the Siasat Urdu daily on
July 2nd, 2022.


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