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The “Sport Lifesaver” became 100 issues old!

This issue is dedicated to an achievement with national origin and international impact. The
Greek Lifesaving Sports Association (GLSA), celebrates the landmark of 100 issues of the e-
magazine “Sport Lifesaver”. Nine years ago, we produced a 2-page newsletter. Nobody knew
that today we would reach a point of such success, internationalization, diversity and
acceptance from the world aquatic and lifesaving communities. As we are approaching the
World Drowning Prevention Day – July 25, the GLSA wants to believe that “Sport Lifesaver” is
one of our humble and yet finest contributions to the global mission of saving lives from


In the homeland that gave birth to democracy and the Olympic Games, as Editor I wanted to
pass and meet several messages and goals:
First, I wanted this magazine to be open to everyone (even to those that harmed me
personally or my efforts), to demonstrated a new ethic and build bridges. Indeed, those
knowing politics, if they go back to previous issues, they will note that several times I have
promoted, published and celebrated the success of people who didn’t collaborate,
disadvantaged, blackmailed and isolated me and my people. This is a conscious choice I have
made as a professional and volunteer, but more importantly as a human being. Harald
Vervaecke often says “do good anyway” and this is my hamble way to apply it.
Second, I wanted to use the magazine as a vehicle to promote everyone’s work,
achievements and news. Perhaps in the following years, the magazine would be an
international repository, that everyone may access to see what is going on around the world.
This is a demanding task, however I never stop to dream big. When the question is love,
without a doubt the answer will be love too.
Third, I use this vehicle to enhance internationally the perspective of the inclusion of
lifesaving sport to the Olympic Games. People like Harald Vervaecke, John Martin, Graham
Ford, Giorgio Quintavalle, Mohamed Ali Gharbal, Isabella Garcia, Detlev Mohr and others in
the past, have worked tirelessly for years for this dream. I want to be a little helper to their
gigantic effort.
Forth, I wanted to use this magazine as a scholarly pedestal for the unsung heroes of our
field. We are an underpaid and underestimated industry. This is easy to understand it we
consider that our finest, are mostly volunteers despite that their work (i.e. saving lives) is more
important compared to the successful people in business, entertainment and sports. Others
make millions of dollars. We save millions of lives. The increasing improvement in quality and
quantity of the magazine, made several prestigious personalities of aquatics to happily appear
at the front page. This magazine is a humble way to give “immortality” to the giants of our field
and to use their lives as role models for inspiring the next generations of swimmers and
lifesavers. Nobody of those that I featured on the front page wanted the first, but everyone
wanted the second!


Here is a highlight of what the “Sport Lifesaver” has achieved: (1) It helped to give birth and to
advance lifesaving sport in the motherland of the Olympic Games; Greece. (2) It promoted the
work of national and international lifesaving and swimming organizations. (3) It triumphed the
lives of extraordinary individuals (athletes, pioneers, film directors, royalties, presidents, CEOs
and secretary generals) aiming to give them “immortality” and use as role models for the next
generations of swimmers and lifesavers. (4) It helped people and organizations to share their
experiences in a large audience of 122 countries.
Here is what several prestigious people from our field said about our celebration:
“The celebration of reaching 100 issues of the magazine "Sport Lifesaver" is highly
remarkable and admirable from a qualitative and quantitative perspective. This magazine
enabled the widespread use of water safety, lifeguarding and lifesaving sport nationwide in
Greece and acts as a respected crossroad with international readership. One hundred issues
ago, none would imagine the impact this magazine would have in the hearts of those that are
published in it and those that read it. The Greek Lifesaving Sports Association has created a
wonderful instrument that connects us. It helps everyone's voice and achievements to be
heard. Without a doubt, it is a fine medium that serves our purpose of saving lives from
drowning. This magazine proves that small ideas make a difference. On behalf of the Princess
Charlene of Monaco Foundation, we congratulate the GLSA and specifically the editor Dr.
Stathis Avramidis and the graphic designer John Salogiannis for such fine contribution.”
(Princess Charlene of Monaco Foundation).
“On behalf of the International Life Saving Federation (ILS) and on my personal behalf, I
want to congratulate Dr. Stathis Avramidis PhD, President of the Greek Lifesaving Sports
Association and the complete publishing team of “Sport Lifesaver” for the celebration of issuing
100 magazines of Sport Lifesaver. The magazine is becoming more and more a reference
publication for the lifesaving world and brings together people with the same mindset, passion
and dedication. Bravo for a job extremely well done.” ( Dr. Harald Vervaecke PhD, Secretary
General, International Life Saving Federation).
“Congratulations Stathi! As one whose career was molded in media and lifesaving, I
understand the importance of a milestone as significant as 100 issues. Year by year, month by
month, your magazine has improved tremendously in quality. Writing and editing is an
extremely difficult task that requires dedication, passion and time. I have witnessed these
virtues in many of the things you do and share with me such as teaching and research. This is
why I decided to contribute memories of my life and work. I know that this magazine is an
opportunity to bring together people from all over the world and act as a useful means of water
safety awareness. It is not surprising that your magazine has gained the respect of prestigious
individuals and international lifesaving and swimming organizations. I congratulate you and
your designer John Salogiannis and look forward to the next 100 issues. With Respect and
Admiration” (Greg Bonann, Creator, Director and Producer “Baywatch”, Co-Founder A Chance
For Children Foundation).
“Dear friends of the Greek Lifesaving Sports Association, Your "Sport Lifesaver" is a new
and impressive medium to increase the knowledge about water rescue service and the special
sport. Your editor Dr. Stathis Avramidis has made an excellent work, to which I want to
congratulate with all one´s heart. Please continue with this marvellous instrument in the field of
lifesaving! Best regards” (Dr. Klaus Wilkens, Honorary Lifetime President, International Life
Saving Federation of Europe).
“Congratulations to Stathi and his dedicated team on their 100 th issue of Sport Lifesaver!
This newsletter-become-magazine is unique, covering a broader scope of drowning- and
lifesaving-related topics. My focus of academic research is a case in point. I know of no other
water safety publication that has addressed the important topic of drowning near-death
experiences. Kudos to Stathi for his creative leadership in producing this publication, and
here's to the next 100 issues! Love to you.” (Janice Miner Holden, EdD, LPC-S, ACMHP,
Professor Emerita of Counseling, University of North Texas; President, International
Association for Near-Death Studies; Editor, Journal of Near-Death Studies).
“Congratulations to Dr. Stathis Avramidis, GLSA President and Sport Lifesaver Editor, on
the 100th issue of the e-mag Sport Lifesaver. Sport Lifesaver has highlighted lifesaving sport
athletes, officials, founders and the contribution of lifesaving sport to the global effort for youth
development, rescue and drowning prevention. Thank you and congratulations to the Greek
Lifesaving Sport Association for this milestone accomplishment. ” (Dr. Steve Beerman, Co-
Chair, Canadian Drowning Prevention Coalition; Clinical Professor, Faculty of Medicine,
University of British Columbia).
“Μany congratulations with the celebration of the respected number of 100 issues of Sport
Lifesaver. The magazine a constant source of vitamins that helps to keep going. Stay healthy
and live long.” (Joost Bierens, MD, PhD, Consulting Governor, Royal Dutch Society to Rescue
People from Drowning – established 1767; Editor-in-Chief “Drowning: Prevention – Rescue –
Treatment” book; Research Group Emergency and Disaster Medicine Vrije Universiteit
"Congratulations to Stathis and his group of helpers from the Lifesaving Foundation on
publishing 100 editions of 'Sports Lifesaver'. The Foundation does not have a sport as one of
its projects. However, your magazine contains much general lifesaving information of value.
We are happy to circulate it to our members and Friends of the Foundation. I know how much
time and effort you put into producing the magazine. You must be proud of your achievement.”
(John Connolly, Honorary Secretary, The Lifesaving Foundation).
“I extend my congratulations on reaching the 100th edition of this informative publication. I
look forward to receiving each edition and reading those English sections. Your commitment to
communicating lifesaving and lifesaving sport information is greatly appreciated. ” (Norm
Farmer AM ESM Honorary Executive Director, The Royal Life Saving Society Commonwealth).
"On behalf of the International Federation of Swimming Teachers' Association, we
congratulate our Greek member, the Greek Lifesaving Sports Association for celebrating 100
issues of the international magazine Sport Lifesaver. It has been 9 years since this magazine
rose from its homeland and conquered the hearts of the swimming and lifesaving families, with
the aim to be freely accessible and useful to everyone across the world. Such international,
diverse, open access, quality publication, honors its creator, Dr. Stathis Avramidis for his vision
and serves the society in a beautiful and meaningful way. It has created a new mindset based
on which everyone's voice can be heard. We applaud you for such highly commendable and
voluntary contribution!" (International Federation of Swimming Teachers' Association).
“SPORTLIFESAVER is a magnificent family album of world Lifesavers and it was a pleasure
for me to dive into the ocean of all these editions. The most beautiful, you will agree over this
100th anniversary issue where my great friend President Stathis Avramidis asked me to pay
tribute to his fabulous archives. The archives are the heart of a magazine, its backbone, its
word that remains for eternity; it is its voice, its confidences, its deep secrets that it delivers to
all of us: the Lifesavers of the world. I was surprised myself as a Moroccan African, to discover
unknown treasures there, disturbing images of the past of Lifesaving and Lifesaving practices,
so alive. It is moving to exhume them from the limbo of the past to realize that they still have
something to say. Thanks to the talent of the multitude of history and experiences in the world
of drowning prevention and sports Lifesaving, which SPORTLIFESAVER has welcomed into its
pages to celebrate its 100 editions. It is quite simply Stathis' eye, this particular look he has on
time. It is his singularity, his unique personality. The profession that we exercise as volunteers,
enjoins us to constantly move forward, to scrutinize new Lifesaving technologies and to draw
up new plans for the good governance of sports entities and federations, for a single and
unique end and noble utility. And royal: the prevention of drowning. I am extremely proud to
have accompanied this beautiful and exemplary magazine of Greek and world Lifesaving,
which has become a wonderful friend. I wish him a long life and to keep his rebellious spirit
which suits him so well; this spirit that will make us all legends of Lifesaving in history. The
most famous lifeguard tower in the world, resting on the sands of Malibu, California. Another
very Art-deco lifeguard tower is used by lifeguards at Hung Shing Ye beach in Hong Kong. In
Hawaii, Makena Beach lifeguards bet everything on yellow. New Zealanders with their tower of
Bethels Beach withstands the tides. In Agadir in the Kingdom of Morocco, with its false air of
semaphore, a beautiful tower combines aesthetics and functionality. In Estonia, the beach of
Pärnu hosts a tower visible from afar! In San Diego, Ocean Beach has a half-control tower,
half-hospital Lifeguard station. In India, Kirim Beach (Goa) is under close surveillance. With a
smile, of course. But the most important and beautiful tower is the one in Saronikos in Greece,
founded by my dear friend President Stathis Avramidis: It allows all Lifeguards in the world
any discrimination, to see their lifeguard world and develop their human nature to prevent
drowning. My sincere congratulations to SPORTLIFESAVER and to everyone who contributes
to its success.” (Dr. Mohamed Ali Gharbal ILS Vice President; International Life Saving
Federation; President, International Life Saving Federation Africa President, African Academy;
President, Royal Moroccan Lifesaving Federation).

Behind everything are the passionate people that move the vehicle with their sweat and
passion. The behind-the-scenes people of “Sport Lifesaver’ are mainly myself and my designer
John Salogiannis, who works passionately and with dedication at no compensation endless
hours each month. I thank from my heart my loyal Sancho Panza. I thank the Princess
Charlene of Monaco Foundation for their generosity and support all these years. Without them,
I would not have the strength to carry on this magazine. Grateful thanks should go to the
legendary creator, director and producer of the world’s #1 TV series Baywatch, Greg Bonann
who is our most prestigious and permanent contributor. His life and work memories are
absolutely relevant for the magazine and an incredible source of inspiration for our readers.
Special thanks to those that responded positively and shared in this article with kindness their
comments. Lastly, I want to thank everyone who send their articles and news for publication,
my GLSA colleagues and Athens University students, to mention only a few. This magazine
would not exist without authors, followers and readers.

Can words change the word? Joe Biden during his campaign for the Presidency of the USA,
said: “Yes. Words matter!” The above warm words give us the strength to aim for the next
ambitious goal of the 200 issues, to continue serving the aquatic and safety industry and
inspire others! Please continue to send your news for publication. I am Your editor and this is
Your magazine! Stathis. Photos: GLSA

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