CHAPTER 6 Pre Operation

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TIU : Peserta didik mampu berkomunikasi tentang pre-operation dengan sesama

teman atau dosen.
 Peserta didik mampu bertanya dan menjawab untuk mendapatkan informasi
tentang persiapan operasi.
 Peserta didik menguasai kosa-kata yang diberikan dan dapat menggunakanya
dalam percakapan sehari-hari.
 Peserta didik dapat menggunakan present perfect tense dalam diskusi secara

a. Dialogue
Let me check the list

Read the dialogue and understand it

Situation : Nurse Mifta asks nurse Rizki about preoperation list of Ms.Fadillah.
Because Ms.Fadillah will be operated by Dr.Rahmad today.

Nurse Mifta : Nurse Rizki have you checked the preoperation list of Ms.Fadillah?
Nurse Rizki : Yes, I have. I’ve checked all the list of Ms.Fadillah this morning.
Nurse Mifta : Very good. But let us check again together.
Nurse Rizki : No problem nurse, what do you want to know about?
Nurse Mifta : Have her parents already given signature on the consent form?
Nurse Rizki : Yes, both of them have given signature on it.
Nurse Mifta : Good and what about identification band on his hand, have you
Nurse Rizki : It was done.
Nurse Mifta : Does she have allergies or something?
Nurse Rizki : Yes, she does. She has allergy to penicillin and shrimp.
Nurse Mifta : Good. Don’t forget to tell it to the other nurse and what about the lab
result, have you had it?
Nurse Rizki : Yes, I have kept it in the file.

b. Vocabularies
consent form : surat izin operasi tattoing : menato tubuh
shrimp : udang monogamus relationship : berhubungan
hanya dengan satu

PMTCT Prevention from Mother to Child Transmission Programs.:

Pencegahan Penularan HIV dari Ibu dan Anak yang dikandungnya.
Body piercing : menindik bagian tubuh tertentu
Breastfeeding : periode menyusui
suffer : menderita
Infectious agent: agen penyebab infeksi
Adequate : cukup
fatigue : kelelahan
Juvenile : anak-anak
eating habit : kesiasaan makan

c. Expressions
That’s odd : aneh
He is not here : ia tidak disini
Don’t get me wrong : jangan salah paham
You have spelled my name wrong :kamu salah mengeja namaku
Everything is all right : semuanya baik-baik saja
It is nothing to worry : tidak ada yang perlu dikhawatirkan
You look worried : anda kelihatan khawatir
Is something the matter? : apakah ada masalah?
What are ou worried about?: anda khawatir tentang apa?
He gets worried easily : dia mudah khawatir.
It was a tiring day : ini adalah hari yang melelahkan
Look! He is beginning to flag : lihat! Dia mulai lelah
Don’t exhaust yourself : jangan membuat dirimu kelelahan

d. Grammar focus
Present Perfect

1. For a completed action at an indefinite time in the past. The time markers usually
used are : just, already, yet, not yet.
2. For an activity or a state that has continued for a period of time, from a point in
the past until the present. The time markers such as: since 2014, for years, so far,
up to know, in all her life, until now, etc.

 The infection has already spread to all parts of her body.

 The physicisians have just left the hospital.
 Poor nutrition has affected his physical growth since child-hood.

e. Tasks
1. Perform the dialogue above with your partner in front of class.
2. Make your own dialogue about operation with your friends and show
it in the class
3. Complete the sentences with The Present Perfect Tense orally.
a. The doctor .......... just (speak) ...... to the sister.
b. She (not, ask) ........for the patient’s notes yet.
c. The patients ........ never (have) .....operations before.
d. We ........ (see) ....... the operating theatre.


Wise word (kata mutiara)

bersungguh- sungguhlah
mencari ilmu, karena dengan ilmu
hidup jadi mudah. Dengan ilmu
pula manusia jadi mulia.

- Anonim

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