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Mapua University

Civil Engineering Department

CE199-1L: Correlation Course 1

[Algebra, Probability]

Instruction/s: Choose one answer for each problem. Show your complete solutions. Goodluck!

1. The term involving x^9 in the expansion of (x^2 + 2/x)^12 is:

a. 25434x^9 c. 25344x^9
b. 52344x^9 d. 23544x^9

2. The kinetic energy of a body is proportional to its weight and to the

square of its velocity. An 8 lb body moving at 4 ft/s has 2 ft-lb of
kinetic energy. Find the kinetic energy of a 3 ton (6000 lb) truck
speeding at 60 mi/hr (88 ft/s).
a. 363 000 ft-lb c. 116 160
b. 762 000 d. 726 000

3. How many permutations can be made out of the letters of the word
a. 39,916,800 c. 55,440
b. 277,200 d. 3,326,400

4. The time required for an elevator to lift a weight varies directly with
the weight and the distance through which it is to be lifted and inversely
as the power of the motors. If it takes 20 seconds for a 5-hp motor to
lift 50 lbs through 40 feet, what weight can an 80-hp motor lift through a
distance of 40 feet within 30 seconds?
a. 1000 lbs c. 1175 lbs
b. 1150 lbs d. 1200 lbs

5. The distance passed over by a certain pendulum bob in succeeding swings

form the sequence 16, 12, 9,… inches respectively. Calculate the total
distance traversed by the bob before coming to rest.
A. 56 C. 32
B. 28 D. 64

6. A rubber ball is dropped from a height of 486 feet, and it continues to

bounce one-third the height from which it last fell. Find how many bounces
it takes for the ball to rebound less than 1 foot.
a. 5 times c. 7
b. 6 d. 8

7. In how many ways can we seat 7 people in a round table with a certain 3
people not in consecutive order?
a. 576 c. 5320
b. 3960 d. 689

8. A, B and C can do a work in 5 days, 10 days and 15 days respectively. They

started together to do the work but after 2 days A and B left. In how many
days did C complete the remaining work?
a. 1 c. 3
b. 4 d. 5
Mapua University
Civil Engineering Department

CE199-1L: Correlation Course 1

9. The 1st, 4th, and 8th terms of an AP are themselves geometric progression.
What is the common ratio of the GP?
a. 4/3 c. 2
b. 5/3 d. 7/3

10. Find the sum of coefficients in the expansion of (x + 2y – z)^8. Hint: Sum
of coefficients = f(1) – f(0).
a. 256 c. 1
b. 1024 d. 6

11. In how many ways can 5 people line up to pay their electric bills if two
particular persons refuse to follow each other?
a. 120 c. 90
b. 72 d. 140

12. An airplane, flying with the wind, took 2 hours to travel 1,000 km and 2.5
hours in flying back. What was the wind velocity?
a. 45 kph c. 50 kph
b. 55 kph d. 60 kph

13. A semiconductor company will hire 7 men and 4 women. IN how many ways can
the company choose from 9 men and 6 women who qualified for the position?
a. 680 c. 480
b. 840 d. 540

14. In a geometric sequence consisting of four terms in which the ratio is

positive, the sum of the first two terms is 8 and the sum of the last two
terms is 72. Find the third term.
A. 54 C. 3
B. 6 D. 18

15. Karina’s rate of doing work is three times that of Giselle. On a given
day, Karina, and Giselle work together for 4 hours; then Giselle is called
away and Karina finished the rest of the job in 2 hours. How long would it
take Giselle to do the complete job alone?
A. 22 C. 11
B. 7 D. 16

16. How many 4-digit numbers can be formed without repeating any digit, from
the following digits: 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6?
a. 150 c. 140
b. 120 d. 130

17. A boy agrees to work at the rate of one cent the first day, two cents the
second day, four cents the third day, eight cents the fourth day, etc. How
much would he receive at the end of 12 days?
A. 49.05 C. 40.95
B. 45.90 D. 45.09

18. The sum of all numbers between 0 and 10,000 which is exactly divisible by
77 is:
a. 546546 c. 645645
b. 645568 d. 645722
Mapua University
Civil Engineering Department

CE199-1L: Correlation Course 1

19. Peter set out from a certain point at 6 kph. After he had gone two hours,
Paul set out to overtake him and went 4 km the first hour, 5 km the second
hour, 6 km the third hour, and so on. How many hours after Peter set out
were they together?
A. 5 hrs C. 7 hrs
B. 8 hrs D. 10 hrs

20. A father and his son can dig a well if the father works 6 hours and his
son works 12 hours, or they can do it if the father works 9 hours, and the
son works 8 hours. How long will it take for the son to dig the well
a. 5 hours c. 15 hours
b. 10 hours d. 20 hours

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