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Sample Qs for Robotics 3

(Chapter 6)

Chapter 6: The ArmBot

Section: 001: Robotics Arms
Desc: Know the gains of the assembly line.

1. List the efficiency and productivity gains from the assembly line.

Workers do not have to lift heavy objects.
The cost of production is reduced.
Mass production is enabled, and industrial development is accelerated.

Chapter 6: The ArmBot

Section: 001: Robotics Arms
Desc: Know types of rotation in ArmBot.

2. What are the types of rotation in the ArmBot? Explain each type.

Types of rotation are based on the different axes they rotate around.
Yaw: Rotation of shoulder around the base.
Roll: Rotation of shoulder to move the claw forward, backward, up and down.
Pitch: Rotation of the claw to close and open.

Chapter 6: The ArmBot

Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Identify type of motion in ArmBot.

3. Included in Q2

Chapter 6: The ArmBot

Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Identify type of motion in ArmBot.

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4. Included in Q2
Chapter 6: The ArmBot
Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Know components of ArmBot shoulder.

5. What are the components of the ArmBot shoulder?

Answer: Yaw drive, mounting base and balancing structure.

Chapter 6: The ArmBot

Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Identify the mounting base.

6. What does the following figure show?

Answer: Mounting base.

Chapter 6: The ArmBot

Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Know components of the balancing structure.

7. What are the components of the balancing structure in the ArmBot?

Answer: Control unit and battery.

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Chapter 6: The ArmBot
Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Calculate the resulting power.

8. In the figure, what is the resulting power at gear D?

𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑔𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑔𝑒𝑎𝑟

𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑔𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑔𝑒𝑎𝑟

36 𝑃𝐵
12 𝑃𝐴

3 𝑃𝐵
1 𝑃𝐴

This results in PB = 3 x PA. Thus, as we move from gear A to gear B, power increases by a factor
of three.
Both gears B and C are connected to the same rotation axis and therefore have the same power,
PC = PB.
Gears C and D are linked together. I n this situation, gear C is the input gear, and gear D is the
output gear.

60 𝑃𝐷
12 𝑃𝐶

Date 17-03-20 | 3
5 𝑃𝐷
1 𝑃𝐶

This results in: PD = 5 x PC

The output power at gear D can be rewritten to obtain:
PD = 5 PB = 5 PC = 5 (3 x PA) = 15 PA

The gear train configuration is therefore made to increase the power by a factor of fifteen.

Chapter 6: The ArmBot

Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Calculate the resulting power.

9. Included in Q8.

Chapter 6: The ArmBot

Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Calculate the resulting rotations.

10. In the figure, how many degrees/rotations will the output gear make when the input gear
rotates one full rotation of 360 degrees?

𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑖𝑛𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑔𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑠 𝑜𝑢𝑡

𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑡𝑒𝑒𝑡ℎ 𝑜𝑓 𝑜𝑢𝑡𝑝𝑢𝑡 𝑔𝑒𝑎𝑟 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑑𝑒𝑔𝑟𝑒𝑒𝑠 𝑖𝑛

Date 17-03-20 | 4
12 𝐷𝐵
36 𝐷𝐴

1 𝐷𝐵
3 𝐷𝐴

𝐷𝐴 = 360

1 𝐷𝐵
3 360

𝐷𝐵 = = 120

Gear B will then rotate by 120 degrees (a third of a full rotation) when the input gear A makes
one complete rotation of 360 degrees.
Gears B and C are connected to the same rotation axis and will, therefore, undergo the same
number of rotations: DC = DB.
The rotational motion is transferred from the input gear C to the output gear D, which is
calculated as:

= = =
60 𝐷𝐶 𝐷𝐵 120

12 𝐷𝐷
60 120

Gear D will, therefore, rotate by 24 degrees. As a result, when the input gear A makes one full
rotation of 360 degrees, the output gear D will rotate by only 24 degrees, which is a reduction by
a factor of 15.

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Chapter 6: The ArmBot
Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Know whether power or rotations increases.

11. Included in Q9 and Q10.

Chapter 6: The ArmBot

Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Know the relation between gears.

12. Included in Q10.

Chapter 6: The ArmBot

Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Calculate the resulting power.

13. Included in Q9.

Chapter 6: The ArmBot

Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Calculate the resulting rotations.

14. Included in Q10.

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Chapter 6: The ArmBot
Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Know the purpose of balancing structure experiment.

15. In the figure, what does the experiment of increasing the length of the beams and pushing
allow us to do?

Answer: Visualize the maximum length that this structure can handle before tilting.

Chapter 6: The ArmBot

Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Explain the search and find code.

16. Consider motor 10 to be the motor that allows the robot to turn around, what is the purpose
of the following code?

It rotates the robot around the base until it finds a nearby object.

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Chapter 6: The ArmBot
Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Explain the search and find code.

17. The line that allows the motor to move slightly to count for early stop due to weight is

Answer: line 3

Chapter 6: The ArmBot

Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Mention another term for the fixed link.

18. In a four-bar linkage, what is another name for the fixed link?

Answer: Hidden link.

Chapter 6: The ArmBot

Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Criteria for classifying links.

19. What is the basis used to classify links in general?

Answer: Number of joints in the links.

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Chapter 6: The ArmBot
Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Identify the fixed link.

20. Considering that the pushing power is applied on part 1, answer the following questions.

a. Part 1 is the ______.

b. Part 2 is the ______.
c. Part 3 is the ______.
d. Part 4 is the ______.

a. Input link.
b. Intermediate link.
c. Output link.
d. Fixed link.

Chapter 6: The ArmBot

Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Identify the intermediate link.

21. Included in Q19

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Chapter 6: The ArmBot
Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Know Grashof’s theorem.

22. What does Grashof’s theorem state?

In a four-bar linkage, let S, L, P and Q be the lengths of the shortest link, longest link, and other
two links, respectively. According to Grashof’s theorem, there exists at least one link which can
fully revolve with respect to the other three links if L + S ≤ P + Q.

Chapter 6: The ArmBot

Section: 004: ArmBot Control
Desc: Identify the purpose of using motor encoder.

23. Using motor encoder in ArmBot helps prevent ____________.

Answer: repetition of code blocks forever.

Chapter 6: The ArmBot

Section: 002: The ArmBot
Desc: Define Modularity

24. ________ is used to describe structures that can be broken down into smaller parts. This is
useful in Robots because it allows fast assembly and disassembly of parts.

Answer: Modularity

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Sample Qs for Robotics 3
(Chapter 7)

Chapter 7: Omni Directional Robots

Section: 001: Introduction to Omni Wheels
Desc: Define Omni wheels.

25. What do we call wheels that can move in multiple directions?

Answer: Omni directional wheels.

Chapter 6: Omni Directional Robots

Section: 001: Introduction to Omni Wheels
Desc: Know characteristics of Omni wheels.

26. List two characteristics of Omni wheels.

They have rollers around the circumference.
They allow sideways movement without rotating.

Chapter 7: Omni Directional Robots

Section: 001: Introduction to Omni Wheels
Desc: Know uses of Omni wheels.

27. List two uses of Omni wheels.

They allow transportation of heavy loads in narrow spaces.
They can be used in cars and wheelchairs.

Chapter 7: Omni Directional Robots.

Section: 003: Omni Robots.
Desc: Calculate output power in crown-spur.

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28. Included in Q9.

Chapter 7: Omni Directional Robots

Section: 003: Omni Robots
Desc: Know directions of output gears.

29. When the input gear starts rotating, in what direction does output gear 1 rotate in comparison
to output gear 2?

Answer: Output gear 1 rotates in the opposite direction of output gear 2.

Chapter 7: Omni Directional Robots

Section: 003: Omni Robots
Desc: Know number of motors in SABIS Omni-bot.

30. SABIS Omni-bot needs ______ motors.

Answer: two

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Chapter 7: Omni Directional Robots
Section: 003: Omni Robots
Desc: Know type of motion in SABIS Omni-bot.

31. Wheel C allows the robot to move in a _______ motion.

Answer: linear

Chapter 7: Omni Directional Robots

Section: 003: Omni Robots
Desc: Know type of motion in SABIS Omni-bot.
32. Wheels A and B allow the robot to move in a ______ motion.

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Answer: curvilinear

Chapter 7: Omni Directional Robots

Section: 003: Omni Robots
Desc: Know purpose of idle gear in SABIS Omni-bot.

33. In the following figure, the benefit of gear A is to __________ .

Answer: maintain stability.

Chapter 7: Omni Directional Robots

Section: 003: Omni Robots
Desc: Define behavior of SABIS Omni-bot.

34. In the following figure, if the motor connected to wheel C is the only one turned on, what
happens to the robot?

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Answer: It moves to the right/left in a linear motion.
Chapter 7: Omni Directional Robots
Section: 003: Omni Robots
Desc: Know angle between tri-wheeler wheels.

35. In tri-wheeler, the angle between the shafts of the wheels is _____ degrees.

Answer: 120

Chapter 7: Omni Directional Robots

Section: 003: Omni Robots
Desc: Understand tri-wheeler code.

36. In tri-wheeler, how does the robot move if the below code is run?

Answer: It rotates.

Chapter 7: Omni Directional Robots

Section: 003: Omni Robots

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Desc: Know direction of tri-wheeler.

37. In the following figure, what would be the resulting direction of the robot?

Answer: North west.

Chapter 7: Omni Directional Robots
Section: 003: Omni Robots
Desc: Know motion type of tri-wheeler.

38. Included in Q37.

Chapter 7: Omni Directional Robots

Section: 003: Omni Robots
Desc: Know motion type of tri-wheeler.

39. Included in Q37.

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