eJHA-E&I-10 - 2021 E&I-Hook-up New Light Connection

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Procedure Ref :

JHA No.: Revision No: 1 Area: Job Locations:

Rev.: A1 Date:
Job Ref (Contract No.: Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1☐,
1 of 152☑, Non-Hazardous☐

Job Description: To Carry Out Hook-up New Light Connection Permit Type & No.:

Risk Rating Residual

Activities (Job Action Party
S/N Before Controls / Mitigation Measures Risk/ / Remark
steps) Potential Hazards
Mitigation Rating
 Ensure PTW
 Ensure all personnel have valid CLIENT Approved H2S Training
and CLIENT Induction Cards prior to enter into Site.
P= 3XC (M) P= 1XC(L)
Entry to site&Site  If H2S is detected, stop work. Inform authorities and evacuate
H2S and other toxic A= 0XA (NA) A= 0XA (NA) Site Supervisor,
1 preparation immediately. PTW Holder.
gases E= 2XC (M) E= 1XC (L)
works  All personnel working in the site shall have H2S personal gas
R= 2XC(M) R= 1XC(L)
monitor/Toxic clips.
 Provide area Gas Monitor if required by PTW.
TBT to be conducted follow the new Toolbox form
P= 3XC(M) P=1XC (L)
Noise A= 0XA (NA) A=0XA (NA) Supervisor,
Wear Ear Plug/ Muff with all other mandatory PPE.
E= 0XA (NA) E=0XA (N/A) PTW Holder.
R= 2XC(M) R=1XC (L)
 Provide proper access to the area.
 In case of any emergency follow CLIENT Emergency
P= 3XC (M) P= 1XC (L)
A= 2XC(M) A= 1XC (L) Site Supervisor,
Emergency condition  Each employee should be instructed about safe working PTW Holder.
E= 0XA (NA) E= 0XA (NA)
R= 2XC(M) procedure/technique and emergency procedure and response, R= 1XC(L)
in case of emergency.
Please contact on emergency contact #
Extreme weather P= 3XB (M)  Welfare facilities to be provided. P= 1XB (L) PTW Supervisor
/Environment risks, A= 0XA (NA)  Provide drinking water at the jobsite according to weather A= 0XA (NA) & Safety Officer-
E= 3XB (M) condition. E= 1XB (L) All
R= 3XB (M)  Tool box talk to be conducted and ensure all workers aware to R= 1XB (L)
response in Extreme weather /Environment risks as per CLIENT
procedures & Requirements,
 Stay well nourished by eating and drinking enough. Make sure
to drink enough water as per weather conditions, & Dress as
per weather conditions.
 All work shall terminate, and each employee shall move to a
safe place when any weather/environmental conditions create a
hazard for the employee.
 CLIENT work and rest procedure shall be followed as per heat
Procedure Ref :
JHA No.: Revision No: 1 Area: Job Locations:
Rev.: A1 Date:
Job Ref (Contract No.: Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1☐,
2 of 152☑, Non-Hazardous☐

Job Description: To Carry Out Hook-up New Light Connection Permit Type & No.:

stress procedures.
 Inspect the area before and during the activity for the presence
P=2XC(M) P= 1XC(L)
of any scorpions, snakes/Insects.
Scorpions A= 0XA (NA) A= 0XA (NA) Supervisor,
 Don’t sit/Stand near Burrow. PTW Holder. All
Snake/Insect bites. E= 0XA (NA) E= 0XA (NA)
R= 2XC(M)  Put up signage’s of Warning/Caution about scorpions and R= 1XC(L)
venomous snakes observed in the area if required.
Adjacent live system P= 3XB (M)  Ensure availability of valid permit and authorizations for this P= 2XB (L) Site Engineer /
A= 3XB (M) activity A= 2XB (L) supervisor
E= 0XA (NA)  Ensue to follow LOCK-OUT& TAG-OUT procedures if required E= 0XA (NA) HSE Officer
R= 3XB (M)  Conduct tool box and discuss about hazards related to activity R= 1XB(L)
and energized system nearby.
 Engage competent personnel for the job
 Adjacent live panels and equipment should be taken care while
 Activity shall be done under valid PTW
 Do not open any existing system/panel WITH OUT APPROVAL
 Temporary power should not contact with any existing system
 CLIENT representative shall be stand by and recommendations
shall be followed
 pre-commissioning and commissioning shall be done as per
Approved procedure
 Be aware of slippery surface
P= 3XB (M)  Keep your hands free P= 1XB (L)
PTW Supervisor
A= 0XA (NA)  Take slow, short steps A= 0XA (NA)
slippery condition & Safety Officer
E= 0XA (NA)  Improve your center of gravity. E= 0XA (NA) and all
R= 3XB (M)  Wear proper footwear. R= 1XB (L)
 Do not cross over Pipe line Use proper access always.
Heat Stress Hazard P= 3XB (M)  Conduct TBT prior start the job Heat Stress Hazard & safety P= 1XB (L) PTW Supervisor
A= 0XA (NA) precautions. A= 0XA (NA) , Safety Officer
E= 0XA (NA) E= 0XA (NA) and All
 Follow the Ministry of Administrative Development, Labor and
R= 3XB (M) Social Affairs has begun implementing the Ministerial decision R= 1XB (L)
No. (17) For the year 2021 regarding the necessary precautions
to protect workers from heat stress in open work sites during the
summer period. Works performed under the sun or open
workplaces is not permissible from 10 in the morning until 3.30
in the evening.
 CLIENT heat stress procedure, rules and regulation shall
followed & recommended precaution to provide.
 Work & Rest rotation to be followed strictly by all crews.
Procedure Ref :
JHA No.: Revision No: 1 Area: Job Locations:
Rev.: A1 Date:
Job Ref (Contract No.: Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1☐,
3 of 152☑, Non-Hazardous☐

Job Description: To Carry Out Hook-up New Light Connection Permit Type & No.:

 All personnel must carry water Flask with full water.

 Don’t share personal water flask with others following Covid-19
 Ensure enough Drinking water at site is provided as per weather
 Use designated Rest shelters only
 Follow heat stress Management procedures.
 Don’t work alone and engage buddy working system.
 Provide rest Shelter if required.
 Heat stress Emergency awareness to be discussed through
 People having activities under direct sun shall follow work & rest
procedure how they can maintain their work activities following
the summer timing.
 Please contact on emergency contact # 40145201 (NGL control
room) for any emergency
COVID 19 out break P= 3XB (M)  Make sure for Measuring and recording of all personnel body P= 1XB (L) Work site
(Recent Increase in A= 0XA (NA) temperature to avoid any employees with the symptoms for A= 0XA(NA) Supervisor and
COVID cases) E= 3XB (M) entering to site. E= 1XB (L) PTW
R= 3XB (M)  Arrange Vaccination program as per MOPH eligibility for covid R= 1XB (L) Holder/HSE
vaccine program and center.
 All workers must be vaccinated and record shall show on
 If not completed both dose must to have vaccination Card with
him for show on security gate.
 All unvaccinated employees not allowed to site unless to take a
weekly COVID-19 test/ rapid antigen tests every seven days.
 Reason of Measuring and recording to keep the cases at low
level and reduce the chance of COVID 19 spread.
 TBT site gathering are to be limited in size limited as per the
new covid SOPs within the safe distance of 2 meter Wearing
Mask all the time.
 Awareness training to be given in the TBT meeting, don’t do
hand shake and follow Covid-19 SOPs.
 Ensure to keep social distance of 2 m between each other.
( New MOI requirement )
 Clean your hands with soap often.
 Don’t share Drinking water bottle
 Follow all SOPs at site, Camp and also in Vehicles & during
journey in buses.
Procedure Ref :
JHA No.: Revision No: 1 Area: Job Locations:
Rev.: A1 Date:
Job Ref (Contract No.: Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1☐,
4 of 152☑, Non-Hazardous☐

Job Description: To Carry Out Hook-up New Light Connection Permit Type & No.:

 Avoid close contact with anyone who has fever and cough.
 Maintain a clean environment & sanitize surfaces.
 Don’t touch the face /nose /Eyes by hands
 Wear Mask to prevent COVID 19 spread
 If any symptoms such as running nose, sore throat, cough,
fever they shall be isolated and quarantine room and reported to
and contact on emergency contact #
Improper Isolation/De- P= 3XB (M)  Required PRC must be prepared and approved from all concern P= 2XB (L) PTW, E&I
Isolation A= 3XB (M) departments’ before De- isolation for safety of existing A= 2XB (L) Construction
E= 0XA (NA) equipment and system, Follow CLIENT lock out tag out system E= 0XA (NA) Supervisor, E&I
R= 3XB (M) to make sure for secure De-Isolation. R= 1XB(L) Crew
 Ensure correct Isolation procedure is followed.
 Do Isolations OR De-isolation activities after the approval of
authorized CLIENT Representative only.
Electric shock P= 3XB (M)  Extra care shall be taken when working in live panels P= 1XB (L) PTW, E&I
Contact with ‘live’ A= 3XB (M)  CLIENT person shall be stand by and recommendations shall A= 1XB (L) Construction
electrical components E= 0XA (NA) be made while working in live panels E= 0XA (NA)
Supervisor, E&I
causing electrical R= 3XB (M)  Insulated tools shall be used to perform the activity R= 1XB(L)
shock, burns or  Keep away from line of fire.
electrocution.  Cordon the work area to avoid unauthorized entry.
 Only qualified and competent persons to work on electrical
 When doing the termination in existing system ensure that
power is isolated and no current in the working place.
 All hand& P tools must be in good condition with valid color
code, no homemade hand tools to be used at site
 All work on electrical equipment only to be carried out following
the isolation procedures.
 For safe isolation please follow CLIENT Isolation Procedure.
 No work shall perform on existing facilities/system without
CLIENT E&I representatives’ approval/presence
 Under NO circumstances must any electrical installation or
maintenance be carried out on ‘live’ equipment.
 Inspect heat gun & Ferruling Machine before use; ensure that
are in good condition
 Use insulated terminal screw while removing the wire
 Ensure that the power supply is shutting off before will proceed
to do the work.
 Adequate supervision shall be provided at all times at the work
Procedure Ref :
JHA No.: Revision No: 1 Area: Job Locations:
Rev.: A1 Date:
Job Ref (Contract No.: Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1☐,
5 of 152☑, Non-Hazardous☐

Job Description: To Carry Out Hook-up New Light Connection Permit Type & No.:

front to monitor the task.

 Maintain good communication between work parties
 Use proper and certified equipment.
 Appropriate shock resistance gloves to worn.
Unauthorized P= 3XB (M)  The area identified, confirmed & cleared prior to entry into the P= 1XB (L) Site Supervisor
commencement of A= 3XB (M) work area. A= 1XB (L)
works and lack of E=2XC(M)  All personnel shall be trained of all mandatory trainings. and PTW
safety awareness R= 3XB (M)  Authorized work permit holders shall ensure obtaining and R= 1XB(L) Holder
maintaining of valid work permits and associated certificate.
 The supervisor responsible for this activity has to check the
PPE and tools of his crew to ensure that all required items are
available and properly used.
 Inform all people regarding permit conditions before work starts.
 Supervisors must conduct daily toolbox talk about nature of
work and associated potential hazards and its control
measures. Discuss possible emergency and response
 Comply with all general job requirements mentioned on PTW.
Working at Height P= 3XB (M)  Ensure safe & approved working platform shall be provided P= 1XB (L) PTW/
hazards/ A= 0XA (NA) inspected by scaffolding inspector and recorded in scaffold A= 0XA (NA) Supervisor
Fall from height E= 0XA (NA) inspection tag. E= 0XA (NA)
R= 3XB (M)  Scaffolding shall be use when inspection tag Valid And sign R= 1XB(L)
by scaffolding inspector
Full body Harness shall be used with 100 % ties off if required
and harness must be approved by CLIENT BCP department.
fall of materials on the P= 3XB (M)  Check the area for live lines /tubing or E& I cables/system that P= 1XB (L) PTW
live line / A= 3XB (M) required protection from falling hazards then provide A= 1XB (L) /Supervisor
systemcausing leaks / E= 0XA (NA) necessary protection before starting the activities. E= 0XA (NA)
line / OR damages the R= 3XB (M)  Don’t stock materials/hand tools on the platform /near existing R= 1XB(L)
equipment facilities, pipelines OR system to avoid falling hazards.one
person shall focus on single task not to participate multiple
tasks to avoid falling OR miss used of Tools and Materials.
 Use tool lanyards to prevent tools from falling. Keep all
material at least 3 feet from a leading edge, other than material
specifically required for work in process. Remove items from
all loose pockets.
 Do not hang objects over guardrails/Handrails
Ensure all live lines / instruments must be adequately protected
from sudden impact.
Defective Tools and P= 3XB (M)  All tools should be in good condition, Inspection should be done P= 1XB (L) Site Supervisor
Procedure Ref :
JHA No.: Revision No: 1 Area: Job Locations:
Rev.: A1 Date:
Job Ref (Contract No.: Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1☐,
6 of 152☑, Non-Hazardous☐

Job Description: To Carry Out Hook-up New Light Connection Permit Type & No.:

Equipment A= 3XB (M) prior to task A= 1XB (L) and PTW Holder
E=0XA (NA)  In case of any damaged or defective equipment it has to be E=0XA(L) HSE Officer
R= 3XB (M) replaced or rectified immediately. R= 1XB(L)
 All equipment must be CERTIFIED
Hook-up New Slip, trip and falls P= 3XB (M)  Mandatory and additional PPE must beworn. P= 1XB (L) PTW Supervisor
Light A= 0XA (NA)  Area must be barricaded, and signs must beposted. A= 0XA (NA) & Safety Officer
Connection at E= 0XA (NA)  Proper housekeeping in workarea. E= 0XA (NA)
2 spare slot of JB # R= 3XB (M) R= 1XB(L)
 Proper working platform to be arranged/provided
SBLPN8126-3R-  Ensure access shall be kept clear and free fromobstruction.
 Housekeeping shall be maintained all the time
Improper Isolation P= 3XB (M)  PRC must be prepared and approved from all concern P= 2XB (L) PTW, E&I
A= 3XB (M) departments for isolation and safety of existing equipment A= 2XB (L) Construction
E= 0XA (NA) and system, Follow CLIENT lock out tag out system to make E= 0XA (NA)
sure for secure isolation. Supervisor, E&I
R= 3XB (M) R= 1XB(L)
 Ensure correct procedure is followed. Crew

Disturbance to the P= 3XB (M)  Do not touch any nearby wiring / terminations. P= 1XB (L) Site Engineer /
existing terminals A= 3XB (M)  Extreme care should be taken while opening the junction box A= 1XB (L) supervisor / HSE
/wirings/ facilities E=0XA (NA)  Adequate supervision shall be provided at work front to E= 0XA (NA)
monitor the tasks. Officer
R= 3XB (M) R= 1XB(L)
 Responsible person shall beat site during the activity
 Field operator /CCR to be informed prior to start this activity
 Keep safe distance or give means of protection to other
facilities where necessary or if there any potential to being
 Do not disturb any existing plant facilities other than identified
equipment to work
Electric hazard P= 3XB (M)  Extra care shall be taken when working on to existing JB P= 1XB (L) Site Engineer /
A= 3XB (M)  CLIENT recommendations shall be made while terminating A= 1XB (L) supervisor / HSE
E=0XA (NA) new cables to existing JB E= 0XA (NA)
 Insulated tools shall be used to perform the activity Officer
R= 3XB (M) R= 1XB(L)
 Ensure electrical equipment from every source of electrical
energy shall disconnected and separated
 Adequate supervision shall be provided at all times at the
work front to monitor the task.
 Maintain good communication between work parties
 Use proper and perfect tools.
 Appropriate shock resistance gloves to worn.
Improper Tools P= 3XB (M)  Ensure that all equipment are inspected and free from the P= 1XB (L) Site Engineer /
A= 3XB (M) defects A= 1XB (L) supervisor / HSE
E=0XA (NA)  Only competent and trained person allow to do the activity E= 0XA (NA)
R= 3XB (M) R= 1XB(L)
Procedure Ref :
JHA No.: Revision No: 1 Area: Job Locations:
Rev.: A1 Date:
Job Ref (Contract No.: Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1☐,
7 of 152☑, Non-Hazardous☐

Job Description: To Carry Out Hook-up New Light Connection Permit Type & No.:


Unsuitable and P= 3XB (M) P= 1XB (L) Site Engineer /

Damaged hand tools A= 2XB (L)  Selection of tools shall be done by a competent person, A= 1XB (L) Supervisor/ Safety
E= 2XB (L)  Remove all the damaged tools immediately from site, E= 2XB (L)
 Ensure use of mandatory and suitable PPE for the activity. Officer
R= 3XB (M) R= 1XB (L)
Electricity - Contact P= 3XB (M)  Only qualified and competent persons to work on electrical P= 2XB (L) PTW, E&I
with ‘live’ electrical A= 3XB (M) equipment. A= 2XB (L) Construction
components causing E= 0XA (NA)  When doing the termination in existing system ensure that E= 0XA (NA)
power is isolated and no current in the working place. Supervisor, E&I
electrical shock, burns R= 3XB (M) R= 1XB(L)
or electrocution.  All hand tools must be in good condition, no homemade hand Crew
tools to be used at site
 All work on electrical equipment only to be carried out
following the isolation procedures.
 For safe isolation please follow CLIENT Isolation Procedure.
 No work shall perform on existing facilities/system without
CLIENT E&I representatives’ approval/presence
 Isolation Permits/ PRC/Other required permits to be taken out
prior to any work commencing.
 Under NO circumstances must any electrical installation or
maintenance be carried out on ‘live’ equipment.
 Inspect heat gun& Ferruling Machine before use; ensure that
are in good condition
 Use insulated terminal screw while removing the wire
 Ensure that the power supply is shutting off before will
proceed to do the work.
Risk of injuries/ cuts P= 3XB (M)  Employees are to be trained on the use of tools. P= 1XB (L) Site Supervisor,
from improper tool A= 0XA (NA)  Protect knifes or open blade with a holder or sheath to A= 0XA (NA) PTW Holder
usage OR sharp tools E= 0XA (NA) protect the blade while not in use. E= 0XA (NA)
R= 3XB (M)  Keep all used razor blades in a tools box sharps labeled as R= 1XB(L)
 Extra care to be taken while working on cable tray, use hard
hand gloves.
Untrained Personnel. P= 3XB (M)  Use Experienced and skilled workers to do the task. They P= 1XB (L) PTW Supervisor
A= 3XB (M) shall have working /Task Awareness about the task. A= 1XB (L) & Safety Officer
E= 0XA (NA)  Adequate Supervision E= 0XA (NA)
R= 3XB (M)  TBT to be conducted follow the new Toolbox form Rev5 - R= 1XB(L)
Pinch point P=3xB (M)  TBT to be conducted and close supervision to by carried out. P= 1XB (L) PTW Supervisor
A=0xA (NA)  Hand gloves to be used. A= 0XA (NA) & worker
Procedure Ref :
JHA No.: Revision No: 1 Area: Job Locations:
Rev.: A1 Date:
Job Ref (Contract No.: Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1☐,
8 of 152☑, Non-Hazardous☐

Job Description: To Carry Out Hook-up New Light Connection Permit Type & No.:

E=0xA (NA)  Safety signage describing the hazards should be present. E= 0XA (NA)
R=3xB (M) R= 1XB (L)
Nearby running live P=3xB (M)  Conduct TBT prior start the job and inform all workers do not P=1xB (L) PTW Supervisor
equipment / panels etc E=0xA (NA) touch or operate any live equipment /panels’ .keep away from E=0xA (NA) & Safety Officer
A=3xB (M) the running equipment. A=1xB (L)
R=3xB (M)  Don’t block any access to live equipment /panels Or R=1xB (L
firefighting equipment and emergency access
 Extra care to be taken while pulling cable to the existing cable
tray/ladders, if necessary, protects the existing cable with
polyethylene sheet
Blocking of access and P= 3XB (M)  Conduct toolbox talk and advise all personnel not to stack or P= 1XB (L) Site Engineer /
Emergency exits A= 3XB (M) block access paths A= 1XB (L) Supervisor/
E= 3XB (M)  Stack the materials properly and in designated areas. E= 1XB (L) Safety Officer
R= 3XB (M)  Never block the emergency access and firefighting R= 1XB (L)
 Ensure good housekeeping always
simultaneous work P=3xB (M)  Proper communication between supervisors with other P=1xB (L) PTW Supervisor
E=0xA (NA) discipline must be done prior to start the activity. E=0xA (NA) & Safety Officer
A=3xB (M)  Proper planning must be done before preceding the job. A=1xB (L)
R=3xB (M) R=1xB (L)
Unauthorized activity P= 3XB (M)  Ensure to obtain suitable Permit prior to carry out the activity P=1xB (L) Site Engineer /
A= 3XB (M)  Ensure proper coordination and communication with A=1xB (L) Supervisor/ Safety
E= 3XB (M) Operation team and area authority. E=1xA(L) Officer
R= 3XB (M)  Ensure trained employees for work and shall be R=1xB (L)
communicated about PTW and JHA during TBT prior to start
the activity.
 Ensure proper monitoring and supervision.
Clash with other P= 3XB (M)  Make sure that proper communication is made with Operation P= 1XB (L) Site Engineer /
services A= 0XA (NA) and all member of the working Group. A= 0XA (NA) supervisor / HSE
E=0XA(NA)  Team members must to know the scope of work. Areas and E=0XA (NA) Officer
R= 3XB (M) equipment where to work on it. R= 1XB(L
 Only carryout the task for which PTW approved.
 Contact control room for Any doubt to clear it .
Inappropriate hand P= 3XB (M)  Make sure all hand tools shall be inspected by operatives P= 1XB (L) PTW /Supervisor
tools /defective hand A= 0XA (NA) prior A= 0XA (NA)
tools E= 0XA (NA)  to use. Defected hand tools shall be discarded from the E= 0XA (NA)
R= 3XB (M) worksite R= 1XB(L)
Working at Height P= 3XB (M)  Ensure safe & approved working platform shall be provided P= 1XB (L) PTW/ Supervisor
hazards/ A= 0XA (NA)  Inspected by scaffolding inspector and recorded in A= 0XA (NA)
Fall from height E= 0XA (NA) scaffold inspection tag. E= 0XA (NA)
R= 3XB (M)  Scaffolding shall be use when inspection tag Valid And R= 1XB(L)
sign by scaffolding inspector
Procedure Ref :
JHA No.: Revision No: 1 Area: Job Locations:
Rev.: A1 Date:
Job Ref (Contract No.: Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1☐,
9 of 152☑, Non-Hazardous☐

Job Description: To Carry Out Hook-up New Light Connection Permit Type & No.:

 Full body Harness shall be used with 100 % ties off if

required and harness must be approved
fall of materials on the P= 3XB (M)  Check the area for live lines /tubing or E& I cables/system P= 1XB (L) PTW /Supervisor
live line / system A= 3XB (M) that A= 1XB (L)
causing leaks / line / E= 0XA (NA)  Required protection from falling hazards then provide E= 0XA (NA)
OR damages the R= 3XB (M) necessary protection before starting the activities. R= 1XB(L)
equipment  Don’t stock materials/hand tools on the platform /near
existing facilities, pipelines OR system to avoid falling
hazards.one person shall focus on single task not to
participate multiple tasks to avoid falling OR miss used of
Tools and Materials.
 Use tool lanyards to prevent tools from falling.
 Do not hang objects over guardrails/Handrails
 Ensure all live lines / instruments must be adequately
protected from sudden impact.

3 Work in  Wear PPE Site Supervisor,

congested  Provide protection on sharp edges of fixed Object with the PTW Holder
existing structure.
P= 3XB (M)  Always Look for surrounding area while working P= 1XB (L)
Sharp fixed Object with A= 0XA (NA)  No need to be hurry work safely to protect yourself and others. A= 0XA (NA)
the existing structure E= 0XA (NA)  No need to make gathering only required persons shall do the E= 0XA (NA)
R= 3XB (M) task. R= 1XB(L)
 Maintain focus and distance between fixed objects
 Ensure other personnel are well clear.

 Risk of striking hand P= 3XB (M)  Ensure other personnel are well clear. P= 1XB (L) PTW Supervisor
A= 0XA (NA)  Make sure you are using the correct tool for the task at hand A= 0XA (NA) & Safety Officer
E= 0XA (NA)  Beware of sharp edges on tools E= 0XA (NA)
R= 3XB (M)  The right tool for the job should always be used to decrease R= 1XB (L)
the chances of injury, incidents, or damage to a tool through
improper use

 Risk of striking others P= 3XB (M)  Never use a damaged or defective hand or power tool P= 1XB (L) PTW Supervisor
A= 0XA (NA)  Keep only required persons at site. A= 0XA (NA) & Safety Officer
E= 0XA (NA)  All tools shall be kept clean for easy use. E= 0XA (NA)
R= 3XB (M)  Ensure other personnel are well clear. R= 1XB (L)
 Proper communication each other.
 Maintain focus and distance person to person
 Make sure you are using the correct tools for the task at hand.
Procedure Ref :
JHA No.: Revision No: 1 Area: Job Locations:
Rev.: A1 Date:
Job Ref (Contract No.: Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1☐,
PageZone 2☑, Non-Hazardous☐
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Job Description: To Carry Out Hook-up New Light Connection Permit Type & No.:

 Be patient to avoid others beyond our control who take risks

 Tools are not toys. Never throw or toss a tool in the direction of
or directly to a coworker.

 Risk of touching/hitting P= 3XB (M)  All people shall take care for surrounding existing live facilities P= 1XB (L) Supervisor, PTW
to existing live facilities A= 0XA (NA) to avoid touching/hitting. A= 0XA (NA) Holder
E= 0XA (NA)  Use Good working technic, No need to hurry E= 0XA (NA)
R= 3XB (M) R= 1XB (L
Using of Hand Risk of injury due to P= 3XB (M)  Make sure you are using the correct tool for the task at hand. P= 1XB (L) PTW Supervisor &
Tools use of improper and A= 0XA (NA)  Never use a damaged or defective hand or power tool. A= 0XA (NA) Safety Officer
/defective hand tools E= 0XA (NA)  Tools are not toys. Never throw or toss a tool in the direction E= 0XA (NA)
R= 3XB (M) of or directly to a coworker. R= 1XB (L)
 All operatives shall be trained for proper handling of tools
4  Appropriate tools only have to be used and its requirements.
 Inspect the tools. Don’t use defective tools. Defective tools
must be removed from the site to avoid the usage of
defective tools which may cause of incident.
 All operatives shall wear their PPEs without fail.

Poor ergonomics P= 3XB (M)  Good posture is about more than finding a comfortable P= 1XB (L) PTW Supervisor &
A= 0XA (NA) position to work in, or what “feels right.” Especially when you A= 0XA (NA) Safety Officer/All
E= 0XA (NA) consider that some positions, while comfortable for the E= 0XA (NA)
R= 3XB (M) worker, may not be ergonomically correct. R= 1XB (L)
 Change it Up
 Repeating the same movement continuously through the day
can cause strains. If it is possible to alternate tasks, it is
advisable to do so. If job rotation or alternating tasks
throughout the shift is unrealistic.
 Be sure to incorporate several rest breaks. Stretch during
breaks or do simple exercises to keep your muscles and
tendons from becoming tense or strained.
 Be sure that if your job involves manual lifting, that you are
trained in manual material handling, and that you practice
proper lifting techniques. Never lift with the muscles in your
back. Lift with your knees.

Risk of striking hand P= 3XB (M)  Ensure other personnel are well clear. P= 1XB (L) PTW Supervisor &
A= 0XA (NA)  Make sure you are using the correct tool for the task at hand A= 0XA (NA) workers
E= 0XA (NA)  Beware of sharp edges on tools E= 0XA (NA)
R= 3XB (M)  The right tool for the job should always be used to decrease R= 1XB (L)
the chances of injury, incidents, or damage to a tool through
improper use
Procedure Ref :
JHA No.: Revision No: 1 Area: Job Locations:
Rev.: A1 Date:
Job Ref (Contract No.: Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1☐,
PageZone 2☑, Non-Hazardous☐
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Job Description: To Carry Out Hook-up New Light Connection Permit Type & No.:

Risk of striking others P= 3XB (M)  Never use a damaged or defective hand or power tool P= 1XB (L) PTW /Supervisor &
A= 0XA (NA)  Keep only required persons at site. A= 0XA (NA) workers
E= 0XA (NA)  All tools shall be kept clean for easy use. E= 0XA (NA)
R= 3XB (M)  Ensure other personnel are well clear. R= 1XB (L)
 Proper communication each other.
 Make sure you are using the correct tool for the task at hand.
 Tools are not toys. Never throw or toss a tool in the direction
of or directly to a coworker.

slip, trip and falls P= 3XB (M)  Suitable means of access. P= 1XB (L) PTW Supervisor &
A= 0XA (NA)  Good housekeeping and PPE’s must be worn (hand gloves). A= 0XA (NA) worker
E= 0XA (NA)  Provide sufficient access and working platform E= 0XA (NA)
R= 3XB (M)  Platform shall be inspected and green tagged, same applies R= 1XB (L)
for access ladders.
 Watch & be cautious for slippery wet surfaces
 Area must be barricaded, and signs must be posted.

Pinch point P=3xB (M)  TBT to be conducted and close supervision to by carried out. P= 1XB (L) PTW Supervisor &
A=0xA (NA)  Hand gloves to be used. A= 0XA (NA) worker
E=0xA (NA)  Safety signage describing the hazards should be present. E= 0XA (NA)
R=3xB (B) R= 1XB (L)
Damaged hand tools P=3xB (M)  Ensure that all tools have appropriate standard & correct P=1xB (L) PTW Supervisor
A=3xB (M) specifications A=1xB (L) &worker
E=0xA (NA)  Never use a damaged or defective hand tool E=0xA (NA)
R=3xB (M)  The damaged Hand tools must be reported and immediately R=1xB (L)
return to store.

 Ensure all equipment / materials removed from area. PTW Supervisor &
 Clear the area of any slip, trip or fall hazards. Safety Officer
 All equipment’s and tools removed on completion of job.
 Be cautious for the wet slippery surface.
P=2XC(M) P=1XC (L)
 Regular housekeeping at site shall be performed.
Housekeeping. A=0XA (NA) A=0XA (NA)
5 Fire, Slip, trip and falls  Keep walkways always clear of obstruction
E=0XA (NA) E=0XA (NA)
 Good housekeeping standard shall be maintained at all time.
R=2XC (M) Keep walkways, emergency exits/ routes clear of obstacles. R=1XC (L)
 Waste materials were segregated and stored only at
designated area. Waste
 materials shall be disposed at designated area
P=2XC(M) P=1XC (L) Supervisor, PTW
 Wear heavy duty gloves for the task.
A=0XA (NA) A=0XA (NA)
Sharp Edges  Keep the body parts away from sharp edges. Holder.
E=0XA (NA) E=0XA (NA)
 Protect the sharp edges with some sort of means if possible.
R=2XC (M) R=1XC (L)
Procedure Ref :
JHA No.: Revision No: 1 Area: Job Locations:
Rev.: A1 Date:
Job Ref (Contract No.: Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1☐,
PageZone 2☑, Non-Hazardous☐
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Job Description: To Carry Out Hook-up New Light Connection Permit Type & No.:

 All waste to be disposed at CLIENT approved waste

management center.
P=2XC(M) P=1XC (L) Supervisor, PTW
Wrong disposal area  All waste to be segregated as per CLIENT Regulation before
A=0XA (NA) A=0XA (NA)
Improper collection of disposal. Holder.
E=2XC (M) E=1XC (L)
Wastes  All waste materials shall be removed end of the shift/ day.
R=2XC (M)  Waste insulation materials shall be kept properly in trash bag R=1XC (L)
and removed from the site on daily basis.
P= 3XB (M)  All waste to be disposed-off as per CLIENT waste P= 1XB (L) Supervisor, PTW
Waste Material A= 0XA (NA) management procedure. A= 0XA (NA)
 Waste insulation materials shall be kept properly in trash bag Holder.
Generation E= 3XB (M) E= 1XB (L)
R= 3XB (M) and removed from the site on daily basis. R= 1XB(L)
 Conduct TBT prior start the job.
 TBT to be conducted follow the new Toolbox form Rev5 -
 Ensure supervisor will communicate to all workers how to
response during emergency and it should understand by all
workers. All workers must to know what they should to do in
case of emergency.
P=3xB (M)  In case of emergency stop all work, identify / verify alarm if P=1xB (L) PTW Supervisor &
Lack of awareness
Emergency A= 0XA (NA) Toxic Gas released, immediately safely move to the safest & E=0xA (NA) Safety Officer and
6 during emergency
Preparedness E= 0XA (NA) nearest Assembly Point considering the wind direction & A=0xA (NA) all
situation evacuate crosswind.
R=3xB (M) R=1xB (L)
 Follow CLIENT emergency response procedure.In case of
any emergency follow CLIENT Emergency Procedures.
 Each employee should be instructed about safe working
procedure/technique and emergency procedure and
response, in case of emergency.
 Please contact on emergency contact # control room) for any
Position / Ref Position / Ref Sign
S/N Name Sign S/N Name
Indicator Indicator
Procedure Ref :
JHA No.: Revision No: 1 Area: Job Locations:Rev.: A1 Date:
Job Ref (Contract No.: Hazardous Area Classification: Zone 0☐, Zone 1☐,
PageZone 2☑, Non-Hazardous☐
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Job Description: To Carry Out Hook-up New Light Connection Permit Type & No.:

JHA Team Leader Authorization: Ref Indicator: Sign :

JHA Approval (Permit Authority / Asset Holder): Ref Indicator: Sign :

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