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Design and Identity


“…the distinctive characteristic belonging to any given individual,

or shared by all members of a particular social category or group.
Identity may be distinguished from identification; the former is a
label, whereas the latter refers to the classifying act itself. Identity is
thus best construed as being both relational and contextual, while
the act of identification is best viewed as inherently processual”


“The term [identity] (by convention) references mutually

constructed and evolving images of self and other"

(Katzenstein,1996: 59)

“an identity is a social category”

(Fearon, 1999)

The concept of “Self ”

The philosophy of self defines the essential qualities that make one
person distinct from all others. There have been numerous
approaches to defining these qualities. The self is the idea of a
unified being which is the source of consciousness. Moreover, this
self is the agent responsible for the thoughts and actions of an
individual to which they are ascribed. It is a substance, which
therefore endures through time; thus, the thoughts and actions at
different moments may pertain to the same self.

Self is related to……..

The Study of the conscious and the sub-conscious mind

Sigmund Freud(1947)

“Freud believed that people could be cured by making conscious their unconscious
thoughts and motivations, thus gaining insight”

Ernest Dichter (1947)

The first to use Psychoanalysis in Marketing

Examples of Design and identity……..
Relationship between Design & identity entails to……..
Schematics of identity……..
Expressing IDENTITY …..
Physical Identity
Expressing IDENTITY …..

Personal Identity

Expressing IDENTITY …..

Corporate Identity
Expressing IDENTITY …..

National Identity
Expressing IDENTITY …..
That wraps it up…
Think clear , think wise…

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