03 Bridge Load Types in Midas Civil

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Midas Civil

Starter Pack Program II

✓Lesson 1: Boundary Conditions in Midas

✓Lesson 2: Utilizing Midas Civil’s Bridge
❑Lesson 3: Bridge Load Type in Midas Civil
❑Lesson 4: Analysis Control in Midas Civil
Bridge Load Types 2
1. Introduction
2. Static Loads
• Static Load Cases
• Structure Loads /
• Beam Loads
• Pressure Loads
3. Dynamics Loads
• Response Spectrum
4. Prestress Loads
• Tendon Property
• Tendon Profile
• Tendon Prestress
5. Moving Loads
• Traffic Line Lanes
• Vehicles
• Moving Load Cases
Bridge Load Types 3
1. Introduction
2. Static Loads
• Static Load Cases
• Structure Loads /
• Beam Loads
• Pressure Loads

Dynamics Loads
• Response Spectrum
Prestress Loads
• Tendon Property
1 Introduction
• Tendon Profile
• Tendon Prestress
5. Moving Loads
• Traffic Line Lanes
• Vehicles
• Moving Load Cases
Introduction 4

Once you completed your geometric model and all the boundary
conditions have been completely assigned, you now need to define the loads
the bridge will experience.

These loads may be dead loads to simulate other bridge components that
are not considered as structural components such as barriers, median strip,
wearing surfaces, etc.

Sample Bridge Cross Section with Barriers and Median Strip

Introduction 5

Loadings specified by your reference codes need to be defined such as the

Design Truck Vehicle Load from DPWH Design Guide Criteria and Specifications
(DGCS) and Design Response Spectrum from the DPWH Bridge Seismic Design
Specification (BSDS).

Design Truck Vehicle Load (DPWH DGCS Design Response Spectrum
(DPWH BSDS 3.6.1)
Introduction 6
In Midas Civil, various functions are available to define and simulate
different loading conditions that you want. You may find it on the Load Tab of
the main menu.
Different options for different kinds of loading are available on this tab,
• Static Loads • Construction Stage
• Dynamic Loads • Moving Load
• Settlement/Miscellaneous • Heat of Hydration
• Temperature/Prestress
For starters, we will discuss on this presentation on how to utilize some of
these functions to simulate commonly used loading conditions for conventional
Bridge Load Types 7
1. Introduction
2. Static Loads
• Static Load Cases
• Structure Loads /
• Beam Loads
• Pressure Loads

Dynamics Loads
• Response Spectrum
Prestress Loads
• Tendon Property
2 Static Loads
• Static Load Cases
• Tendon Profile
• Tendon Prestress • Structure Loads/Masses
Loads • Beam Loads
5. Moving Loads • Pressure Loads
• Traffic Line Lanes
• Vehicles
• Moving Load Cases
Static Loads – Static Load Cases 8

Static Load Cases (Load Tab >

Static Load Cases) act like a grouping
to identify different types of static
loadings like dead loads, live loads,
prestress loads, temperature loads,

This groupings are then used to

define different loads factors when
defining your load combinations
Static Load Cases Dialog Box

Load Tab > Static Load Cases
Static Loads – Static Load Cases 9
Below are the different types of Static Load Cases that you can define:
Static Loads – Structure Loads/Masses 10

Still in the Static Loads of the Load Tab, Structure Loads/Masses group
can be found with the following functions:

• Self Weight
• Nodal Loads
• Specified Displacement
• Nodal Body Force
• Nodal Masses
• Loads to Masses

Static Loads – Self Weight 11
Self Weight is used to consider the structure’s own
weight as applied load on the considered directions. For
example, to consider the self weight of your model as
gravity load, you need to define -1 factor on the Z-direction
(negative since based on the guide drawing, load
application is based on the global axis).

For beam elements, self weight is calculated by

multiplying the area defined in Section Property and the
weight density on the Material Property. It will be applied as
uniformly distributed load along the length of the element,
except for tapered elements which will have a varying
distributed load since its cross section is varying along the

For plate elements, self weight is the product of the

plate area and the thickness. It will be applied as
concentrated loads at the connection nodes.
Static Loads – Self Weight 12
1. Load Tab

2. Static Loads

3. Self Weight

4. Select corresponding
‘Static Load Case’.

5. Assign ‘Load Factor/s’ on the direction/s

to consider self weight as load.
Example: Z = -1 (self weight as gravity load)

6. Add

- No need to select the elements since this is to be applied globally.
Static Loads – Nodal Loads 13
1. Load Tab

2. Static Loads

3. Nodal Loads

4. Select corresponding
‘Static Load Case’.

5. Select the nodes where you want

to assign the concentrated loads.

6. Define the magnitude of the loads

that you want to assign on the selected
nodes (be mindful on the unit).
FZ = -10,000 KN; MY = 10,000 kN*m

7. Apply

- Nodal Force
- Nodal Moment

- Nodal Loads function is used to assign concentrated loads (forces and/or moments) on selected node/s.
- FX, FY & FZ for forces along X. Y & Z directions, respectively.
- MX, MY & MZ for moments about X, Y and Z directions, respectively.
Static Loads – Nodal Masses 14
1. Load Tab

2. Static Loads

3. Nodal Masses

4. Select the nodes where you want

to assign the lumped masses.

6. Define the magnitude of the mass that

you want to assign on the selected nodes
(be mindful on the unit).
Example: - Red when a lumped mass
mZ = -10,000 KN/g; rmY = 10,000 kN/g*m2 is assigned on that direction

7. Apply

- Nodal Masses is like Nodal Loads function, but loads are assigned in terms of lumped masses instead of forces.
- One main difference between loads in terms of force and in terms of mass is that masses participate during dynamic
analysis, while forces needs to be converted to mass to participate in dynamic analysis (using Loads to Masses function).
Static Loads – Specified Displacement 15
1. Load Tab

2. Static Loads

3. Specified Displacement

4. Select corresponding
‘Static Load Case’.

5. Select the nodes where you want to

assign the forced nodal displacement.

- blue when a specified

6. Define the forced displacement that
displacement is
you want to assign on the selected
assigned on that
nodes (be mindful on the unit).
Example: Dz = -0.05m

7. Apply

- Specified Displacement function is used to define a forced displacement on selected nodes.

- Dx, DY & DZ for displacement along X, Y, and Z directions, respectively.
- Rx, Ry & RZ for rotational displacement about X, Y and Z direction, respectively.
Static Loads – Loads to Masses 16

Loads to Masses function is used to convert the

vertical components (along global -Z direction) of defined
loads to masses.

We are converting loads into masses for it to be

included in mass participation during dynamic analysis such
as Response Spectrum Analysis and Time History Analysis.

Take note that this function does not convert Self

Weight into masses. For that, you need to consider Convert
Self Weight into Masses in the structure type of your
model (Structure Tab > Structure Type > Check Convert Self-
weight into Masses).
Static Loads – Loads to Masses 17
1. Load Tab

2. Static Loads

3. Specified Displacement

4. Select the direction where you

want these masses to participate
during dynamic analysis.

5. Check the Load Types to

be converted into masses.

6. Select Static Load Cases to

convert, then assign a Scale
Factor to be considered.

7. Add

- You need to add each Static Load Cases one-by-one.
Static Loads – Convert Self-weight into Masses 18
1. Structure Tab

2. Structure Type

3. Check ‘Convert Self-weight into Masses’

then select the direction to which it will
participate during Dynamic Analysis.

4. OK

- This will consider the self weight of the whole model as mass for it to participate during dynamic analysis.
Static Loads – Element and Line Beam Loads 19

2 1

Element Beam Load and Line Beam Load works the same, but the
main difference is the way of the loads are assigned.

Element Beam Loads is assigned to each selected elements

individually, while Line Beam Loads is assigned considering the whole
length of selected elements as one.

There are nine loads types to choose from, namely:

▪ Concentrated Forces ▪ Trapezoidal Moments/Torsions

▪ Concentrated Moments/Torsions ▪ Curved Loads
▪ Uniform Loads ▪ Uniform Pressure
▪ Uniform Moments/Torsions ▪ Trapezoidal Pressure
▪ Trapezoidal Loads
Static Loads – Element and Line Beam Loads 20
Each of the Load Type that you can choose from have specific graphical guide on
how you will input your load values.
Static Loads – Element Beam Loads 21
1. Load Tab

2. Static Loads
3. Element Beam Load
4. Select corresponding
Static Load Case.

5. Select desired Load Type

Example: Trapezoidal Loads

6. Select the Elements where

you want to assign the loads.

7. Select the load Direction.

Example: Global Z

8. Define load distances based

on selected reference (Relative
or Absolute), then input the
load values at this locations.
Example: as shown

9. Apply

- When using the Element Beam Load function, you need to select the elements where you want to assign loads manually.
- Let us use the Trapezoidal Loads load type for this example, then compare with the Trapezoidal Load with Line Beam Load.
- Load Direction is either Global or Local X, Y and Z direction
Static Loads – Element Line Loads 22
1. Load Tab

2. Static Loads
3. Line Beam Load
4. Select corresponding
Static Load Case.

5. Select desired Load Type

Example: Trapezoidal Loads

6. Select the load Direction.

Example: Global Z

7. Define load distances based

on selected reference (Relative
or Absolute), then input the
load values at this locations.
Example: as shown

8. Select the end to end

nodes where you want
to define the load.

9. Apply

- Let us use the Trapezoidal Loads load type for this example.
- Load Direction is either Global or Local X, Y and Z direction
- x1, x2, x3 & x4 distances can be Relative (by percentage of the whole length) or Absolute (actual distances).
Static Loads – Typical Beam Load 23
Typical Beam Load function is used to define different kinds of distributed load on
beam elements by converting pressure using the provided tributary width.
Below are the different templates of Typical Beam Loads that you can choose from.

Uniformly 2 Triangular Load Plus 1

Distributed Load Concentrated Load

Triangular Load 3 Triangular Load Plus 2

Distribution Concentrated Load

Trapezoidal Load 4 Triangular Load Plus 3

Distribution Concentrated Load
Static Loads – Typical Beam Load 24
1. Load Tab

2. Static Loads
3. Element Beam Load

4. Select corresponding
Static Load Case.

5. Select the Elements where

you want to assign the loads.

6. Input the Floor Load per

unit area and the tributary
width of the loaded floor.
Example: P=-10kN/m2; B=2m

7. Select Load Direction

Example: Global Z

8. Apply

- Typical Beam Loads are used to convert pressure loads (like floor loads) into distributed loads by providing the
corresponding tributary width. P is the floor load per unit area; B is the tributary width to consider.
- Let’s use Trapezoidal Load Distribution as example.
Static Loads – Pressure Loads 25
Pressure Loads function is used to apply pressure loads to faces and edges of plates
and solid elements.

Pressure Load acting on edged of a Plate

Pressure Load acting on Face of a Plate

Pressure Load acting on Faces of Solid

Static Loads – Loads to Masses 26
1. Load Tab

2. Static Loads
3. Pressure Load
4. Select the elements
to assign the load.

5. Select corresponding
Static Load Case.

6. Select the Element Type of the

selected elements
Example: Plate/Plane Stress (Face)

7. Select Pressure Face to assign the

load and the Direction of the load.
Example: Pressure Face = Face#1
Direction = Global z

8. Select if the pressure load is Uniform or Linear

varying. If Uniform is selected, define P1 only, but
if Linear is selected, P1 to P4 needs to be defined
for the equivalent pressure load at each corners.
Example: Uniform; P2=-10kN/m2

9. Apply

- Load Direction can either be based on Global or Local directions.

- The Pressure Face is automatically Face#1 for plate elements, but for Solid Elements, you need to select from its
6 faces (Face#1 to Face#6) where the load will be assigned (corresponding face will highlight once selected).
Static Loads – Hydrostatic Pressure Loads 27

Hydrostatic Pressure Loads function is mostly used to define linear lateral pressure
due to soil or fluids. It can also be used to define curved lateral pressure for earth
pressure due to earthquakes acting on underground structures.

Linear Hydrostatic Pressure Load Curved Hydrostatic Pressure Load

Static Loads – Hydrostatic Pressure Loads 28
1. Load Tab

2. Static Loads
3. Hydrostatic Pressure Load
4. Select the elements
to assign the load.

5. Select corresponding
Static Load Case.

6. Select Load Type

Example: Linear Loads

7. Select Element Type

of selected elements.

8. Select Load Direction

Example: Global X

9. Define Gradient Direction, Reference

Level, Constant Intensity and Gradient
Intensity. See noted for descriptions.
Example: as shown

10. Apply

- Gradient Direction is the direction where the pressure will vary.

Notes - Reference Level(H) is the point where the pressure will start at zero.
- Constant Intensity(Po) is the constant pressure that will act all throughout the element such as initial surcharge load.
- Gradient Intensity(g) is the unit weight of the soil or fluid.
Bridge Load Types 29
1. Introduction
2. Static Loads
• Static Load Cases
• Structure Loads /
• Beam Loads
• Pressure Loads

Dynamics Loads
• Response Spectrum
Prestress Loads
• Tendon Property
3 Dynamic Loads
• Response Spectrum
• Tendon Profile
• Tendon Prestress
5. Moving Loads
• Traffic Line Lanes
• Vehicles
• Moving Load Cases
Dynamic Loads 30
In Midas Civil, you can define Response Spectrum Data and Time History Analysis
Data in the Dynamic Loads.
Response Spectrum, also known as the Multimode
Elastic Method in DPWH-BSDS, is used to obtain the
maximum response occurring in a vibration system.

Time History Analysis is used to obtain the response

quantities of a vibration unit at discrete time interval. This
method of seismic analysis is the minimum requirement of
Sample Response Spectrum Function
DPWH-BSDS for irregular critical bridges under seismic
zone 3 & 4, and for regular critical bridges under seismic
zone 4

DPWH-BSDS Table 4.3.1-1 Sample Time History Function

Dynamic Loads – Response Spectrum 31
1. Load Tab

2. Dynamic Load 3. RS Functions 6. Select code.

Example: DPWH-LRFD BSDS(2013)
4. Add

7. Select Ground Type

8. Input Spectral Data

based on the code.
5. Design Spectrum

9. OK

10. OK

- Response Spectrum Analysis calculates modal response using the natural periods obtained by Eigenvalue Analysis.
- You can define the RS Function manually or by defining it from the available codes in the database. DPWH-LRFD
BSDS is already incorporated in Midas Civil.
Dynamic Loads – Response Spectrum 32

In Midas Civil, DPWH-LRFD BSDS or Bridge

Seismic Design Specification (2013) is already
included in the database of codes for Design
Ground Type can be referred to DPWH-BSDS
For the value of Peak Ground Acceleration
Coefficient (PGA) and Spectral Acceleration
Coefficient at Period 0.2 & 1.0 Seconds (Ss & S1),
it can be referred on the contour maps provided in
DPWH-BSDS 3.4.1-1 to 3.4.1-3 based on the
location of the project here in the Philippines.

Response Modification Factor (R) can be

referred to DPWH-BSDS 3.8.
Max. Period by default if 6 seconds.
Dynamic Loads – Response Spectrum 33
1000-year Return Period Seismic Map of the Philippines – Region X

Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) Spectral Acceleration at 0.2 seconds (Ss) Spectral Acceleration at 1.0 seconds (S1)
1000-year Return Period 1000-year Return Period 1000-year Return Period

For Bukidnon Area:

Peak Ground Acceleration (PGA) : 0.30
Spectral Acceleration at 0.2sec (Ss) : 0.70
Spectral Acceleration at 1.0sec (S1) : 0.30

- This is a sample seismic contour map from DPWH-BSDS 3.4.1.

- Based on the location of your project, you may take the nearest spectral data, or you can iterate if it is located in
between 2 spectral data.
Bridge Load Types 34
1. Introduction
2. Static Loads
• Static Load Cases
• Structure Loads /
• Beam Loads
• Pressure Loads

Dynamics Loads
• Response Spectrum
Prestress Loads
• Tendon Property
4 Prestress Loads
• Tendon Property
• Tendon Profile
• Tendon Prestress • Tendon Profile
Loads • Tendon Prestress Loads
5. Moving Loads
• Traffic Line Lanes
• Vehicles
• Moving Load Cases
Prestress Loads 35
Prestressing is a manner of strengthening
concrete members against tensile forces. This is
achieved by tensioning the Tendons that will
generate initial compression on the member to
counter then tensile stress when loadings are
There are 3 steps when defining Prestress
Loads in Midas Civil:
1. Define Tendon Properties
2. Create Tendon Profiles
3. Assign Tendon Prestress Loads
Sample Diagram of Prestressing in Beam You can see these functions in the Load Tab >
Temp./Prestress > Prestress Load group.

Prestress Loads – Tendon Property 36

Tendon Types:
1. Internal (Pre-Tension): Prestressing tendons prior to casting
concrete, which transmits prestress through bonding between
concrete and tendons
2. Internal (Post-Tension): Post-tensioning tendons through
hardened concrete members - tendons are gradually stressed
and anchored to the members.
3. External: Tendons are placed external to concrete members
and stressed.

Material is selected from a predefined Steel Material


Total Tendon Area can be defined manually, or auto-

Tendon Property Dialog Box calculate by selecting from the standard Strand Diameters and
inputting the Number of Strands (click ‘…’).

Duct Diameter should be defined if the tendon type is

Internal (Post-Tension). Take note that Duct Area should not be
less than the Total Tendon Area.

Tendon Area Dialog Box

Prestress Loads – Tendon Property 37

If Relaxation Coefficient is checked, select from the

database the code that you want to consider in the computation
such as Magura, CEB-FIP, European, etc., then provide the
parameters needed. User Define Relaxation function can also be
For example, if Magura is selected for the Relaxation
coefficient, you need select if 10 or 45 for General Steel or Low-
relaxation Steel, respectively. Losses due to steel relaxation are
determined from the following equation

Tendon Property Dialog Box

Magura Computation for Losses due to Relaxation

Prestress Loads – Tendon Property 38

The default value for the Ultimate Strength and Yield

Strength is based on the standard material of tendon for
commercial use but can be modified based on your actual
Curvature Friction Factor and Wobble Friction Factors are
values based on the code. In DPWH Design Guidelines, Criteria
and Standards (DGCS) 2015, you may refer to Table for
the values. This is applicable for Internal (Post-Tension) only.

Anchorage Slip (Draw In) and Bond Type are parameters

that you want to achieve onsite. These are usually indicated on
the initial plans.

Tendon Property Dialog Box

DPWH-DGCS 2015 Table

Prestress Loads – Tendon Property 39
1. Load Tab

2. Dynamic Load 3. Tendon Property

5. Input all parameters as described on
previous slides based on your project.
Example: as shown.

4. Add

6. OK

- Please be mindful on the units especially with the Wobble Friction Factor
Prestress Loads – Tendon Profile 40
Tendon Profile function is used to define the location of the tendon along
the element length relative to its own coordinate with reference to the section

Once the Tendon Profile dialog box is open, you can select manually the
elements where you want to define the Tendon Profile and it will automatically
register in the Assigned Elements. Just take note that selected elements should
be consecutively connected.

Select Input Type either 2-D or 3-D. For 2-D Input Type, you need to define
the X-Y and X-Z coordinates of your reference points, while in 3-D Input Type the
X-Y-Z coordinate of your reference points are needed.

Curve Type indicates how you want to define the curvature of your tendon.

• Spline – auto-calculates the minimum polynomial curvature

connecting your reference points to create the tendon profile.

• Curved – connects your reference points to define tangent lines

and create a circular tendon profile based on the defined radius of

If Spline Curve Type is selected, you can also define the Straight Length of
Tendon for the straight portions of the tendon at the beginning and end.
Prestress Loads – Tendon Profile 41
Typical Tendon is used to define a lumped representative of tendons. This
function multiplies the generated tendon by the defined Number of Tendon
during analysis.

Transfer Length of a prestressing strand

is defined as the length from the end of the
strand to the point where the effective stress
is developed. In Tendon Profile dialog box, you
can define it as follow:
Simple Diagram for Effective Stress

• User Defined Length – manually define transfer length for both ends.
• Auto Calc (65xStrand Diameter) – for pre-tension
• Auto Calc (0.5x(H+Bf/n) – for post-tension.
H: Section depth, Bf: Flange width, n: Number of webs (2 for 1Cell)

Debonding Data defines the length of the debonded strand for pretension
type of tendon.

Profile is where you define the reference points of your Tendon.

Options at the lower portion of the Tendon Profile dialog box is also
available to customize the location of the tendon on the element such as Point
of Symmetry, Profile Insertion Point, x Axis Direction, x Axis Rotation Angle,
and Offset.
Prestress Loads – Tendon Profile 42
Different Profile Inputs:

2-D Spline 3-D Spline

2-D Round 2-D Round

Prestress Loads – Tendon Profile 43
1. Load Tab

2. Dynamic Load 3. Tendon Property

5. Input all parameters as described on
previous slides based on your project.
Example: as shown.
4. Add

6. OK

- You need to add each Static Load Cases one-by-one.
Prestress Loads – Tendon Prestress Load 44
1. Load Tab

2. Dynamic Load 3. Tendon Property

4. Select corresponding
Static Load Case.

5. Select the Tendon Profile/s

where you want to assign the
Prestress Load.

6. Define Stress Value (refer to notes below)

Stress Value = Stress
1st Jacking = Both
Begin = 1,400,000 kN/m2
End = 1,400,000 kN/m2

7. Grouting after: 0 Stage (since CS are not considered)

8. Add

- Stress Value can either be in terms of Stress (force per unit area) or in terms of Force.
Notes - 1st Jacking sets at which end of the tendon the jacking will occur first. Select either Begin, End, or Both.
- Grouting defined the number of construction stages when tendons are grouted in the ducts when Construction
Stage Analysis is considered.
Bridge Load Types 45
1. Introduction
2. Static Loads
• Static Load Cases
• Structure Loads /
• Beam Loads
• Pressure Loads

Dynamics Loads
• Response Spectrum
Prestress Loads
• Tendon Property
5 Moving Loads
• Traffic Line Lanes
• Tendon Profile
• Tendon Prestress • Vehicles
Loads • Moving Load Cases
5. Moving Loads
• Traffic Line Lanes
• Vehicles
• Moving Load Cases
Moving Loads 46


Depending on the selected Moving Load Code, required inputs for the
Traffic Lanes, Vehicles, and Moving Load Cases may differ. On this presentation,
we will be using the AASHTO LRFD code, but below are other codes that you can
choose from:

• AASHTO Standard • Australia • KSCE-LSD15

• AASHTO LRFD • Poland • China
• PENNDOT • Russia • India
• Canada • South Africa • Taiwan
• British Standard (BS) • Korea • Transverse
• Eurocode
Moving Loads – Traffic Line Lanes 47
Eccentricity is the distance of the traffic lane from a
reference element (traffic line lane element). Negative
eccentricity represents the left side of the traffic line

Wheel Spacing is the distance between the

axles/wheels of the vehicles. Eccentricity Guide

Centrifugal Force for the Left Wheel of Vehicle Moving Forward needs to be
defined to simulate the overturning effect in terms of multiplication factor to the total
load of the axle.

Transverse Lane Optimization, if considered, will check the critical position of the
vehicle along the lane on transverse direction within the Allowable Width.

Vehicular Load Distribution has two options:

• Lane Element – will concentrate the effect of the axial and moment effect
of the vehicle on the Traffic Line Lane Element. This is usually used if the
whole deck is represented by one continuous elements only (example: Box
• Cross Beam – the vehicle loads are distributed to the main girders by the
cross beams. This is recommended if the bridge is composed of multiple
girders. Skew angles need to be defined if this option is selected.
Moving Loads – Traffic Line Lanes 48

Moving Direction is the direction of your

vehicle load with reference on how you define
your Traffic Line Lane Elements (Lane Direction).
Can be Forward, Backward, or Both.

Selection By are different method on how you can select your Traffic Line Lane
Elements. Just take note that selections must be on consecutive beam elements, and the
order of selection defines your Lane Direction.
• 2 Points – select beam elements in a line defined by two points.
• Picking – select consecutive beam elements one-by-one.
• Number – identify the element number of consecutive beam elements.

Traffic Line Lane Elements will register on the small table below the dialog box. You
may notice some check boxes on the Span Start column. This is for multi-span bridges to
distinguish each span. Just check the starting element of each span. For continuous bridges,
this will also be the reference on the computation/location of maximum negative moment
due to dead loads.

NOTE: when Selection by 2 Points and Picking is used, no need to click Add or Insert.
Moving Loads – Traffic Line Lanes 49
1. Load Tab

2. Moving Load
3. Traffic Line Lanes

5. Input Lane Name.

Example: Lane 1

4. Add Point 2

Point 1

6. Input parameters of your Traffic Line

Lanes as described on previous slides.
Example: as shown

7. OK

Notes - The dialog box might be to long for some screens making the OK/Apply button not visible. For that instance, click
the minus sign (-) on the drawing guide on the upper part of the dialog box to minimize.
Moving Loads – Vehicle Load 50
1. Load Tab

2. Moving Load
3. Vehicles

5. Select Standard.
4. Add Standard Example: AASHTO LRFD Load

6. Select Vehicular Load Type and input Dynamic

Load Allowance.
Note that Vehicular Load Name will automatically
adapt the name of the selected Vehicular Load
Name but can still be changed.
Vehicular Load Type: HL-93TRK
Dynamic Load Allowance: 33%

7. OK

- Based on the selected standard, you can choose different Vehicle Loads.
- Under AASHTO LRFD, HL-93 TRK and TDM are available, which is also used in DPWH-DGCS 2015 (10.7.3)
- Dynamic Load Allowance can be referred to DPWH-DGCS 2015 Table 10.8-1.
Moving Loads – Moving Load Cases 51
Moving Load Case is used to define the type of vehicle, number of
lanes, and the method to be used during moving load analysis. This dialog box
varies depending on the selected moving load code.
This dialog box also change when either of the two options below are
• Load Case for Permit Vehicle – check if the vehicle is defined as a user
defined permit vehicle.
• Moving Load Optimization – this will allow you to find the number of
loaded lanes and the exact position of vehicles in transverse and
longitudinal direction which will give you the critical response.
Multiple Presence Factor can be referred to DPWH DGCS 2015
or AASHTO LRFD 2012 This is to account the probability of multiple
vehicles that simultaneously present in adjacent lanes.
Sub-Load Cases is where you set the loading method and the traffic
lanes to be loaded by vehicles during moving load analysis.
Loading Effect defines the method of combining vehicle loading
• Combined – check the critical loading combination including cases where
different kinds of vehicles are applied simultaneously.
• Independent – check the critical loading combinations of same class of
vehicle class only. If more that two vehicle class is assigned, the class that
will give a more critical result will be considered.
Moving Loads – Moving Load Cases 52

Click on Add in Sub-Load Cases to

define the Vehicle Class and the
Assignment Lanes or the lanes where this
vehicle can pass through. Minimum &
Maximum number of Loaded Lanes needs
to be defined as well.

Scale Factor is usually used to define

the overloading factor.
Moving Loads – Moving Load Cases 53
1. Load Tab

2. Moving Load 3. Moving

Load Cases

4. Add 5. Assign Load Case Name

6. Input parameters as
described on previous slides.

7. OK

• Moving Loads

Thank you!

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