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Oxford Read and Discover

Activity Book
Activities to a ccom p an y the
Oxford Read and Discover
non-fiction reader

Oxford Read and Discover p ro v id e s in te r e s tin g and

e d u c a t io n a l c o n te n t, w ith a c t iv it ie s and pro je ct work.

The Activity Books p ro v id e a d d itio n a l, c h a p t e r - lin k e d reading,

w ritin g , and g r a m m a r p ra c tic e , as w e ll as c o n s o lid a t io n
a c t iv it ie s . They also use th e n o n - fic t io n c o n t e n t in th e reader
to s u p p o rt and d e v e lo p th e s t u d e n ts ' c r it ic a l th in k in g sk ills .

Series Editor: H a ze l G e atche s

щ Level 1 ц ц Level 3 Level 5

300 headwords 600 headwords 900 headwords

Level 2 в д Level 4 Level 6

450 headwords 750 headwords 1,050 headwords

OXFORD ISBN 978-0 19 4 6 4 6 7 2 7

! Activity Book
Ш 0О9
Activity Book
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Cities Activity Book by: Kam ini Khanduri

Illustrations by: Kelly Kennedy and Alan Rowe
Introduction <r Page 3

1 Find and write the words.

^ „ • (d in gSs t r e e « c o '* " « ') S id e ,re e s ^ ^

1 cities 3 ________ 5 __________

2 __ 4 ________ 6 _________

2 Complete the sentences.

cities countryside streets fie ld s

1 In the countryside, there are fields .

2 In cities, there a r e and buildings.
3 In t h e .there are trees.
4 In , there are lots o f people.

3 Answer the questions.

1 Do you live in a city?

2 W h a t can you see in a city?

3 W h a t can you do in a city?

Water 4 r Pages 8 -9

1 Write the words.

river bridge harbor tree ocean ship


2 Order the words.

1 in / a / h a r b o r / T h e r e ’s / S y d n e y
There's a harbor in Sydney.
2 a / c it y . / b ig / is / S y d n e y

3 r iv e r s . / a r e / c it ie s / o n / M a n y

4 is / t h e / U S A . / in / P it t s b u r g h

Tourists ♦Pages 10-11
1 Write the words. Then match.

2 Complete the sentences.

U daip ur tourist ride m useum

1 It’s fun to be a _________ .

2 You can go to a _________ .
3 I n _________there's a big lake.
4 In Hanoi you c a n _________ in a rickshaw.
Homes «• Pages 12-13

1 Find and write the words.

1 ________ 2 __________ 3 apartment

4 __________ 5 ____________

2 Order the words.

1 i n / M a n y / c i t i e s / a r e / h o m e s / s m a ll.

2 a p a r t m e n t s . / in / liv e / p e o p le / M a n y

3 is / B e r lin / G e r m a n y . / in

4 is / o ld / S a n F ra n c is c o /c ity ./a n

Work * Pq9es 14-15
1 Complete the puzzle. Then write the
secret word.
1 С
■>- О m P и t e r


ж О

The secret word is:

2 Answer the questions.

1 W h a t do people use in offices?

People use telephones and computers.
2 W here do salesclerks work?

3 W h a t do police officers do?

w Transportation « Pages 16-17
1 Find and write the words.

a 0 t r a с к s
t r a m e с I t
g a (Г a r) У n к
g L a t h i g L
n d t r a i n b
s t a t i 0 n g

3 _________ 4 5

2 Circle the correct words.

1 M a n y people use pollution/(transportation)
2 It’s great to w a lk in a city/car.
3 Trams/ Cars make p ollution.
4 Trams run on stations/tracks.
5 Some underground stations are deep/fast.
6 Lots o f cities have underground cars/trains.
Fun 4“Pages 18-19
1 Write the words. Then match.

1 t 0 ba

2 a rra t unest

3 Veeth

4 V.rripO

2 Complete the sentences.

w o rk hom e fun evening

1 People h a v e _________ in the park.

2 In t h e _________ , people go to the theater.
3 At night, m a n y people are a t _________ .
4 Police o ffice rs at night.
After Reading 4*Read pages 3-19
Complete the Picture Dictionary.

apartment children


ja m

2 Find the words and write the page.

1 You can take photos o f the

streets and buildings. page 10
2 M a n y cities are on big rivers. __________
3 PeopLe are having fun in the park. __________
4 Lots o f cities have underground
trains. __________
5 It’s a new day in the city. __________
6 These houses are 100 years old. __________
7 A m a ll is a street w ith no cars. __________
8 SaLesclerks w o rk in stores.______ __________

3 Write about cities.

In cities, there are buiLdings, streets, and lots

o f _________ . Some cities are by an ocean or on
a . Tourists t a k e in a city.
Thousands o f p e o p le in a city.
You can go shopping in a _________ , or go to
Look at a . You can use a tram or an
u n d e rg ro u n d . Do y o u __________ in
a city?

4 Complete the chart.
guide boat matt tram taxi driver
house teacher rickshaw store
bus children apartm ent salesclerk
car museum taxi police officer
school tourists train

Buildings mall

Transportation boat

My Book

Questions about this book

1 W h a t is this book about?

2 W rite six new w ords from th is book.

What I like about this book

M y favorite chapter is ____________
M y favorite picture i s _____________
M y favorite new w ord i s __________

Draw©,©©, or© © ©

I Like th is book.

I Like the pictures.


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