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In the past, customers used to depend mainly on traditional advertisements and word-of-
mouth recommendations even while these tactics continue to be effective, technological
advancements have changed the way companies and customers connect. There are now more
aspects that might affect a customer’s decision. When someone have a desire to purchase a
product, they enter a cycle known as the consumer decision-making process. (Next slide)

There are 6 key terms that relate to the topic such as price, features, word-of-mouth, brand
trust, quality and convenience.

First of all, product price. Product price is without a doubt one of the most compelling
elements in the perceptions of products available in the market. In the tightest sense, price is
how much money charged for a product or service. In general, price is the main factor
influencing customer purchase intention.

Next would be product features. Product features are specific design features that enable a
product to perform specific tasks. Each product has its own characteristics and uniqueness to
distinguish the product from other products. For example, if the product such as the Smart
Scale, have easily understandable features it would highly increase customer purchase
intention since customers usually prefer products that are not complicated and easy to use.

Moreover, word-of-mouth. When customers have a positive outlook or expression towards a

brand product, customer purchase intention will increase, as they are influenced by the
positive reviews towards the product. Therefore, word-of-mouth strongly influences
customers’ behaviour whether it is positively or negatively because good reviews will
enhance the awareness, consideration of the product, and attitude. If the product is good,
customers would also recommend to their families or friends which will benefit the business.

Furthermore, brand trust. Trust has been identified as a vital component of long-term and
dependable interpersonal relationships. Brand trust reveals critical role in interpersonal
connections and the establishment of a long-term relationship between the brand and the
customers. According to some researchers, brand trust is a predictor of brand choice and
purchase intention.

Besides that, quality. Product quality alludes to the overall attributes on a product that enables
it to perform as intended to meet customer needs. Customers believe that high-quality
products to be more dependable, lost-lasting, and easier to maintain. As competition is
intense in the market environment these days, product quality plays an important element that
customers need to consider when purchasing a product.

Last but not least, convenience. Product convenience plays an important element in customer
experience because it saves up customer’s time and effort. There are a few common types of
customer convenience such as location, portability, usability, and customization. For
instance, if the Smart Scale is light-weighted and easy to carry around, it will definitely be
more convenient for the customers. (Next slide)

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