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1) Write an essay on the effects of

development on environment. How

sustainable development is helpful in
preserving nature?
2) Give a critical appreciation of the novel
'Wuthering Heights '.
3) Give a critical appreciation of the
character of Raju in 'The Guide'
4) How does Freud challange his own
theory of pleasure principle? Describe his
idea of death instinct in your own words.

The main character of The Guide, who pretends to be a holy man in search of love and more
importantly, food. Raju, at first, seems like a stereotypical criminal. He’s always looking for a
shortcut (when he forges Rosie’s signature for her jewelry), and this gets him in trouble. He’s also a
born liar, as indicated by him telling Velan that he is a holy man, when he really is pretty much the
opposite. However, this all arose from a desire to be loved. Him forging Rosie’s signature was not
really a criminal act, but rather a desire for attention and love for his wealth.

15. TRANSFORMATION OF RAJU • The novel also tells two stories, that of Raju’srelationship with Rosie, and that of
Raju’srelationship with the villagers as a holy man. • The novel begins with Raju sitting beside the temple and meeting
the villager named Velan, who mistakes him for a holy man. The novel then alternates between an account of Raju’s
career as a holy man, which is told in the third-person, and Raju’s account to Velan of his previous career as a tour guide
and lover, which is told in the first-person. • This dualism reflects the dualism in Raju’scharacter. He is transformed from
a sinner to a saint, though he is never truly a sinner, and never truly a saint. Because of his capacity forempathy, Raju is
a sympathetic character throughout the novel.
16. JUSTIFICATION OF THE TITLE • The title of the novel is very apt as it shows Raju’s career and life as a guide for
the tourists and then later on for the villagers. • The novel shows his progression and transformation from a selfish tourist
guide to aselfless holy guide. From an unruly, undisciplined, and selfish man, he turns into a thoughtful, selfless, and
disciplined person. • The major theme of transmigration of the human soul from the clutches of maya or ordinary desires
to attain nirvana or self realization is amply demonstrated by the author in the novel. 
17. continued… • Raju begins his journey of life as a selfish man who is smitten and trapped in the world of maya or illusion,
but finally is able to achieve the path of self realization in the end when he turns into a selfless guru or spiritual guide,
doing his dharma, or moral duty assigned to him by God. • He rises from the ranks of a railway guide to a spiritual guide
and derives spiritual joy from the fast that he keeps for the villagers. • From a Pseudo Saint he attains the stature of
a real saint.
18. CONCLUSION • The Guide begins as a comic look at the life of a rogue, but develops into something different in its
progression. • In a fairly compact and concise manner the book conveys the numerous aspects of the day-to-daylives of
Indian people. • The different culture systems, the superstitions and values of the people of a small town named Malgudi
serves as a reflection on Indian society altogether.

why environment is more important than development

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