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‘uap:/ Toxal No.of Questions 8} oad No.of Prined Pages 2 a 6, What isthe role ofthe key in the DES (Data Encryption = Bae = Standard)? What are the three modes supported bythe DES? : MCSE-202 = Whereis each a good choice i M.EJM.Tech. II Semester i 7. a) Discuss briefly the coding and decoding of LDPC codes. é Examination, December 2016 a 'b) What is reed - Solomon code? Describe the decoding q Information Theory, Coding and Cryptography © process. F Time : Three Hours E 8. Writeshortnotes on any two: z ‘Maximum Marks:70 & 4) Huftinancoding 1). arity check matrix 5 Noe: Asematanyfvequesions Allusions cary eqalmarts, . 1) Diseuss Shannon's theorem in detail ')_ Discus the cumulative Gausian probability. 2. a) Explain Hidden Markov model. What is the use ofthis, model? Also discuss its properties. 1) Write brief notes on CRC codes 3. 8) What are BCH codes? Discus the steps fr decoding BCH codes. 'b)_ Describe the discrete birth death processes. What arts ‘properties? Using an example, show how the process ay 5 ‘eapplied to queuing theory z = = : “4. a) Diffeeatiate between Bemoull processes and Poisson 3 i processes. 3 by Discus soft decision vite algorithm. i 3 5. a) ExplainRSA slgncthm whh nexample. a : 1) Differentiate between the following terms. : a 4) Confsion andaitfusion j ii) Substution cipher and transposition cipher way me seam Pro ese-202 ttps/iwow. mos uuondssnsw/elyy ———____________asamyunsdiewsnaidyy

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