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This Guide will be updating regularly – Updated on 22/06/2020

ITEMS Buffs and Description

Good Chest plate for Killing Foes, in fact, it is very important item to be able to kill
Breastplate of Fury, high lvl foes. This item also helps on Defense if you are using Monstrous Beasts (Chaos
Forge lvl 20. Giants, Dragon Ogres, Beasts of Nurgle) and Khorne fraction to tank a bit more. It can
be used as offense item to attack as well and make your troops tankier.

Murderous Cuirass of Great chest plate for offense, it gives Scout Speed Bonus (so you can scout faster),
Butchery, Forge lvl 15, March Capacity (Which will increase your damage output by increasing the number of
obtained from Event troops to carry on in one single march) and Khorne Armor Bonus. Ritual speed is also
Blood of the Reik. present, which is always welcome. Usi this item when sending troops to warband.
Also while you sending your march to the enemy, after your march is on the way, you
can change this item for a different chest, and keep the amount of march capacity
troops + the buffs from the new chest you put on.

Great Chest plate for Offense, it gives attack Buffs both for Melee and Ranged troops
Cuirass of the Chosen, only during Champion March, as well as Moral to Monsters (15% + 35%), (This means,
Forge lvl 20. it will not work if you create a warband, since you cannot use your Champion). Not
good for Defense. Usually a late game Item set for high lvl players, starting from K25.
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Brigadine of Spite, Great Chest plate for Defensive purposes, since it gives to all Fortress troops attack
Forge lvl 16. Obtained and damage buffs. Soon we might get good Slaanesh t3-t4-t5 ranged troops, and then
from Event Warherd this item will be great if you go on Slaanesh path. Unfortunately, it does not give any
Raiders. def buffs such as armor/health, which is important when defending.

This item is good if you plan on going to Tzeentch Chariots t5, which buffs their range
Cuirass of Destiny, damage. In addition, it also gives quite good amount of Champion XP when finishing
Forge lvl 6, Obtained Rituals, Construction or just by Hitting some Foes. so it is very important that you
from Greenskins event. equip this item before you finish any construction or ritual.

Headsmans Skull Cloak, Great Chest for Capturing enemy champions, this at k30 gives you 100% of capturing
obtainable from Khorne the enemy champion if you deal more damage than the enemy to you during the
foe event only. attack. Gives a Champion march health bonus of +25% which is quite significant.
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Collar of Khorne, Forge Great item both for Vanquish to Kill Foes and for Defense since it provides
lvl 29. Mounstrous Beats Health Bonus (Chaos Giants, Dragon Ogres and Beast of Nurgle)
and Khorne Armor Bonus (If you decide to go on Khorne path fraction such as
Skullhunters and turn them into even better tanks)

Pendant of Shattering, Great item and not expensive to level up your Vanquish Damage to Kill Foes and
Forge lvl 6. Gathering Speed for those sweet and juicy Warpstone Events.

Maggot Standard, Forge This item, is usually used by Tzeentch Chariots and Nurgle players, since it does not
lvl 21. give any other buffs for other fractions. Gives Champion Vanquish Damage of +85%
which is huge as well.

Wand of Decadence, Good item if you plan on spect yourself fully into Cavalery/Chariots production, which
Forge lvl 20. Obtained reduces the costs of insta buy with warpstones, for Infernal Train Unit Events. Great
from Event Dwarf item to reduce the huge costs in warpstones for T4/5 troops.
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Brand of Hashut, Forge Good item if you plan on specting yourself fully into Infantery/Mounstrous Infantery
lvl 22, Obtained from production, which reduces the costs of insta buy with warpstones, for Infernal Train
Event Ard Boyz Assault. Unit Events. Great item to reduce the huge costs in warpstones for T4/5 troops.

Flame Wreathed Must have gauntlets for Defense since it gives the Fortress Combat Bonus, which is
Bracers, Forge lvl 25. huge buff on defense. It gives also good Buffs for Cavalry (If you plan to go the
Cavalery). Gives the Tzeentch Armor Bonus, which is great for those T5 Charriots that
are glass canons in case if your Layer Tank is destroyed.

Mesmerising Pauldrons, Good Gauntlets for Gathering during Warpstones events of RSS infernal/Legion
Forge lvl 19. events. Also gives good Slaanesh Melee Damage Bonus for those Melee Chariots T5
Troops. Usually it is a late game item if you plan to make it legendary, and should not
be maxed straight away, leave it on rare.
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Transmuting Must have gauntlets if you plan on killing foes, this gives huge vanquish damage by
Vambraces, Forge lvl 15. Chain Attack Bonus (Every consecutive Hit, will cause more damage on the Foe) Which
Obtained from Event helps tremendously in killing High lvl foes. Also gives Vanquish Damage to Kill Dwarf
Dwarf Expedition. Foes during Runesmith Events. This item is only for killing FOES.

Bracers of Command,
Forge lvl 14. Obtained Great item for when you farm armies to increase the bonus chance of rewards, plus it
from Event Imperial boosts the damage of your khorne flesh hounds, which you get at lvl 22 keep.

Gauntlets of
Damnation, Forge lvl 17. Usefull to decrese the construction times, since it gives a +5% of construction speed,
Obtained from Event BUT Hammer and Boots are better first option from the Runesmith Ruination Event.
Runesmith Ruination. This is also good gauntlets if you are based on Infantery, since it gives the juicy +25%
of Infantery Healing Speed bonus.
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Hexagrammic Mace,
Forge lvl 19. Obtained Great item for when defending since it gives the fortress armor, attack and damage
from Event Warherd bonuses. Also great item if you plan to have Burning Chariots of Tzeentch T5.

Vampiric Lash, Forge lvl Important item to make Vortex Beast to tank in front of your Flesh Hounds of Khorne
22. if you march them with Bloodthirsten Epic Warlord, since it gives Undivided moral
bonus. Gives Monsters Melee damage, which is always welcome.

Axe of Sundering, Forge Late game item as you may notice by the forge level 30…Gives good Vanquish damage
lvl 30. to kill higher lvl foes such as lvl9-10. Boosts your Infantry Melee Damage (but only t4)
Since it doesn’t boost the Skin Wolfs which are Monstrous Infantry unfortunately. BUT
it does buff the Skullhunters and Daemon Prince Khorne by +30% their melee
damage. Also of course all the rest of melee khorne troops. This item is also really
strong if you do Warbands since it gives the juicy combat Bonus +25% to all stats to all
the troops inside your warband, which is huge boost!
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Grim Hammer of
Maiming, Forge lvl 16. Great item for defensive purposes! since it gives undivided fraction +35% armor
Obtained from Event bonus. Gives also construction speed +10% bonus, which is great as well!
Runesmith Ruination.

Headsmans Blazing
One of the best offences weapons for your champion march, it gives also vanquish
Sword, obtainable from
damage, very well worth item to craft and work till legendary style. Also if paired with
Khorne foe event only.
Headmens cloack you boost your chances to capture the enemy champion during
your attack. Gives both attack bonuses to melee and ranged troops.

Good helm for when you have to defend your Campaments or doing a trap on them
Skull Helm of the since it gives +25% of combat bonus to encampments, and if you max out your Ritual
Chosen, Forge lvl 20. for it, then its 65% total for encampment combat bonus. Another good thing about it
is the March Armor Bonus, this gives armor to your whole march if your champion is
present in the march, which is great.
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Bloody Executioner’s Overall a good helm for offense, unfortunately it has +35% which is good and bad at
Hood, Forge lvl 10. the same time, depending on how you want to tweak your army (to tweak your tanks
Obtained from Event positions). It gives Melee and Ranged attack bonus and armor bonus for whole your
Warherd Raiders. troops in a march, if your champion is present. Does not work on warbands tho.

Brass Helm, Forge lvl 17. It is good for Vanquish against Empire Foes, get it to rare style, and in late game to
epic. But I can’t recommend it to level it to legendary, not worth it.

Scintillating Helm, Forge Good helm for boosting your Tzeentch ranged troops, especially those juicy T5
lvl 23. chariots. It also provides with +20% of Infantry Health Bonus, which gives a little bit
more HP to your Chaos Warriors and Chaos Chosens troops. Even though, I do not
recommend using them to tank. In addition, this item does not buff your Skin Wolfs
t5, since they are Monstrous Infantry.
This Guide will be updating regularly – Updated on 22/06/2020

Crown of Everlasting
Conquest, Forge lvl 13. This item is great! It gives a sweet buff of +30% to all Melee Undivided Troops. The
Obtained from Event warband speed bonus is also good if you plan to speed up your warband with ws.
Greenskin Aggression.

Helm of Many Eyes,

Forge lvl 17. Obtained Again, good item to boost your ritual speeds by the huge 10%! and decrees the price
from Event Blood on the of them, and buffs the tzeentch chariots t5 ranged damage. However, I do
Reik. recommend Scintillating Helm for the Tzeentch chariots, since it buffs the attack value
instead damage one, which results in higher dps.

Helm of Avarice, Forge Good on semi late game, for Vanquish Double rewards chances, plus it gives the
lvl 15. Obtained from +100k troops to cave. Not a game change helm, but the double rewards are welcome.
Event Imperial Armour.
This Guide will be updating regularly – Updated on 22/06/2020

Blood Soaked Greaves, Those boots shall be worn by lvl 22 those who use flesh hounds of khorne, since they
Forge lvl 16. do provide significant attack bonus. And also good in lvl 24 for when you get your
chaos knights. Other than that, it doesn’t give anything else, so I would wait to make
them legendary and stop at epic till you get to late game.

Bubo Encrusted Those boots are important if you are planning to go for Skin wolfs, since they do boost
Sabatons, Forge lvl 24. by 20% the Armor of them, and they are used to tank. Does provide Nurgle Melee
attack bonus, specially the t5 ones, which have huge damage output.

Chausses of Sensation, Nice boots if you plan to use Slaanesh troops and very important boots if you plan to
Forge lvl 26 use Vortex beasts and Daemon Prince as your tank layers, both offensive and
defensive ways, since they provide you with Monster Health Bonus +25%. It also gives
Champion March Moral Bonus, but this one can change your tank positions in your
army, and might bring you an unpleased surprise in the outcome results. Remember if
you decided to use skullhunters t5 as tanks instead daemon price t5 and not max out
your monsters moral rituals, then do not use this item.
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Brass Greaves of A must have boots, and recommended to be lvlup first ouf ot the Runesmith Ruination
Slaughter, Forge lvl 12. event, since they give you faster stamina regen per minute, which results in more hits
Obtained from Event per day on foes, this results in more rewards on the long run, to finish the rest of the
Runesmith Ruination. items. It gives construction speed of +5%, which is not that big as the one, that
Hammer Provides.

Sabotons of Mockery,
Forge lvl 16. Obtained Good to boost the Monstrous Infantry Ranged damage by 20%. Does provide to t5
from Event Blood on the Skin Wolfes 12% armor bonus. And 5% to ritual speed, those are not really that great
Reik. boots at the moment.

Greaves of Stench,
Forge lvl 15. Obtained Only good if you are going to nurgle path since they do provide the 20% for their
from Imperial Armour armor, but other than that, doesn’t give anything good. Not recommended.
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Plate Boots of the

Chosen, Forge lvl 20. Really good boots, they give huge armor to Infantry and Undivided fraction armor
Bonus, specially for Chaos Warriors and Chaos Chosens, since those two are benefited
from both bonuses as they are undivided fraction and infantry. It also gives +40% to
Fortress Moral Bonus for when your Champion is present. This might change the slots
of your troops, and make some troops tanks instead others. So you have to calculate
everything to not make any mistakes.

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