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TEL. NO. (02) 477 0039
Name: ___________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________
Teacher: __________________________________________ Grade _________ Section: __________________
I. Choose your answer on the box. Write your answer on the space provided. (2pts each)
Earthquake Volcanology
Fault Volcanism
Seismologists Crater
Epicenter Lahar
Magma Seismograph
_________________1. It is the instrument used for detecting and measuring earthquakes.
_________________2. It is a mixture of water and volcanic ash.
_________________3. It is a surface opening connected to a vent.
_________________4. It is the movement of magma as it rises up to the Earth’s surface.
_________________5. The study of volcanoes.
_________________6. It is a term for molten rock.
_________________7. It is the area on the surface directly above the focus.
_________________8. Scientists specializing in the study of earthquakes.
_________________9. It is the break in the rock where the movement that has caused the earthquake occurs.
_________________10. It is a natural disaster that is shaking of the Earth’s crust caused by a volcanic eruption.
II. Match column A with column B. Write the letters on the space provided. (2pts each)
A B.
_____1. Learn how to properly turn off gas,
power, and water supplies. A. BEFORE
_____2. Check electric lines. B. DURING
_____3. Be familiar with exit points at home, C. AFTER
in school, or in the building you are in.
_____4. Do not panic. Stay calm.
_____5. Do not rush to any exit, elevator, escalator,
or stairway
_____6. When you are indoors, drop and cover your head,
neck, and face with your arms.
_____7. Check yourself for injuries.
_____8. Shut off the main valves of LPGs.
_____9. Discuss with members of your family
what to do before an earthquake.
_____10. Open cupboards and closets cautiously.
III. Enumeration:
A. Two kinds of Earthquakes.
B. Four types of Volcanoes.
1. 3.
2. 4.
C. Four kinds of seasons.
1. 3.
2. 4.
D. The eight planets.
1. 5.
2. 6.
3. 7.
4. 8.
E. Give at least two volcanoes found in the Philippines.
IV. Encircle the letter of the correct answers. (2pts each)
1. A ____ is formed when rainwater seeps into the ground and is heated by hot, molten rocks.
a. hot spring b. volcanic spring c. both
2. A ____ is a long mountain in range.
a. ridge b. rise c. both
3. An earthquake can be a/an___.
a. violent trembling b. aftershock c. neither
4. Low- magnitude tremors are called____.
a. foreshocks b. aftershocks c. neither
5. Volcanic eruptions only take place on planet Earth. This statement is ___.
a. true b. false c. uncertain
6. Volcanic eruptions form___.
a. lands b. oceans c. both
7. If you smell gas, open the windows and doors. This statement is ___.
a. true b. false c. uncertain
8. When inside a building ____ an earthquake, get out because the building might collapse.
a. before b. during c. after
9. _____ a volcanic eruption, use a damp cloth to cover your nose as protection from volcanic ashes.
a. Before b. During c. After
10. Do not rush to any exit, elevator, escalator, or stairway after an earthquake. This statement is ____.
a. true b. false c. uncertain
V. Essay.
1. How do earthquakes affect the environment?

2. What is the importance of having knowledge of the weather in your place?

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