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Semester Project


1. Fill the information below and submit this document along with your solution document and
power point presentation file. Same will be marked and returned on LMS to each student
by the instructor.
2. Submission Deadline is 25 January 2022 via LMS.

To be filled by Group
Student Name & Enrollment MUHAMMAD UMAR 01-135201-066
Student Name & Enrollment SHANAWAR ZAHRA 01-135201-095
Student Name & Enrollment ZAINAB UROOJ 01-135201-111
RUBRIC Excellent Average Needs Improvement
(6) (3) (1)


System Modeling Artifacts

Total Score ___ out of 20

02 marks to show up for Demo/presentation

In continuation of your project artifacts, you are required to prepare following utilizing tool of your

1. A complete Use case Diagram of your system acquiring all necessary aspects as per
UML convention
2. A complete class diagram with all the necessary relationships, cardinalities, and
hierarchy as per UML convention
3. Sequence Diagrams for 04 important scenarios of your systems with all the
conventions discussed in class/lecture
NOTE: A presentation of 5-7 min will be conducted by each group and its members to
evaluate your SRS, updated prototype, class diagram, activity and sequence diagrams
in a ppt file separately on 25th January, positively. All the diagrams in the report and in
presentation should be readable and good in quality
Semester Project

1. Introduction:........................................................................................................................................5
1.1 Purpose:.......................................................................................................................................5
1.2 Document convention:................................................................................................................5
There are no such pre-defined document conventions and any convention followed would be
explained at the place of occurrence. Abbreviations will be explained at their first occurrence and
then used as it is later on.........................................................................................................................5
1.3 Intended audience and reading suggestion:................................................................................5
1.4 Product scope:.............................................................................................................................5
1.5 References...................................................................................................................................6
 MPhil, Ms & K, Ganesh. (2019). Automatic Question Paper Generator System. International
Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development. Volume-3. 138-139. 10.31142/ijtsrd21646..6
 Lewis, C. S. (2020, April 1). Automatic Question Paper Generator. Scribd.
 Paper Generation. (2021). Retrieved 23 April 2021, from
2. Overall Description:.............................................................................................................................6
2.1 Product Perspective:....................................................................................................................6
2.2 Product Functions:.......................................................................................................................7
2.3 User Classes and Characteristics:.................................................................................................7
2.4 Operating Environment:..............................................................................................................7
2.5 Design and Implementation Constraint:......................................................................................8
2.6 User Documentation:...................................................................................................................8
2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies:.................................................................................................8
3. External Interface Requirements:........................................................................................................8
3.1 User Interfaces:............................................................................................................................8
3.2 Hardware Interfaces:...................................................................................................................9
3.3 Software Interfaces:.....................................................................................................................9
3.4 Communication Interfaces:..........................................................................................................9
4. System Features:.................................................................................................................................9
4.1 Profile Management:...................................................................................................................9
4.2 Set paper Template:..................................................................................................................16
4.3 Add Course................................................................................................................................20
Semester Project

4.4 Generate Paper:.........................................................................................................................23

4.5 Edit Paper:.................................................................................................................................26
4.6 Check Paper:..............................................................................................................................30
5. Non-Functional Requirements:..........................................................................................................33
5.3. Security Requirements...............................................................................................................33
5.4. Software Quality Attributes.......................................................................................................33
5.5. Performance Requirements.......................................................................................................33
5.6. Reliability...................................................................................................................................33
5.7. Usability.....................................................................................................................................33
5.8. Modifiability ..............................................................................................................................34
5.9. Portability .................................................................................................................................34
5.10. Security .................................................................................................................................34
6. Prototype:..............................................................................................................................................34
7. Use Case Diagrams:...............................................................................................................................44
8. Class Diagram:.......................................................................................................................................50
9. Sequence Diagrams:..............................................................................................................................51
Semester Project

1. Introduction:
1.1 Purpose:
The purpose of this artifact is to define the requirements of the Project PAPERLY.EGC
which is being developed for Software Engineering course in Bahria University. The
proposed system helps teachers create and check papers with ease it will decrease the overall
workload of conducting examination. The motivation behind creating such a system was the
lack of similar systems and human errors while creating papers. It will automatically generate
board papers based on various inputs. Our System will make the generation of paper easier
and more efficient by providing different paper templates and providing the functionality of
modifying documents after creation. This System will also provide the functionality of
checking the papers according to predefined solutions provided by user. Our system also
provides customer support by providing tutorials and answers to various questions to make it
more user friendly. This document will provide a brief explanation about the features the
system and will provide all of its functional and non-function requirements. 

1.2 Document convention:

There are no such pre-defined document conventions and any convention followed would be
explained at the place of occurrence. Abbreviations will be explained at their first occurrence
and then used as it is later on.  

Abbreviation Explanation
A.I. Artificial Intelligence
QA Quality Assurance
QC Quality Control
CS Customer Support
FAQ Frequently Asked Questions
CAL Computer Aided Learning
CSA Customer Support Agent

1.3 Intended audience and reading suggestion:

The intended audience for this document is the investors interested in funding this project
and educational institutions that may want to implement this system in their institutions for
their teachers and our project supervisor. 

1.4 Product scope:

Our proposed system “Paperly.EGC” will be a smartphone/web application based on CAL. It
will automatically generate papers based on various inputs. Our System will make the
generation of paper easier and more efficient by providing different paper templates and
Semester Project

providing the functionality of modifying documents after creation. This System will also
provide the functionality of checking the papers according to predefined solutions provided
by user. Our system also provides customer support, tutorials and answers to FAQ for user

 Paperly.EGC will be an automated system that will generate papers for teachers
using past paper and also help them check those papers.
 It will provide user with many features such as customizing their papers editing their
created papers and also check their papers. The system will also allow user to store
the papers online in cloud storage and the user also has the ability to download pdfs
of the generated paper. 
 The system will run on majority of the mobile devices and all trusted web browsers
with minimal connectivity requirements 
o It will be an efficient way of creating papers and users will benefit from the
numerous features provided by the system e.g., creating their own patterns as
well as using pre-defined ones. The proposed system will be available to the
user all the time and results will be generated quickly and efficiently  
o It will reduce the efforts of users by providing built-in checking features and
reducing human errors and time consumption. 

1.5 References
 MPhil, Ms & K, Ganesh. (2019). Automatic Question Paper Generator System.
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development. Volume-3. 138-
139. 10.31142/ijtsrd21646.
 Lewis, C. S. (2020, April 1). Automatic Question Paper Generator. Scribd.
 Paper Generation. (2021). Retrieved 23 April 2021, from

2. Overall Description:
2.1 Product Perspective:
This system is being built from scratch and not a part of any other system existing in the
university. This product will be an updated version of existing paper generators and will
provide a majority of new features missing in related system. The proposed system will use
APIs for getting papers from some of the online platforms however it will have however the
external interface requirements will be restricted to ensure data security. 
Examination is an important part of the learning process and creating them manually is a
hard and tedious task. There are chances of human error which affect student studies and
results. The proposed System/Application “Paperly.EGC” will automatically generate papers
using ML and AI. It will be an upgraded version of previously developed related system. It
will provide majority of new features and will be user-friendly.  
Semester Project

The system will remove the constraints which exist in previous systems mostly importantly
the privacy concerns. It will use encryption algorithms to solve the privacy issues. It will
generate the papers of different difficulty level by providing the different templates. It will
allow the user to generate paper either from selecting questions from past papers or creating
their own questions. It will also provide the functionality of modifying the question paper
after generation. It will also solve the problem of checking the papers. The users can check
the papers based on a user defined solution which saves times. The system also focuses on
user ease therefore customer support is also provided to the user. 

2.2 Product Functions:

The intended Product/system will mainly generate the paper from past papers by providing
different templates and also checks the paper using machine learning. The proposed system
will have following functionalities. 

1. Generate paper 
2. Set paper template 
3. Add past papers and solutions to database 
4. Choose difficulty level of paper 
5. Check paper 
6. Edit paper 
7. Customer support 

2.3 User Classes and Characteristics:

The two main types of users using the system will be the customer and admin. The customer
will be either teachers associated with an organization or an induvial. The customer will use
the system to generate papers. The system will categorize the customers as experienced or
new. Experienced users will have made the system more reliable for themselves because
more of their data will be stored in the database and will be used to provide them with
reliable results so they will gain better accuracy in generated papers. Admins will have
access to all functionalities of the system from grass root level. Admin can manage all users
and link/unlink a customer with an organization etc. Admin can also block customers from
the system. 

2.4 Operating Environment:

This system will be an online application which will work on most web browsers. The
storage requirement for the system is also optional because it will provide built in cloud
storage, although user may need a good amount of ram in his system as that will be used
while generating papers. As the system is also a mobile application it will run on both
android and IOS. The minimum version for android is 5.1 and for IOS it is 8. In case of
mobile phones, a minimum of 100 mb space is required to install the application and 2 GB
RAM to run it smoothly. 
Semester Project

2.5 Design and Implementation Constraint:

The system will be based on object-oriented paradigm. Flutter will be used for developing
the mobile version of the system. Since Flutter Web does not support SEO, React.js will be
used for developing the web version of the system. Database of SQL Server and NOSQL
Firebase will both be used. Django will be used to develop the backend of the system. 


 React.js 
 SQL 
 Firebase 
 Html 
 Python
 Dart
 Flutter


 MS SQL Server 
 Android Studio 
 VS Code
 Jupiter Notebook 

2.6 User Documentation:

We will provide proper documentation and online web form will be added for taking customer
remarks and reviews. There will be webpage in specific website which will handled FAQS etc. We
will be providing short clips and video tutorial on YouTube for better ease and understanding of the
system. Moreover, Interface will be interactive and user friendly and the system will have good
usability. Therefore, there will be very little user documentation required for the system.

2.7 Assumptions and Dependencies:

The system will use Online Learning ML model for generating papers. Therefore, a lot of
data will be required to train the Model and improve it. The users will also have to feed the
system will more data to enhance paper generation and checking accuracy. 

3. External Interface Requirements:

3.1 User Interfaces:
The interface of the system will be simple and easy to use and it should be self-explanatory
so that the user will get a general idea where to and how to navigate just by looking at the
Semester Project

interface. All buttons and images are easily understandable. The colors of the buttons are not
striking. Prototype of the system shows that the interface is user friendly and efficient.

3.2 Hardware Interfaces:

The only major hardware interface required is internet connectivity so the user must connect
to the internet using WAN or LAN in order to start using the application or the website.

3.3 Software Interfaces:

Software interface required by the website are web browsers e.g., Chrome, Firefox etc.
Oracle database will be used. The system will be able to operate on every desktop operating

3.4 Communication Interfaces:

The system will use HTTP and HTTPS for communicating with the internet.

4. System Features:
4.1 Profile Management:
 In profile management, the scenarios are sign up, sign in, sign out, forget password,
forget username, change password or username, edit profile, delete profile and verify
 There functions will be performed

(Use Case)
4.1 Profile Management:

Use Case ID: UC - 4.1

Use Case Managing Profile
Stakeholders/ User (Primary)
Actors: Database (secondary)
Users Goal: New and current users will use this feature to create and manage
their accounts and their info will be stored in the database
Preconditions: User must Enter a valid First and last name
User must Enter a valid email
User Must be connected to the internet
Postconditions: User will get a prompt that account created successfully
they will be redirected to the sign in screen
User will be signed into account if he/she enter authentic details
Semester Project

4.1.1 Sign up

Scenario ID/ 4.1.1

Use case ID
Scenario name/ Sign up
Use case name
Stakeholders/ User (Primary)
Users Goal: New users will use this feature to create their accounts and their
info will be stored in the database
Preconditions: User must Enter a valid First and last name
User must Enter a valid email
User Must be connected to the internet
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
1. User will enter their
name, email, username,
password 3. The system will check if
2. Click on the signup username or email
button already exists
4. Registers user to the app
and adds user info to the
Alternative Username already exists
Flows: Account is already registered
Password is too weak
Email not found
Postconditions: User will get a prompt that account created successfully
They will be redirected to the sign in screen

4.1.2 Sign in

Scenario ID / UC – 4.1.2
Use Case ID:

Scenario Name/ Sign in

Use Case Name:

Stakeholders/ User(primary),
Actors: Database(secondary)
Semester Project

Preconditions: User must have a created a account before.

User should know its username and password.

Normal Flow: User Action System Response

1. User will enter its
username, email,
2. Click on sign in button. 3. System will verify
the username,
password, email from
database that whether
the account exist or
4. If account exist it will
display message
login successful.
5. If not, message will
be displayed user not

Alternative Invalid username, password, or email

Flows: Account does not exist

Postconditions: User will receive a message “login successful”

User will be directed to home screen.

4.1.3 Sign out

Scenario ID / UC - 4.1.3
Use Case ID:

Scenario Sign out

Name/ Use
Case Name:

Stakeholders/ User(primary)

Preconditions: User must be logged in

Normal Flow: User Action System Response

1. User will click on sign 2. User will be logged out
out button of his account
Semester Project

Alternative Error due to poor connection


Postconditions: User will be logged out and will be directed to sign in screen

4.1.4 Forget Password

Scenario ID / Use UC - 4.1.4

Case ID:

Scenario Name/ Forget password

Use Case Name:

Stakeholders/ User (primary)


Preconditions: Account must exist

Must have entered valid email at account creation time.

Normal Flow: User Action System Response

1. User will click on 2. A verification link will
forget password label. be sent to his email.
3. User will reset his
password from this link.

Alternative Email address not valid

Flows: Account does not exist.

Postconditions: User will be asked to verify his email.

Link will be sent to email from where user will reset his

4.1.5 Forget Username

Scenario ID / UC - 4.1.5
Use Case ID:

Scenario Forget username

Semester Project

Name/ Use
Case Name:

Stakeholders/ User(primary)

Preconditions: Account must exist.

Must have entered valid email at account creation time.
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
1. If the user forgets the 2. A verification link will
username of his account be sent to his email.
user will click on forget
username label.
3. He will reset his
username from this link.

Alternative username address not valid

Flows: Account does not exist.

Postconditions: User will be asked to verify his email.

Link will be sent to email from where user will reset his

4.1.6 Change Username/Password

Scenario ID / UC - 4.1.6
Use Case ID:

Scenario Name/ Change username/password

Use Case

Stakeholders/ User(primary)

Preconditions: User must sign in

Normal Flow: User Action System Response

1. User will go to settings 2. System will ask the user
and click on change his previous
username/password. username/password and
3. Then user will be asked verify it
to enter new
Semester Project


Alternative Incorrect present username/password


Postconditions: System will ask the user his previous username/password and
verify it
Then user will be asked to enter new username/password.

4.1.7 Edit Profile

Scenario ID / UC – 4.1.7
Use Case ID:

Scenario Edit profile

Name/ Use
Case Name:

Stakeholders/ User(primary)

Preconditions: User must be logged in

Normal Flow: User Action System Response

1. User will click on edit 3. If he selects name then he
profile icon. will be asked to enter new
2. User will select any one name.
option at a time from list, 4. If user selects password,
either to change name or he will be asked to select
profile picture. a picture from his photo

Alternative Weak internet connection


Postconditions User will select any one option at a time from list, either to
: change name or profile picture.
If he selects name then he will be asked to enter new name.
If he selects password, he will be asked to select a picture from
his photo library.
Semester Project

4.1.8 Delete Profile

Scenario ID / UC - 4.1.8
Use Case ID:

Scenario Delete Profile

Name/ Use
Case Name:

Stakeholders/ User(primary)

Preconditions: Account must be created

Normal Flow: User Action System Response

1. User will go to settings 2. System will ask the to
and click on delete confirm that he wants to
account. delete his account.
3. After confirmation, user
account will be deleted.

Alternative None

Postconditions User will be asked to confirm that he wants to delete his account.
: After confirmation, user account will be deleted.
User will be directed to signup window

4.1.9 Verify Email

Scenario ID / UC - 4.1.9
Use Case ID:

Scenario Name/ Verify email

Use Case Name:

Stakeholders/ User(primary)
Semester Project

Preconditions: Account must be created

Valid email must be entered
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
1. After signup verify 2. A verification link will
email pop up will be be sent to user email
shown to user clicks on 3. He will open the link
ok button. and email will be

Alternative Not valid email has been entered


Postconditions: A verification link will be sent to user email

He will open the link and email will be verified.
User will be directed to home tab of application.

4.2 Set paper Template:

 In set paper, the scenarios are set paper type, set number of questions, marks divisions,
set time duration, save as custom,
 These functions will be performed

(Use case)
4.2. Set paper template

Use Case ID: UC - 4.2

Use Case Set Paper Template


Stakeholder/ User(Primary)
Preconditions: User should be signed in and is in the set template menu

Postconditions Depending on which type is selected it will show different options


Semester Project

4.2.1 Set Paper Type

Use Scenario UC - 4.2.1

Use Case ID:
Scenario Select Paper Type
Use Case
Stakeholder/ User (primary)

Preconditions: User is in the set template menu

Normal Flow: User Action System Response

1. User will select Paper 3. System will show the
type from two options different options according
2. Subjective or Objective to user selection
while creating a
Alternative None

Postconditions Depending on which type is selected it will show different options


4.2.2 Set Number of Questions

Use Scenario UC - 4.2.2

Use Case ID:

Scenario Set number of questions

Use Case

Stakeholder/ User(primary)

Preconditions: User must be in set template menu

Semester Project

Normal Flow: User Action System Response

1. User will go in set 3. System will respond to user
template menu. request
2. Then user will enter
number of
questions he wants
in his paper

Alternative none

Postconditions User will enter number of questions he wants in his paper

: template.
Then he will click on ok.
Number of questions will be selected for the template.

4.2.3 Marks Division

Use Scenario UC - 4.2.3

Use Case ID:

Scenario Marks division

Use Case

Stakeholder/ User(primary)

Preconditions: User must be in set template menu

Normal Flow: User Action System Response

1. User will go to set 4. System will respond to
template menu. user request
2. Then user will fix marks
according to questions
and parts of paper.
3. User will click on done.
Semester Project

Alternative None

Postconditions: User will fix marks according to questions and parts of paper.
User will click on done.
Marks will be set accordingly

4.2.4 Set Time Duration

Use Scenario UC - 4.2.4

Use Case ID:

Scenario Name/ Set time duration

Use Case

Stakeholder/ User(primary)

Preconditions: User must be in set paper template

Normal Flow: User Action System Response

1. User will go in set template 4. System will respond
menu. to user request
2. Select time duration
according to each section.
3. Click on done and time
duration will be set.
Alternative None

Postconditions: Select time duration according to each section.

Click on done and time duration will be set.

4.2.5 Save as Custom

Use Scenario UC – 4.2.5

Use Case ID:
Semester Project

Scenario Save as Custom

Use Case
Stakeholder/ User (primary)
Actors: Database (Secondary)
Preconditions: User must have created a template
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
1. User clicks on save 2. Request will be sent to the
button database to save the template
3. Template is verified
4. Template will be stored in the

Alternative None
Postconditions Goes back to main menu

4.3 Add Course

 In add to database, the scenarios are make folders, add courses, add past papers, add
solutions, save to cloud, save local, delete folder, remove course, remove past papers,
delete solution
 These functions will be performed

(Use Case)
4.3. Add Course

Use Case ID: UC - 4.3

Use Case Add to Database
Stakeholders/ User (primary)
Preconditions: User must be sign in
User must set paper template
User must have access to his cloud storage
Postconditions: User will be able to access created folders and store data in those
Semester Project

4.3.1. Make Folders

Scenario ID/ UC – 4.3.1

Use Case ID:
Scenario Name/ Make Folders
Use Case
Stakeholders/ User (primary)
Preconditions: User must have access to his cloud storage as well as local
storage (device storage)

Normal Flow: User Action System Response

1. User will click on the 2. System will create a new
create folder button in folder
his cloud storage and 4. System will save to the
Local storage cloud.
3. User will name that
Alternative None

Postconditions: User will be able to access created folders and store data in
those folders

4.3.2. Add Courses

Scenario ID/ UC - 4.3.2

Use Case ID:
Scenario Name/ Add courses
Use Case
Stakeholders/ User (primary)
Preconditions: User must be sign in
User must set paper template
User must have access to his cloud storage
Semester Project

Normal Flow: User Action System Response

1. User will select a 2. System will generate a
course from a drop- request that will be passed
down menu to database
3. Database will approve the
4. course will be selected
Alternative None

Postconditions: User will be able to save that course to his account or create a
paper for that course

4.3.3. Add Past papers

Scenario ID/ UC- 4.3.3

Use Case ID:
Scenario Add Past papers
Use Case
Stakeholders/ User (primary)
Preconditions: User must be sign in
User must set paper template
User must have access to his cloud storage
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
1. User will click on Add 2. System will ask the user if
Button he wants to add solution or
3. User selects one option past paper
4. User adds the selected

Alternative None

Postconditions: User will be able to create papers and check papers.

4.3.4 Save

Scenario ID/ UC - 4.3.4

Use Case ID:
Scenario Save to Cloud
Semester Project

Use Case
Stakeholders/ User (primary)
Actors: Database (Secondary)
Preconditions: User must have cloud and local storage available
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
1. User creates new info 2. System saves it to database
and click save button

Alternative None
Postconditions User will be able to view save information

4.3.5 Delete Folders

Scenario ID/ UC- 4.3.5

Use Case ID:
Scenario Delete Folders
Use Case
Stakeholders/ User (primary)
Preconditions: User must have some data store to delete
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
1. User selects folder or 3. System deletes the data is
file they want to delete deleted from cloud
2. User clicks on the
delete button

Alternative None
Postconditions There will be no data left

4.4 Generate Paper:

 In generate paper, the scenarios are choose template from database, choose template from
library, choose course, set difficulty level, choose past paper duration, generate paper,
regenerate paper, save paper to database, download generated paper
 These functions will be performed
Semester Project

(Use Case)
4.4. Generate Paper

Use Case ID: UC - 4.4

Use Case Generate Paper

Stakeholders/ User(primary)
Actors AI
Preconditions: User must be signed in
User must have a template stored somewhere
Postconditions User will be able to generate a paper after selecting the template

4.4.1. Choose Template

Scenario ID/ UC – 4.4.1

Use Case ID:
Scenario Choose Template
Use Case
Stakeholders/ User(Primary)
Preconditions: User must have a template stored somewhere
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
1.User clicks on choose 2.System will show the
template button templates
3.User selects where to
choose the template from 4.System selects the template

Alternative User has no templates in his cloud

Flows: User selects the wrong file
Postconditions: User will be able to generate a paper after selecting the template

4.4.2. Choose Courses

Scenario ID/ UC - 4.4.2

Use Case ID:
Scenario Choose course
Semester Project

Use Case
Stakeholder/ User (primary)
Preconditions: none
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
User selects a course System will select course and
display on the screen

Alternative None

Postconditions User can generate a paper


4.4.3. Set Difficulty level

Scenario ID/ UC - 4.4.3

Use Case ID:
Scenario Choose Difficulty
Use Case
Stakeholder/ User (Primary)
Preconditions: none
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
1.User checks one difficulty 2.System show levels
3. User selects 4.It gets selected

Alternative User selects no options


Postconditions: Paper will be generated using the selected difficulty

4.4.4. Generate Paper

Scenario ID/ UC – 4.4.4

Use Case ID:
Scenario Name/ Generate Paper
Use Case Name:
Semester Project

Stakeholder/ User(primary)
Actors: AI (secondary)

User has selected all the required fields to generate the paper
Normal Flow: -
User Action System Response
User clicks on generate All conditions are verified, If
paper they meet the requirements
paper is generated

Alternative none

Postconditions: -User can regenerate the paper of view it

4.4.5. Save

Scenario ID/ UC – 4.4.5

Use Case ID:
Scenario Save
Use Case
Stakeholder/ User (primary)
Preconditions: User must have cloud storage available
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
1.User Clicks on save 2.System prompts the user to
answer database or local
3.User selects one option
and data is saved
Alternative User has no space in the database
Flows: User has not created any paper to save

Postconditions User will be able to view the downloaded or saved paper


4.5 Edit Paper:

 In edit paper, the scenarios are choose paper to edit, change template, add/remove/edit
questions, change marks division, change time duration, change solution, save changes
Semester Project

 These functions will be performed

(Use Case)
4.5. Edit Paper

Use Case ID: UC – 4.5

Use Case Edit Paper

Actors: User (primary)

Preconditions: User Must be signed in

User must have a paper generated by the system in his storage
Postconditions User can edit the selected paper

4.5.1. Choose Paper to edit

Scenario ID/ UC - 4.5.1

Use Case ID:
Scenario Choose Paper
Use Case
Stakeholder/ User (primary)
Preconditions: User must have a paper generated by the system in his storage
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
Users click on the choose System navigates to the
paper button generated papers folders
-selects a paper

Alternative none

Postconditions: User can edit the selected paper

Semester Project

4.5.2. Change Template

Scenario ID/ UC – 4.5.2

Use Case ID:
Scenario Change Template
Use Case
Stakeholder/ User (primary)
Preconditions: User must have saved templates that are compatible with the current
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
User clicks on the change System prompts the user to
template button select a template
selected template gets checked
for compatibility; Template
gets changed
Alternative None

Postconditions: None

4.5.3. Add/Remove/Edit Questions

Scenario ID/ UC - 4.5.3

Use Case ID:
Scenario Add/remove/Edit Questions
Use Case
Stakeholder/ User (primary)
Preconditions: none
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
1.User selects a question 2.System responds and user
either edits it removes it or add
a new one
3.changes occur in the paper
Semester Project

Alternative None
Postconditions: User can save the changes

4.5.4. Edit Pattern

Scenario ID/ UC - 4.5.4

Use Case ID:
Scenario Edit Pattern
Use Case
Stakeholder/ User (primary)
Preconditions: none
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
User chooses to change System changes it
changes are made to the paper

Alternative User fails to make changes correctly

Flows: User adds an invalid change

Postconditions none

4.5.5. Save Changes

Scenario ID/ UC – 4.5.5

Use Case ID:
Scenario Save
Use Case
Stakeholder/ User (primary)
Actors: Database (secondary)
Preconditions: User made some changes to the paper
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
User clicks on save changes System changes are verified
And paper gets saved
Semester Project

Alternative None

Postconditions: User can the view the saved paper in the files

4.6 Check Paper:

 In check paper, the scenarios are choose paper to check, select solution rom database,
verify solution, preview checked paper, change marks, check manually, save results
 These functions will be performed:

(Use Case)
4.6. Check Paper

Use Case ID: UC – 4.6

Use Case Check Paper
Actors: User (primary)
Preconditions: User must have a paper generated by the system in his storage
Postconditions User can check the selected paper

4.6.1. Choose Paper to Check

Scenario ID/ UC – 4.6.1

Use Case ID:
Scenario Choose Paper
Use Case
Stakeholder/ User
Preconditions: User must have a paper generated by the system in his storage
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
Users click on the choose System navigates to the
paper button generated papers folders
System selects a paper
Semester Project

Alternative User has no generated papers

Postconditions User can check the selected paper

4.6.2. Select Solution from Database

Scenario ID/ UC – 4.6.2

Use Case ID:
Scenario Select Solution
Use Case
Stakeholder/ User (primary)
Preconditions: User must have solution the paper saved in the database
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
1. User clicks on the select 2.System opens file explorer
solution button
4. It gets selected
3.User chooses the solution

Alternative None

Postconditions: User can verify the solution

4.6.3. Verify Solution

Scenario ID/ UC – 4.6.3

Use Case ID:
Scenario Verify solution
Use Case
Stakeholder/ User (primary)
Preconditions: User must have selected a solution
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
1. User selects the solution 2.The system verifies it with
the paper
Semester Project

3.If it gets verified success

message is displayed

Alternative None

Postconditions: User can check the paper

4.6.4. Preview Checked Paper

Scenario ID/ UC - 4.6.4

Use Case ID:
Scenario Preview Checked Paper
Use Case
Stakeholder/ User(primary)
Preconditions: Paper gets checked successfully
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
1. User clicks on preview 2.System will generate
Button preview
3. User sees the marking
done by the system

Alternative None

Postconditions: Save the check paper after viewing it

4.6.5. Save Results

Scenario ID/ UC – 4.6.5

Use Case ID:
Scenario Save
Use Case
Stakeholder/ User (primary)
Actors: Database (secondary)
Preconditions: The paper must be checked according to the solution
Normal Flow: User Action System Response
1. User clicks on save 2. System checks if the paper
Semester Project

is checked
3. Saves the paper if it is

Alternative Paper is not checked

Flows: Error connecting to the database

Postconditions none

5. Non-Functional Requirements:
5.3. Security Requirements 
Only authenticated user would be allowed to log in to the system and system administrator
would provide accounts to student and teachers. Unauthorized access to critical data would
not be allowed. 

5.4. Software Quality Attributes 

Design of the system is object-oriented to make the system maintainable and reusable. 

5.5. Performance Requirements 

Response time: Average response time is 1 second and Maximum is 2.5 - 3 Seconds. 
Through put: This application will be able to handle around 300 queries per second. 
Resource utilization: In Mobile Application the Storage Space will be 60-90 MBs 

DEGRADATION MODES: In web application internet is the basic requirement for the
functionality of this system so in case of network failure, the system would be unable to
monitor to provide its functionalities. In mobile application in case of internet failure, the
manual mode can still be used. 

5.6. Reliability  
The proposed system will be reliable for user. Below are the NFR related to reliability of the

Availability: System will be available to users 24/7 on both the website and the mobile
Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF): The system is very well optimized and there
will be no failures. The only time system will be down is during the monthly maintenance
Mean Time to Repair (MTTR): The system will take around 5 to 10 minutes to repair
any minor failures on both mobile and website and usually will require a restart or re
Semester Project

Maximum Bugs or Defect Rate: As the system will have a low defect rate with a defect
rate of 1 bug per 1000 lines of code. 

5.7. Usability  
The estimated time it will take the user to start using the application or website is 20 minutes.
User can generate the papers which will take around 15 to 30 minutes for a user with average
specifications and for a power user it will take around 5 to 10 minutes. The estimated time it
will take the user to check the papers will mostly depend on the number of papers submitted
by the user and it will also depend on the type of paper. MCQ based papers will be checked
faster than subjective ones. 

5.8. Modifiability 
The system will be modifiable to some extent. New Features can be added but the system
will not allow a big change only small tweaks to boost performances will be allowed and
small features that will overall improve the quality of the system. 

5.9. Portability  
The system will be portable since it will be web and mobile based system and it will be
accessible for all android devices of android version 5.1, IOS version 9 and every supported

5.10. Security  
The question of if data is secured on the internet is a highly asked one and our system will
make sure that every information provided by the user is stored in a highly secure database
and in an encrypted form so that there is no chance of any sort of questions related to data
security raised by the users. The system will make sure the data provided by the user will
strictly be used only for the required purpose and will not be used for any other personal
Semester Project


Sign Up Screen

The users will be able to sign up to the system by providing their name, email and password.
The system then verifies the email and ask for organization information. After payment
confirmation and validation, the user will be able to use PAPERLY.EGC for organizational
or personal use.
Semester Project

Sign in Screen

The users will be able to sign into the system by providing email and password.
PAPERLY.EGC will allow validated users to sign in and redirect to home screen. Non validated
users will be directed to validation screen for entering proper information and payment
Semester Project

Home Screen

The users will be redirected to home screen after successful sign in. Users can view FAQs
and About Us section of PAPERLY.EGC. User will also view the key features of the system
Semester Project

which are: Generate Paper, Configure Template, Check Paper, Past Papers, View Generated
Papers. The user can also log out by pressing the logout button

Check Paper Template

Semester Project

User can select paper from this check paper template and go to the papers. From papers section user can
select paper and then paper manually or can command to system to check paper using AI

View Past Papers Screen

The user will be able to view all past papers added to the system. These past papers will be in
pdf format. The user can filter and sort the past papers as well as view past papers of any
subject of any organization that are added into the system.
Semester Project

Set Paper Template

The user can set the template of paper from this screen. To reach this screen the user will click next in
the course screen. Then the user will select organization and paper subject. After selecting all the
details, the user will click next button and will be redirected to this screen. This screen contains all
relevant details the user needs to fill so that the system can generate a paper given on the data set
using AI. The customer can view the generated paper as well as edit it.
Semester Project

Courses Screen
On this screen the user can add any course to select questions. After that user will be redirected
to the template screen from which the user will set the template and generate the paper
Semester Project

Edit Generated Paper Screen

The user can reach this screen through several navigators. The user can click a Generated
Exam shown in figure. The user can also click edit paper button after generating exam paper
shown in

After navigating to this screen, the user can edit individual question text, MCQ options,
change correct answer for MCQs and edit marks of individual question. The user can also
Semester Project

edit the time required to solve a question so that the total time of Question paper is updated in
real time.

View Generated Papers Screen

To navigate to this screen the user will click View Generated Papers on home screen. Then
the user will select organization and paper subject. User will also select the type of paper. For
example, Mid Term, Quiz 1, Quiz 2, Final Exams etc. along with topics

The user will be able to view all AI generated papers that they generated as well as those
Semester Project

papers generated by people in the same organization they are linked with. The user can click
the sort and filter buttons for sorting and filtering with reference to Organization, Subject,
Paper Type, etc. The user can also click individual paper to view and edit it.

Use Case Diagrams:

-For Include: -For extend:
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Class Diagram:
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Sequence Diagrams:
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