Neet Code W Question Paper Akash

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1 Which one of the following statements is correct, 5. Which one from those given below is the period for
with reference to enzymes ? Mendel's hybri dization experiments ?
(1) Apoenzyme = Holoenzyrne + Coenzyme
1856 - 1853
(2) Holoenzyme = Apoenzyme + Coenzlme
(2) 1840 - 1850
Coenzymd = Apoenzyme + Holoenzyme
Y (3) 1857 - 1869
(4) Holoenzyhe = Coenzyme + Co-factor
(4) 1870 - 1,8V
2, Which cells of 'Crypts of Lieberkuhn, secrete
antibacterial lysozynre ? Flowers which have single ovule in the ovary and
(1) Argentaffin cells are packed into inflorescence are usually pollinated
(2) Paneth cells
(3) Zymogen celts (1) Water

(g/ Kupffer cells (2) Bee

3. Phosphoenol pyruvate (PEP) is the primary CO2 .tr Wind

acceptor in : (4) Bat

(1) Cj plants
Asymptote in a logistic growth curve is obtained
(3) C2 plants
when :
(1) The value of'r' approaches zero
(4) C.1 and C1 plants
(2) K=N
4. Match the follon,ing sexually transmitted (3) K>N
diseases (Column - I) with their causative agent
(Column - II) and select the correct option. (4) K<N
Column - I Column - II
9 Out of 'X' patus of ribs in humans only 1('pairs are
(u) Gonorrhea i) Hry true ribs. Select the option that correctly represents
(b) Syphilis Neisseia values of X and Y an

G) Genital Wa iii) Treponema ftT X=12,Y =7

(d) AIDS (ir) Human
Papilloma - Virus and ventrally to the sternum.

Options ; (2) X:72,\ =5 True ribs are attached

(a) (b) (c) (d)
dorsally to vertebral column
and sEmun on the two ends.
(1) (ii) (iii) (iu) (,
(3) X:24,Y =7 True ribs are dorsally
(2) (in) (ir) (,) (ii)
attached to vertebral column
(3) (i") (iD (iii) (i) but are free on venkal side.

W (i") (iii) (iD (i) (4) X=24,Y =12 True ribs are dorsally
attached to vertebral column
5. Which among the following are tie smallest living . but are free on vental side.
cells, known without a definite cell wa[ pathogenic
MALT constitutes about_
to planb as well as anirnals and can survive without
oxygbrt ?
@ lymphgi{ tissue in human body.
percent of the

(1) Bacillus (1) s0%

(2) Pseudonrcias (2) 207"

Nostoc (4)

J w
11. Homozygous purelines in cattle can be obtained 17. Artificial selection to obtain cows yielding higher
by.. milk output represents ;

mating of related individuals of same breed. (1) stabilizing selection as it stabilizes this
character in the PoPulation.
(2) mating of unrelated individuals of same
breed. (2) directional as it Pushes the mean of the
character in one direction.
(3) mating of individuals of different breed
(4) mating of individuals of different species
(3) disruptive as it splits the poPulation into two,
one yielding hiSher outPut and the other
lower output.
72. Among the following characters, which one was
not considered by Mendel in his exPeriments on
,y stabilizing followed by disruptive qs'it
stabilizes the population to produce higher
yielding cows.
(1) Stem - Tall or Dwarf

Pl Trichomes - Glandular or non-glandular The hepatic portal v-ein drairs blood to [ver from


(3) Seed - GreenorYellow Heart

(4) Pod InJlaEd or Constricted
(z) Stomach

Which of the following cell organelles is responsible 0( Kidnevs -

@ for extracting energy from carbohydrates to form (4) Intestine

(1) Lysocome 19. The water potential of pure water is :

(2) Ribosome Tero

(3) Chloroplast (2) Less than zero
(4) Mitochondrion (3) More than zero but less than one
(4) More than one

Which of the following represents order of 'Horse'?

altered ?

(1) 1
{ Perissodactyla
(3) Caballus
/ (3) JJ .w Ferus

(4) 333 Alexander Von Humbolt described for the first

time :

15. Which of the following are found in extreme saline

conditions ?
(1) EcologicalBiodiversitY

-v (2)
(2) Laws of limiting factor
Species area relationshiPs

(3) Cyanobacteria (4) Population Growtlr equation

(4) Mvcobacteria
22 DNA fragments are :

Receptor sites for neurotransmitters are Present on (1) Positively charged

(1) veicles Negatively charged
membranes of sYnaPtic
,g (3) Neuhal

tips of axons
post-synaptic membrane
(4) Either positively or negatively charged
depending on their size

to SS,fuf,'n
w 4
23. A baby boy two years is adndtted to play school 28. Adult human RBCs are enucleate. Which of the
and passes gh a dental check - up. The dentist following statement(s) is/are most appropriate
observed t boy had twenty teeth. Which teeth explanation for this feature ?
h'ele a 'l
(a) They do not need to reproduce
(1) 5

(2) Canirnes
(b) They are somatic cells

Pre-molars G) They do not metabolize

(1) Molars
(d) All their inbmal space is available for orygen

Anaphase Promoting Complex (APC) is a protein Options:

degradation mrhinery necessary for proper mitosis
only (d)
of animal cells. If APC is defective in a human cell,
which of the following is expected to occur ? (2) Only (a)
(1) Chromosomes will notcondense (3) (a), (c) and (d)
(2) Chromosomes will be fragmented (4) (b) and (c)
(3) Chromosomes will not segregate
(4) Recombination of chromosome arms will 29 Lungs are made up of air-filled sacs, the alveoli. They
occu r do not collapse even after forceful expiration,
because of :

25. An import4nt characteristic that Hemichordates (1) Residual Volume

share with Chordates is :
(2) Irspiratory Reserve Volume
(1) absericeofnotochord
ventral tubular nerve cord
(1) Expfu atory Reserve Volume
(3) pharynx with gill slits
(4) pharynx without gill slits
@ Zygotic meiosis is characteristic of:
The genotypes of a Husband and Wife are lAIBand (1) Marchantia
IAi. (2) Fuans
Among t}re blood types of their childrerl how many (3) Funmia
different genotypes and phenotypes are possible i
(1) genotypes;
(4) Chlamydomonas
3 3 phenotypes

,d (3)
3 gerEtypes

4 genotypes;
; 4 phenotypes

3 phenotypes
31 Select the correct route for the passage of sperms
male frogs :

(4) 4 genotypes; 4 phenotypes (1) Testes --l

Bidder's canal --l Kidney --l Vasa
efferentia -+ Urinogenital duct + Cloaca
Transplantation of tissues/organs fafu often due
to non-acceptarrce by the patien/s body. Which type
(2) Testes -e Vasa efferentia + Kidney r
of immune-response is responsible for such Seminal Vesicle -J Urinogenital duct -+
reie€tions ? Cloaca

(1) Autoimmuneresponse (3) Testes -r Vasa efferentia -+ Bidder,s canal

(2) Ce[ -jmediated immune response
-, Ureter -, Cloaca

(3) Hormonal imrnune response

(y Testes -, Vasa efferentia --l Kidney -+
/ Bidder's canal -+ Urinogenital duct _+
Phvsrological immune response Cloaca
5 w
32. Which one of the following statements is not valid Spliceosomes are not found in cells of :

for aerosols ? (1) Plants

(1) They are harmful to human health. (2) Fuogt
(2) They alter rainfall and monsoon patterns (3) Animals
They cause increased a gricultural (4) Bacteria
productivity ,
(4) They have negative imPact on agricultural 39. Which of the following statements is correct ?
(l) The ascending limb of loop of Henle is
impermeable to water.
33. Viroids differ from viruses in having ;

(1) DNA molecules with Protein coat (2) The descending limb of loop of Henle is
imPermeable to water.
(2) DNA molrules without protein coat

v (4)
RNA molecules with Protein coat
RNA molecules without protein coa t
The ascending limb of loop of Henle is
Permeable to watrer'
'I'he descending limb of loop of Henle is

permeable to electrolYtes.
During DNA reflicetion, O9:1lL-.lll3flents are
used to e-longate :
Which ecosystem has t}re maximum biomass ?
(1) The leading strand towards replication fork'
Forest ecosystiem
The lagging shand towards replication fork
(2) GrasslandecosYstem
't (t\ The leading strand away from replication
(3) Pond ecosYstem
Lake ecosvstem
(4) The lagging shand away from the replication
The final proof for DNA as the genetic mabrial came
a\ Plants which produce characteristic
ftom the exPeriments of :
a, pneumatophores and show vivipary belong to : (1) Griffith
MeoPhYtes HersheY and Chase
.9Y /
' (2\ Halophytes
'(l'l Avery, Mcleod and McCartY
(3) PsammoPhYtes (4) Hargobind Khorana
(4) HydroPhYtes
42 The function of copper ions in copper releasing
36. The process of separation and purifi-cation of IUD's is :
expressed protein before marketing is called :
They suppress sperm motility and fertilising
(1) UPstreamProcessing
Downstream Processrng
,y capacity of sPerms.
They inhibit gametogenesis.
(3) Bioprocessing (3) They make uterus unsuitable for
(4) PostProductionProcessing implantation.
(4) They inhibit ovulation.
37. Identify the wrong statement in context of
heartwood :
An example of colonia I alga is
(1) Organic compo.4nds are deposited in it

(2) It is highly durable Volaox
B/ Itcordu.ts water and minerals (3) Ulothrix
dead elements with highly
'(o\ It comPrises walls
(4) Spirogyra
w 6
4. Root hairs develop from the region of The association of histone Hl with a nucleosome
(1) Maturation indicates :

(2) Elongation 0) Transcription is occurring.

(3) Rootcap
(2) DNA replication is o€curring.

Meristematic activi$r
(3) The DNA is condensed into a Chromatin
{ Fibre.

45. Hypersecretion of Growth Hormone in adutb does

(4) The DNA double helix is exposed .

notcause further increase in heigh! because:

51 A temporary endocrine gland in the human body
(1) Growth Hormone becomes inactive in adults. ls:
Epiphyseal plates close after adolescence. (1) Pineal gland
(3) Bones loose their sensitivity to Growth (2) Corpus cardiacum
Hormone il adults pl Corpus luteum
(4) Muscle fibres do notgrow in size after birth. (4) Corpus allatum

46. Which of the followhg in s€wage heahlent removes 52. Select the mismatch :
suspended solids ?
(1) Frankia Alnus
(1) Tertiary heatment (2) Rhotlospiillum Myconhiza
(2) Secondary keahnent (3) Anabaena Nihogen fixer
y{ Primary teatrnent
y Rhizobium AIfaIfa
(4) Sludge heatment
GnRH, a hypothalamic hormone, needed in
reproductioD acts on :
S€lect the mismakh
(/ anteior pituitary gland and stimulates
Pinus Dio€cious / secretion of LH and orytocin.
Q) Cycas Dioe<ious (2) anterior pituitary gland and stimulates
(3) Salainia Heterosporous secretion of LH and FSH.

(4) (3) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates

Euivtutfl Horrosporow
secretion of oxytocin and FSH.

48. l4y'hat is the criterion for DNA fragmenb movement

(4) posterior pituitary gland and stimulates
on agarose gel during gel elechophoresis secretion of LH and relaxin.

(1) The larger the fragment size, the farther it

54 S1n" *1o"-9 expression
Itransformed helps to identify
cell is known as :

g{ the smaller the fragment size, the farther it (1) Selectable marker
(2) Vector
(3) Positively charged fragmenb move to farther
(3) Plasmid
(4) Negatively charged fragments do not move

,g Shuctural gene

Itesence of planb arranged into well defined

49 In Bougainvillea thorns are the modifications vertical
of: layers depending on their height can be seen
(1) Stipules in:
(2) Adventilious root (1) Tropical Savannah
(2) Tropical Rain Forest
(3) Grassland
Temperab Forest
7 w
55. Functional megaspore in an angiosperm develops Life rycle ol Ectocarpus and Fucus respectively
into are

(1) Haplontic, DiPlontic

(1) Orru]e

,r (3)

Embryo sac

Diplontic, HaPlodiPlontic
Haplodiplontic, DiPlontic
HaplodiPlontic, HaPlontic
(4) Embryo

63. Which one of the following is related to Ex-situ

57. DNA replication in bacteria occurs :
corrservation of tlueatened anirnals and plants

(1) During S Phase Wildlife Safari Parks

(2) Within nucleolus
(2) BiodiversitY hot sPots
(3) Prior to fission Amazon rainforest
Just before transcriPtion (4) Himalayan region

Which among these is the coEect combination

58. 64. Good vision depends on adequate intake of caroEne'
aquatic mammals ?
rich food.
(1) Seals, DolPhins, Sharks
Select the best option from the following

(2) Dolphins, Seals, Trygott (a) Vitamin A derivatives are formed from
Whales, DolPhins, Seals caloEne.
/ (b) The photopigments are embedded in the
(4) Trygon, Whales, Seals
mem-brane discs of the inner segment

Retinal is a derivative of Vitamin A'

59. Coconut fruit is a
,N(d) Retinal is a light absorbing part of all the
D-p" visual photoPigmenb.
' (z\ Berry
(3) Nut
(1) (a) and (b)
(4) Capsule
(2) (a), (c) and (d)

(a) and (c)

50 Double fertilization is exhibited by :

(4) (b), (c) and (d)

(1) GymnosPerms

(2) Algoe
65. Thalassemia and sickle cell anemia are caused

(3) Fung to'iptott"^ i" globin molecule synthesis S€lect

v Angiosperms

Which of the following components Provides

the coEect statement.

(1) Both are due to a qualitative defect in globin

chain sYnthesis.

Both are due to a quantitative defect in globin

character to the bacterial cell ? (2)
chain synthesis
(1) Cell wall

Nuclear membrane

Pl,asma membrane (4)

Thalassemia is due to
les synthesis of globin

Sickle cell anemia is due to a quantitative

problem of globin molecules
(4) Glycocalyx
w 8
\ y'hich of the following are not polymeric ? 77. In case of poriferaru, the spongocoel is lined with
(1) Nucleic acids flagellated cells called :

(2) Proteirrs ostia

(3) Polysaccharides oscula
(4) Lipids
(3) choanocytes

67. A disease caused bv an au tosomal primary (4) nesenchymal cells

non-disjunction is ;

(1) Down'$ Slmdrome 72. A decrease in blood pressure/ volume will not cause

.ff (3)
Klinefeltuls Syndrome
Turner's Syndrome
the release of :

(1) Renin

y' Sickle CelI Anemia

)t{ at iut N uaiuretic Factor
58. With reference to factors affecting the rate of (3) Aldosterone
photosynthesls, which of the following statements
ls not correct ?
(4) ADH
A dioecious flowering plant prevents botl
(2) (1) Autogamy and xenogamy

(2) Autogamy and geitonogamy

(3) Geitonogamy and xenogamy

CleistoCamy and xenogamy

Tomato is a greenhouse crop which can
,/ go-*" - CO2 - enriched atmosphere for
higher yield
74. Which of the fol]owing facilitates opening
stomatal aperfure ?

69 Fruit and leaf drop atearly stages can be prevented

(1) Contraction of ouber wall of guard cells
by the appl.ication of :
(2) Decrease in turgidity of guard cells
(1) Cytokiniru
Radial orientation of cellulose mfurofibrils
(2) Ethylene .,Pl the cell wall of guard cells
tpf Auxins
(4) Longitudinal orientation of
Gibberellic acid microfibrils in the cell wall of guard cells

70 The. rengn of Biosphere Reserve

which is legally
ITP*O fr:g-."1o separated on an agarose
pr_otected and where no human gel
activity is ano"wed can be visualised after staining with
is known as : :

(1) Corezone (1) Bromophenolblue

gf a**,|^l (2) Acetocarmine

(3) Transitibn zone (3) Aniline blue
(4) Restoration zone
Ethidium bromide
76. W}lich stabment is wrong for KrebE' cycle ? 81 Myelin sheath is produced bY :

(1) There are three points in the cycle where g{ Srln*^tt;.Cells and Oligodendrocytcs
NAD+ is reduced to NADH + H+ '(Z\ AsEocytes and Schwann Cells
(2) There is one point in the cycle where FAD+ (3) OligodendrorybesandOsteoclasts
is reduced to FADH2 (4) Osteoclasb and Ashocyt'es
(3) During conversion of succinyl CoA to
succinic acid, a molecule of GTP is 82. Capacitation occurs in :

synthesised Rete testis

6 The cycle starts with condensation of acetyl (2) Epididymis
./ gtoup (acetyl CoA) with pyruvic acid to yeld
cihic acid (3) Vas deferens
(4) Female ReProductive hact

Tl . Mycorrhizae are the examPle of :

83. The morphological nature of the edible part ol
(1) Furgistasis coconut is :

(2) Amensalism (1) Perisperm

(3) Antibiosis (2) Cotyledon
Mutualism 19l Endosp".m
,/ ' (1) PericarP
78. The pivot ioint between atlas and axis is a type of :

(1) fibrousioint 84. Which of the following is made up of dead cells ?

(2) cartilaginousjoint
(1) XYlem ParenchlT na

r{ syrcvialioint
(2) Collench)'ura

/(n) Phellem
saddle ioint .{ (4) Phloem

79. Which of the following is correctly matched for the

85 ln case of a couple where the male is having a very
product Produced bY them ?
low sperm count, which technique will be suitable
(1) Autobacter auti: Anlibiol:16 for fertilisation ?
(2) Methanobactzrium : I-actic acid (1) Inhauterinehansfer
(3) Penicillium notatum: Acetic acid (2) GameteinhacytoPlasmicfallopiantransfer

()f Sacchromycts cereoisiae : Ethanol

Artificial Insemination
(4) lntracytoPlasmicsperminiection
80, Frog s heart when taken out of the body continues
to beat for sometime. Which of the follbwing RNAs should be most
abundant in animal cell ?
Select the best option from the following staEments'
(a) Frog is a Poikilotherm.
Frog does nothave any coronary circulation'
Q) r-RNA
O) (3) n-RNA
G) Heart is "mYogenic" in nature'
(4) mi-RNA
(d) Heartisautoexcitable.
: The vascular cambium normally gives rise to
OPtions l,
(1) Ptrelloderm

t .f
(z) ^tnt
only (d) Q) Primary Phloem

(3) (a) and (b) ,il


(4) (c) and (d)

w 10
88. Which of following options gives the correct 92. The acceleration due to gravity at a height 1 km
sequence of during mitosis ? above the earth is the same as at a depth d below the
(1) cond ation -) nuclear membrane surface ofeartl Then :
disa embly -; crossing over --)
-J telophase (1) a=1t-
(2) conde tnsation -+ nuclear mem brane

imfly --+ arrangement at equator J d=1km
centrclmdre division -J segregation --+
teloph hse a=9t-
condel fuation crossing over -) nuclear
memb] fane disassembly -, segregation -, (4) d=2km
telophl hse
(4) conderrsation -J arrangement at equator -+ 93. A particle executes linear simple harmonic motion
cen tro mdre division -+ segregation --) with an amplitude of 3 at
2 cm from the mean po its
velocitv is equal to that its
89. Which of the options best represents the tirne period in seconds is :
enzyme com tion of pancreatic juice ?
(1) amy , trypsinogen, rennin J5
(z\ amy trypsinogen, maltase =
amylase, pepsin, rennin
( lipas amylase,
trypsinogen, (2)
Procar ptidase

90. Athactants
rewards are requied for (3)

& (3)
(4) Cleistopam v
94. The resistance of a wire is ,! ohm. If it is melEd
91. Two blocl.s.Aand B of masrs 3m and m respectively
and stretched to'n times ibbriginal length, ib new
are corurected by a massless and inextersibte string
The whole sys tem is suspended by a massless
resistance will bd :

spring as shown in figure. The magnitudes of

acceleration ofA and B immediate ly after the shing
is cut, are respectively ;

I (2\ !n
fr (3)
"f^ n2R

3m (4) 1

95 A capacitor is charged by a battery. The battery is
removed and another identical urrcharged capacitor
(1) c,? isronnecEd in parallel. The total electrostatk energy
of resulting system :
!,e (1) increases by a factor of4
(3) c, c (2) decreases by a factor of 2

EE O/ remains the same
J.' (4) increases by a factor of2
96 Two rods A and B of different maberials are welded 99 A physical quantity of the dimensions of length drat
together Islfi,o-wn in figure. Their thermal e'
is [c is veloclty
co-nductivities are K, and Kr. The thermal can be formed out of c, G and !r*
conductivity of the composite rod will be : of light, G is universal corstant of gravitation and
e is chargel :

K1 1/
Tl T2 1 e
B (1) -'- G
c' 4ne6

2 %
(2) ,2 C
K1 -lK2

rf e2 1%
3(K1 +K2 ) -l-t
c2 lc an.s l
1- e2
c 4tre6
(3) K1 + K2


closed is,..

+ L


(i) 2mA
(2) 0.2 A
(3) ZA
0 ampere

98. The bulk modulus of a spherical object is

'B' I{ it ts
r"Ui".La to uniform pi"tt"" 'p', the fractional 101.
decrease in radius is :

r1) P

B (1) r
(2) 3p 2
_l+- ml,
(3) T-o."

P (4) Zeto
w 1.2

(Given h = 4.14 x 10 - qrs

15 eVs and c:3 x 108 ms - 1)
(1) =5x10s ms-1 \t (1) 9.1 pI
(2) = 0.5 x 106 ms-1
a"/ (2) 4.s5 p I
d =61 x tdhrs -1 (3) 2.3 pJ

'(n) = o.a !ro{." -1 i )

1.15 p J

103. Radioactive ma terial '{lhas decay constant ,8 T'

and material 'B ' has d*uy
107. A long solenoid of diameter 0.1 mhas2x104tums
they have sani-e nu mber of n hat time,
the ratio nu nuclei of material'B' to that
'A' will be e

(1) L

(1) 32 rr p.C
7t (2) 16pC
1 (3) 32 y.C
8I (4) 16 rr pC
9I 108.

(1) 10-20 C

@ 10-ts C
(4) .lo il- + (3) c
5 m/ s2 10
S'. .j:. D{ N
*t (4) 70- 47 c
105. Two cars m ovmg in opposite directi ons r;'
each other with speed of 22 m/ s and
15.5 m/s 109. Two askonauts a re floating in gravita tional
respectively. The driver offfit car blor,v-s
a hoin free
rpacenft-havirg Iostcontact with their spaceship.
havhg a frequenry 400 Hz . The freq

uenry heard The two will :
by the driver of the second car is
[velocity of sound
340 m/sl ;
keep floating at the same distance between
(1) 350 Hz them.
(2) 361 Hz (2) move bowards each other.
(3) 477 Hz (3) move away from each other.
(4) 448 Hz (4) will become stationary.
13 w
110. The ratio of wavelengths of the last line of Balmer 114. A U tube with both ends open to the atrrosPhere, is
series and the last line of Lyman series is : partially filled with water' Oil, which is imniscible
with witer, is poured into one side until it stands at
(1) 2
a distance of i0 mm above the water level on the
(2) 1 other side. Meanwhile the water rises by 65 mm
(3) 4 from its original level (see diagram). The deruity of
(4) 0.5 the oil is :

111. The de Broglie wavelength of a neuhon in thermal Pa Pa

equilibriu; with heavy water at a temPerature T F -iro
(Kelvin) and mass m, is :
A *rn
E - YFinal water level
(1) ffi 65 mm
oil x Initial water level

(2) ffih B
65 fiun
'2h Water
ill (1) m- 3
(4) ffi
650 kg

(2) 425 kg m-3

(3) 800 kgm-3
(4) 928 kg m-3

deviation. The refracting angle of second prism 115. A spring of force constant k is cut into lengtls of
should be : ratio 3. They are connected in series and the
t :2:
(1) 4" new force constant is 11. Then they are connected in
parallel and force corstant is k". Then k' : k" is ;
(2) 6'
(3) 8' (1) 7:6
(4) 10' (2) 7:9
113. Thermodynamic processes are indicated in the (3) 1:11
following diagram. (4) 7 :74

115. Which of the following statements are correct ?

III G) Centre of mass of a body always coincides

with the centre of gravity of the body'
700 K
500 K
(b) Cenhe of mass of body is the Point at which
300 K the total gravitational torque on the body is
Match the following :
G) A couple on a bodY Produce both
Column-l Column-2 uanslational and rotational motion in a body'
Process I a Adiabatic
(d) Mechanical advantage greater than one
o. Process II Isobaric means that small effort can be used to lift a
R. Process c Isochoric large load.
S. Process IV Isothermal (1) (b) and (d)
(1) P-+a, Q-+c, R-+d, S+b (2) (a) and (b)

Q-+a R-+d, S-rb
Q-rd, R-+b, S--+a
Q-+b, R-ra, S-+c ff (b) and (c)

(c) and (d)

w L4
777. A beam of light trom a source L is incident normally 12^l An ar-rangement of three parallel shaight wires
on a plane mirror fixed at a certain distance I from
placed perpendicular to plane of papeicarrying
the soutce. The beam is reflected back as a spoton a
same current'I' along the same direction is shown
scale placedjustabove the source L. When themirror
in Fig- Magnitude of force per unit length on the
e 0, the spot of the middle wire'B' is given by :
a distance y on the

B d C

v v


(2) t_
.I A

,y (1) Ilt
v 2poi2

118. A gas mixture consists of 2 moles of O, and 4 moles

of Ar at temperature T. Neglecting a-ll vibrational J2*oi2
modes, the total intemal energy of the system js : (3)
(1) 4RT

15 RT Eor
Jz rd
(3) 9RT
(4) 11 RT
}.,,. 722. The x and y c^oordinates of the particle at any time
179. are r = 5t - 2t2 and y = lOt respectively, where r and
y are in meters and t h seconds. The acceleration
the particle at t = 2s is :

(1) 0

(1) (D -10I (ii) -8.2s1 (D {\*5 (2) 5 m/ s2

(2) (i) 1.25I (ii) -8.2s1 s" "(
$' \ti) (3) -4m/s2
(3) (i) 100I (ii) 8.7sI o
\- (4)
,6 (i) 1oI (ii) -8 7sl )
( -8m/s2

120. A carnot engine having an efficiencv of as heat
123. The ratio of resolving powers of an optical
10 microroqg for two wavelengtfu \r =,l{)00 A and
engine, is used as a refrigerator. If the work done on
the system is 10 J, the amount of energy absorbed
from the reservoir at lower temperafure is
(1) 8:27
(1) 7l
(2) %I *
(2) e:4
(3) et \p 3:2 'l
.{,*, -A (4) 16:81
15 w
124. Preeti reached tion and found that the 128. In a common emitter hansistor amplifier the audio

escalato r was not working walked up the signal voltage across tfie collector is 3 V The
stationary escalator in time t1. On other days, if she resistance of collector is 3 kO. lf current gain is 100
remains stationary on the moving escalator, then and the base resistance is 2 K), the voltage and
the escalator takes her uP in time t2. The time taken power gain of the amPlifier is :
by her to walk up on the moving escalator will be : (1) 200 and 1000

(2) 15 and 200

(3) 150 and 15000

t.,tz (4) 20 and 2000

tz -tr
129 Two dirs of same moment of inertia rotating about
t2 +t1

(4) \-tz expression for loss of energy during this process is :

25. A spherical black body with a radius of !2 cm (1) 1 I ru,, +.,, )2
radiates 450 watt Pdwer at 500 K. U the radius were
halved and the temPerahrre doubled, the power
radiated inwatt would be : (2) 1 r (r, -r,)'
(1) 225 (+\uc"'
o Oo (3) I (ro, - ro,)2
(2) 4s0 r'\'D L
(3) 1000
{ (4)
(.r - tz\2
q 8

125. A pobntiomeEr is an accuraE and versatile device

to make electrical measuemmts of E.M.F because
the method involves :
medium is nearly :

(1) cells (1) 7.25

(21 potentialgradients (2) 1.5e
(3) a condition of no current flow through the p) 7.6e
(4) -1
a combination of cells, galvanometer and
131. Which one of the following represents forward
bias diode ?

127. The given electrical network is equivalent to :

OV -2V
(2) -4V R -3 V
(1) AND gate
-zv ti +2V
(2) OR gate (3)

4 NOR gate

(4) 3V R 5V
w 16
132. Two Polaroids P, and P, are placed with their axis 135. The reason for greahr range of oxidation states in
actinoids is attributed to :
(1) the radioactive nature of actinoids

Q) actinoid conhaction

(3) 5f, 6d and 7s levels having comparable
(1) energies

(4) ,U and 5d levels being close in energies
137. An example of a sigma bonded organometallic
(3) compound is :
(1) Ruthenocene

y{ Io
16 (2) Grignard's reagent
133. In an elecfuomagnetic wave in free space the root
mean square vFlue of the electric field is (4) Cobaltocene
Er-": 6V/m. Th{ peak value of the magnetic field
is: I
138. Which one is the wrong statement ?
(1) 1.41 x 10-s T
(2) 283x1$-8lr (1) de-Broglie's wavelength is grven by lt h,
= m?
(3) 0.70x19-8rr
where m = mass of the particle, u:
(4) 4.23 x 10 -E T
velocity of the particle.

The uncertainty principle is AEx N>1y'41t.

(3) Half filled and fuIly filled orbitals have greabr
stability due to greater exchange energy,
(2) talzg = dan4, + tan202 greater symmetry and more balanced
(3) cot2g = dcPer - cot2gz
(4) The energy of 2s orbital is less than the energy
(4) tan20 = tan4r - tan2ou
of2p orbital in case ofHydrogen like atoms.
135. The diagrams below show regions of equipoEnhals.
139. Mixture of chloroxylenol and terpineol acts as
v 40v 10v 30v 40v
(1) analgesic
(2) antiseptic
10v 30v 10v 30v 20v
G) (b) G)
(4) antibiotic
A positive charge is noved from A to B in each
diagram. 140. iscovered recently.
(1) Maximum work is required to move q in wing family/ group
figue (c).
In all the four cases the *.ork clone is the same. (1) Halogen family, [Rn] 5f14 6d10 Zs2 7ps
(3) Minimufn work is required to move q in (2) Carbon family, [Rn] 5f14 6d10 Zs2 ry
figure (a).
(4) Maximum work is required to move q in
(3) Oxygen family, IRnf 5fl4 6d10 7s2 7p4
figue (b). (4) Niuogen family, [Rn] 5f14 5d10 Zs2 7p6
L7 w
141.. A 20 litre container at 400 K contains CO2@) at 145. The spec'ies, having bond angles of 120" is :

pressure 0.4 atm and an excess of SrO (neglect the (1) PHs
volume of solid SrO). The volune of the container is
now decreased by moving the movable piston fitted (2) ffa
in the container. The maximum volume of the (3) NCl3
container, when pressure of CO2 attains its
maximum value, will be : @Y BCt.
(Given that : SrCO3(s) = SrO(s) + CO2(g),
146. The correct order of the stoichiometries of AgCl
KP=16atm) in excess is treated
formed when AgNO,
(1) 5litre with the corrplexes : CoCl3.6 NH3, CoCl3.5 NH3,
CoCl3.4 NH3 resPectivelY is :
(2) l0litre
(3) 4 litre
(1) 1 AgCl,3 AgCL 2 AgCl

(4) 2 litre
(z) 3 AgCl,l AgCl,zAgcl
(3) 3 AgCl,2 Agcl 1 Agcl
1tg. Predict the conect intermediate and productin the (4) 2 AgCl,3 AgCl,l AgCl
following reaction :

H2O, H2SO4 L47. For a given reaction, AH=35.5 kl mol-1 and

H3C-C=CH intermediate ------------) Product AS:83.6 K- 1 mol - 1. The reaction is sPontaneous
HBSO4 (A) (B)
at : (Assume that AH and AS do not vary with
(1) A: H3 C_C:CH 2 B: H3C-C-CH3
so, o fi
(2) T>425K

(2) A: H3 C_C:CH 2 B: H3C-C=CH2 (3) all temperatures

OH SO, P/ T>298K

(3) A: H. C-C- CH3 B: H3C-C=CH 146. Match the interhalogen compounds of column I
with the geometry in column II and assign the corect
o code.

(4) A: H3C_C: CH2 B: H3C -c- CHs Column I Column II

OH o (a) XX' (,) T - shape

@) xx. Pentagonal bipyramidal

143. Which of the following is a sink for CO ?

,il (z)
Micro organisms Present in the soil
G) xxs (d) Linear

(3) Oceans
(d) xXz ('9 Square - pyramidal

(4) Plants (v) Tetrahedral

Code :

1tM. Which of the following reactions is aPpropriate for (b) (c) (d)
con acetamide to methanamine ?

(1) (rii) (r") (r) (ii)

Carbylamine reaction
(2) (in) (') (i") (ii)
(2) Hoffmannhypobromamidereaction
(3) (v) (*) (iii) (n)
(3) Stephens reaction
('9 (iii) (ii) (')
(4) Gabrielsphthalimidesynthesis
w 18
149. Identify the type of reaction 152. The correct increasing order of basic strength for
the following compounds is :


(r) OD
and substitutionreaction
(2) III<I<II
NH2 (3) Itr<tr<I
(2) and elimination addition (4) tr<I<Itr
153. If molality of the diluE solution is doubled, the value
of molal depression constant (\) will be :

I and cine substitution reaction
(1) doubled
(3) kipled
(4) urchanged

(4) and cine substitution reaction 154. Of the following which is the product formed when
cyclohexanone undergoes aldol condensation
followed by heating ?

150. Which one of the following statements is not o

conett ?

Catalyst does not initiate any reaction.

The value of equilibrium corutant is changed


in the presence of a catalyst in the reaction at
(3) Enzymes catalyse mainly bio-chemical (2)

(4) Coenzymes increase the catalytic activity of o


151. Name the gas thatcan readily decolourise acidified

KMnO4 solution :



Noz (4)
(4) Pzos o o
79 w
155. The equilibrium constants of the following are 158. Which of the following pairs of compounds is
isoelectronic and isostructural ?
N2+3H2= 2 NH3 Kr (1) BeClr, xeF,
N2+O2= 2NO K2 (Z) TeI2 XeF2

(3) IBr!, xell

'z' H2O Kl (4) Es X"Fz
159 Which is the incorrect statement ?
The equilibrium corstant (K) of the reaction :
(1) FeO6.9s has non stoichiometric metal
deficiency defect.
zNHl+% 02 - 2 No+3 H2o, will be: (2\ Density decreases in case of crystals with
fthottky's defect.
(3) NaCl(s) is insulator, silicon is semiconductor,
(1) Kr K;/K2 silver is conductoL quafiz is piezo electric
(7Y K2K;/K1 ({ Frenkel defect is favoured in those ionic
./ compounds in which sizes of cation and
anions are almost equal.
(3) K2K3/K1
150. The heating of enyl-methyl ether 5 ith HI
(4) K; K3/K1 produces.
(1) ethyl chlorides o\\ gt
QT iodobenzene
155. The correct stabment regarding electophile is :
/p,t phenol
(1) Electrophile is a negatively charged species (4) benzene
and can form a bond by accepting a pair of
electrons from a nucleophile 161. Correct increasing order for the wavelengths of
absorption in the visible region for the complexes of
A) Elechophile is a negatively charged species Co3+ is :

and can form a bond by accepting a pair of (1) Co (en)r]3+, I Co (NH3)5]3 +, I Co gr2o)u13+
electsons from another elechophile
(2) [ Co ftI2O)6]3+, Co (en)3]3 +, Co (NH,)u]3+
Electrophiles are generally neuhal species
,pr' and can form a bond by accepting a pair of (3) [Co Gr2O)6]3
ICo 1NH.)6]3+, ICo(en):13+
elechons from a nucleophile (4) [CoOIH3)613+, ICo(en)3]3+, ICo (H2o)el3+
(4) Elechophile can be either neutral or pooitively 162. Pick out the correct statement with respect to
charged species and can form a bond by
accepting a pair of electrons from a
Itvtnlcxl;s- '
nucleophile (1) It is sp3d2 hybridised and octahedral
p/ tt x tpta2 nybridised and tetrahedral
t (3) It is d%p3 hybridised and octahedral
157. A gas is allowed to expand in a well insulated (4) Itis dsl hybridised and square planar
container against a constant exErnal pressure of
2.5 atm from an initial volume of 2.50 L to a final 153. With respect to the conlormers of ethane, which of
volume of 4.50 L. The change in internal energy AU the following statements is true ?
of the gas in ioules wiII be :
(1) Bond angle remains same but bond length
(1) 1736.25 J
(2) Bond angle changes but bond length remains
(2) -s001 same
(3) Both bond angle and bond length change
- 505I
+s0sl .tr Both bond angles and bond length remains
w 20
76/I. Which of [he following is dependent on 159. Mechanism of a hypothetical reaction
temperature I X2+ Y2 + 2 XY is given below :

(1) M"l"lify (r) X2+X + X (fast)

(2) Molarfty (ii) x+Y2+xY+Y(stow)
Mole fraction (in) x + Y -+ xY (fast)
(4) Weight percentage The overall order of the reaction will be:
(1) 1
165. Which of the follo$'ing statements is not correct ?
(2) 2
(1) Insulin maintains sugar level in the blood of (3) 0
a human body.
Ovalbumin is a simple food reserve in egg -
170. Concentration of the Ag+ ions in a saturated
(3) Blood proteirrs thrombin and fibrinogen are solution of Aq2C2O a is 2.2x10-4 mol L -1.
involved in blood clotting. Solubility product of Ag2C2Oa is :

(4) Denaturation makes the proEins more active. (1) 2.42x"t0-E

(2) 2.66 xto-12
166. The IUPA C name of the compound (3) 4.5 x 10-11
OO (4) 5.3 x 10-12
H c
171. Extraction ofgold and silver involves leachingwith
CN - ion. Silver is later recovered by :

(1) lketo-2-methylhex-4-enal Iiquation

!formylhex-2-en-&one (2) distillation

(3) 5-methyl4oxohex-2-en-!al (3) zone refining

(4) displacement with Zn
(4) lketo-2-methylhex-S-enal

172, Which one is t}re correct order of acidity ?

\67. HgCl, andI, both when dissolved in water
containing I - ioru the pair of species formed is :
(1) CH2: CH2 > CH3 - CH = CHz > CHs - C =
(1) HgI2,13 (2) CH = CH > CH3-C = CH > CHz=CHz >
g{ Hglrl cH3 - cH3
(3) CH=CH > CH, = 911, > CH3-C=CH >
(3) ltsr1t?a- 3 cH3 - cH3

(4) HBzlz, I (4) CH3 - CH3 > CH, = 911, > CH3 - Cr{I{ >
15E. It is because of inability of ns2 elechors of the valence
shell to participate in bonding that : 173. Ionic mobility of which of the following alkali metal
ions is lowest when aqueous solution of their salts
(1) Sn2+ is reducing while Pb4 + is oxidising are put under an electric field ?

(2) Sn2+ is oxidising while Pba + is reducing Na

p{ Sn2+ and Pb2* are both oxidising and (2) K
' reducing (3) Rb
(4) Sn4+ is reducing while Pba+ is oxidising (4) Li
2l w
174. Consider the reactions 177. In the electrochem ical cell

ZniZnSO, (0.01 M)ll CuSO, (1.0 M)lCu, the emf of

x Cu Iag(NH3)2] +
573 K _OH A Silver mirror observed this Daniel cell is E,. When the concentration of
(c2H5o) ZnSOo is changed to 1.0 M and that of CuSOn
-o .\
o changed to 0.01 M, the emfchanges to Er. From the
followings, which one is the relatiorrship between
NH2 - NH - C- NH2
Z E" and E, ? (Given,
.F !f = 0.059)

Identify A, X, Y and Z
(1) A-Methoxymethane, X-Ethanoic acid, (1) Er=Ez
Y-Acetate ion, Z-hy&azine. (2) Er'Ez
(2) A-Methoxymethane,X-Ethanol,Y-Ethanoic
acid, Z-Sem icarbazide. Er'Ez
(3) A-Ethanal, X-Ethanol, Y-But-2-enal,
(4) Ez=0 + E
(4) A-Ethanol,X-Acetaldehyde,Y-Butanone,
Z-Hydrazone. 178. A first order reaction has a specific reaction rate of
175. In which pair of ions both the species contain 10 -2 sec - 1. How much time $,ill it take for 20 g of
S - S
bond ? the reactant to reduce to 5 g ?

(1) s2o.-,s2oZ- 238.5 sec

Q) s4oi-,s2o3' (2) 138.6 sec

(3) sro)- , sro2r-

(3) 346.5 sec

(4) s4o26-,s2o1,-
(4) 593.0 sec

176. Which one is the most acidic compound ?

179. The most suitable method of separation of 1 : 1
OH mixture of ortho and para - nitrophenols is :

(2) Chromatography

CH: (3) Crystallisation

(4) Steam distillation


180. \Atich one of the follou,ing pairs of species have the
same bond order ?

(1) co, No
(2) 02, NO+

(3) (3) cN-,co

(4) N2, Ot

ozN Noz -oOo-


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