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IS THE NAS _-STORY AQVER? US pep Uae -A brave front, but global TEMA Ree Ts Tete) Coils tenes UE ORS idon:tauger too well for ismew asset class. P2 Why floater i } PX ttyour funds are | childis 18 not living ; up to their =) byontine fj tostart a promise \ influencers investing P6 ‘ a | Ps cover = IS THE CRYPTO Bel Mea igs TS ULTRA lay LL TSEC Daa Ucet hee CRE | OTE ce By Babar Zaid youdoityour Aeros have fallen sal fom heir peak eves W: eo eS A®@ @ @ @©®@ ‘oymore vp Biteoin | ethereun |sinancecoin| Ripple | cardano | Solana | Piadot | Dogecoin corentoize() 1692269 | 90670 | 18133 | 2697 | 2942 | 2969 | cassr | 520 Subramanian tsp Watinfrereatr fos “There will be| ee in its value seven ti the past 12 years. tonaythircrto Lite dothev alse or cEypIOshasfUrther a> ‘sins, rrespectiveothe income lavel of ‘TDS(cedos), Though ths wl ge ast ‘laimes.asa refund ater itil bork op Theresia of aninvestor pt ‘willbe particulary hit Thataxruleshadenas furore allen slnst ts tots ‘Spoce."My own ossesaze bad eno Sanjeev Mathur, 54, Bengaluru INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO 34.2 cRORE cavrronvestaent 35 LAKH comment vaLue 34 LAKH ALLOCATION To cRvPTOS 1.2% “This senior managerinalarge I company vas rudged by frends to enter the crypto space 2017, Taknbaloone to roughly £20 fakin vale ding ‘the 2021 rally. The recent eiphas wiped out those though I regret not booking profits last year sad pusheds crypto portfolio tered by when eryptos were on fire. longterm me “My loss of @1 lakh isnot earth shatterin COE ein enn INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO 21.25 crore cavrro wvestuex 3 LAKH ‘CURRENT VALUE 21.9 Lakh ALLOCATION To cRYPTOS 2.4% A traional investor tl recently this Softuare enginer diversi into cryotes ‘im Investing in this new space He tially Invested nly €10,000 bu rally poured nore when the markets rose. By November 2021, he had put nalmest <3 thin ncryptos rat hasrow sipped to “Igot taken in hy the hype and invested ‘13 la Sobran dengan en prices were very hig i 5 th Subramaniam at ati ay when prices werevery high. Al want isto Investment back inte eon gel my principal investment bac THE 1% TOS RULE that Kies From ly wl aot ony when the vale or aggregate valve of the transactions by te persons enced 50,000 during te Financial eae The buyer of a virtual digital set VDA) seared 10 deat ETDS from the amount pac to the salen ithe Plo the Payer Feat valabe nen TDS wit be 20K the sel hasnt leis ‘ex ret, 105 wiles, the tansactions ret between buyer and seller with ‘no ard party (exchange in Between the buyer wil deduct ‘Tosit toe amount enced the {Beeshaldit of €30.00 na franca yea tne dea s outed ough ‘neacharge, the exchange ill Rave to dedct tx athe tine of transferring payment rom buyer tothe seller oe VOR fhe payments done on lexthae through broker then ‘os can be deducted eth by INVESTMENT PORTFOLIO 2.5 Lakh (CRYPTO INVESTMENT 760,000 ‘CURRENT VALUE %19,000 ALLOCATION To CRYPTOS. 24% ‘This young sales exeetve was lured Inte crypto trading when he saw {ends andassoctates making ick ‘money. Tough he aso made good as ntaly, te sharp drop nmi 2021 unnerved. But heresumed after the market stbilieed and invested ‘more in crypts. The recent deine hasredued his investment by more than 65%. ‘beenbadl sed man thers havemede Se CF LUA (easel Hea ae Here’s how TDS will get deducted ‘who runsa mobile accessory shop n No, ‘shen Daren som mest ‘exchange or rok. May ester Bata te eves inte ish. nse eet ingles booked pois To ensure tat 10s snot duct twice thee canbe written aprerent Between the exchange andre. The broker ‘Markets are volatile so stb resp eo don't put alarge sum at ington seh eet payment Seana tanto Mie etter of VOR nope amore than 2% of your ‘ome by te exchange then the portfolio in cryptos. Buyer of Vw be eget paseo weit @ en sunoas Ingpavnent However tray beer thar tine Doe es at gece iow tat Von's one bythe ete crue auch ae theo Change may enero sien Bre mason sie “Whether losses from tothe exeane woud be ; sal paying the taxon or before the eane aaa) ‘due date for that quarter. can be set offagainst gains from another is Evcnanges woul be required 0 : B furisha quarter statement fr ‘open to interpretation. al such vansactons. Exchanges would aso be request furish thee tax returs anal tans His mos be inced In hese Cee ey “Lkept buying more when prices were tumbling to average out my purchases: This only enlarged my losses.” {toes iain he Then ane epi ‘Show, ourentirecaptal ean ge ined [crn veep ni {Soo tiom faNinenberhghe ‘Sree Pune are Don't take very big bets {ioineryios "bent putmors han 2s four overall portion erpe ‘vise Vinram Sip}. CEO, Gita ‘Grptocureny tng Dow osketed Inventors ite Matharundereto thi He tos Soleo asst may. hedne Don't invest at one go epeamoutts atone gow ples “rtmubesnsearsdorn ety IreedueatonsesRabesaan ‘Stick to bluechips ‘There alos. erytocatbere Jostng tr youratetin Theresa Alototsaweritnntrmatonon ora nied andslstyatanaes ring Investment Asal vert en {irmationtoreyo inst Anon st tepod io buagenscur clus Big Avoid behavioural biases toms themaneetar ea ewe fr Large and Mid Cap Fund COS eee ney aN eee ee aca GET THE KING aw ON YOUR SIDE Mee JEUNE SUNDARAM MUTUAL Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully. Why floater funds are not living up to their promise If the duration in the floater fund does not match your time horizon, you are exposed to risk ‘bySanket Danorkar Floater funds have =a in catching higher yields S553 Uteastor eatin A transparent floating rate FD is here With Yes Bank's new floating rate fixed deposit, savers will get returns in line with changing repo rates. Ey Senet Doanortor Asrepo rate climbs, investors will get higher return {0s Customisable credit card More than one-third want to control the umber of hours they work, aspera study by Qualtric, Tour day wes Gin ES lon nines DLP cnc retreat nes ? 35x Hick OO day week a rue a erent MN 77 | “oe @ 2% © 20: sicerinert I 64 Br: Bee Tonkin MI g3,| tmesioa = ates pe 14s steos of tours SESE MD 62. Avoid online influencers giving financial advice Blindly following tips on saving and investing by social media influencers doesn’t work as well as it does for other areas of life, says Dhirendra Kumar. ‘tnewapaperoraV channel icaeey3au ‘rthalare socal media loringtonort ‘thabascisetobalfsilitallomerset tinal port Therearemany thes ike him os epear ob poplon Twit, When the audience does not have an in feelfor the subject ‘most hyperbolic and exaggerated influencers become the most popular. Someotyon may be wondering why im potters nei ‘ust GeogetYoutleamedy pepe puting ‘willinfuenee the results Gothrengh the “eos hatenmeupandvateh ates What ‘hereareafew dominant theres On, howe loplekatacks tat wild ecopinall cksavsks: tht ssnane instr tnd foe obras erp What dons fumistieponng. or eomlete aera ‘Oneofthermsonsecstobethat when ‘teandlenc doesnt havean ative fel Ferthemaech the mrt hypericed ‘aerated noenerssem to beso {land theneiher armen este Con If your child is 18 and wants to start investing... Pick investing instruments that offer safety as well as exposure to the child who has limited funds but unlimited curiosity, says Riju Mehta broiler acta tupothicown, Purpose of investment ‘hockthe fob of nesting with Allowancemay notbeeaoughior him’ anylangermpoaisr dreams tat are ‘Choose the instruments. Invetbiggrsums becoubstartemall. yeomplsdhisinerestin intestine ers ‘Thepentteptopieh tert about vrionsinvestnentavenbes you feasymoney inordertomeethistellooning options depending on thefunds that foudiisehiscuroatyby ofurigsome eipenieaLeeudaloslmpiybeanorise avast Hecouldart tartingsoaribyear-okionhisinwestment yerfoemancect an instrument. Without an- _positoresen mata fan SIPs Als, sour Gdestandngtnerasonnewanistolnest, expan wh opens est Soavillrtbeabletoguidehim imc the sigortaving sara EN enttzantenpiainvarous yyelomnhugitiarain his hee investing instruments. Invttedinns planing Svesting meee ou wate remind Start istingvariostinanetl ns teats hat areal rns Fixtheamountand time Siemon Tcktemorsne puns mestin wew er iaeaturesoeschoycin bettereturn etmount heeds athetinefor Rich jonitor &review init nureorhekinperiod penal Genedatlandjutwantstosmeso that derstand para anno READERS’ QUERIES Does a Hindu woman's marital status affect her right to make a claim to her father’s property and assets? seen Accordngothe Hind Succosson Amondinent Act 2005 danger asthe same rightsas sents herftherselfaequted propa Myerandtatnernadremaried | throughawill Techiliwillaiohave | sfcaiespecfindinanilL. omer, | acaimtothesepropertes? afterhiststuitedieainan | ariehtonnceevalgropertybyvirtwe | asa Classi omnes anoint var fromniststmartagesndonetny | ‘thot yourmatherwilhaven | inthetranstertanstsityouprorite | yeaa thesame Ekta our mothe trom the second Wily eee cee ec eee ete ere Imothernavetnesamerghstons | properties Hnanetaorgansation Setracqlreaproperbes ithe dis Dropertiesasherstep-sings he ‘nthotwetinga wl rspertine of Sieswithovtwetings wil? Myhusbandpassedanaylast Iavetwobrothersandigot | any vrbulassurancos I noweve be aes year without wilting lam Imaredabouttiveyenrsago. | as ntiekind wil secf¥ing eur Sincethachittrmasocandmarag homies angjoinehaer tor Ztthetimeatmyweasingimy | brtheeas benicar, hen eu ‘saClassllegalbetthewilihavethe | allhisaccounsand investnens witi | fatherhadgivenmedowry andver- | cannutstakeactalmtothepeoperts, Stineinbertancerigustobistrer's | faceapratiemintransteringtheseta | ally asuredmy bratersthathe ‘hough youcanaitconest thew ‘hefiretnarige theater des tramsnarma | nottome Lastyearhediedithout | Snr eve se seine ahtioincluie.exiudeorspecityien | assetsotthedeooasedandtheseareul | fusingtogivemeany share inthese ‘Secsozsxonen Reiss at CCitrestohseetacguredpropery | Unaiely pssedentoloaleirsorben. | hovses DotRavealesaiighttomake | Ssefssisone ran mar woe stocks by Sameer Bhardwaj Foe fntingerinaar ‘eval, Sharan, el Secure rake andratigagencyCortspehave Thedemandandvakamesareeryectelte alo hart sentiments inher (re-E7 Wel presentsleauto stocks Auto stocks set to benefit from cyclical recovery Government thrust on infrastructure and farm sector growth are among the reasons that will help auto firms. Toe 31.2% wy 827 Bm HOLS. me seus "THE COMPANY'S PERFORMANCE 7 sepia Desupsoned by tang Boba eta organ report iss actors demarano robust over bog. The cerating nies re gates nde reeucton sd ron ee cash ‘tw wit swengten the balance soet. Fampun. oo ‘eorarg othe Franca recort bs wvouth clasts Honever be ‘hecampin'sdomesieEYpartfoo. tanasement expects chp sortase to poses to gow oer ts Nesp Conte 53 161 Titaloors ase Ao ssesenor | 9992 stocks MaRuTisuzuKi vera rm = ecard he: Br Toy a, sag art nges 15.2% ee ee THE COMPANY Ltt onsow o-——_anmatrsng conmodty natn sats Reicovienont tednscroat femc Hales napisy pte se fortsloessanton sndexersonaricion "Anater opr ae cues ay tat the a Preece etocny she cons Mon ones we cao vetsoeex cancewegttericy reise vat en Srembnretanrem mina ieee a2 Seen ee ee ee de Tonissteecarae iowvagsenis waletes dmrfa ion = — HERO MOTOCORP ASHOK LEYLAND Se saa zs 15.4% | ER ts) era ts nd ov 33 woot el . zz ae {THE RECOVERY IN real comand dus Rae eae Festvas and marrage season, an ier farm Tneames are exoecte to mprove ales 202223 Tha Je Morgan report expt that ie ross margin wi come unde resi {he neg ue but operating evra spose ne impact The 0 grow hs {ure postive fr sre tats ar ese teas strate wil be a postive catalyst forthe comoanysstek ore states he reper. "re kay report ses 2p in ssesensex 99,92. derand opening of edueatonalnstutens | 2 sesese Ses, an hey mp exports eto America egos ashe hey owt facers the mproved penetration nathan a Lin’ for Hero NotDerD. MAHINDRA& MAHINDRA ee eee & Manda ain BSE Auto seu? {A STRONG ORDER boo onan aeresve EV fauren hat sin the pple il ep pore \otunes ovr te ex two yea The perfor rare of FES farm equipment seme el Uesupcorted by postive rarer Me Improung rua ncaes and expectations of ovo! morseen This wil eve sae factors, aupment na mpl: Acordia the J ‘ean rear beter ap alcation sd {umaroundsubganes wil sport improve rer OES an help in stk reat scour 9992 1G o2 Gos MPT [THE NCREASEIN demanc {eM es ke muttaxle ‘Wid aie ote pideub In Inrastroctre and mining sates sible reenery a Bus sapnent ane ely am Inrecarement demand wil supers lure performance §hecompany os manned asttog operating aren ‘be reurauarter ue tos Bester produ me operating leverage benefits nd cost, entel measures Aspe ‘he report by att Capa, Softening a raw mae Dries ing Gerand fr high Tonnage veces nresing (ne resence sn ecery Inu volumes lead to. continous ice verse Sales pices ana margin inaroverent Artes resort trom Ys Secztes bates that me company’s cersing ste at aes os Experian spares witheD reduce te domestic MBH CY erp pspoktevond BSeA0 eel os ESCORTS TWECOMPANY WiLL ener om which as been te mostresent oat therise nvactor demand dueto he ofthe economy since te pandemic fxpecatonf anormal mone - forecasts ctr volumes ore 158 gti 18.7% treased for neomes ard sangtrop — yoryin 2022-23 ee Brocton Thecempany hasshown” Another report by Canara Bank secu- onto remgpoweresitsabletopasson riles expects that thecaroarysjont_ amine {he incfeased casts by taka 10% aver- venture wih Kubota wi drive gromtn Mot faze rice kes 2021-22 Me ay- by prowing betes teen a ag fk Secures eport refers escorts petence ard prvidesymery town. ene seltsonesthe agteutasecar, Moris Share nthe South felon. saerBnownre2 e238 uy A stan financial (hn Should you consider two EMIs simultaneously? Building large, but illiquid assets will reduce your ability to invest. afterlivingin Pune oralmosteight facomcandsermgat(elwosretcorgta Years, They have their own house in deydnitheethsRetlstmeretans tot PS bowhaltaroelneoncad — derailtciteumecn: — Reneratnelmety havecightmoreyearstoreney Thein, bemslandercdtcardioans Den wilehometoan inter Aryan and Pooja have moved to Delhi P ‘ey eemetertbldan daughteris 2andisplanningtopursue —yeywilleavelessuitrgay”willetetethelr nance anMBA degree. Thefamilyshifteddue ingivoEMtsywhchwill — budananntvbiehistough toAryanspromotionandnow plans. ‘esmesrabiticimst_uoresnan amen tobuyahouseinDelhitoo. They think — jwiimusiecamemore desctuluse tbe iy. that instead ofpayingrent, they should nflexbiewithewolargs bt ne tnghte sro {akeanotherloanand pay EMIte build icone) fateir ioral propery another asset. What could be the impli- cations ofgoing forward with thisplan? 7 iabee Deh “ouvert erst arbre aan eh 4 ELEN um Cre Ole) ‘Susesby fomptsne | tenencary rane mare ke at SIE coe fomkeose | tanec retin in franca main se curry aoe, | scout ee ue Imstionsto | tessineraton! teeatincoce | sone wih Snir sca PAPER WORK Why is nomination for inesient meevaee ena ee: Ines he me atinvestnant ternative te Invest Can upon suri Invesmets ow fr mute forean oat te perentge of treatment ores rome, FZ] Nomination rain far ir nema & [Geaot a HUF oa power tome ner cannot noste, An Irv taray ere late IFtkenomnes nats rave te Paleytar rods orev rae Me test of he rome (=) Minor as nominee Aa ans nonin Ce) ere rove Feat arth ane name ano Deore sf man ig Changing nominee tern cane orion ua ‘nei ete spre See se beget ‘indo mason amp nee 1 Namal es Pointstonote Stas mare conor for ‘ml fred unittest reo ania ot bik otnarnaon wh eet from Acs 2023 worn mit fhe esinet Ids by lal Parsee fal ecsen oy teers Ron reser nos con be mae Danis ecto ere Don’t depend on your children Be self sufficient in old age and don't feel entitled to your grown children's wealth, says Uma Shashikant. Wy | ‘ovsder the realty of modern vg where cet mimneto ‘mate asters references ants Saineugenees. is isto forthe parent etter tbe grown she unespectviest er Tauband.ourieadwaenet epost independence genera heslong "heat Thetis aso broken ‘ndparontshavesae ands siefunis osermovingineinthe cre, Some ‘scaptonaarealmapthere atest Isceme stat pine Weromaincterlltiedto theese Dfasarfie seid, eerste, lnbwatve ting Grown iptilren tinge ‘apateativelynteingnguptbelr gang indtakecareate the. fered with simmerinaresenimens sexpert Ter ehlarer somes, beeausethey ad move culomalather ovniives maolontiairona Ter anpreferences ly ent docss sity with anymore Shocaled we was. how secant heep er eationstieaihy avoid rerntnent,Whnteuldons expect False sbeashed ‘most of esreutineldo. annie had rerythingbeoreherdecisente lve wie hlden Fortuna) sbodetdatogieta “cond recente tate iota nt [Asansol prem, vuhaveall tines havelinted responsi toardothers theta Searchles theecarer to ‘ennreoscanbratnnator tm andere ‘esenen Reon yourelreot Reminded sssuneshereabonship scr Speak to betrushstoston fr seal with foretpnorseeviees tenants domestic fdsuch Male easier fre toalcate Fourth tkeon argo teketexpensesenly ithevare wing tobear te oss. Inmost eas hdr aregeerousabout enaing ‘sourhoeds they ee eseningwel Reals Anrensvationstothe se retin ‘Gavel balthcare andes allo are ith. quntonouralloctlonstogiing Thereisnoend obuvingstufLAndascur ‘uous mndncediess. conser oaralloes tnivaveed. Inti nage clothes. Jeol, arets household emsare all ‘Ses tha are doe ternal preter ee itemeritin ung ‘Sith avenge oho woah ‘nea we brought tbe up:buty are Sustain thet cle ar My Fvingen sdoqetecormus incre rom ely toboireguarandtoasouree ct bokarng Seokthecldeencutasan {hetrpeerioetethelrincreand eu tiving whereaneis unwillingto ake lsimentforthetherondasteall ‘eofourgeterences habits anda {ince Talis truer thpeentectls Iman showse roars ener ‘Enger beable vinnahly Tnto ‘enntingene etn slantoand re ‘tothe wins phos rearnedesnt ‘Saldageateral family “ance Need to stagger financial goals Kolkata-based Das will have to push back some of her goals till a rise in income and investible surplus. VARSHA DAS 26 YEARS SALARIED, MOLKATA How to invest for goals by Riju Mehta ‘illnaeto invest 2.2m equity uns However duetoinckefsurgiessbecan ‘entaterasrinincomean comple. ‘cForheathinaranes she hasaslakh SigpestshetavneTolanpan dae Jukbtop applan ube wileosther be Portfolio merercytund 2th Mutattunds. cash. - ee a ean ssun/ays twats 178 inicpmanes oes ee — nai cae Sivegahase —7LstAn/t0yes Realestate ioscurmmmeceeiee pat revert A408 OE 9H Geibortlishecetbersnte these Insurance portfolio puteieetaneincnctal cain 70000 =o ro bain aa aS El Sg aiecimaciomccresinss QORTRMNMTTETITS —ininnrsec StoetndstrensIPertisoeinadit Templen —_S0lakh 512 Continve 512 fina forbearance Se utwweneciteceetane — Cash flow ts ‘tonof her wedding goal. Das also wants to L———) Le ‘eanallocateher property. which will and = ‘Buy ¢10 lakh plan + cetera, astek sa08 tam Om ishiormnn em ‘easel ‘Das wants toretineat 50, but will have to toparents a a= Seeeneenaaaiaiemn ae ‘Loan EM 3000 memati ttacce Mie $20 Foe semana Amen aRgRE aA Write to us iii for expert itmaict nse icone advice ‘how mach oun inet reac yom oa NM A\ \ > A ET WEALTH TOP 50 STOCKS Every week we put about 3,000 stocks through four Key filters and rate them on a mix of factors. The end result Of this is the listing of the top 50 stocks based on the composite rating to help ease your fortune hunt. Inside ee eroatacop 2 2 26110 Bind are 34 m0 Larsen & Toto 45 143490 embassy Ofieerais 8 88S otras 99) ames Moni Pons 2 mR 6530 anager Cos 2 72910 ao Tes uo? 1940 kanawcheimis 1518 360s aru Suukinga 1716827300 Comaneromporind 191935 GratsttePetront 2 21190 ves co 2320 61080 rr 7 16% natn 2c a 2035 lent 2p» mo ‘ry Union Bak nos Imes vedanta Bom 16 racor uo M035 Symon 385 095 ali na 363719620 Vet Loses 7855605 onapovanFeane 384840 induce ecwakee 3838 SIT eats 0% 175, Noiniaeranering = 1253235 ierar arma 2 4 760 Teen wanna 6 © m0 srarteecronce 3 S028 OFC Aset amt so 7181580 2074 vs 1708 na 2372 2975 2620 ns. 74 08 7606 naz 1959 196 a1 708 ni0 1188 ma 2055 2396 434 3010 600 3554 a2 80 1086 928 7236 01 1682 796 125 260, 252 0 an 203 as 38 376 038 305 138 106 708 216 116 oz0 705 ast 275 036 2 8 075, 319 058 096 129 519 rm ors 120 on 159 068 459 20 020 a6 oe 60 aus oan oss oss oo rd 078 one a8 os? 065 167 200 153 130 126 a 146 123 161 103 ost 9 036 os7 0 066 on as 12 194 “ 2 2 25 2 3 2s » 469 0 460 09 am 258 470 430 280 435 Fast growing stocks “Top 5 stocks withthe highest revenve % growth over the previous year Least expensivestocks ‘Top 5 stocks withthe lowest price-earnings ratio Best PEGS ‘Top 5 stocks withthe least price earnings to growth ratio 6 Income ee ‘Top $ stocks withthe highest dividend yield C0) Leastrisky “Top stocks with the lowest downaide risk smart 25 ETW FUNDS 100 BEST FUNDS TO BUILD YOUR PORTFOLIO. ET Wealth collaborates with Value Research to identify the top-performing funds across categories. Equity funds and eauity-oriented hybrid funds are ranked on 3-year returns while debt-oriented hybrid and income funds are ranked on 1-year returns. ou tance cP EQUITY: LARGE A MDCAP our mcr gurv- suas car our. aL omeTED sours 28.15% LAGGARDS & LEADERS “Taking alorg term view off ets, here {mer ec eugene ares ane ‘etaervestnatmay Bes argon Yor port EE Equity: Large-Cap syeirraurss 449 EE 580 ot 560 il im st on a eee ee Equity: Flexi-cap ses Se er 25. apa a, = Equity: Mid-cap syexreoms 37 Rano eset ‘on Ee 200 a 18.26 Equity: Small-cap seuss 045 LS «5 1207 EL 2.60 Eso eres 240 A NN 2255 no i 26 7 ST 2209 Hybrid: Aggressive surreuns 267 A s84 tonne 435 120 vorciare h I ccaiyete sco ME 102s ‘tea rounsongrac 0 amore smart s2) ETW FUNDS 100 Qressis_ ‘Top 5 equity schemes based (on 10-year S1P returns a eae —e = Qu Top! Mi shane ed on Speier a» MOF Ae er ORF a8 ae oe iz bec re aa — ee ome 1a 257s @ Levee cap :ceshhoicings —— — ——e ee eee a Did not find your under? sorasersason aro Metnodotoey EQUITIES ron epee) Debt: Shortduration Seca Rate ee eennen sien FUND SS Seeniearnnncrcmne Bisa Taxa fe eer Seton eo memos 56.3% eungere oay eae e of te MF industry's equity a rae ‘assets were hel by etal Ba. Gh. air oS etarmdauresve wri sity exeare Investors fora pried ot a ae Esa more than 2 years as on it Mate Ketan meremretecouvooows 31 March 2072, according BNE sauna ee nog circ teen hy Senmrioe: sostcnano\s oun ant tes eatin int Ses ——— nemoanaer ot oer LOANS & DEPOSITS ET WEALTH collaborates with ETIG to provide a comprehensive ready reckoner of loans and fixed-income instruments. Don’t miss the information on investments for senior citizens and a simplified EMI calculator. Top five bank FDs —<@» HOME LOAN RATES es ll With effect fom October 2019, al banks have made the transition to 6 ee external benchmarks for pricing new home loans Most banks have rem (amu XN Ze ine 0 at era nT i = REPO RATE: 4.90% nea ise eee 50 saa Peri Natl Bank a rs Os 902022 a snk a 73s) a es ars | anya mes so am fare vy tn ms 18 nas 938 uy =a a mm ‘Bank of Maharashtra 770 730 755 920 10,June 2022 a ee Union ar a 10 yao 930 ttoneataa to nom Pn Se 270 rss aso tmeatna indore om a0 rss ago Shuman — veo ao 77a 740 7a | snea022 so Baw snk ds ns 78 yas km tsane022 a Se stitemtom a7 37828 Shoo Top five senior citizen bank FDs Cen tnt aa ts os tos ah onmeata ‘crt co ee oa tao tte te 2022 ‘aneaves co wan YOUr EMI for a loan of <1 lakh one td so00 368 ~ ms ve orcrnt on i tame a "a oe 0 as oe 720 ast 2a76 ae Lniad = = rata Te 25 1m 1075 6s 08 toon =a Post office deposits = Top five tax-saving bank FDs ae i le cee sees canna Seve] SeaTaRNaT ALTERNATIVE INVESTMENT RETURNS MONITOR The scope and attractiveness of alternative investments is increasing. Here's a weekly tracker of returns from such Investments. But don't compare these with returns from traditional investments since the proportion and purpose of alternative investments is vastly different. Gold (995) (z) Silver (2) Platinum ($/troy ounce) —_ WTI Crude ($/barrel) [Bian asantfose| [S0s0neoo ase Sort | [ BUMS: sadneas| [ Bhtneaoer zane CHANGE wee 0.47% 1 weee -0.91% iw -3,60% rweee 8.41% wean 27% sean 41.75% tvesn—-415,40% ‘ven 46.96% PENNY STOCKS UPDATE —~

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