A A Story Can Be Written From The Point of View of The Writer or A Third Person. Do Not Use Both

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We al 11 ove to read stories. Writing a good story takes effort.

A story must have:

, a title.
A story can be written from
, a clear setting. (Where? When?) the point of view of the
writer or a third person .
, well-described characters. (Name, description) Do not use both.
, a plot. (What happens in the story?)
, a problem .
• a sol ution.

Read these sample stories. Notice how they are framed around the given hints.
The Donkey and the Load of Salt
A donkey carrying salt - passes over a stream - falls down - salt dissolves in water - burden becomes lighter
- makes it a habit - the master discovers his trick - brings a load of cotton - the donkey falls in the stream -
burden increases.
Once upon a time, there lived a trader in a village. He
had a donkey to help him carry his goods from one
place to another. Every day he would take his donkey
to the market and buy the goods, load the things on
the donkey>s back and bring them home. Then the
next day, he would load those goods on the donkey>s
back and set out to another village to sell the things.
One day, the trader bought salt from the market
and loaded it on the donkey's back and set out for
his village. On the way, there was a stream with a ,
narrow wooden bridge over it. The load of salt was really heavy, much more than other days and
the donkey was struggling under the weight of it. As the donkey was crossing the narrow bridge,
its foot slipped and it fell down into the stream below. By the time it finally came out, a lot of salt
had dissolved in the water and the load became much lighter. The donkey was very happy to be
suddenly relieved of the extra weight.
The next day, the trader loaded the salt on the donkey's back and left for another marke~ to sell it.
He had to go over the same bridge again. This time, the donkey knowingly slipped into the water.
Again, much of the salt got dissolved and the load became lighter. However, the trader had seen
through the donkey's trick. He made up his mind to teach the donkey a lesson.
~i:nd::~ thereac~ed
trader loade_d his do nkey with bales of cotton and set out for the_to~n ~ark et.
the bridge, the donkey happ ily fe ll into the water again . Th is time it stayed.
the water ,or qu ite some time, · that the load wo ul d become even 1·ighter. Th en it· got uth
· t h'inking
handd came
k dout
. of th e stream. ,' o its
· dismay the load had become many times · heav1·er as t he catP
a soa e in a lot of water. The don key f;u nd it very difficult to carry th e heavy load, but the to11
:~ier would n_ot let him take any rest. So the do nkey had to carry the load to the market. The
ey never tried to fool his master again.
The Fox and the Crow
A beautiful
· h dav · - a crow fivund some cheese - huna:ry fivx was wa fk,n<1
'.I in spnng · bv - wanted cheese - as ked theer:
fo r ,t -d t ehcrow re;;, d fi h
f1ASe - vx t ought ofa plan - started praising the crow- osaid
o· '-! h
t e crow had a beaut,,"'
·r;,f voice
. ow
wante to ear her sing- the crow opened her mouth to sing - cheese fell from her mouth - fox ate the cheese. -
It wasJ beautiful day in spring. A crow was sitting on a high branch of a tree. As she looked
arohun ,,;he suddenly saw some cheese lying on the ground 'That looks really tasty,' she thought
tod ebrse · ?0 . she flew down , picked up the cheese with her ·beak and flew back to th e branch she
ha een sitting on.

m r-
~s hhe was sitting on the branch with the piece of cheese
mouth, a hungry fox walked by. He had not eaten
anyt m_g for two days. As he looked up and saw the
crow wi th th e piece of cheese in her mouth his mouth
~atered. He wanted to eat the cheese. So he stopped
~ust underneath the tree and said to the crow loudly,
Let me h~ve that cheese, please.' The crow shook her
head, s~ymg no. '~ow c~n I get ,that slice of cheese for .
mysel~ the fox said to himself. 'I cannot get up the tree,
so I w,11 hav_e to think of a good plan.' He sat down and
began to thmk. Suddenly, he had a bright idea.
He st~rted praising the crow. 'You are a very pretty bird,'
he said to the crow. 'What a nice black coat of feathers
you have. How it shines in the sun!' The crow started
to listen to him. She liked what she heard. The fox
continued, 'I have heard that you have a beautiful voice too. Please, sing a song for me,' said the fox.
The crow was so flattered by what the fox said that she opened her mouth wide and began to sing.
As soon as she opened her mouth, the cheese fell down and the fox immediately picked it up. He
ate it in one big gulp and ·went away happily.

0 Write stories using the given outlines.

1. A sad village - no m~sic or dancing - peopl~ always unhappy~ two strangers come there
- they have musical instruments - begin t? sing a~d dance - villagers -are scared - want to
drive the strangers away- slowly they begin to enJoy- they become happy.
2. An alien - visits earth - meets two humans - become friends - takes them to his planet -
war is going to begin on the alien planet - humans stop them - teach the aliens to play
football - aliens are happy.
3. Two sisters _ have a big_fight - older sister_leaves -yo~ngerhsister feels _bad - ~oes ihn searcl
of her sister - she gets kidnapped by ban_d,ts - older sister ears her cnes - tricks t e
band its - rescues sister - sisters are reuni~ed.
E.... e r ,._.___ - -
4. Singer wh_o is v~ry p~oud - he sings loudly every day - thinks he is doing a favour to those
aroun_d him - his _neighbours ~ever ~et a~y rest - they plot to stop his singing - te\\ him
there 1s a bet~er s1_nger than ~1m - singer 1s angry - wants to know who - they say this
singer rests his voice a\\ the time so when he sings, he has the sweetest voice - singer
decides to do the same - neighbours fina\\y live in peace.
s. Forgetful Shruti - woke up one day~ it was her father,s birthday - went to the library
instead of supermarket and asked for fruits - went to supermarket and bought vegetables
instead of fruits - went home - made fruit salad with vegetables - brother Suraj walks in
- sees her chopping vegetables and making custard - asks her what she is doing - Shruti
realises her mistake - decides to order cake instead.
C, Complete the stories based on the given opening lines.
l. Suddenly I heard a scream coming from the other room. \ walked towards the room and
saw something move in the shadows.
2. 'Surpriser they yelled. I was in shock- who were these people?
3. Climbing into my bed for a nap, I heard the doorbell ring. Wondering who it could be, I
opened the door and saw .•• . ·
4. I tri pped and fell forward towards the edge of the cliff.
• · h ~rst spoon of his ice cream when Joe shouted, 'No\ Don't
s. Suntl was going to eat t e ''
eat it!'

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