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English Improvement Suggestions

Please, complete the following tasks to enhance your English skills.

1. Go through the following custom courses of English grammar tutorials on YouTube.

a. English for Beginners | 09 Videos
Go through the tutorials in the following order:
1. Basics of Learning English​: ​ 
2. Nouns​: ​ 
3. Pronouns​: ​ 
4. Articles​: ​ 
5. Verbs​: ​ 
6. Adjectives​: ​ 
7. Adverbs​: ​ 
8. Prepositions​: ​ 
9. Conjunctions​: ​ 
b. English for the Advanced | 08 Videos
Go through the tutorials in the following order:
1. The Importance of Learning English​: ​ 
2. Subject-verb Agreements​: ​ 
3. Tenses Part 1​: ​ 
4. Tenses Part 2​: ​ 
5. Tenses Part 3​: ​ 
6. Conditionals​: ​ 
7. Active/Passive Voice​: ​ 
8. Redundancy​: ​

2. Watch the following typing tutorial to learn typing better:

a. Typing Tutorial​: ​ 

3. Tune in to FM 100.00 or 102.00 to listen to BBC Radio for at least 30 minutes a day.

4. Watch the first season of Grey’s Anatomy, a popular Hollywood medical drama. While watching
each episode ensure you do the following:
a. Try comprehending the dialogues without the help of subtitles.
b. Pay attention to every medical word used.
c. Use earphones to listen better.

Wish you all the best.

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