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Name:..................................................................... Class:.....
(1-10) Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in each sentence: (2.5pts)
1. Islamic people usually go to the ___________________to pray.
A. pagoda B. mosque C. temple D. church
2. The English 9 textbook __________________of ten units.
A. comprises B. includes C. has D. consists
3. You must leave now _________________you will be late for school.
A. if B. unless C. and D. or
4. There ___________________a lake in this area.
A. used to be B. used to being C. used to have D. are used to be
5. Her father seldom writes letters, ____________________?
A. doesn’t he B. does he C. doesn’t she D. does she
6. Sailors from Genoa in Italy wore clothes which __________________from jean.
A. were made B. was made C. were making D. made
7. No one can ____________________the advantages of using computers.
A. agree B. accept C. deny D. refuse
8. Tourists were really impressed ___________________the beauty of the city.
A. by B. on C. about D. with
9. She has taught English here __________________10 years.
A. in B. for C. since D. from
10. “Hello. You must be Maryam”. – “_______________________”.
A. That’s right, I am. B. No, I am Maryam.
C. Yes, please. D. Yes, Here’s Lan.
(11-12) Look at the signs and choose the best answer: (0.5 pt)
11. The sign means:
A. Direction to toilets with access for the disabled
B. Direction to toilets with access for the deaf - mute
C. Direction to the World Cup stadium with access for the disabled
D. Direction to toilets with access for the very important person
12. This signs warns:
A. People can swim all the time C. Children must be supervised
B. No swimming if you can’t swim D. It’s dangerous for you to swim
(13-18) Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage: (1.5pts)
The traffic light signal was invented by a railway signaling engineer. It was installed
(13)_________The House of Parliament in 1868. It (14)_________like any railway signal of the
time, and was operated by gas. (15)_________, it exploded and killed a policeman, and the accident
discouraged further development until cars became common.
Modern traffic lights are an American invention. Red-green (16)_________were installed
inCleveland in 1914. Three-color signals, operated by hand from a tower in the (17)________of the
street, were installed in New York in 1918. The (18)________lights of this type to appear in Britain
were in London, on the junction between St James’s street and Piccadilly in 1925.
13. A. outside B. out C. out of D. outdoors
14. A. resembled B. looked C. showed D. seemed
15. A. However B. Therefore C. Although D. Despite
16. A. methods B. systems C. means D. ways
17. A. heart B. focus C. halfway D. middle
18. A. original B. primary C. first D.early
(19-24) A. Read the passage, then decide if the statements that follow are True or False: (1.0
Nowadays, informatics is one of the compulsory subjects in many large schools in our
city. My school is among those that have just equipped with a rather modern computer system.
This system consists of 30 machines linked to the Internet and run by Window XP. All the
students in my school like doing this new object because it has helped us very much in learning
other ones, besides English. By using effective devices on the Internet like Google, we can easily
find necessary data in time to do a better job in our study.
19. Informatics is one of the compulsory subjects in all schools in our city. ______ ______
20. Informatics isn’t useful in our daily life. ______ ______
21. By using effective devices on the Internet like Google, we can easily
find necessary data. ______ ______
22. It has helped us very much in learning English and other ones. ______ ______
B. Choose the correct answers: (0.5 pt)
23. What’s the passage mainly about?
A. Computer system B. The Internet
C. Effective device D. Informatics
24. What can be untrue in the passage?
A. Informatics is a subject at school B. The author’s school is well-equipped
C. It hardly helps learn English better D. Google is an effective device on the Internet

(25-30) Use the correct form of the words in parentheses: (1.5pts)

25. Vietnam has a _____________________climate. (tropics)
26. By learning English, you can get access to the world’s __________________. (develop)
27. _________________are concerned about the rising level of air pollution. (Environment)
28. The school believes in ______________________teaching methods. (interact)
29. The company is investing $10 million to ________________its factories. (modern)
30. The Internet has ________________developed and become part of our daily life. (increase)
(31-32) Arrange these words or phrases into their correct order: (0.5 pt)
31. songs / The image / mentioned / of / a lot / of Ao dai / in / is /.
32. What / the food / to add / is / she has / to / changed / eggs /.
(33-36) Rewrite each of the sentences so that the meaning stays the same: (2.0 pts)
33. We should brush our teeth carefully after meals.
Our ____________________________________________________________
34. “Do you want to study at Le Hong Phong School?”
Nguyen asked Nghia ________________________________________________
35. I’m sorry that I don’t have time to help you.
I wish ___________________________________________________________
36. We started learning English four years ago.
We have ________________________________________________________

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