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Benguet State University Online Student Information System (2013) It is a new

transaction processing and records management method that can improve the efficiency of
student information processing. It will be a great help for administrative staff, academic staff,
sponsors or stakeholders and students in updating, retrieving and creating student data. The
main objective of the study was to design an autonomous student information system of
Benguet State University (2012). To achieve the overall objective, the following specific
objectives of the study were identified:

1. To identify the information requirements in the existing student information

system of BSU.

2. To identify the problems encountered in the existing system.

3. To identify the information requirements needed.

4. To determine appropriate security and control measures are needed for student
information system.

5. To determine the benefits of a student information system as perceived by:

a. Administration offices;d. Parents; and

b. Academic offices; e. Students

c. “grantors”/stakeholders;

Swartz (2013) The SIS process is usually completed during a student's academic career
and includes every aspect of cumulative knowledge and literacy value, including learning about
the type of SIS available, research, learn to access systematic sequencing, evaluation tools for
information. then synthesize the student information system into certain products to create
better career models, as this seems to be the ideal project to centralize the SIS and link it to a
deleterious education widely illiterate. Although students have searched all databases before,
they are less likely to take advantage of the search management tools available through
Educational Databases, How to Set Up Automatic Search to help streamline the research
Pacio (2013) In a paper entitled "Online Student Information Systems at Benguet State
University," aims to "new knowledge that promotes sustainable resource development and
enhances competent and effective services." And to create and disseminate technology.
Efficiency and Economy ", which is incompatible with the existing student information system at
Karinga State University's Rizal Campus.

Cambridge Student Information System

Richard, Perret (2012) Stressed that info about students is vital, however time‐
consuming to manage and it's essential that the foremost effective tools be accustomed aid
each employee and students set about their work and studies. The Cambridge Student data
system (CAMSIS) replaced varied student records system employed by the colleges,
departments and universities. CAMSIS provides comprehensive and correct information about
student body and additionally improves knowledge quality, cut back the executive burden
dramatically and provides higher services to both tutorial staff and students. The integration of
SIS in the U.S.A. setting with resources to higher education systems determining that certain
group of students can acquire and gain effective knowledge literacy skills through the SIS
process and understanding the value of education service crafted to provide best teachings as

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