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Name: Md.

Touhidul Islam Saurav

Id: 1810795
Course Title: Mass Communication structure and process

Course ID: 203

Section: 01

Semester: Autumn, 2021

Submission Date: 15th December ,2021

Assignment 5-Theories

Submitted to: Tasneem L. Shahrukh

Cognitive Dissonance Theory

We know that cognitive inconsistencies cause anxiety and tension, and that people try to reduce
this discomfort in a variety of ways. Cognitive dissonance is a theory of social psychology. I also
know that cognitive inconsistency refers to situations where conflicting attitudes, beliefs or
behaviors are involved. In order to reduce this discomfort and keep it in balance, people should
make a change in attitude, belief, or behavior.

For Example:
❖ Unsafe working conditions: The new worker was asked by his boss to replace the light
bulb. The worker receives a ladder that is missing one step. Workers are cognitively
aware that ladders are not safe. But the worker wants to please his boss as well. Workers
experience cognitive dissonance with the use of ladders. To actively mitigate cognitive
dissonance, workers can change their behavior to align with their beliefs. The worker
tells his personnel department that the ladder given to him to replace the light bulb was
not safe. A new conductor is needed to be able to replace the bulb.

❖ Good deeds: One way for nonprofits to raise money is to appeal to your feelings of being
a good person. You may receive a letter from your organization about past donations,
"See how wonderful you are." Encouraged by this, you will not be able to refuse any
more money. Another small item on the list of examples of cognitive dissonance in
everyday life is encountering begging when stopped at a traffic light. I think you're a
good person, but when you meet someone who is looking for money, you fall into some
sort of mental twist and either pull down the window and give money, or "these people
are just scammers." "Artist" or "he spends money only to buy alcohol". In any case, this
helps explain why these encounters are so unpleasant for most people.
Hypodermic Needle Theory

Hypodermic needle theory is one of the first ideas about how the media affects the human mind.
Through which the messages are going straight. It is known that it was created by researchers
after the 1920's and 1930's, after observing the effects of World War I propaganda and events
such as Orson Wells's World War I broadcast.
We also know that the hypodermic theory comes from the media's fear of it and makes the media
stronger than ever in a democracy. This means we are all the same and respond the same way to
media reports. The hypodermic needle theory continues to influence the way we talk about the
media. People believe the media is powerful. Today, social media is just as powerful as
conventional media. People all believe in it. On the other hand, how can a person be inactive -
there will be times when you disagree with what you see on television. Which makes it a lot

For Example:

❖ We know that at present we get all kinds of news through social media. From which we
often see the wrong news is published. There is confusion among the people. There are
many who say bad things about the religious issues of the country and give wrong
information among the people. We also see that the time is coming when the earth will be
destroyed. Which is false propaganda because no one knows when it will end.

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