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Theology 12 World Religions (Mr.

Assignments on the Course Textbook

Directions: By reading the assigned chapters of the course textbook (World Religions: A Voyage of
Discovery by Jeffrey Brodd), you are to create “Cornell Notes” for the indicated subtopics within
each chapter.

How to create Cornell Notes

Name Topic
Assignment # (pp. _____ - _____)

Important Notes on your reading

terms and
concepts, Many formats could be used, such as
with their bullet points, outlines, drawings,
definitions diagrams, etc.

The glossary Feel free to use abbreviations, as long

at the end of as they are clearly understandable.
each chapter
Use of phrases is generally better than
may be
sentences, especially long ones.
helpful here.

Summary: Summarize the topic in 1-2 sentences.

 Put things in your own words! With the exception of definitions or important quotes, you should not
copy from the text verbatim.
 Generally, each topic should be done on one page, but occasionally you might want to use a second

Grading: Your Cornell notes for each topic will receive a grade out of ten points, broken down as follows:

Notes (right side of the “I”) up to 5 pts

Terms and concepts (left side of the “I”) up to 3 pts
Summary (bottom) up to 2 pts
Cornell Notes Assignments for World Religions

Topics: Below are the topics for each page of Cornell notes. They mostly correspond to the big, bold,
blue headings in the textbook. As we come to each unit, you can fill in the due dates.

Chapter 1: Studying the World’s Religions (pp. 11-19)

Assignment Topic Due Date

1-1 Religious Questions
(pp. 13-15)
1-2 Seven Dimensions of Religion
(pp. 15-18)

Chapter 13: Christianity (pp. 223-243)

Assignment Topic Due Date

2-1 Christian Divisions, Christian Unity
(pp. 240-243)

Chapter 12: Judaism (pp. 201-219)

Assignment Topic Due Date

3-1 Judaism’s Central Teachings
Chapter (pp. 202-205)
14: 3-2 Judaism: The Way of Torah
Islam (pp. 213-219)
(pp. 247-263)

Assignment Topic Due Date

4-1 Foundations of Islam
(pp. 248-253)
4-2 Islam: Basic Practices and Social
(pp. 253-257)
4-3 Varieties of Islam
(pp. 260-263)

(Over )
Chapter 3: Hinduism (pp. 41-65)

Assignment Topic Due Date

5-1 Hinduism: Human Destiny
(pp. 42-48)
5-2 Hinduism: Three Paths to Liberation
(pp. 53-61)

Chapter 4: Buddhism (pp. 69-90)

Assignment Topic Due Date

6-1 Buddhist Teachings
(pp. 75-85)
6-2 Divisions in Buddhism
(pp. 85-90)

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