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The Notion of Development and the Bangsamoro-based Paradigm

Musa Damao, PhD



There are various development theories that emerged just to ensure economic growth and
prosperity. The two most popular are the modernization theory which put western countries to
the peak of development and the dependency theory which states that development of western
countries primarily because they exploit the natural resources of the so-called poor countries.
With all the development theories introduced in the past, presently there is place-based
development paradigm designed in the developing countries. This is called Regional
Development Paradigm. The rise of several developing countries in the global stage is mainly
attributed to the reconstruction of their respective regional paradigms. This article aimed to
introduce Bangsamoro-based paradigm. The paradigm suggests that development in the
Bangsamoro Region should be activated from the remote communities which suffer long years
of poverty because of conflict. The Bangsamoro-based development paradigm is four-pronged:
(1) Infrastructure; (2) Livelihood; (3) Institutions and (4) Leadership. The Bangsamoro-based
development paradigm highlights the main notion and the basic assumption that development
can be attained through resolving poverty by delivering government projects and programs.
Constructing infrastructure and institutions is where development starts. The creation of these
infrastructures and institutions will redound to regional economic growth and development.
Above all, leadership is the most important element of this paradigm because it will ensure the
proper implementation of development initiatives.

Key words: Bangsamoro-based Paradigm, Modernization Theory, Dependency Theory, Regional

Development Paradigm, Development Initiatives


There are two opposing development theories namely the Modernization and Dependency
theories. Modernization theory is proposed by the western experts living in the developed
countries. Accordingly, development is manifested by modern education, high-rise buildings and
other big infrastructures. The western countries would try to send aid to the poor countries in
order to introduce the culture of modernization. The idea is that development assistance targeted
at those particular countries can lead to modernization of their „traditional‟ or „backward‟
societies. In contrary, dependency theory is an antipodal of modernization theory which states
that poor nations provide natural resources and cheap labor for developed nations, without which
developed nations could not have the standard of living which they enjoy. Moreover, the western
theorists put forth that the rest of the world needs to emulate the development paradigm of the

west. Modernization gives birth to enormous number of economic, political and even social
schools. It introduced such terms as globalization, democracy, capitalism, free-market economy,
rule of law and liberalism to the world. As champion of modernization, the western scientists and
thinkers will have to be present to all the countries. Contrastingly, dependency theorists believe
on the ideas of emancipation, equality and struggle. They want to get rid of the multinational
companies and corporations that kill domestic economy.

To some extent, modern development has been especially seen as an extension of colonialism.
Development according to dependency theorists is synonymous with imperialism. In post-
independence period, colonialism continued in the context of west controlling the international
economic institutions, imposing doctrines like parliamentary democracy and interventions by
western dispatched peace-keepers. According to Edward Goldsmith, “the model of development
which has been foisted upon the third world for the last fifty years is strikingly similar in both
aims and outcomes to the imperial colonialism which preceded it. The aim of development is not
to improve the lives of third world citizens but to ensure a market for western goods and services
and a source of cheap and raw materials for big corporations. Global development is imperialism
without the need for military conquest.” Inevitably, there is a perceived problem on the
development discourse. One of the main objectives of western countries to realize development
is lending money to the developing countries. When a country borrows money for purpose of
development, it will be the beginning of sorrow. Once in debt, through IMF, the creditors can
institutionalize their control over a debtor country by Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs)
which in effect take over its economy. This loan is sometimes in the form of aid program.

Countries located in a developing path have strategized and design their own respective
paradigms. Though the reconstruction of regional paradigms is difficult and challenging, it has to
be realized for sole purpose of standing independently away from the orbit of Empire. Gray in
his research entitled, „New Regional Development Paradigms: An Exposition of Place-based
Modalities‟, put forth that invoking the „regional‟ development construct in theory and practice is
not as straightforward as might first appear.

Bangsamoro under the guiding hands of the Philippine government cannot in principle introduce
an independent paradigm. It has to follow the development model of the Philippines which is
obviously modernization paradigm. As a new actor in the development theater, Bangsamoro has
found itself in a world full of challenges and difficulties. Being an autonomous government, it is
interesting to see how it will manage post-conflict reconstruction and development. This article
tried to shed light to the Bangsamoro-based development as a micro organ in a regional
development paradigm.

Western Development Values

Modernization theory of Development as proposed by Emile Durkheim which is seen as the

“Division of Labor in the Society” was very popular. It defined how social order is maintained in

society. It also described ways in which primitive societies can make the transition to more
advanced society. In retrospect, since the end of World War II, the United States has become a
first world power and Americans have put in a lot of effort to construct a new world order based
on their mind‟s eye. Third world countries have become more ill at ease about issues such as
colonial rule and European power and this new world order now pays attention to issues related
to development. Therefore, traditional development approaches, which have implied a
superiority of Europe as well as racist notations, have lost their validity. In post-European world
order, America remade the ensuing world order (Gow, 2005). In Rostow‟s development model
which then modernization, the focus of this is on economic, social, political or cultural factors.
Generally, modernization and dependency theories are antipodal theoretical approaches.
Dependency theory was introduced during the 1970s and has been developed into what is called
“World System Theory”. Interesting to note, Rostow identifies five growth stages: (1) The
traditional society; (2) The preconditions for take-off; (3) Take-off; (4) The drive to maturity; (5)
The age of high mass consumption. To put it in other way, nations will become developed after
they undergo series of stages. They must follow the western world to enjoy development and
progress. The end result of these stages is the age when a country enjoys full development akin
to the stage of the western world. The development discourse during 1980s was dominated by
approaches of the middle range. In addition, the concept of modernization theory has its
beginning in the classical evolutionary explanation of social change. Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx
and Max Weber try to theorize the transformations initiated by the industrial revolution.

What is more, development is seen in the eyes of the capitalist giants as the ability to rise up in
the industrial stage. The western model primarily occupies the center-stage and its locus is in the
western‟s partners and allies. It has been quite essential and significant to emphasize that
„western‟ term is not always geographic. Japan, Australia and New Zealand among other
economic powers are now belonged to the caravan of the western countries. In post-conflict
development setting, the inevitable predicament of the role of international institutions in
rebuilding process emerges and will take its course. Development has been used as conduit to
eternal subservience to rich countries. To put it in other way, when a country is bankrupt, it has
to borrow from creditor country with interest until the former will not be able to repay such debts
to the detriment of its economy. The debtor country will kowtow to the creditor country. On
economic bankruptcy, the bankrupt country can bail out but IMF or the lender will see to it that
the money is used properly; it has to be supervised.
The birth of United Nations heralded the age of cooperation of all the countries around the
world—big or small, weak or powerful countries. The nations of the world had committed to
construct a peaceful world after the gruesome world wars. What happened along the way is that
many had come forward and said that UN became a de facto colonial office of the Major Powers.
They used UN to pursue their foreign policies. Poor countries are drowned in debts and that they
live at the mercy of their creditor countries. This set of circumstances put the poor countries in
perpetual misery. If only the rich countries would resolve this endless problem, then
development is realized in world stage. There are two ways to move forward: the cancellation of
the debts of the debtor countries (Sachs, 2006) and that the debtor countries should not pay their

debts. From there, the world will have to start for a new beginning when all nations will sit in the
table of the world equally.

The international economic system changes from time to time. The international economic
system began in Bretton Woods Conference which gave birth to Bretton Woods Institutions such
as the IMF and WB. After several decades in postwar era, Washington Consensus emerged and
that the aim of its proponent is to design a new model that is stable, equitable and pro-growth.
For decades, the Washington consensus has dominated policy-making yet the global economic
order has been slower and inequality risen. But in the end the policies of Washington consensus
have failed which facilitated the appearance of “Main Street Alternative” (Palley, 2001). This
system seeks to modernize the financial architecture. It aims to reduce speculation and make
investors invest with an eye to the long term and proper regard to risk.

Regional Development Paradigm

According to Concise Oxford English Dictionary, “paradigm” means „a model or pattern for
something that may be copied‟ and „a worldview underlying the theories and methodology of a
scientific study‟. It is a set of theories assumptions, and ideas that contribute to one‟s worldview
or create the framework from which he operates every day. For instance, one has probably heard
the phrase „The Islamic way of life‟ which is a paradigm because it refers to a collection of
beliefs and ideas about what it means to be a Muslim.

Moreover, paradigm comprises beliefs and ideas that form a framework to approach and engage
with other things or people. Tellingly, “Development Paradigm” is a development model,
theories and assumptions. Development paradigm is dynamic and changing. Many theoreticians,
politicians, community development workers and even Non-Government organizations (NGOs)
workers in the world have been tirelessly researching and inventing model to make their
respective countries progressive and prosperous. There have been variegated theories emerged
discovering ways for development and prosperity. There is old paradigm that needs to replace
and a need to welcome new paradigm becomes important.

Moreover, Damao (2018) cited Gray who opined that the policy field of regional development is
perennially faced with new challenges, such as the new global context, which imposes on all
countries, regions and firms a reshaping of locational patterns of production, new standards in
economic efficiency and innovation capability, and new behaviors in managing technology,
production cycles, information and finance. This new global context continues to vex and inspire
scholars and practitioners concerned with the development of regions. The old paradigm is
fading while the new paradigm, that is, regional development paradigm is coming especially in
the developing countries. Place-based approach even in its early days has been proven effective
and efficient. In regional ladder, China was able to use it and it might chiefly be an instrument to
its rise as economic power. Ideology-wise, china embraced capitalism but it is state-market

economy—not a sort of free-market economy. China is not namby-pamby. In a world of
rambunctious cacophony of paradigmatic mayhem, it navigates its own economic potentiality.

Birdsall (2001) disclosed that development through strengthening domestic or regional policies
for global integration will bear good result. Noticeably, the poorest countries are those least
integrated into global markets; the facts are so obvious that most poor developing countries have
joined the bandwagon of unilateral trade opening. Also industrial countries are highly integrated
among themselves but still relatively closed to poor country products and services. Rich
countries could significantly ease global inequality by lifting their barriers to imports of
agriculture and manufactured textiles.

Bangsamoro-based Development

Islam positions itself in middle way. It does not go against modernization, innovation and
development. It is concerned with and would step in when justice and equality are at stake. The
problem comes in when distribution of the world‟s natural wealth is done in a manner that is
unjust and unequal. The sheer example is the case of rich Arab countries wherein rich people
enjoy the boons of oil revenues while the poor Syrians and Yemenis spend sleepless nights due
to their empty stomachs broiling. It is this dilemma which drives the wedge of religion and
humanitarian values on one hand and selfishness and greed on the other. The truth is that Islam
teaches humanity, justice, generosity and charity. Prophet Muhammad once said, “the best of
people is he who is helpful to people; and the worst of people is he who is harmful to people.
Worse than him is he who is respected for fear of his evil.” In other narration he said, “Beware of
being niggardly because it has always been the main cause of destruction for those who were
before you. This vice ordered those people to tell lies and they obeyed; it ordered them to
oppress others and they obeyed; and it ordered them to ignore family and they obeyed.” As
followers of Islam, Muslims should put development in the cart of Islam and not the other way

Ideally, development especially in the BARMM is going to be Islamic-oriented for a simple

reason that it is Muslim-dominated region. Besides, the MILF-led government is influenced by
Islam. When the MILF was fighting the government, its main objective was to finally create a
territory where Islam is implemented. In this line of argument, BARMM leaders will introduce a
development paradigm based on prophetic tradition. The challenge is how Bangsamoro
government will be able to reconcile Islam and the development values of Philippine
government. Being a regional autonomous government with limited freedom, while it is
dependent to Philippines and international donors, Bangsamoro has to sail with hardship unless it
disregards the conflict between the secular and religious values.

During negotiation period, foreign aid in Mindanao was seen as important vehicle to realizing
development in Mindanao especially for the Moro communities. A lot of international funding
agencies arrived in Mindanao such as United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United
States Aid for International Development (USAID), Australian Aid for International

Development (AusAID) and Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to name a few.
There were many projects and social services delivered and implemented in Moro communities
which divided public opinion. Some say that international aid through the Philippine
government‟s implementation is a sort of government counter-insurgency approach. Considering
the fundamental objectives of development aid, it follows that aid may be associated with
conflict via its impact on economic development (Arcand, et al, 2010). They suggest that the
development aid has led to a significant decline in MILF-related events. The decrease in MILF-
related events might primarily stem from the project having increased the sense of inclusion of
the Muslim population in local decision-making. However, there are also people who view
foreign aid positively saying that foreign aid contributes to economic growth. Philippine
government and NGOs have significant roles in the implementation of international projects. In
post-conflict setting, the time when peace process between the government and Moro Fronts
ended, many jobs were offered. Fortunately, international aid gave birth to livelihood generation
and assistance and then employment—many were employed to foreign donor and local partners.
Human resource development programs and infrastructure projects were implemented.
In post-agreement period, the way that Moro people should take is to reinvent development
suited in BARMM. The reason of reinventing paradigm is to put thing to its proper place. There
is a need to construct a development paradigm along Islamic views on one hand and
internationally-adopted model on the other hand. Bangsamoro-based paradigm should be
adopted. The Bangsamoro government will certainly introduce a development paradigm that is
constitution-compliant. The BOL provides, “The Bangsamoro Government shall establish an
economic system based on the principles and state policies declared in the constitution. Pursuant
to this principle, the parliament shall enact laws pertaining to the Bangsamoro Autonomous
Region economy and patrimony that are responsive to the needs of its people” (BOL, Art. XIII,
Sec 1).

Based on the Bangsamoro Development Framework (BDF) crafted by Bangsamoro

Development Agency (BDA), in order to achieve just, peaceful and prosperous society, there are
principles worth considering such as inclusiveness, sustainability, accountability, cultural
sensitivity, self-reliance and self-determination (Bangsamoro Development Plan, 2010). The
Bangsamoro region has been a receiver of international aid but the problem of underdevelopment
and poverty especially in remote communities still persists. Along this analysis, the development
that majority of the Bangsamoro need is still the tangible and immediate projects such as support
to livelihood and others. In his research, Ali (2015) concluded that improved farming system,
improved livelihood support and continuing education to the community contributed to
development. Enhancing market access and improving farming system lead to increase in
income which leads to poverty reduction. Farm to market road program contributed to peace and
development on poverty alleviation. Infrastructure projects in the community played a vital role
in improving agricultural productivity. Farm to market, training and seminars to agricultural
livelihood support programs of the Department of Agriculture (DA) contributed to food security.

The Bangsamoro-based development paradigm highlights the basic and fundamental thesis that
poverty has been in the Moro communities since time immemorial and that the solution will be
attained through the delivery of government projects and programs. Undeniably, Moros have
been living in poverty for so long because of conflict and unemployment. They were left and
abandoned in the quicksand of poverty. Therefore, constructing infrastructure projects such as
roads, irrigations, bridges and the like will better serve the Bangsamoro. Creating institutions
which guarantee economic growth is where development blooms. The creation of these
infrastructures and institutions will redound to development and growth. In addition, leadership
is the most important element of this paradigm because it will ensure the proper implementation
of development initiatives. The Bangsamoro should elect best political parties that would carry
their sentiments and aspirations.

Bangsamoro development thrives in an environment where there is no corruption. Corruption

destroys the economic balance because the regional resources would just rotate to a few
individuals. Without the proper distribution of projects, regional resources and services, poverty
will not be eradicated. Bangsamoro-based paradigm, as a matter of fact, will safeguard
development by improving infrastructures, granting livelihood programs, creating institutions for
economic growth and removing corruption. This is the foundation of Moral Governance.








Fig. 1 Diagram of Bangsamoro-based Development Paradigm

The diagram shows the 2Is + 2Ls paradigm that when implemented will result to Bangsamoro
development. This development is founded on Moral Governance that the transition government
has been running.


Based on the discussion, it can be concluded that development has different meanings to
different people. People‟s views on development are simply affected and influenced by their
backgrounds and experiences. The Bangsamoro people would perceive development based on
how they experienced poverty. They believe that development would begin through the
construction of farm-to-market roads and irrigations. They also view development through the
capacity of Bangsamoro government to provide livelihood projects. On higher level,
Bangsamoro will become developed through the creation of institutions which will guarantee
economic growth. Above all, development comes when corruption will be removed in the
government and this will be realized by electing good leaders. Therefore, the four-pronged
Bangsamoro-based Development Paradigm is as follows: (1) Infrastructure; (2) Livelihood; (3)
Institutions and (4) Leadership.

The Bangsamoro-based paradigm is a local development model primarily located in the context
of post-conflict situation. Development of the Bangsamoro starts from the bottom. It does not
mean that the Bangsamoro government would ignore the primacy of technology and education.
Bangsamoro-based paradigm introduces the development that would start from the bottom. The
real development exists when the poor people in the remote communities would enjoy and feel it.
Moral Governance shall be the foundation of this development initiative.


Ali, D. (2015). The Contribution to Peace and Development of the

Agricultural Livelihood Programs for the Department of Agriculture in Central Mindanao,
Cotabato City State Polytechnic College, Graduate College

Arcand, Jean-Louis., et al., (2010). Conflict, Ideology and Foreign Aid,

CERDI, Etudes et Documents, E 2010.21

BDA (2015), Government and International

Development Assistance: Bangsamoro Debelopment Plan, Bangsamoro Development Agency,
Purok Islam, Tamontaka, Cotabato City.

Birdsall, N. (2001). Life is Unfair: Inequality in the World, Developing World, Annual Edition,
McGraw-Hill, Connecticut.

Damao, M. (2018).The Culture of Peace and Development Paradigm in Philippine Context,

subscribed from

Gow, J. (2005). Development theory, Rostow’s Five-Stage Model of Development and it
Relevance in Globalization, New Castle

Palley, T. (2001). Toward a New International Economic Order, Developing World, Annual
Edition, McGraw-Hill, Connecticut

Sachs, Jeffrey D. (2005). The End of Poverty, New York: PenguinGroup, Inc.


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