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ELEMENTS OF SPACE MAKING Yatin Pandya » Floor » Column » Wall » Door » Window » Stair » Roof Definition Anatomy Evolution Attributes Spatial Roles Applications Design Considerations THEORY OF ARCHITECTURE -I Sem II KETHEESWARA® M.ARCH OO S Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. FLOOR KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. The floor is essentially a horizontal plane, providing a firm Datum, a resting plane for all objects in that space. As the base plane, the floor is a single entity with references only to the gravity, the ‘downward’ force. Where levels are involved, the relative positions of other base planes get perceived as above or below the reference plane KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH FLOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. TYPOLOGICAL VARIATIONS With respect to FORM With respect to MATERIAL TREATMENT UNMODULATED NATURAL MODULATED | MAN-MADE SS KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH FLOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. SINCE HUMAN STARTED LOCOMOTION, BALANCE OF BODY BECAMEA CRITERION (Horizontal surface provides the most secure and stable surface for habitation) e DEVELOPMENT HAPPENED ON PLAINS tt DEMARCATION OF DOMAIN ee CREATION OF PLINTH Imitation of water, temples of Greek Golden temple, Amritsar“ > Mythology, in most cultures, refer to a time when the world was completely covered with water- a flat plate or a swirling sphere. The land emerged from this primordial ocean, generating life. Allusion to this is seen in the metaphorical depictions in buildings throughout history. KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH FLOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 1. HORIZONTALITY The floor distinctly defined in two dimensional plane as in x-axis and y-axis The Zen Garden, China 2. SUPPORT AND STABILITY Floor giving gravity control for solid footing and a stabilized plane for movement Acropolis of Athens, Greece KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH FLOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. |, FLOOR FOR DEFINITION OF SPACE 2. DATUM AND REFERENCE 3. FLOORING AS MOVEMENT GUIDE 4. FLOOR TO EXPRESS THRESHOLD 5. FLOOR FOR COMMUNICATION KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH FLOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. |. FLOOR FOR DEFINITION OF SPACE Spaces made conspicuous by various expressions floor modulated to satisfy different utilitarian Functions within the unit, part section of Bhunga house A perceptible change in the flooring strongly delineates and demarcates a difference in the zone. Eg- colours, textures, materials, elevations and depressions, accessories such as rugs and carpets. Carved marble flooring, Lotus fountain Red fort, Delhi KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH FLOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 2. DATUM AND REFERENCE Floor becomes an ultimate reference node, Ensembling the spaces together enhanced in different ways *Floor emerges from beneath Due to its flatness floor automatically provides a reference to all the elements that come above it or below it. This aspect of common reference makes it the datum, the unifying factor in the organization of space. Nehru pavilion, New Delhi *Floor as plinth Tholos at Delphi, Greece KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH FLOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 3. FLOORINGAS MOVEMENT GUIDE By variations in level and surface of the horizontal plane, movement pattern is generated The floor being the datum upon which all movement of both persons and goods take place, it can be effectively used to accentuate movement patterns Katsura palace, Kyoto KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH FLOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 4. FLOOR TO EXPRESS THRESHOLD *A transition into different realms is distinctly oy identified in the floor The floor beyond being a Traditional tatami flooring in house interior, Kyoto plinth, signifies a threshold and offers a transition from ambiguous Apia a surrounding to contained ot volumes. It is often hinted by raising the floor plane by a small interval and lowering it again. Texture and level change denote threshold Series of flat stepping-stones in a house, Osaka KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH FLOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 5. FLOOR FOR COMMUNICATION = ia Floors are walked over and this constant function demands constant visual reference to the plane underfoot. This provides the floor with a high potential for superimposing signs and symbols as they effectively get registered. Water channels serving dual purpose of supplying water and aesthetic expression Water channel at Jahaz Mahal, Mandu *Superimposing signs and symbols to welcome and reflect individual identification Maze at Chartres Cathedral, France KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH FLOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. FALLINGWATER, PENNSYLVANIA *Floor as planes The floor planes become extension of the landscape elements creating a homogeneity with the environment Floor becomes an element communicating its coherence with nature The treatments of the floor reflect continuity between inside and outside by dissolving the strong boundaries of these two realms KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH FLOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. FALLINGWATER, PENNSYLVANIA *Floor as datum and reference *Floor as a movement guide Floor enhancing the natural richness of water and stone Floor defining spaces of myriad characteristics Demarcation Sense of unity Defining spaces above & below KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH FLOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. Floor defining different zones of circulation Mecat > SS (VAN Floor as backdrop for other elements | hee Ca FE Floor adding to dignit the FEE nioe enna ried pe eee rary A ie Pace > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH FLOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. COLUMN KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. G /\ \ N a A column is essentially a slender vertical supporting element, Loaded from the top and transferring the load axially to the base. It is free-standing except for the structure above it and the anchorage at the base. KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH COLUMN Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. TYPOLOGICAL VARIATIONS i 7 oR | \ | | | 3 | I | Fp & +S OBELISK COLUMN PIER PILASTER Free-standing, Thick shaft, Series of vertical Protruding from wall, non-structural structural Structural elements Structural elements KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH COLUMN Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. In early ages, EARTH - a flat plane floating over water SKY- a solid plane MOUNTAINS- points on earth on which sky rested The notional proximity to the celestial beings led to the practice of sages and wise men going up the mountains for penance. These expressions of strength, celestial connection and verticality were manifested as the column- the man-made equivalent of mountains. Connection between Man and God, Golumn depicted as the charioteer of God, Columns of Sun, Peru Expressing strength, support and security, Vitthal Temple, Hampi KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH COLUMN Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. monumentality and symbolism a Wooden column > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH COLUMN Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. EUROPEAN ORDERS Greek Doric Greek lonic Greek Corinthian Roman Tuscan Roman Composite > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. |. CENTRALITY [| Accolumn marks a locus- a Commanding space with its off-centre placement ahr. ATS SS Qutub Minar, Delhi Commanding space with its central placement central position in space. Due to this, other elements which form a part of the ensemble gravitate towards the column. ‘ 4 St. Peter's Bascilica, Vatican City KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH COLUMN Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 2. VERTICALITY Columns together adding visual composition to space Eiffel tower, Paris In principle, a point extruded upwards, the column assumes verticality and guides vision upwards from the horizontal plane, lending it an upward thrust and imparting dynamism to the space. Penetrating forcibly upwards with its dynamism Ashok Stambh, Sarnath KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH COLUMN Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 3. DIRECTIONALITY Single column Two columns Diwan-i-Khas, Fatehpur Sikri Multiple columns As with points generating a line, columns placed linearly guide direction. Church of St. Lorenzo, Italy KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH COLUMN Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 4. RHYTHM To Linear repetition of columns with changing distances give rise to a rhythm, a sense of continuity and consistency determined by their spacing and frequency of occurrence. Columns stipulating Rhythm through their placement City Palace, Udaipur KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH COLUMN Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 1. COLUMNS AS FOCUS OF SPACE Columns creating focus, as a point in space A free-standing column, as a point in space, commands centrality and as a graphical element adds vitality to the composition. The Jaipur Column, Delhi KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH COLUMN Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 2. COLUMN FOR SPACE DEFINITION DEFINITION BY VOLUME Three or more columns not placed along the same line, act as vertices of an invisible polygon. Stonehenge, Great Britain SUB-DIVISION OF SPACE In composite arrangement, columns sub-divide the main volumes and also help in defining them. Amdavad ni Gufa, Ahmedabad KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH COLUMN Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 3. COLUMNAS MOVEMENT GUIDE Free-standing column Creating movement A series of columns when placed along a line, creates an imaginary plane binding them, setting up strong perspectives and establishing direction, inviting movement along them. Enveloping space, | Creating enclosure KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH COLUMN Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 4. COLUMNS AS MODULATOR OF FACADE Columns when exposed as an elevational element, compose and modulate the facade due to their rhythm, verticality as well as sculptural quality. Lion Guard, Mahabalipuram KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH COLUMN Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. JOHNSON WAX HEADQUARTERS, WISCONSIN by Frank Lloyd Wright *Column as an image-maker Wide hollow ringed band capping Calyx stem I — Shoft —— finbed shoe Columns creating significantly individual sub-units harmonize the overall Volume by strong presence in their form and position KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH COLUMN Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. +Expression of verticality as Intercolumniation creating rythm. *Column as a focus of space KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH COLUMN Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. Wt vv | WY 6p Various forms of column according to Transformation of load Placement of column forming sub-spaces Column with aura, creating verticality > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH COLUMN Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. WALL KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. The wall is a vertical plane, which defines an enclosure. One of its primary purposes through time, even before the column, is that of taking structural load of the roof KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WALL Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. TYPOLOGICAL VARIATIONS STRAIGHT CURVED LINEAR KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WALL Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. Cluster dwelling, Sudan Right- angled Bushmen Skerm dwellings bo ral Living spaces scooped from living rocks Free-standing strcutures *Circular planning “Technological development resolved corners *Technology further lead to rectilinear load-bearing masonry walls. Cave dwelling KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WALL Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. |. VERTICALITY Wall is essentially an extrusion of the line along z-axis, enclosing volumes 2. PLANARITY Wall demarcating spaces with its planarity aa it KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WALL Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. I. WALL FOR DEMARCATING TERRITORY 2. ENCLOSING VOLUME 3. SUBDIVISION OF SPACE 4. DISPLAY AND STORAGE ELEMENT 5. PROTECTIVE BARRIER 6. MOVEMENT GUIDE 7. FORM GIVER AND FACADE MODULATOR 8. COMMUNICATOR AND ENCODER OF MESSAGES KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WALL Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 1. WALL FOR DEMARCATING TERRITORY Wall as an element defining extent The wall, as a vertical plane, defines and delineates extent of the horizontal surface.With opacity, it becomes a termination of realms atl Citadel, Zincirli ne KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WALL Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 2. ENCLOSING VOLUME *Wall creates a sensual quality to the space within Textile Mill Owners’ Association, Ahmedabad The inherent verticality of die Wall rakes tt +Wall creating a sense of inside/ outside command volume and the attribute of planarity helps contain this in. Colosseum, Rome > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WALL Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 3. SUBDIVISION OF SPACE Based on different kinds of activity patterns, uses and requirements, large spaces need to be subdivided into smaller pockets, performing specific roles. Katsura palace, Kyoto KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WALL Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 4. DISPLAY AND STORAGE ELEMENT Though walls convey the idea of planes, their construction technique and material used requires them to possess some thickness. This depth affords the provision of small niches, alcoves and shelves within the wall. Interior wall of Kutch house KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WALL Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 5. PROTECTIVE BARRIER *Walls serving the purpose of defense As planes possessing height, walls entrap space when they close in on themselves. This, combined with the property of being a physical barrier bestows upon it the responsibility of protection. Anthill Mosque, Central Africa KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WALL Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 6. MOVEMENT GUIDE Being a physical barrier, walll does not allow Massing of the wall defines the movement zone penetration through it. Combined with its po A. re *Wall modulated to form movement guide Hindusthan Lever Pavillion, New Delhi planarity through stretched planes, it guides movement along its length. Ee Indian lnstitute of Management; Ahmedabad la KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WALL Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 7. FORM GIVER AND FACADE MODULATOR The wall plane- as the external envelope of interior space, perpendicular to the line of sight becomes the single most conspicuous element forming the facade of any structure. National Diary Development Board, New Delhi > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WALL Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 8. COMMUNICATOR AND ENCODER OF MESSAGES Asa vertical plane, most evident in the cone of vision, walls as barriers became the most potent communication elements capable of encoding communication. Temple Plinth > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WALL Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. BARCELONA PAVILION by Mies Van Der Rohe *Wall element demarcating spaces *Pattern of movement path KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WALL Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. BARCELONA PAVILION by Mies Van Der Rohe Barrier protecting interior from exterior environment Plan- walls creating a spatial hierarchy +Element communicating the overall spatial quality KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WALL Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. ts Variation in heights explores sense of separation in I | Modifying wall for utilitarian needs Inclined walls also contain volume Wall defining movement KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WALL Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. DOOR KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. A door is essentially a puncture through a plane allowing for a passage through it. Door acts as entry and exit. Thus, door connotes as aspect of passage beween two realms KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH DOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. TYPOLOGICAL VARIATIONS “OL ; GATEWAY DOOR WITH SHUTTER DRAWBRIDGE KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH DOOR v Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. Solid door tied to frame Defense & grandeur Removable barriers Ses Evolution of domestic doors essentially for security and defense with changing forms and functions of shutters and ‘openings. Further they were elaborated to mark entry point and visual composition. KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH DOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. |. PENETRABILITY Door as puncture in the barrier Vernacular dwelling, Aftica Door with small inset 2. DIFFERENTIATION Differentiating indoor and outdoor > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH DOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. |. DOORAS POINT OF ACCESS 2. DOORASTHRESHOLD 3. GUIDETO MOVEMENT 4. IMAGE-MAKER 5. MODULATOR OF FACADE KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH DOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 1. DOORAS POINT OF ACCESS, Gateway to house Gateway to city Dwelling unit Teen Darwaza, Ahmedabad Asa definite point highlighting the Gateway to country Gateway to sacred place penetrability within the wall, the door manifests a puncture within a plane, allowing physical permeation perpendicular to the wall plane. aa Gateway of India, Mumbai Toran, Vadnagar > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH DOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 2. DOOR ASTHRESHOLD *Symbolic motifs *Door on elevated plane “ Being access points to one realm from the other, doors establish the sense of transition of moving from one to another realm- from public to private, in to out, sacred to profane etc differentiated by the wall plane Brihadeeshwarar temple, Tanjore KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH DOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 3. GUIDETO MOVEMENT As the only nodes in volume allowing penetration, doors in a room determine the direction and scheme of circulation within it. KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH DOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 4. IMAGE-MAKER The main door, especially, denoting the entry into a built form from the outside has, through time, been accorded the highest priority both by the vernacular and the master- builders. Gopurams, Srirangam KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH DOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 5. MODULATOR OF FACADE mE ru LEAL ; _TAAAAAANPLL Just as any void scooped out of solid mass automatically relates to the mass, the door too becomes an integral element of the facade aesthetics. Barn, Wiltshire KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH DOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. ASSEMBLY BUILDING, CHANDIGARH by Le Corbusier *Door as image-maker *Door commanding space around KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH DOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. ASSEMBLY BUILDING, CHANDIGARH by Le Corbusier *Door depicting icons and symbols KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH DOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. TT | f fC) te r Node for entry and exit Position creating movement zone a U Visual access and circulation Node of differentiation between 2 realms Hi, AB Door emphasized by additional elements | SY R 7 Play of transparency and opacity KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH DOOR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. WINDOW KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. The window is defined as an opening in the wall made to facilitate ventilation, light and view. Windows to buildings, are as eyes to the face. They act as visual links between the inside and the outside world. KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WINDOW Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. TYPOLOGICAL VARIATIONS PERFORATION (JALI) CASEMENT 1 oo BAY WINDOW DORMER KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WINDOW Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. Narrow openings De ion el Shaft for air and light ene pemenc > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WINDOW Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. I. APERTURE FOR LIGHT Window illuminating & enlightening the space within has School of Architecture, Ahmedabad 2. PASSAGE FOR AIR Air movement conditioning the space within KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WINDOW Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. |. WINDOW AS COMMUNICATION LINK 2. SCALING ELEMENT 3. FACADE MODULATOR 4. IMAGE-MAKER KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WINDOW Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. |. WINDOW AS COMMUNICATION LINK. In to out Windows, as openings in the wall, owing to their transparency, form the visual interface with the exteriors communicating with the outdoors. Indise- outside interaction _Jali- one way communication > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WINDOW Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 2. SCALING ELEMENT *Windows scaling the space inside a built form Asa puncture in the contiguous surface, windows become visual reference. They break the surface continuity ans sub- scale the mass. Coleshill house, Berkshire > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WINDOW Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role 3. FACADE MODULATOR From the exterior, the primary elements constituting a buildings facade are the roof and the wall. Windows, as elements, which adorn the wall, play a significant role in its modulation. Application | Design-Cons. Centre for development studies, KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH Thirwvananthapuram WINDOW Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 4. IMAGE-MAKER Windows frame views and also gets framed within the facade surface. Often buildings get recognized and identified through the image portrayed by these characteristic windows. Newar window, Nepal > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WINDOW Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT, AHMEDABAD by Louis |. Khan *Aperture for air, light and view *Window as an eye to the world KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WINDOW Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. * 14 i AB r 1 | | be | gb Lal i Scaling element Diffusing the light Framing of views Modulating facade Alternative placement of window for easy air flow KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH WINDOW Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. Poa STAIR KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. The stairway is a construction designed to bridge a large vertical distance by dividing it into smaller vertical distances, called steps. Stairs may be straight, round, ‘or may consist of two or more straight pieces connected at angles. KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH STAIR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. TYPOLOGICAL VARIATIONS Straight fight Dog: legged Stairwell Spiral Helical > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH STAIR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. Building as stair Technology > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH STAIR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 1. MOVEMENT INVOLUME KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH STAIR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. |. STEPAS PEDESTAL 2. STEPAS SEAT 3. STEPAS THRESHOLD 4. MOVEMENT GUIDE 5. PHYSICAL LINK 6. SPACE MODULATOR 7. DISPLAY AND STORAGE 8, VENTILATION SHAFT 9. STAIR AS DEVICES/ INSTRUMENT KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH STAIR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. |. STEP AS PEDESTAL Step as an element to negotiate tehh plinth becomes the most obvious feature of the building. A series of steps negotiates the plinth, a pedestal upon which the building rests, to reach up to the building from the base. Rudabai stepwell, Adalaj > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH STAIR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 2. STEPAS SEAT Stairs consist of comfortable negotiable small platforms for ascent. These platforms if modulated accordingly also can double up as seating since they recreate the ambience of a theatre ata smaller scale. Theatre Aspendos, Turkey > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH STAIR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 3. STEPAS THRESHOLD ‘As buildings are raised on the plinth, steps form the natural link to negotiate these level differences. Thus, steps become a threshold in linking and dissociating two realms. Steps & Plinth, Jaisalmer KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH STAIR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 4. MOVEMENT GUIDE + The stair assumes nodality as the confluence of horizontal and vertical movements. This junctional Pause point attracts movement towards it and the space within which it is located. Guggenheim Museum, NewYork > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH STAIR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 5. PHYSICAL LINK The stair physically connects two different horizontal planes and in the process, it also disciplines and directs movement. London Zoo KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH STAIR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 5. SPACE MODULATOR — The diagonal stretch across the volume and its influence upon the horizontal as well as vertical perspectives can be exploited for enhancing or delineating subspaces. Mahabat Magbara, Junagadh KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH STAIR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 7. DISPLAY AND STORAGE Vertical surfaces adjacent to the floors are generally useful for storage. The vertical surface stretching from floor to ceiling culd be used as storage or display based on its position in the overall | configuration of space below it. KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH STAIR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 8. VENTILATION SHAFT The stair cuts across the multiple levels of the volume.As a result it becomes a link volumetrically connecting the spaces. This aspect inherent to any stair combined with its resolution as stackedcore creates a vertical shaft IIS, Infosys, Noida > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH STAIR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 9. STAIR AS DEVICES/ INSTRUMENT The aspects of verticality, simultaneous displacement in vertical as well as horizontal axis and the stair being composed of modular components has made the stair as an indispensable element to take readings. Mishre Yantra, Jantar Mantar, Jaipur KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH STAIR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. TEXTILE MILL OWNERS’ ASSOCIATION, AHMEDABAD by Le Corbusier FIVEMODES OFTRANSITION |The ramp Pianos ere ean 3. Lift shaft 4. Stair from second 5. Stair from mezzanine floor to mezzanine to terrace KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH STAIR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. (CLUTTER Proportion External stair as extension of public realm {| 1 | VV RL 11 Leb || Width varying according to use Stair as seats & landing extended for multi-use ATH | Storage Stair being the node in a building > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH STAIR Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. roa ROOF KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. Basically, the term roof signifies a shelter, denoting space and implying volume. The position of this element is such that it manifests as the first effort to forma finite datum as enclosure. KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH ROOF Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. TYPOLOGICAL VARIATIONS >? SlS — Doubly earnta eS a bene ie | Z ( Teale | Aa INCLINED CURVED FOLDED PLATE + MEMBRANE SPACE FRAME KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH ROOF Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. Permanent materials ornamentation > KETHEESWARAN MARCH ROOF Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 1. OVERHEAD PLANE — ——- 5 Open air theatre roof, Bad Herseld 2. SHELTER Providing a tree like shelter for the space below Ee Poo KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH ROOF Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 1. ROOF AS SPATIAL ENCLOSURE 2. MODULATOR OF VOLUME 3. ENCODER OF SYMBOLS 4, IMAGE MAKER KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH ROOF Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. |. ROOF AS SPATIAL ENCLOSURE The roof, canopy ceiling provides an enclosing surface, which defines and limits interior space especially and demarcates between the notions of ‘in’ and ‘our’. Venkateshwara University Auditorium, Tirupati KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH ROOF Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 2. MODULATOR OF VOLUME — SS The plastic quality of the Mahadev Temple, Khajuraho roof form determines the three-dimensional habitable volume contained below. Modulation of this roof profile and height affords posibility of getting diverse volumes both in sizes and shapes. Beehive, northern Syria é4 > KETHEESWARAN MARCH ROOF Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 3. ENCODER OF SYMBOLS Being detached from the ground (living zone) and notionally unreachable, inaccessibly nearer to the sky, the roof form within and without takes on connotations and treatments as befitting a celestial and fantastic realm, of an intangible metaphysical nature Shikara of Angkorvat temple > KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH ROOF Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. 4. IMAGE MAKER A The roof being the topmost part of the edifice, forms the crown, the most conspicuous elements in the skyline of a city and easily recognizable from afar. Inuit Igloo, Russia > KETHEESWARAN MARCH ROOF Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. ASSEMBLY BUILDING, CHANDIGARH by Le Corbusier |. Spatial enclosure 4. Roof as symbol 2. Image maker i\ AR 3. Modulator of volume KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH ROOF Definition | Anatomy | Evolution | Attributes | Spatial Role | Application | Design-Cons. = La Roof as outer skin, structure Roof providing shelter- its primary notion Sal TT Storage space or Mezzanine/Alcove Image Maker —=Ba DF BALL Volume and Scale Public, semi-private and private spaces KETHEESWARAN M.ARCH ROOF

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