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Make a script that we can run to make sure everyone's privacy settings are correct for old users whether they are supposed to be set to everyone or only friends, it should be correct in database. 2. Fix the global privacy drop down on the profile page to work just like the account settings global privacy drop down. (currently it says that it saves settings but it doesn't change them in database) 3. On the profile page the profile tabs should not have the option of "Everyone" if you set your profile to "Only Friends". Also the tabs should be automatically set to "Only Friends" if the global setting is set to "Only Friends". 4. non-logged in, private profile page login link doesn't work. 5. non-logged in and logged in private profile page, instead of showing profile header it should show a title of "This profile is private" 6. Need to add the remove link to remove a friendship in the new friends view page. (don't worry about design, I'm gonna make it like edit avatar link on profile page) ! only for current_user 7. Need to add un-follow link to new favorites section. (going to design it like edit avatar link on profile) ! only for current_user 8. Aboutme on info tab of profile shouldn't show the edit link if no information added to it. (The about me section on Profile->info section shows the edit link also the add about me content at the same time.) 9. When you hover over the edit avatar link on profile it flickers unless you hover directly over the edit word. 10. In the "Add a website" section of info tab on profile.if you click "remove website" button, it conflicts with the scroll to top button. 11. Need to look into "Profile Public URL" restrictions. I was able to add "" as a username and it caused an error for the page. 12. Update friends ands fans count live after changing networking talent (which clears them from profile after clearing your networking talent, I had to refresh page to see the update). 13. When you delete an avatar image it should also refresh just the avatar image picture that was deleted back to default. (I tried deleting my avatar image and it didn't

show the default avatar image until I refreshed the page). 14. The friends and favorites widgets on right sidebar of profile page should display random profile order instead of same order for both widgets. (This way every time someone comes to the profile they see different friends and favorites instead of same ones all the time). 15. Instead of having Ckeditor in a popup we should try to inline edit the promotional content right on the profile tab. (You click edit, the CKeditor borders appear and you can edit content, so it appears same way as you edit it as it shows on promotional tab.similar in concept to our edit broadcast message). 16. In the top header the pending friendship icon: if you click see all friends it should redirect you to your new profile page, friends section. 17. If you add a new tab or edit a tab on profile, and your profile is set to just friends the option of "everyone" shouldn't appear in the drop down list. 18. If you set your global privacy to "Only Friends" the profile tabs on profile page permission should also be set to only friends. (it hides the tabs from profile to only friends) 19. Edit a video with new embed link had an error with loading sign not going away. (this might be related to #17) 20. If you use the new iframe embed code from youtube it doesn't show the preview image like the old embed code.(we need to figure out how to use both new and old codes with preview image) 21. _video_album_upload_feed_item.html.haml needs to be updated so that you can click on the image and the video pops up in color box like other items on dashboard. (for the video album dashboard upload feed only you can't click on image to play video) 22. Should be able to crop and position your avatar photo sizes. (new feature, need to explore best option for this.) 23. When deleting torrent items out of the folder it says loading, than the files remain shown until you refresh the page. (They should remove immediately like other media sectionsalso I haven't checked other sections)

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