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Tell Me About Your Family

A. Vocabulary of Family

1. Father X Mother
2. Brother X Sister
3. Grandfather X Grandmother
4. Son X Daughter
5. Uncle X Aunt
6. Nice X Nephew
7. Step mother X Step father
8. Foster son X Foster Daughter
9. Cousin
10. The only one child
11. First child
12. Last child
13. Parents
14. Grandparents
15. Sibling

Asking about Families Conversation

A: How many people are in your family?
B: There are (5) people in my family.
A: How many brother(s) and sister(s) do you have?
B: I have (2) brother(s) and (2) sister(s).
A: Wow! You have a nice family.
B: Thanks. Tell me about your family.
A: I have (1) daughter(s) and (2)son(s).
B: Wow! You have a nice family, too

Reading Text About family

I will introduce my family to you. My parents are dairy farmers. They always look busy. My Mom,
Nobumi, is taller than me. She has short, curly black hair. She has big eyes. She is very kind. My Pop,
Mitsugu, is smaller than me. He has short, black hair. He has small eyes. He has a nice smile. My
sister, Yoko, is average height. She has short, black hair. She is older than me by 4 years. She is shy.
My brother, Shogo, is big. He has short, black hair. He wears glasses. He has played baseball since he
was 7 years old. My grandpa, Hidetsugu, is healthy. He is eighty years old. He has short, white hair. I
envy your family, because my family rarely has a party. I want to have a party like your family.
Answer these Question
1. What is text about?
2. Where is this family from?
3. How many people are there in that family?
4. How is nobumi physical appearance?
5. How is Hidetsugu physical appearnce?
6. How old is the writer’s sister?
7. How old is Shogo?
8. Who is wearing glasses?
9. What does the writer envy to his friend’s family?
10. Are they happy family?

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