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VLOG SCRIPT (1st Draft)

Introduction: (ALL with Video)

Hi guys welcome to our channel! Today, we’re going to show you how we could
apply the importance of health promotion and hygiene measures even in the
comforts of your homes, quarantine edition.

According to the World Health Organization, Health Promotion is the process of

enabling people to increase control over, and to improve, their health. It moves
beyond a focus on individual behaviour towards a wide range of social and
environmental interventions.

So as nursing students, these are our Top 10 recommendations on how you could
promote good health and good hygiene measures in this new normal:
(Video and separate Voiceover of respective choices)

1. Hand Washing
- Hand washing is one of the best ways to remove germs, avoid getting sick,
and prevent the spread of germs to others. In this time of the pandemic,
frequent and proper hand hygiene is one of the most important measures that
can be used to prevent infection with the COVID-19 virus. Don’t be hard-
headed, wash your hands!

2. Eating a Balanced Meal

- A healthy diet helps to protect against malnutrition in all its forms, as well as
noncommunicable diseases. Unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity are
leading global risks to health. A healthful diet typically includes nutrient-dense
foods from all major food groups, including lean proteins, whole grains,
healthful fats, and fruits and vegetables of many colors.

3. Drinking Water
- The average person could live without food for nearly a month, but we could
only survive about one week without water—that’s how essential water is to
human life. Some of us can’t go a day without coffee, but that’s a different
story. So drink your water bhie!

4. Attending Classes
- Attending class helps you do the following: Make connections between
concepts. During class lectures and discussions, your brain will find
connections to the assigned reading, previous class meetings, and your own
life experiences. These connections serve as the foundation of learning!

5. Reading Books
- Research shows that regular reading: improves brain connectivity. increases
your vocabulary and comprehension, empowers you to empathize with other
people. If you don’t like reading, learning new hobbies could also be good for
your mental health too!
6. Cleaning
- A clean home leaves fewer places for germs and bacteria to hide. Plus, dust
and allergens build up in carpeting, bedding and upholstery over time,
contributing to worsened allergies and asthma. In short, the health benefits of
a clean home are obvious. If you want to keep yourself and your family
healthy, cleaning on a regular basis is a must.

7. Doing Exercise
- Exercise benefits many different areas of your body and your life, including
physical fitness, weight control, energy, mental health, and especially your
overall long-term health. Exercise can help with a myriad of health issues and
it’s as easy as taking a simple walk. So let’s get physical!

8. Socializing with Friends

- Health Promotion is not simply about Physical and Mental Health but also
Social Health. As humans we are social beings and it is important that we
don’t forget to socialize with our peers or have family time during this new

9. Brushing Your Teeth

- Brushing at least twice a day – in the morning and at night before bed – is
best. Brushing at night is particularly important as the rate of dental decay is
much higher at night. As discussed in past posts, the main reason for dental
decay is the bacteria in dental plaque, which, in the presence of food
particles, produce acid and cause cavities.

10. Sleeping Early

- More rest equals more energy. If you get into the routine of waking up early
and retiring to bed early you are more likely to have a better sleeping pattern
which leads to being more energetic throughout the day, helping you
accomplish your goals and tasks in a faster and more productive manner. So
get enough sleep, kids!


So see that? Those are just some of so many things you could do to help
improve your wellbeing and overall health. It’s important to promote good health and
safe hygiene measures, especially during this pandemic, where our health should be
prioritize in every way we could. Promoting good health and good hygiene measures
starts from applying it to yourself, and collectively as a whole, our actions become a
chain reaction as what we do influences the people around us to do as well - for the
better. So what we’re trying to say is that, the first step of health promotion starts
with you.

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