VALUCA DUMITRU-Unit 12 Recruitment and Selection in Business (Set-2)

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Unit 12

Recruitment and selection in business

Valuca Dumitru
Table of Contents


P1 identify how two organisations plan recruitment using internal and

external sources.................................................................................4

P2 Explain the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on recruitment

and selection activities.........................................................................5

P3 prepare the documents used in selection and recruitment activities........6

P4 Plan to take part in a selection interview............................................7

P5 take part in a selection interview.......................................................9





WEB SITES.................................................................................12

Employees are one of the most important resources of any business, and so
it is important for organizations to have a thorough recruitment and
selection process. This is to ensure that the best possible candidate is
recruited to the post. There are many different aspects to consider during
the recruitment and selection process, and this essay considers the issues
that an organization should consider as they search for candidates to recruit.
The responsibility for recruitment and selection lies predominantly with a
Human Resources (HR) department, although in many organizations it is
common for functional department heads to be involved in the process to
ensure that technical considerations are assessed during recruitment and
selection. Organizations also face the decision as to whether it is preferable
to recruit internally or externally, and there are advantages and
disadvantages to both approaches. There are also legal considerations
associated with recruitment and selection which it is imperative that an
organization adheres to. Accordingly, this essay presents a logical
assessment of best practice in recruitment and selection on a life-cycle
basis, beginning with job skills analysis and concluding with the final
selection process.
P1 identify how two organizations plan recruitment using internal
and external sources.

The different sources of recruitment are classified into two categories for
Two organizatios;

Internal: sources of recruitment are from within the organization.

External: sources of recruitment are from outside the organization.

Figure: Different Sources of Recruitment

Source: Different Sources of Recruitment

Internal Sources of Recruitment

The internal sources of recruitment are:

Promotions: Promotion means to give a higher position, status, salary and

responsibility to the employee. So, the vacancy can be filled by promoting a
suitable candidate from the same organization.

Transfers: Transfer means a change in the place of employment without

any change in the position, status, salary and responsibility of the employee.
So, the vacancy can be filled by transferring a suitable candidate from the
same organization.

Internal Advertisements: Here, the vacancy is advertised within the

organization. The existing employees are asked to apply for the vacancy. So,
recruitment is done from within the organization.

Retired Managers: Sometimes, retired managers may be recalled for a

short period. This is done when the organization cannot find a suitable

Recall from Long Leave: The organization may recall a manager who has
gone on a long leave. This is done when the organization faces a problem
which can only be solved by that particular manager. After he solves the
problem, his leave is extended.

The external sources of recruitment are:

Management Consultants: Management consultants are used for selecting

higher-level staff. They act as a representative of the employer. They make
all the necessary arrangements for recruitment and selection. In return for
their services, they take a service charge or commission.

Public Advertisements: The Personnel department of a company

advertises the vacancy in newspapers, the internet, etc. This advertisement
gives information about the company, the job and the required qualities of
the candidate. It invites applications from suitable candidates. This source is
the most popular source of recruitment. This is because it gives a very wide
choice. However, it is very costly and time consuming.

Campus Recruitment: The organization conducts interviews in the

campuses of Management institutes and Engineering Colleges. Final year
students, who're soon to get graduate, are interviewed. Suitable candidates
are selected by the organization based on their academic record,
communication skills, intelligence, etc. This source is used for recruiting
qualified, trained but inexperienced candidates.

Recommendations: The organization may also recruit candidates based on

the recommendations received from existing managers or from sister

Deputation Personnel: The organization may also recruit candidates who

are sent on deputation by the Government or Financial institutions or by
holding or subsidiary companies.
P2 Explain the impact of the legal and regulatory framework on
recruitment and selection activities.

Equality Act 2010.

The Equality Act 2010 is legislation which enables anybody with specific
characteristics to have equal rights and protection from discrimination and
victimization. Characteristics may include: Race, religion, sexuality, disability
(Marivic Butod, 2009).

Data Protection Act 1998

The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) is legislation which ensures that the
miss-use and miss-placement of data on identifiable living people does not
occur. It is the main piece of legislation that governs the protection of
personal data in the UK. (Armstrong, 2010).

National Minimum Wage

The National Minimum Wage entitles workers within the UK, aged 16+ to a
national minimum hourly wage, which is currently £3.68 for 16-17-year-old
workers above school leaving age but under 18, £4.98 for 18-19 year olds,
and £6.08 for workers 21years and over. This is regardless of where they
work or their job role.

European Working Time Directive.

The European Working Time Directive is legislation which enables EU

workers, the right to a minimum number of holidays per year, paid breaks,
and some sort of rest for at least 11 hours in any 24 hours.
Employment Act 2002

The Employment Act 2002 is legislation that is intended to provide an

incentive for employers and employees to resolve any problem through
dialogue, in cases where such procedures have not existed previously or
have been used, and as a result of this, forestall legal action. Within the
piece of legislation itself there are two different types of procedure defined in
the Act: A standard procedure and a simple, more modified procedure
(Marivic Butod, 2009).

P3 Prepare the documents used in selection and recruitment


The Person Specification

The person specification is a description of the qualifications, skills,

experience, knowledge and other attributes (selection criteria) which a
candidate must possess to perform the job duties. The specification should
be derived from the job description and forms the foundation for the
recruitment process.

Personal Specifications of a Sales Assistant needs to consider the

following matters:

Sales assistants serve as the face of a retail company, greeting customers

and helping them with their purchases. The entry requirements of a job as a
sales assistant are fairly low, enabling anyone with enough desire to work as
a sales assistant and possibly working her way up through the retail


For most sales assistant positions, there are no minimum educational

requirements. For example, some companies employ legal age workers who
are still working on their high school degree. The successful candidate,
however, should be able to read, write and do simple math calculations as
needed. Sales assistant positions working by themselves or supervising
others may need to have a high school diploma or GED.

Job Description

Sales assistants assist customers in finding the items they are looking for.
This may be on the showroom floor behind a counter or a stockroom or
warehouse. Many sales assistants help customers by working online or over
the phone. Sales assistants help customers make informed decisions about
similar products, providing guidance when asked by the customer. Once the
sale is completed, sales assistants ring up the sale and ensure that the
correct price has been charged. As needed, they also assist in product
returns and exchanges.

Personal Specifications

A successful sales assistant possesses an outgoing personality and an

eagerness to help. Sales assistants should also be knowledgeable in the
products that they are selling. When dealing with customers in person, sales
assistants should exercise proper grooming and take pride in their
appearance, as these factors can make a difference when making an
impression on a customer.

Salary and Working Hours

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average median salary for a
retail sales worker was $20,990 per year in 2010. Some sales assistants
work less than full time, in which case the Bureau of Labor Statistics
reported a mean hourly wage of $10.09 per hour. Sales assistants work in
shifts, which can range from early morning to late evening, depending on
the hours of the establishment where they are employed. Additional
overtime hours may be required during peak retail seasons, such as around
Thanksgiving and Christmas.

P4 Plan to take part in a selection interview.

To perform a proper selection criterion for the competition requires high

technical capacity of the various organizations, there are different issues.
There is competition in the market have a lot and employ the best
workforce, best practices, reliability, validity and costs, such as professional
image and Candidate Reaction should be considered because the recruitment
process has been very difficult in today's scenario (Hofstede, 2013).

The process of establishing a relationship between the respective

performance of the method of selection and quality verification with other
independent observable measures are being tested. A candidate
employment costs in training costs and personnel expenses (salaries) as
measured in terms of both quantitative and qualitative. Apart from this, the
recruitment process in the economy is doing well, then the organization will
work more in the economic situation, the company's performance,
reputation, depends on factors such as market share. Besides other
considerations such as gender, dominate the market in the dominance by
the elderly (Marivic Butod, 2009).

Following the cost and time by selection procedures

The temptation to take shortcuts that employment process can be long and
costly rise. However, the rush of business process consumes more time and
can be expensive in the long run. The aim is to achieve the best applicant for
the job in an open competition.

Especially in the short list stage, there should be no short cuts in the
selection process. All members of the panel to see all applications and
applicants should have an opportunity to have the opportunity to input to
the short list (Marivic Butod, 2009).

Conflicts of interest

If a panel member of the closely related or an intimate personal relationship,

which should be declared a potential conflict of interest and a backup. An
applicant personally known to the selection panel members, or a part of the
social or professional network that it may be a perception that there is a
conflict of interests or someone. This case is extremely important to be
vigilant following set procedures (Hofstede, 2013).

Additional information about the selection committee an application outside

of the recruitment process (e.g. anecdotal material) should take. Such
information may be based on hearsay or personal bias of information it
offers members affected.
The use of personal characteristics such as selection criteria

The problem with an application, 'ambitious' dynamic', 'enthusiastic' which

clearly required by the job rather than requiring that may arise as a result of
defining skills.

P5 take part in a selection interview.

In-person interviews

The pool of applicants to-face interviews is one of the reasons to be

contracted by telephone pre-screening and interview time it takes.
Employers facilitates the selection process with the most appropriate
candidate is a channel that enables a hiring manager process (Kramar,

Culture fit selection

The third round of interviews, often around decision, it helps the hiring
manager asks questions to determine the candidate fits the organization's
culture. Qualifications aside, provides an important factor in the hiring
decision-cultural harmony. The values of cultural harmony means that
candidates comply with the values of the organization. This is a subjective
analysis and hiring managers is not just a feeling, one attribute of being
objective criteria (Philip Kotlar, 2004).

When it receives enough interest in what it considers an employer, the

employer continues to determine the application starts or preliminary
screening of applicants contacted for an interview. If the number of
applications or job recruiters sent by the amount of time determines
sufficient interest (Hofstede, 2013).

Telephone conversation

Used as a first-round interview, phone calls employers give you an

opportunity to find out if an application is still interested in the job. You also
allow small businesses to save time when you face-to-face interviews
conducted immediately after the money and qualifying stages. It verifies
whether the applicant has the necessary qualifications in a telephone
interview. After the phone call, employers generally were able to express
their own skills and qualifications in a manner that meets the needs of the
company's staff selects candidates (Kamoche, 2011).
This essay has set out the current recommended best practice in respect of
recruitment and selection. It has illustrated the complexity and resource
intensive nature of the process, and also emphasized the importance of prior
planning and preparation to ensure that the most suitable candidates are
shortlisted for the role, and that they have the necessary skills and
attributes. As has been discussed throughout the essay, there are a number
of alternative methods for actually selecting a candidate for the job role, and
the determination of which of these methods is used relies on the specifics of
the job itself and also the long-term HR and human capital requirements of
the organization. In an ideal scenario, the recruitment and selection process
is cross-functional in nature, involving both HR and department heads, and
is also linked to the long-term strategic requirements of the business.
Throughout the entire process it is imperative to maintain fairness and
transparency, and to focus on recruiting the best possible candidate in order
to reduce the possibility of subsequent employee turnover.

Armstrong, M. (2010) A Handbook of Human Resource Management
Practice, 17th Ed. London: Kogan Page Limited.

Kramar, R. (2012) Strategic Human Resource Management: Are the

Promises Fulfilled? Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources

Hofstede, G. (2013) The Cultural Relativity of Organizational Practices and

Theories. Journal of International Business Studies

R. W. Griffin. (2008) Management. 9th Edition. USA: Houghton Company

Kamoc he, K. (2011) Understanding Human Resource Management.

Buckingham: Open University Press

Armstrong, M. (2011) A Handbook of Human Resource Management

Practice, 15th Ed. London: Kogan Page Limited.

Philip Kotlar. (2004) Principle of marketing, 8th edition. MGH: New York.

Kramar, R. (2012) Strategic Human Resource Management: Are the
Promises Fulfilled? Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, Vol. 30(1); 1-15

Hofstede, G. (2013) the Cultural Relativity of Organizational Practices and

Theories. Journal of International Business Studies.
Marivic Butod. (2009) Strategy HRM: PwC. Available at:
PwC.html [Accessed June, 11, 2015]

Report 2009. Available at: http://www.investis.comficr09/crr09.pdf

[Accessed June, 11, 2015]

PwC. (2009) Welcome to PwC: our strategy. (On-line). Available at: [Accessed June, 11, 2015].

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