Differences of Brand-Building in The Flat World

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ESP presentation Members : 1. Trn L Th Cm Lan - 582 2. Phan L Vn Khi 3. Trng Hu Ngha 4. Nguyn Thnh Nh 5.

Nguyn Tun Kit Topic :

Group 1_K47D_A13 17 June, 2011


Outline I. The flat world 1. Definition of the flat world Global, web-enable platform Multiple forms of sharing knowledge and work Irrespective of time, distance, geography, increasingly, language. 2. The Three Great Eras of Globalization 1492-1820 : 1820-2000 : Globalization 1.0 Globalization 2.0

2000-present : Globalization 3.0 3. The 10 World Flatteners 11/09/1989: The Berlin Wall came down 08/09/1995: Netscape IPO Workflow Software Developed Open-Sourcing Out-Sourcing Off-Shoring Supply-Chaining In-Sourcing Informing Steroids

ESP presentation II. Brand and brand-building 1. Definition of brand 2. Brand-building model 4 Steps of brand building Identification & association of the brand Establish the totality of brand meaning in the minds of customers Elicit the proper customer responses Convert brand responses Brand building block III. Tranditonal and modern brand-buiding (in the flat world)

Group 1_K47D_A13 17 June, 2011

TRANDITIONAL BRAND-BUILDING 1. Messages 2. Mostly static advertisements 3. Exaggeration 4. Simplicity 5. Audience ABOUT TRANSACTION In the flat world,

MODERN BRAND-BUILDING 1. Coversations 2. Mostly dynamic advertisements 3. Authencity 4. Complexity 5. Community ABOUT RELATIONSHIP

Having new communication tools for brand-building. Having new marketing strategies. IV. Stop campaining, start commiting Campaigning = changing your core brand message to fit what you think people need or want to hear today so that they buy your product or service Campaigning = marketing for short term gains. Campaigning leads to a constantly changing story Committing = building your brand on core principles that never change. Committing = marketing for long term growth

ESP presentation

Group 1_K47D_A13 17 June, 2011

Committing = creating an evolving collection of cohenrent brand ideas and experiences over time V. Examples 1. Successful example : Wal-Marts key : Relationship marketing Personalization Focus Really means The interactive factors 2. Failure sample Reasons "Burger with mature taste" Inconvenience Sales are based on taste Lessons from the Arch Deluxe A burger "complex" is inappropriate Suspect exploration and study VI. Technical terms Globalization 1.0 started in 1492 when Columbus set sail and lasted until about 1800. It was about countries and muscles. Globalization 2.0 started in 1800 and lasted until 2000, interrupted by the two World Wars. This era was about multinational companies. Globalization 3.0 started in 2000 and is continuing through this day.This third era is all about the world coming closer together, becoming something like a global village. Exaggerate : to enlarge beyond bounds or the truth Authencity : refers to the truthfulness of origins, attributions, commitments, sincerity, devotion, and intentions Engagement : A promise or agreement to be at a particular place at a particular time

ESP presentation

Group 1_K47D_A13 17 June, 2011

Workflow software: provides a way for your computer to achieve its highest potential to do work for you so you can get on with other important tasks. Offshoring : when a company moves its production from its home country to another country, where it can be done with cheaper labor, lower taxes, subsidized energy, and lower health-care costs Supply-chaining : increasing the connections between suppliers, retailers, and customers. In-forming refers to the dramatic change in how easy it is to obtain information. The steroids as a combination of small factors that amplify the effects of outsourcing, offshoring, uploading, supply-chaining, insourcing, and in-forming Static ads : photoraphic or print ads Dynamic ads : created by FLASH and GIF format to present multiple images and contents to viewers.

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